
December 2024 Newsletter No.2

Club Fees reminder

If you have not yet paid your club fees and intend to do so, can you please pay before January 1st to ensure you avoid late payment fees.  Details are below..

2025 Fees…
Total payment example for most of us renewing for 2025…  eg Existing Senior member rejoining Bromsgrove Club and BMFA =  £119.00     (eg £49 for BMFA + £70 for Club Fees = £119 in total)
Don’t forget to add £5 for your meal, and £10 for each of your guests if you want to attend the new year meal on January 8th 2025 at The Swan.

As last year can you please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible.  Payable ON OR BEFORE Dec 31st to avoid the £10 late fee.

Payment breakdown details….
The BMFA have announced their 2025 fees as follows….

Senior Membership    =  £49
Junior Membership =  £20
Family Partner = £30
Family Junior = £15

The CAA fees remain at £11.13 until 31st March 2025, but may then rise (Renewing is the members own responsibility)

Bromsgrove Model Flying Club Fees.. (Remain the same as last year, but should club outgoings increase by much this year we may have to revisit)
New Members                                                     £70 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £95)

Existing Members (Paying BEFORE 31.12.2024)     £70         (Avoid the £10 late fee)

Account Name: Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
Bank: *****************
Sort Code: *************
Account Number: 8************
Payment reference: Please include your name

If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at


Could the winners of the trophies please remember to bring them back at the new year meal if they are going, or please return them to a committee member before the night if they are not going.

BMFA reminders

You may get reminders from the BMFA regarding paying your fees.  As long as you have paid Bromsgrove Flying Club (or another affiliated flying club) for your BMFA membership, then you are covered.

Flyer IDs

You may or may not have had an e-mail from the BMFA or CAA regarding your Flyer ID (not the Operator ID that should be on all your planes.
If you have had one, it should be printed out and kept in your wallet to be shown if required.

We are investigating why someof us have them and some do not.  We think it depends if you have taken the CAA On-line Exam or used the BMFA Certification to register competency.
We will let you know of any actions you need to take if any.

New Year Meal

On the 2nd Wednesday in January, (8th Jan 2025), we will have our new year carvery at ..
The Swan
Upton Warren
B61 7ET

We will meet upstairs from 7.00pm onwards.
Hope to see you there ..

The meal is subsidised for members at £5 and £10 for non-members.  (A sweet will be extra, and you can choose and pay on the night)

Payments are preferred direct to the bank (Please state your name when paying)

I am collecting names of attendees so that I can inform the pub of expected numbers. Please send me a text or message when you have sent payment. Many thanks, Alan (07875 866535)

Bank details for the Club for payment….
Account Name: Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
Sort Code:****************
Account Number: ****************
Payment reference: Please include your name

Some sad news

We have been informed of the passing away of two great modellers.
Both Paul Dudley of Kingfisher Models , who has given us demos on fibre glassing and finishing models)
and Derrick Lane who came to a couple of our club nights with his very detailed Scale Tiger Moth and Fieseler Storch.
A sad loss for the modelling world. RIP Both.

And… Some very good news indeed.

Steve Hill’s last test results after 2 years of treatment have shown the all clear and bloods etc are normal. Congratulations and well done Steve a tough 2 years, but now you can get some flying in.

Also Christine Holioak   (AKA Lady O’leo)  has had the all clear after 16 months ardous treatment and 2 operations.  Scans now show that she is clear of cancer. That is fantastic news Christine and well done on the recovery and the result.

Annd of course, Mark Ford (AKA Rudy) is now a Grandad. Weighing in at 7lb14oz  is baby Aurelia, (not Rudy)  Congratulations Rudy and hope Mom and baby are doing well.

So great news to hear, congratulations and well done to you all. The best Christmas presents you could ask for.
Very best wishes for continued good health in 2025.

Thats it for 2024!…   Hope to see you all soon “Up the patch” or at The Swan Inn, Upton Warren,  Wednesday the 8th January 2025.

Happy Flying and blue skys for 2025, best wishes and Happy New Year

Alan Brown & The Committee

December 2024 Newsletter

New Members

Welcome aboard to new club member David Hartfield.  Be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome when you see them at the patch.

“A” Test Pass

A very big well done to Sam Barrett who passed his “A” test on the 10th November. 

It was a good day for it and Sam flew his Trusty Tundra very well.  He even managed a couple of solo flights.  Very well done Sam.  Now the fun starts.

December Club Night – AGM

Same as last month, we will hold the December meeting in The Old Cock in Droitwitch.   77 Friar Street , Droitwitch, WR9 8EQ     

Parking behind the pub is plentiful and free from 18:00 onward.

The meeting is on Wednesday 4th December 2024 and we will start the AGM at 8.00pm, and there will be food laid on.

I hope you have all had chance to look at the changes to the code of flying. The committee have drafted what we hope are sensible changes to keep drone flying safe for both us and our models.   As a club we will need to vote these through on the night, so please try and attend if you can.

Curry Night…

We had a great evening at the Shimla Peppers.  If you could not make it, maybe the next one. 

Fees for 2025

2025 Fees…

The BMFA have announced their 2025 fees as follows….

Senior Membership    =  £49
Junior Membership =  £20
Family Partner = £30
Family Junior = £15

The CAA fees remain at £11.13 until 31st March 2025, but may then rise (Renewing is the members own responsibility)

Bromsgrove Model Flying Club Fees.. (Remain the same as last year, but should club outgoings increase by much this year we may have to revisit)

New Members                                                     £70 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £95)

Existing Members (Paying BEFORE 31.12.2024)     £70         (Avoid the £10 late fee)

Total payment example for most of us renewing for 2025…  eg Existing Senior member rejoining Bromsgrove Club and BMFA =  £119.00     (eg £49 for BMFA plus £70 for Club Fees = £119 in total)

As last year can you please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible.  Payable BEFORE Dec 31st to avoid the £10 late fee.

Account Name: Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
Bank: ******************
Sort Code: ************
Account Number: **********
Payment reference: Please include your name

If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at

Don’t forget to add £5 for your meal, and £10 for each of your guests if you want to attend the new year meal on January 8th 2025 at The Swan.

Winter Flying Times

Just a reminder of the winter flying times..

IC Flying times:-              Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                                            Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                                            Bank Hols      10am to 2pm    (Xmas day, Boxing Day and New Year)

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

Wishing you safe and happy flying…

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Old Cock Inn, Droitwitch  Wednesday the 4th December .

Alan Brown & The Committee 

November 2024 Newsletter

New Members

Welcome aboard to new club members Rob Poyner  and Dave Young.  Be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome when you see them at the patch.

“A” Test Pass

A very big well done to Finn Glennon who passed his “A” test on the 13th October. 
Finn flew very well and can now learn to push that envelope.  Very well done Finn.  Now the fun starts.

Frank Tansley

Just a reminder that Frank Tansley’s funeral will be at Redditch Crematorium at 11:15 on November 1st 2024, if you would like to attend, the address is…
Redditch Crematorium   Bordesley Lane  Redditch  Worcestershire  B97 6RR

Frank has been a long time member of the club and was our examiner for many years.
When his health prevented him from flying he also donated a lot of his models to the club for auction.  This allowed us to purchase the mower that now keeps our patch in tip top shape.

He was a very generous and loyal club member, and was always upbeat and chipper whenever you spoke to him.  He will be sadly missed.  RIP Frank.

November Club Night

Same as last month, we will hold the November meeting in The Old Cock in Droitwitch.   77 Fryer Street , Droitwitch, WR9 8EQ     

Parking behind the pub is plentiful and free from 18:00 onward.

We will meet in the back room where there is a buffet / curry evening on Wednesdays , but this finishes at 7:30.

So  if you fancy a bite to eat , you need to book in by 7.30pm and the buffet closes at 7.45pm.
I have to say the food looked and smelt very good.

Curry Theme Continued…

As nights are drawing in we’re going to do our usual Curry night at Shimla Peppers.

1 George Street, Bromsgrove, B61 7EE on *Wednesday 20th November at 19:30.

For those that haven’t been you can park in Waitrose carpark for free after 19:00.
Bring your own drinks and we split the food bill equally at the end of the night.


Decembers AGM Meeting

We are looking at putting food on for the AGM meeting which will be held at The Old Cock in Droitwitch.   77 Friar Street , Droitwitch, WR9 8EQ    

We are also looking at putting some words into the Code of Flying to reflect the growing popularity of drone flying.  (That document will follow in a few days)
This is to keep us legal and ourselves and our models safe.  These will need to be voted on and passed by the membership of course, so please do your best to attend if you can.

And..  As always, if anyone would like to stand for the any of the positions on the committee, please let a member of the committee know.

Winter Flying Times

Just a reminder of the winter flying times..

IC Flying times:-              Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                         Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                         Bank Hols      10am to 2pm    (Xmas day, Boxing Day and New Year)

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

Wishing you safe and happy flying…

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Old Cock Inn, Droitwitch  Wednesday the 6th November .

Alan Brown & The Committee

October 2024 Newsletter

New Members

Welcome aboard to new club members Peter Pritchard , Bradley Middleton and Sam Barrett.  Be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome if you see them at the patch.

Frank Tansley

It is with  great sadness that we report that Frank Tansley passed away recently.
His funeral will be at Redditch Crematorium at 11:15 on November 1st 2024.

Frank has been a long time member of the club and was our examiner for many years.
When his health prevented him from flying he also donated a lot of his models to the club for auction.  This allowed us to purchase the “Frank Tansley” mower that now keeps our patch in tip top shape.
He was a very generous supporter and loyal club member, and was always upbeat and chipper whenever you spoke to him.  He will be sadly missed.

October Club Night

Same as last month, we will hold the October meeting in The Old Cock in Droitwitch.   77 Fryer Street , Droitwitch, WR9 8EQ     
Claire is the landlady and parking behind the pub is free from 18:00 onward.

We will meet in the back room where there is a buffet / curry evening on Wednesdays , but this finishes at 7:30.

So  if you fancy a bite to eat , you need to book in by 7.30pm and the buffet closes at 7.45pm.
I have to say the food looked and smelt very good.

All Day Fly Number 3

We were very lucky with the weather for the 3rd All Day Fly.  It turned out to be a very nice flying day indeed.  Very light winds and down the patch when it was blowing.

Our thanks to all those who brought and fetched, organised , cooked and photographed the day, it is very much appreciated.  Lets hope we get a few more good flying days in this year, and looking forward to the ADF’s next year.

Check out the photos here….


Just a reminder to all that all our members have access to what is on WhatsApp.  We all like a giggle, but if we can keep it the right side of politically correct and PG rated please.

Many thanks ,wishing you safe and happy flying…

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Old Cock Inn, Droitwitch  Wednesday the 2nd October .

Alan Brown & The Committee

September 2024 Newsletter

New Members

Welcome aboard to new club members Raj Ajimal  and Sarah Brown.  You may have seen them already at ADF #2 , but be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome if you see them at the patch.

September Club Night

Paul at the Bowling Green has retired on the 31st August and the Bowling Green is going to be closed for refurbishment. 

As such we will hold the August meeting in The Old Cock in Droitwitch.   77 Fryer Street , Droitwitch, WR9 8EQ      
Claire is the land lady and parking behind the pub is free from 18:00 onward.
We will meet in the back room but there is a buffet / curry evening on Wednesdays , but this finishes at 7:30.
So  if you fancy a bite to eat , you need to be there early.
Not too sure about the eating arrangements after 7:30, but I’m sure we will find out and report back.

All Day Fly Number 3

The third and final All Day Fly of the year is scheduled for Saturday 28th September.
As usual, it will be pushed back by 1 week if the weather is not good. If the second attempt fails, then it will  be called off.

Flying Safety:

Just a reminder that the patch is full of aircraft with sharp props and is not a safe place for the un-initiated.

With this in mind , can I remind people bringing guests with children / animals etc that the children and animals should be supervised at all times.
It only takes a moment for something to go wrong.

The Pilots box is for those flying or assisting, and we ask that unless children are flying or  assisting, they should be behind the pilots box and should not disturb those flying, as this could also be quite dangerous.

If parents are flying then there are a few of us who are quite happy to sit with them so that they can watch the goings on safely.

FPV and Drone Flying

Please don’t take this personally , but following the recent call to the patch by one of the locals, we must be seen to be squeaky clean and following the CAA rules. (It is the law after all)

The link below will take you to a web page with a PDF Document explaining all.

Important highlights are….

Open category
Most enthusiasts or people flying for fun with a drone under 25kg will be
in the Open category. You need to follow the drone and model aircraft
code. Some of the key rules are:
> never fly higher than 120m / 400ft
> always keep the drone in sight
> Keep clear of any airspace restrictions, including around airfields,
unless you have permission to fly within them

First Person View (FPV)
If you are flying using FPV then you must have an observer next to you
who can aid you with avoiding collisions, but you are still responsible for
the safety of your flight

So please keep within the confines of our flying area, and don’t fly miles away….

If you are flying FPV then please have someone with you who can warn of walkers on footpaths etc.

We are not trying to stop you having fun, we are just making sure that someone outside of the club cannot stop the fun for us all.

Many thanks ,wishing you safe and happy flying…

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Old Cock Inn, Droitwitch  Wednesday the 4th September .

Alan Brown & The Committee

August 2024 Newsletter

Last Months Club Night

A big “Thank You” to Mark Ford (AKA Rudy) for his informative chat on carbon fibre and laminates.  It takes quite a bit of preparation and planning to do these talks, so thank you for your time Mark.
I think Marks order book is full and he has had to take on staff.  Furball is currently product testing Marks reinforced undercarriage design.

All Day Fly Number 2

The 2nd all day fly went very well.  We did get a cooling shower just as Ricardo was lighting the BBQ’s.  (He proved he was the master of the BBQ by not only getting them going, but still managing to cook the burgers with a brolly in his hand.  Does anyone have pics of that??

I did have a round of photo taking, but it turned out to be a busy ‘ol day in the afternoon.
I’ll get these uploaded as soon as I can..

Many thanks as always for those who brought all the gear (or dropped it off before going on their holidays!), and to all those who helped set up and cooked for us.  Big thank you to the ladies who baked the cakes.

Despite the shower, it was a successful day, and we even had a few prospective members drop in.
And of course, all day fly number 3 is not too far away.  Keep the following date in your diary..

ADF # 3    –  Saturday Sept 28th 2024

A complaint from the locals:

Just to make everyone aware, we did have a complaint from one of the locals about over flying their house.  It seems to have been resolved, but it was enough for him to leave his house and visit the patch, so he was bothered.
Can I ask everyone to be careful about flying too close to any houses and remember out 2 ½ fields away rule.  This is for all aircraft , IC , Electric and Multi Rotor

Future Club Nights

We are thinking of putting on a Simulator Night at one of the future Wednesday meetings.
If anyone has any preferences or ideas for future events, just let us know and we will do our best to set it up.

Possible New Venue for our monthly meetings.

Paul at the Bowling Green pub is retiring at the end of august.
We are unsure what the future plans for the pub will be, and whether we will be able to continue meeting there.

We are looking for a “Plan B”, ie another possible venue.

If you know of a venue that may be suitable (plenty of parking, somewhere we could talk shop and not bother others etc etc), please let us know.

Richard was going to “investigate” some potential leads , and has not been seen for 2 weeks…
That’s dedication for you.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 7th August ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

June 2024 Newsletter

Wednesday’s Club Night

I think most of you who can make it have ordered your Cheese or Ham bap/bun/barm cake and chips.  If not, you may be just in time to order if you contact Richard.
if you will be attending, please let Richard know if you want a Cheese or a Ham Cob.  Richard is on Whatsapp  and you can text him on 07917 232673
The main attraction is of course Mark Ford (AKA Rudy) who will be giving a chat on carbon fibre and laminates.

All Day Fly Number 1

The 1st all day fly went very well and the weather turned out just fine, despite the nail biting Go/No Go call.
The burgers and cakes went down a treat too..   Very many thanks to all that Set Up, Backed and Cooked on the day , to make the day the great success it always is.
Have you been on the web site to look at the photos?  If not , click on the link below.
And of course, all pay fly is not too far away.  Keep the following dates in your diary..
ADF # 2    –   Saturday July 27th 2024
ADF # 3    –  Saturday Sept 28th 2024

Club Posters

Richard has created some posters to advertise the club.  If anyone knows of a good place to post these, please let us know or grab a poster and post it for us.   (Local supermarkets , shops , libraries, etc)
We may ask you to share on Facebook and Next Door Apps etc.

Future Club Nights

We are thinking of putting on a Simulator Night at one of the future Wednesday meetings.
If anyone has any preferences or ideas for future events, just let us know and we will do our best to set it up.

The RC Hotel Corfu – 2025

So far Rudy (AKA Mark Ford), JP (AKA Richard Woods), Dave Harvey and Dave Stansbie have booked  to visit the hotel on 8th May 2025, for a week of Sun , Sea and Flying
This is the link to the hotel Website

They have a large fleet of both planes and helicopters, so you don’t have to bring your own. But you can if you want!
There are even trips out to keep the other half happy.

Jet 2 Airlines fly direct from Birmingham to Corfu

Rough costs are:
      – Hotel, Full Board, (single person supplement), transfers, trips, loan aircraft and insurance c£1000
      – Jet 2 flights with carry on luggage c£200

If you’re interested in joining the guys, please contact David Harvey. 

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 3rd July ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

May 2024 Newsletter

New Member

A big Bromsgrove Flying Club welcome to Sir Bob’s grandson Finn.
Finn has not flown before but has been busy on the simulator, and it shows.
I’m very sure that he will be following in Sir Bobs footsteps in no time.
If you see him at the patch with Bob or Tim, do say hello and give him a warm welcome.

“A” Test Pass

A very big well done to Paul Margetts who passed his “A” test a couple of weeks back.
It can be a very nervous time going solo, but remember what you have been taught and practice anything new at a decent height and all will be fine.  Very well done Paul, keep pushing that envelope.

All Day Fly Number 1

This Saturday  – Saturday June 1st 2024 is the date for the All Day Fly.

Flying will start at 10.00am as usual and finish at 4.00pm for IC and electric can fly on until 7.00pm if you want.

There will be the usual BBQ and there has been a rumour that there will be cakes as well..
If you can bring a cup/mug with you it will help with waste and help you identify your brew when you have put it down.

A “Go” or “No Go” will be called on Friday and as usual we will postpone by one week if the weather turns out to be rubbish on the 1st.
It is looking a little iffy for Saturday at the moment, but we are a few days away.

Flying circuits to minimise preventable accidents

Just a gentle reminder to generally try and fly the same way around as everyone else when others are in the air.  (The closer pass should be the same direction that you  took off in)
You can still do your loops and rolls etc but you are generally flying in the same direction.

If you want to do something different , then just let those flying with you know. EG I  want to fly some figure 8’s guys..   then everyone knows to fly a little higher to keep out of the way.

Julys meeting at the Bowling Green

Mark Ford will be giving a chat on carbon fibre and laminates at Julys meeting.  (Not Junes meeting)

We will be having Cob and Chips , so as usual, if you will be attending, please let Richard know if you want a Cheese or a Ham Cob.  Richard is on Whatsapp  and you can text him on 07917 232673

Avonvale invite

Avondale Flying Club have invited our members along to a Summer BBQ / Fly In and Swapmeet on the 22nd June.
There will be a £5 Transmitter Fee for the day for non members, and food / drink is available at a small cost.
What Three Words location is advancing.palm.towels and the Post Code is B50 4HN.

If your interested, please register here….   
Further directions and information can be found here also.

For any further details please contact

The RC Hotel Corfu – 2025

So far Rudy (AKA Mark Ford), JP (AKA Richard Woods), Dave Harvey and Dave Stansbie have booked  to visit the hotel on 8th May 2025, for a week of Sun , Sea and Flying

This is the link to the hotel Website

They have a large fleet of both planes and helicopters, so you don’t have to bring your own. But you can if you want!
There are even trips out to keep the other half happy.

Jet 2 Airlines fly direct from Birmingham to Corfu

Rough costs are:
      – Hotel, Full Board, (single person supplement), transfers, trips, loan aircraft and insurance c£1000
      – Jet 2 flights with carry on luggage c£200

If you’re interested in joining the guys, please contact David Harvey. 

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch at the ADF” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 5th June ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

April 2024 Newsletter

New Member

A big Bromsgrove Flying Club welcome to James Banner who have joined our merry throng.
James is a novice but learning fast. Some of you will have met him already, but for those who have not, please give him the usual warm welcome.

All Day Fly Number 3

Due to several key people not being available for the 3rd All Day Fly on Saturday Sept 21st 2024, we are moving the date to Saturday Sept 28th 2024
The All Day Fly dates are as follows..

ADF # 1    –   Saturday June 1st 2024

ADF # 2    –   Saturday July 27th 2024

ADF # 3    –  Saturday Sept 28th 2024

A “Go” or “No Go” will be called on the Friday before the all day fly and as usual we will postpone by a week if the weather turns out to be rubbish on the day.

The Cows are back in the field and the electric fence is back in opperation.

Its that time of year again and the cows are now back in the first field.  Please remember to disconnect and put back the electric fence when driving through to park your car.
Cows are curious , surprisingly fleet of foot and will lick every inch of your car given the chance.
I speak from experience, and you cannot see through a windscreen  that has been ‘cleaned’ with a cows tongue and windscreen washers and wipers just re-hydrate and spread the mess.

The RC Hotel Corfu – 2025

With this May being a bit of a wash out why not book the RC Hotel – Corfu – Greece for next year…

So far there are about 6 people interested in going.

A few club members are planning to visit the hotel in May 2025.  So its just over a year away.

This is the link to the hotel Website

They have a large fleet of both planes and helicopters, so you don’t have to bring your own. But you can if you want.
There are even trips out to keep the other half happy.

Jet 2 Airlines fly direct from Birmingham to Corfu

Rough costs are:
      – Hotel, Full Board, (single person supplement), transfers, trips, loan aircraft and insurance c£1000
      – Jet 2 flights with carry on luggage c£200

If you’re interested please contact David Harvey.  (or one of the committee members)

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 1st May ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

March 2024 Newsletter

All Day Fly Number 1

It has come to our attention that the original date set for the first All Day Fly is a bank holiday.  As quite a few will be doing other things, we has re-scheduled the first All Day Fly for Saturday 1st June.
The others remain the same..

ADF # 2    –   Saturday July 27th 2024

ADF # 3    –  Saturday Sept 21st 2024

A “Go” or “No Go” will be called on the Friday before the all day fly and as usual we will postpone by a week if the weather turns out to be rubbish on the day.

B Test Practice  or just improving.

Its always good to try and push the envelope and become a more proficient flier, but sometimes it can be a bit daunting and scary.

If there is anyone who would like to practice towards their “B” test , or even just to improve or try new manoeuvres, please just ask one of our instructors for advice, buddying up or even moral support.  (Richard Wood, Bill Carwright, Dave Povey,  Steve Hill or Alan Brown)

We will only be too happy to try and help out.  Lets see if we can get a few ‘B’ passes this year.

Quieter mowing!

Richard has had a look at the ride on mower and found that the cutter bearings were quite worn and noisy.  He has since purchased and replaced the 6 cutter bearings, resulting in a much quieter mower which will be less likely to fail on us during the summer months.
Many thanks Richard and well done on the mechanical work. 
Now all we need is the patch to dry out just a little more so we can get the mower on it.

The RC Hotel Corfu – 2025

RC Hotel – Corfu – Greece

A few club members are planning to visit the hotel in May 2025.  So its just over a year away.

This is the link to the hotel Website

They have a large fleet of both planes and helicopters, so you don’t have to bring your own. But you can if you want.
There are even trips out to keep the other half happy.

Jet 2 Airlines fly direct from Birmingham to Corfu

Rough costs are:
      – Hotel, Full Board, (single person supplement), transfers, trips, loan aircraft and insurance c£1000
      – Jet 2 flights with carry on luggage c£200

If you’re interested contact David Harvey. 

Something a bit more local?.

Would there be any interest in a trip out to any other UK based places?

The Shuttleworth  Collection ,   Duxford or the like?

We are very open to suggestions.  (Please keep them clean and physically possible!)

We could either buddy up with cars and make a BMFC day of it, or maybe even get a coach if there is a lot of interest.

Parking at the Patch

The ground is starting to dry out now but please continue to use the slabs on the left to park on.
There are green electric fence poles marking the centre of each parking space, to ensure you get the right pair of slabs.
Be sure to get your wheels on the slabs as the ground in between is very soft and you may not be able to get back off…. Especially if your last to leave or on your own.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 3rd April ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

February 2024 Newsletter

New Member

Andy Kent has joined our merry throng of BMFC members.. 

He is a great flyer and returning to flying after a break. Bit of a builder too! Keep an eye open for him and be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome.

Welcome to the mad house Andy!

Dave Formosa

Unfortunately one of our newest members, Dave Formosa passed away very recently. Although Dave was quite new to our club, he had been flying turbine jets for quite a few years.

His family have been in touch and the funeral will probably be later this month. We will pass on any details as we get them.  Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.

All Day Fly Dates

We have pencilled in this years All Day Fly Dates, so put them in your diary..

Saturday May 25th 2024

Saturday July 27th 2024

Saturday Sept 21st 2024

A “Go” or “No Go” will be called on the Friday before the all day fly and as usual we will postpone by a week if the weather turns out to be rubbish on the day.

Trophy Winners

For those who could not attend the New Year Meal The winners of the club trophies this year were…
The Ray Harris Memorial Trophy for building excellence went to Mark (Rudy) Ford.
Very well done Rudy and some terrific and very clean builds.

The Kevin Walker Trophy for outstanding contribution to the club went to Richard (JP) Wood.
Very well deserved Richard and thank you for all your hard work you do for the club.

The Chairmans Trophy went to Hugh Revill for all his tenacious battles against the banks and looking after our money in the best possible way.
Many thanks for everything you do Hugh and for helping to keep our fees down to a minimum.

Curry Night

The first of this seasons curry nights is planned for 7:00 Wed 28th February at the Shimla Peppers in Bromsgrove.

Please let Richard know if you are attending so that we can inform Shimla Peppers of likely numbers. Please be sure to differentiate between attending the curry night  and wanting a cheese or ham cob at the next monthly meeting – (Richard 07917 232673)

Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Morrisons car park and is free after 7:00pm.
You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.

The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is usually about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!

PS  Bring your own favourite tipple as they only serve soft drinks.

Club Night

For the March Club Night (Wed March 6th),  Stuart Worrall has put together a quiz , and there will be prizes.

To add even more sparkle to the night, there will be food laid on !
There is a choice of HAM or CHEESE cob and chips.

If you are going to attend and have not yet done so… can you please text Richard with your Name and your preference of Cheese or Ham please.  (Richard 07917 232673)

Parking at the Patch

With all the rain that we have had, please continue to use the slabs on the left to park on.
There are green electric fence poles marking the centre of each parking space, to ensure you get the right pair of slabs.
Be sure to get your wheels on the slabs as the ground in between is very soft and you may not be able to get back off…. Especially if your last to leave or on your own.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub Wednesday the 6th March ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

   January 2024 Newsletter

No Newsletter

December 2023 Newsletter

Curry Night

The first of this seasons curry nights at the Shimla Peppers in Bromsgrove went very well and 24 of us attended.  One of the largest gatherings to date.

AGM – Wednesday 6th December

We will be holding the AGM at The Bowling Green this Wednesday 6th December.  We  are looking to supply a ham or cheese roll and chips on the night for those who can make it.

If you are going to attend and have not yet done so… can you please text Richard with your Name and your preference of Cheese or Ham please.  (Richard **********)

There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.

If you have any points you would like to discuss at the meeting. Please let Ricardo or any member of the committee know and we will add them to the agenda. 

As always if you would like to stand for any of the positions on the committee, please let a member of the current committee know.

New Year Meal

We are holding a New Year meal at the Swan at Upton Warren. This is the same venue as last year, where we were in the upstairs gallery.   

It’s a subsidised carvery at £5 for members and £10 for non-members.
Don’t forget to add your £5 to your club fees if you are going to attend.

Details will be in the next newsletter too but the date will be Wednesday 10th January. (2nd Wednesday in January)


Could the winners of the trophies please remember to bring them back at the new year meal if they are going, or please return them to a committee member before the night if they are not going.

Next Years Fees

2024 Fees…

The BMFA have announced their 2024 fees as follows….

Senior Membership    =  £47
Junior Membership =  £20
Family Partner = £30
Family Junior = £15

The CAA fees remain at £10.33 (Members Individual responsibility – Up until 31st March 2024)

Bromsgrove Model Flying Club Fees.. (Remain the same as last year)

New Members                                                     £70 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £95)

Existing Members (BEFORE 31.12.2022)           £70         (After 31st Dec – £80 )

Example for most of us…   Existing Snr member rejoining Bromsgrove Club and BMFA before 31.12.2023  =  £117.00     (eg £47 for BMFA plus £70 for Club Fees = £117)

Please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible.  Payable BEFORE Dec 31st

If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at  **********

Don’t forget to add £5 for your meal if you want to attend in January at The Swan.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub this Wednesday the 6th December ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

November 2023 Newsletter

New Members

Karl Jackson and David Formosa have joined our merry throng of BMFC members.. 

Keep an eye open for them and be sure to welcome them aboard when you see them.

Welcome to the mad house guys!

Curry Night

The first of this seasons curry nights is planned for 7:00 Wed 15th November at the Shimla Peppers in Bromsgrove.

Please let Richard know if you are attending so that we can inform Shimla Peppers of likely numbers.

Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Morrisons car park and is free after 7:00pm.
You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.

The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is (was) about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!

PS  Bring your own favourite tipple as they only serve soft drinks.

Winter Flying Times

Now the clocks have gone back.. these are the Winter Flying Times.

IC Flying times:-              Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                                            Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                                            Bank Hols       10am to 2pm

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

AGM – Wednesday 6th December

We will be holding the AGM at The Bowling Green on Wednesday 6th December.  We  are looking to supply a ham or cheese roll and chips on the night for those who can make it.

If you are going to attend can you could please text Richard with your Name and your preference of Cheese or Ham please.  (Richard ***********)

There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.

If you have any points you would like to discuss at the meeting. Please let Ricardo or any member of the committee know and we will add them to the agenda. 

As always if you would like to stand for any of the positions on the committee, please let a member of the current committee know.

New Year Meal

We usually look at holding a New Year meal at The Swan at Upton Warren.  (Same place as last year when we were in the upstairs gallery)

Details will be in the next newsletter but the date will be Wednesday 10th January 7:00 for 7:30. (2nd Wednesday in January)

Could the winners of the trophies please remember to bring them back at the new year meal if they are going, or please return them to a committee member before the night if they are not going.

This weeks Club Night

There will be some odds and ends from Pete James’ estate being sold at this months club night.  So don’t forget your wallet along. 

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub for a pint and a chat on this Wednesday the 3rd November ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

October 2023 Newsletter

New Members

We have had a couple of new members join us.. (More Steve’s to remember..)

Both are already flyers.

Steve Kingston has been a member for a few weeks now. If you have not already, please give him a big Bromsgrove Flying Club welcome.

Steve Perks who was at All Day Fly number 3.  If you haven’t  already said hello, then please keep an eye out for him and say Hi.

I think we might need name badges.. and not just “Steve”

All Day Fly #3

Well we managed to get half decent weather for All Day Fly number 3 which was a great success. 

Many thanks to all those who shopped , set up , cooked , baked, prepped the patch and trained on the day. Without you the ADF’s just would not happen.

Everyone was well fed and watered, and a great days flying was had. (About time!!)

There are pictures and videos of the day on the web site. Just follow the link below.  (Many thanks to all the contributors)

Nick Rawet selling up

Nick has been in touch to say that he now feels that he has no time for flying any more and will be selling all his gear.  He has quite a bit of kit and is living in North Wales near Anglesey at the moment.
He has offered his planes etc to Bromsgrove members first and would like to sell the lot for £500. 
Just for tasters he has, 3 Futaba transmitters, 5 receives , Saito engines 180, 125, 110 and 2 x 82s.     planes are Edge 540, 2 x Capiche’s, A U-Can-Do and one more he cant remember the name of and a Voltigeur plus chargers etc.  All in all , a lot of kit and a bargain.
You will need a large car for it all.
If you are interested, please message Nick directly. (Please contact Alan if you need his number)

Curry Night

We will be planning one of the ever popular curry nights for sometime in November.
Watch this space!

Severn Spinners

Severn Spinners Club near Kidderminster have invited us along for a fly on Sunday 15th October.
No BBQ but it will be good to go and have a fly at another location.  If you are interested, can you please let Ricardo know so that he can get an idea of numbers.

Our best wishes…

Dave Holioak has been in touch to say that his wife Christine has been diagnosed with  bowel cancer.  She is awaiting further tests etc , but we send our best wishes to them both and wish Christine all the very best for a speedy recovery.  Get well soon Christine.

Steve Hill is currently awaiting a bone marrow transplant, so our best wishes go to you too Steve.  Get well soon Steve and see you up the patch very soon.

Pete James

We are very sad to announce that Pete James passed away on 19th September 2023.

Pete had been unwell for a while and passed away peacefully in his sleep.

His son Mark has been in touch , and Pete’s funeral will take place in Shrewsbury where he lived for most of his life.

His funeral will be on Tuesday 3rd October at 10:45am at

Emstrey Crematorium, London Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 6PS for those that would like to and can attend.

September 2023 Newsletter

No Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter

September All Day Fly:

The July All Day Fly was unfortunately postponed due to rain / wind etc, so…….

We are looking forward to our last All Day Fly of the year on Saturday 23rd September .

Everything crossed for the weather.

Well done Hugh..

Hugh has been working hard to make our cash work for us , and has found an account that will actually pay us some interest.
Its a very tough thing to do for a club account, but should give us the equivalent of 2 more members per year in return.
It all helps us keep the costs down for everyone.

Thanks for your hard work Hugh.

Call to action:-

You may have had an e-mail from the BMFA regarding proposed changes from the CAA.  We need as many people as possible to respond to make our views heard ..
If we don’t ,regulations may change our hobby for ever.

We have until September 6th to air our views.

The following link will take you to the CAA page…

Click on the “Give Us Your Views” link at the bottom of the page.

Below are the BMFA answers to the questions the CAA have asked.  You can cut and paste these answers or simply type your own.


1. Do you agree with the challenges with operational requirements identified by stakeholders, and why?

A. Somewhat Agree

The basic concept of the Open, Specific and Certified Categories remains sound, though some simplification to the Open Category would perhaps make it easier for recreational drone operators to understand/comply with if they have no previous aviation background. The wording suggests that some stakeholders view the threshold for some operational requirements as being too low. The counter to this is that many within the recreational drone and model flying community still view the thresholds as being too high and disproportionate for their established activities. In terms of model flying, the EU regulations which are the basis of what is in place currently state clear intent to ‘allow model flying to continue as it did before’ but many in the community feel that this is not the case and the current regulatory requirements seem disproportionate, especially in comparison with other recreational air sport activities (such as hang gliding and paragliding).The approach to authorisations and risk assessment for commercial drone operators clearly needs to be reviewed as it demands too much resource from the CAA leading to slow response times.

2. Should CAA adopt the following policy objectives for operational requirements and why? Mitigate safety and security risks; User-centric; Enforceable; Growth enabling; Scalable. Please describe any other objectives we should consider

.A. Definitely Yes (to all)

Yes, provided regulations remain proportionate and gold plating is avoided. The regulatory burden (and costs) for all stakeholders should be kept to the minimum level required to meet the objectives.

3. Do you value international alignment in operational requirements, and why?

A. Definitely Yes

The EU concept of cross border recognition of Operator Registration and Competencies was sound. Post BREXIT, any drone or model flyers operating internationally must register in the EU and comply with local competency requirements, leading many to further question the merits of UK Operator Registration for model flyers.

4. Should CAA re-name operational categories and sub-categories (Opportunity 1) and why?

A. No, to an extent

If manufacturers are building aircraft to fit in with the EU operational categories, it would seem sensible to remain aligned with EU regulations, otherwise manufacturers will have to produce country specificaircraft.The speed of regulatory change is also an issue for some, with people not being given long enough to adapt to changes before further changes are made. This leads to errors in understanding the detail of current regulations.

5. Should CAA simplify how operational requirements are categorised (Opportunity 2) and why?

A. No, to an extent

Again, it makes sense to retain some alignment with our nearest neighbours on this. Combining A1-A3 will remove some of the flexibility currently afforded to A1. We would suggest reintroduction of a clearer separation between commercial and recreational operations.

6. Should CAA update how model aircraft operations are regulated (Opportunity 3) and why?

A. Neither yes or no

In terms of model flying, the Call for Input is focused entirely on the Open Category. The EU accommodated model flying in the Open Category with the A3, C4classification but could have made it clearer. There is perhaps a danger in defining model aircraft and this is something which EASA considered at length, instead considering model flying (including FPV Drone Racing) as an activity and this approach remains our preference. The model flying community’s preference from the outset was for model flying to be excluded entirely from the drone regulations and this was achieved to some extent for those operating within the framework of an Association with the provision of Article 16, which (so far) has minimised the regulatory burden on members. Our hope is that in the worst case, the current status quo will be retained with Article 16. Ultimately, we would like to see model flying (in its entirety) returned to the pre-EU regulatory position, being regulated in the proportionate way it used to be, along the lines of how Hang Gliding and Paragliding is still dealt with.

7. Should CAA simplify exclusions from operational requirements (Opportunity 4) and why? Please describe any alternative exclusions that should be considered.

A. yes, to an extent

Based on the text presented in this Call for Input we would suggest simply removing “toy” from the exclusions, with all UAS under 250g being excluded.

8. Should CAA change transitional arrangements for users of UAS without class marks (Opportunity 5) and why?

A. Definitely yes

Yes. If the CAA is content for these non-class marked aircraft to be operating today to the existing operating limits there can be no compelling safety reason to restrict their operations. Unless that situation changes, it follows that the CAA should allow aircraft without class marks built before 2026 to fly as they do now indefinitely. Provision for self-built aircraft must also be retained.

9. Do you agree with the issues identified by stakeholders relating to product requirements, and why?

A. Somewhat agree

There is a danger that shifting away from the EU product requirements and class markings will require manufacturers to provide UK specific aircraft, perhaps discouraging them to make aircraft available to the UK market.

10. Should CAA adopt policy objectives for product requirements, and why?  Mitigates safety and security risks; User-centric; Growth enabling; Scalable; Internationally aligned. Please describe any other objectives we should consider.

A. Definitely Yes (to all)

The objectives are largely aligned with EASA’s original objectives when developing the current regulatory framework which we would support subject them remaining proportionate. A further objective should be to ensure that there is minimal regulatory burden on all stakeholders. Any rules should meet the safety/security objective at minimum cost to stakeholders (in manhours and/or money) and should remain proportionate.

11. Should CAA implement manufacturer standards (Opportunity 8) and why?

A. Definitely Yes

Yes, but the UK should remain consistent with the EU to avoid obstacles to import/export and confusion over design/build quality expectations for users.

12. Should CAA implement a product labelling scheme (Opportunity 9) and why?

A. Definitely Yes

Yes. Anything that makes it easier for the end user to understand what they are buying and how it may be used both legally and safely is a good thing. But again, the UK should remain consistent with the EU to avoid obstacles to import/export and confusion over expectations for users. Continued provision for self-build aircraft should remain an essential requirement.

13. Should CAA simplify exclusions from product requirements (Opportunity 10)and why?

A. No, to an extent

For recreational drone operators, the current exclusions for aircraft under 250g are already one of the simplest and best understood elements of the existing regulations. The BMFA would support retention of the existing exclusions for aircraft under 250g without imposition of additional requirements which would surely serve to confuse rather than simplify.

14. Should CAA implement Remote ID (Opportunity 11) and why?

A. Neither yes nor no

Many drones being introduced onto the marked already incorporate the facility for Remote I.D. and this is probably appropriate due to the locations they can be operated from and the increased potential for security/privacy concerns due to them being equipped with cameras. Interrogation of the Remote I.D. should be limited to enforcement agencies and the BMFA would be opposed to the information being accessible by the general public

Existing/Legacy UAS under 250gmshould be excluded from the Remote ID requirements and there should be a suitable transition period for existing/legacy UAS over 250gm before they must comply. However, the BMFA would be strongly opposed to any Remote ID requirements for model aircraft. Our members have a collective fleet of around 500,000 aircraft which are usually operated from fixed remote locations well away from areas likely to require Remote ID interrogation and within VLOS of the pilot (generally making it easy for them to be identified in the unlikely event of there being a requirement).The BMFA believes that Remote ID would be disproportionate and unnecessary imposition on the model flying community. The EU regulations do not mandate any Remote ID requirements for aircraft operated under an Article 16 Authorisation within the framework of model flying associations, or for model aircraft within the Open Category (A3, C4) and the BMFA requests that this position is maintained in any amendments made to the UK regulations.

15. Should CAA implement geo-awareness (Opportunity 12) and why?

A. Neither yes nor no

On-board automated Geo-fencing and Geo-awareness are features increasingly incorporated into UAS/drones but would not be appropriate for model aircraft as they are manually piloted. The BMFA supports the concept of Geo-Awareness, provided that model aircraft are excluded from any such requirements.

16. Should CAA introduce requirements for manufacturers to provide user guidance during product set-up or pre-flight, via the controller or other interface (Opportunity 13) and why?

A. Yes, to an extent

The BMFA supports proportionate measures that increase user understanding of the regulations but again provision should remain to permit the continued use of self-built aircraft.

17. Should CAA introduce user validation requirements on manufacturers (Opportunity 14) and why?

A. Definitely No

It is the responsibility of the Operator to comply with the law, not the manufacturer and placing responsibility on them would seem to be a disproportionate requirement.

18. Should CAA simplify policy and guidance document structure (Opportunity 15) and why?

A. Definitely yes

Yes. Anything that makes it easier for end users and other stakeholders to understand the rules and the reasons for them must be a good thing.

19. What other opportunities to improve UAS regulation, beyond those described in this Call for Input, would you like to see progressed?

Deregulation of model flying within established model flying organisations –i.e. a return to the more proportionate way in which model flying was regulated prior to the EU regulations (and the way in which some other activities such as hang gliding and paragliding continue to be regulated), perhaps.

Club night (cheese/ham cob + chips) will be on Wednesday 6th September

Sir Bob is going to give us a demonstration on glass clothing. 

Those of you who have seen the quality of Sir Bobs work will know we are in for a master class.

And there will be a Cob and chips.  (If you  are planning to attend and have not yet told Richard if you want a either a cheese or ham cob, then please do so quickly.

See you soon at the Bowling Green or “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee 

July 2023 Newsletter

All Day Fly #2

Saturday 22nd July was called off as the weather was not looking great.  It actually hissed it down all day, so a good call.

Due to several of the committee being away, we actually postponed until Saturday 5th August.

The weather is still more than a little unsettled , so fingers crossed for next Saturday.
We will have the normal Go/No Go call by Friday.  If ist a No Go we will postpone and wait for the September All Day Fly.

PS.  If it’s a go, can you bring your own mug, it will help with waste, and identifying your cuppa when you have put it down, and it will of course save your fingers from getting burnt.

So.. fingers crossed for the weather and see you at ADF number 2 …

July Club Night

Hope to see you at the August Club night this Wednesday 2nd August.
The August Club Night will be a pint and a chat night, but we will try and get a projector with some aviation footage to see.

In September Sir Bob will give us a glass clothing lesson. Then we can all build stunning models.

In October we will have a Quiz night.

If anyone has any activity requests or suggestions for  a club night, please let us know.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub for a pint and a chat on this Wednesday the 2nd August ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

June 2023 Newsletter

Safety First

You may have seen a news article about a fatal model plane accident in Spain earlier this month.  A man was walking out to retrieve his model at a well established club when he was hit on the head by a large turbine powered model coming in to land.  He was killed instantly by his best friend of many years.

The BMFA have advised all clubs to be aware that this was an entirely preventable accident.  If the man had called “retrieving” or the other pilot had called “landing”, the accident would not have happened.

Whilst we fly much smaller models, there is still a lesson to be learned….

Communication (whether verbal or otherwise) is key to safety…

Verbal –            Be sure to call “Landing” or “On the Patch” when taking off / landing or retrieving your planes, and of course “Clear” when you are         clear of the patch.

                         Wait for a yes and / or a nod from all flyers when asking if its OK to take off. 

Flyers , please remember if you are looking away and the person asking has a running engine next to there ear, they may not hear your reply, so a nod or shake of the head as well is all that is needed.

Non Verbal –     Stepping forward to the front of the pilots box when landing or taking off makes it very clear to anyone walking down what is going on   and they are less likely to step out onto the patch.

This does also mean that once you have taken off, you should move towards the back of the pilots box to fly.

Moving to the front for touch and go’s or approaches is also a good idea.

Do –                  If others are busy (for example, collecting their plane from the far end of the patch),
                         and you can help by calling Clear when the person has left the far end, then do so.
                         If anyone calls “Deadstick”, then immediately gather up your plane and move off the patch.

Don’t –              Stay on the patch any longer than you need to.  (No fettling engines etc) 

All Day Fly #2

Time to get cracking on those new models, ADF number 2 is on the way…
Saturday 22nd July 2023, 10:00am onward, with the usual Go / No Go call on Friday 21st if the weather is not looking good.

The first all day fly was a fantastic success, and we had plenty of burgers, cakes , scones etc.  If you couldn’t make it you missed a great days flying and eating.

PS.  If you can bring your own mug, it will help with waste, and identifying your cuppa when you have put it down, and it will of course save your fingers from getting burnt.

So.. fingers crossed for the weather and see you at ADF number 2 …

June Club Night

We had Morris of Morris Mini Motors come along to give us a chat and demo regarding IC Engines and he brought along a few goodies to buy.  (And of course we had Cob and Chips courtesy of Sir Bob)  It was a very interesting evening and we certainly learnt a lot… Morris is very knowledgeable and spent quite a bit of time answering individual questions.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub for a pint and a chat on this Wednesday the 5th July ….. Happy and Safe flying

Alan Brown & The Committee

May 2023 Newsletter

New Member:-

We have a new member of the club..  Paul Margetts who is a (semi) retired blacksmith who has been bitten by the flying bug.
If you see him up at the patch , be sure to give him the usual Bromsgrove Flying Club welcome.

All Day Fly #1

All day Fly #1 was a great success.  We had fantastic weather and light winds.
We were royally spoilt with all the burgers and fantastic cakes and scones that various other halves had made.  Our heartfelt thanks for the expanding waist lines. All were absolutely delicious. 

This Wednesday Club Night 7th June 2023

As most are now aware..  We have Morris of Morris Mini Motors coming along to give us a chat and demo regarding IC Engines of all kinds.  Annnnd there will be a Cob and Chips courtesy of Sir Bob.  It should be a good evening…

If you would like to come along and have not yet told Richard which cob (cheese or ham) you would prefer, please do so ASAP.

Date for the diary – All Day Fly #2

Not long to wait now…   All day fly Number 2 will soon be here.  Its June already!

Put it in your diary…    Saturday  22nd  July  2023.

The usual fingers crossed for the weather, and we will call the usual Go /No Go on the afternoon of Friday 21st.

2023 BMFA number of aircraft in the air at one time record attempt. 

Well we have heard back from the BMFA and we did not manage to break the record set last year, however, the attempt was a lot of fun and we did get 18 aircraft in the air at once.  (5 being free flight paper planes)

There should be some videos on the YouTube channel .. click the links below to see a couple of them….   

Many thanks to all that took part and Tony and Richard who helped organise the chaos.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub for a pint a chat and a talk on all things I.C. on this Wednesday the 7th June …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

April 2023 Newsletter

Date for the diary – All Day Fly #1

Not long to wait now…   All day fly Number 1 will soon be here.  Time to get those dusty models ready for the air.

Put it in your diary…    Saturday  20th  May  2023.

Fingers crossed for the weather , and we will call the usual Go /No Go on the Friday afternoon and we may postpone by 1 week if the weather is bad.

Another Date for the diary..

On Sunday 14th May 2023 at 12:00 noon  as a club we will be taking part in the 2023 BMFA number of aircraft in the air at one time record attempt.  It should not disrupt the days flying for more than 15 – 20 minutes and should be quite fun.

Alan Brown will be keeping a record on the day of all those wishing to take part so please see him well before the scheduled take off at mid-day.

We will get the everyone in place and ready to take off about 5 minutes before midday.

We envisage taking off in several ‘waves’ and everybody flying circuits in the same direction for safety.

We will also need a photograph of everyone who took part at the end and it would be a great photo opportunity while it is taking place. 

To keep the noise to a minimum, I would ask that where at all possible you bring along an electric craft for the record attempt , and we will a maximum of 3 IC planes in the air.

Drones, Chuck Gliders etc are welcome.  They all count.

Electric Fence.

The electric fence is now back in operation and the cows are due to be let back into the first field shortly.

Please ensure that when you come through the fence that you re-place it ASAP. 

Also the last person to leave the patch, please ensure that the gate to the 2nd field is closed properly.  Its a good safety net in case members of the public do not replace the electric fence when walking through the fields.

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub on this Wednesday the 3rd May …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

March 2023 Newsletter

Summer is here

Now that the clocks have gone forward we would remind everyone of the summer flying times.

Just a reminder of IC Flying Times 

Mon to Thur                  10am  to  4pm 
Fri                                                            2pm    to 7pm  (Summer)
Saturday                          10am  to 2pm
Sunday                            10am  to 2pm  ( All Bank Holidays are Sunday Hours)

Electric flying times are 10am  to 7pm daily.

All Day Fly Number 1

Not long to wait now…   All day fly Number 1 will soon be here.

Saturday  20th  May  2023-04-01

Club Talk from Morris Mini Motors

Don’t forget to let us know if you would be interested in a talk from Morris, and if so what you would like advice or information on.

We don’t want to invite him along and only have the members of the committee to talk to!

His visit would be scheduled for the June or July meeting.

Curry Night

As usual the last curry night was very well attended and everyone had a great evening.


No Fly Zones and Safety

We would like to remind everyone about the no fly zones.  Please try not to fly towards or over the pits.    If you are doing a “golf club” turn for landing etc please ensure you are beyond the trees either to the left or the right so as not to be too close to the pits.

When flying please step towards the back of the pilots box.  When landing call “Landing” and move towards the front of the pilots box.  This will make it clear to everyone flying and walking down to take off that you are about to land.

If you are doing something out of the ordinary (like figure 8’s) please let everyone know beforehand, to help prevent mid-airs and scares.

If practicing your 3D and prop hanging etc, then please do so away from the patch when others are flying, and remember the no fly zones.

Former Club member Les Crow

Some of you who have been members for a while may remember Les Crow.  At the age of 82 he came along to learn to fly model airplanes.
Sadly Les passed away a couple of weeks ago at the age of 97.
I admired the way that he did not let his age stop him from doing things, was not frightened by technology and had a real zest for life.  I will miss the chats about things like the Zeppelins he saw when he was a young lad and the building of cars, boats and so much more.

Meetings at The Bowling Green.

We are looking at re-starting some of the activities / demos / talks for the monthly meetings. If we are to invite someone to talk to us we need to know we are going to have a decent turn out. 

To help us with this, can you let us know if you would like us to arrange a talk for Morris Mini Motors.   He is extremely knowledgeable and can give you plenty of hints and tips about your IC engines.   If you can feed back to myself via e-mail or even just let one of the committee know if you would like this talk or even something similar.

Sir Bob is being lined up to show us his glass clothing skills in the coming months.. stay tuned for more details…..

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub on this Wednesday the 5th March …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

February 2023 Newsletter

Curry Night

This Wednesday 22nd February  at 7:30 is BMFC Curry Night at the Shimla Peppers, Bromsgrove.

Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Waitrose car park and is free after 7:00pm.

You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.

We have 22 or 23 of us going at the moment.

The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is (was) about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!

Bring your own favourite tipple as they only serve soft drinks.


All Day Fly Dates

We have pencilled in this years All Day Fly dates…

Saturday 20th May  2023

Saturday 22nd July 2023

Saturday 23rd September 2023-02-19

As always these will be weather permitting, and if the date above has rubbish weather we will  look at the following week.  If that day is also rubbish , we will just look forward to the next all day fly.

The Patch…

The patch is looking great and not muddy at all.  We are still parking on the grass, so if we get a nice weekend. Get up there and get flying.

Meetings at The Bowling Green.

We are looking at re-starting some of the activities / demos / talks for the monthly meetings. If we are to invite someone to talk to us we need to know we are going to have a decent turn out. 

To help us with this, can you let us know if you would like us to arrange a talk for Morris Mini Motors.   He is extremely knowledgeable and can give you plenty of hints and tips about your IC engines.   If you can feed back to myself via e-mail or even just let one of the committee know if you would like this talk or even something similar.

Sir Bob is being lined up to show us his glass clothing skills in the coming months.. stay tuned for more details…..

Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” at the Curry Night  or at The Bowling Green Pub on this Wednesday the 1st March …..


Alan Brown & The Committee

   January 2023 Newsletter

New Year Meal

We booked The Swan at Upton Warren for this years New Year Meal.
Despite a few questions when booking it turned out to be a very good venue indeed.

The food was very good, (Not a surprise as the owners also run the Nailors Arms), and we had the entire top floor to ourselves.  We now know that the seating will accommodate upto 60 people so plenty of room.

We did of course have the award of the trophies, and the winners were as follows….

The Ray Harris Memorial Trophy for Building Excellence was voted on and this years winner was …  Bill Cartwright.  Well deserved and Bill has built some innovative aircraft and has been experimenting with silencers and of course his fold up model stand.

The Most Improved Flyer was awarded this year to Mark Biddle, who passed his ‘A’ test not too long ago  and is quickly progressing with his aerobatics.

The Chairmans Trophy was awarded this year to Mark Ford (AKA Rudy) who has been a leading character in the club, and has certainly had his share of leg pulling.

The Clubman Trophy has been re-named the Kevin Walker Clubman Trophy as he was indeed the ultimate club member.  We thought it would be wholly appropriate if the trophy was awarded to Kevin Walker himself for this year. 
We invited Kevin’s son Simon along to the meal, and once the engraving has been done we will give the trophy to Simon.

Very well done to all our trophy winners !!

Winter Flying Times Reminder

Now the clocks have gone back..

IC Flying times:-              Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                                                  Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                                                  Bank Hols      10am to 2pm

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

The Patch…

I did visit the patch last Sunday and although frozen when I got there, the track and the patch itself are surprisingly dry. 
As long as we don’t get lots of torrential rain, flying and parking will be fine.

Back to the Bowling Green for Wednesday

Don’t forget this Wednesday is the 1st, so pop up the pub for a chat and why not show of what Santa brought you or get some info or help on any projects you have on the go…
I know there are a few new models and even a 3d printed one out there.. How are they coming along?

Keith Westwood selling up:–

Some of you may remember our member Keith who moved to Ross on Wye.  He did remain a Bromsgrove member for a year or so, but has decided that he is no longer so interested in flying, so is selling up.  The list below is for sale (at the right price!)

FROM KEITH:-  If anyone is interested I can be contacted at this email address or on07720295740. My home address is 22 Chatsworth Close, Ross-on-Wye, HR97XH.
If need be I could bring a car load to the Bromsgrove Flying site but space in the car is limited.


Durafly Tundra – complete ready to fly. All radio gear fitted. Good condition/No damage. Batteries available. 

Wot 4 ARTF with OS AX46 – complete ready to fly. All radio gear fitted. Some reps to under carriage. Flies well. Great engine. 

Hangar 9 Pulse XT 60 with OS 91 four stroke engine. All radio gear fitted/ready to fly. Great flier, excellent condition. Quality/quiet engine. 

Chris Foss kit built Xtra Wot (Similar to Ripmax Wot4 XL ARTF) but much better construction. Fitted with almost new OS AX 120. Fantastic aeroplane/flies extremely well. All radio gear fitted. Good condition/no damage. Kit/airframe price new well over £400. 

Ripmax Acro Wot with OS AX 55. Ready to fly with all radio gear. A great winter hack. Very strong/quiet engine. 

Hangar 9 Pulse XT40 with Saito 65 4 – stoke engine. Crash repaired but great flier. Very quiet engine. All radio gear fitted/ready to fly. 

Hangar 9 Pulse XT 40. Fitted with Overlander electric motor. Never used but ready to fly/all radio gear fitted. Batteries available. 

Multiplex Easyglider Pro. Little used/ready to fly. Good condition. Batteries available. 


Saito FA-72. Brand new still in box. 

Saito FA-82A. Hardly used/still in box. 

OS 46 AX. Brand new/still in box. 

OS 55 AX. Brand new/still in box. 


Lots and lots of extras too numerous to list but Includes: 
Spektrum DX7 transmitter. Mode1. This was my spare and very little used/still in box.  
New and used Spektrum receivers. New and used Futaba servos. 
Flight/tool box with fitted Power Panel/charger, battery, starter, glow starter. 
Approx 8×1 gals of Model Technics fuel (sport 10). 
Lots and lots of assorted props, under carriages and bits and pieces. 
Oodles of Balsa, etc etc. 

Thats it for this month…….Hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green Pub on this Wednesday the 1st …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

December 2022 Newsletter

Winter Flying Times

Now the clocks have gone back..

IC Flying times:-      Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                Bank Hols      10am to 2pm    (Xmas day, Boxing Day and New Years Day)

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

New Year Meal

We have booked The Swan at Upton Warren (Very near Webbs Garden Centre)
Date for the diary… (2nd Wednesday of the new year), January 11th 2023  at 7.00pm.
I have been told that we will be upstairs, so should have that floor to ourselves.

The address is The Swan,  Upton Warren, Bromsgrove,  B61 7ET.   (tel 01527b861539)

Hope to see you there at 7.00pm onward…

The meal is subsidised for members at £5 and £10 for non-members.  (Sweet will be extra)

Richard is gathering names of those that want to attend (Thank you again Richard) and payments are preferred direct to the bank (Please state your name when paying)

Account Name: Bromsgrove Model Flying ClubBank: NAT WEST BANK PLCSort Code: *******Account Number: **********Payment reference: Please include your name

2023 Fees…

The BMFA have announced their 2023 fees as follows….Senior Membership    =  £42Junior Membership =  £20Family Partner = £29Family Junior = £15The CAA fees remain at £10Bromsgrove Model Flying Club Fees.. (Remain the same as last year) 
New Members                                                     £70 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £95)

Existing Members (BEFORE 31.12.2022)           £70         (After 31st Dec – £80 ) 
Example for most of us…   Existing Snr member rejoining BMFC and BMFA before 31.12.2022  =  £112.00  
As last year can you please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible.  Payable BEFORE Dec 31st.Account Name: Bromsgrove Model Flying ClubBank: NAT WEST BANK PLCSort Code: *********Account Number: ***********Payment reference: Please include your nameIf you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at
Don’t forget to add £5 for your meal if you want to attend in January at The Swan.


Just a reminder that when starting your engines do not reach over the prop when removing the glow starter or adjusting the needle.  Yes we all do it , but we had a very close shave recently, and we can all get a bit complacent.
In the cold weather fingers don’t feel as well as they do in the summer and engines may be reluctant to start, but rest assured when they do spring into life they bite!

Take special care if you find yourself flying alone at the patch. Make sure you have your phone with you .. just in case.

If your not alone, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

When taking off or landing, stand at the front of the pilots box so that others will know that a plane is arriving or leaving the strip, and not to walk out on to the patch.

When landing, also announce loudly “Landing” and walk to the front of the pilots box.

When flying please stand at the back of the pilots box. You will have that extra bit of separation from planes landing of taking off.

Stay safe and hope to see you soon “Up the patch” or at The Swan on Jan 11th …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

November 2022 Newsletter

Sorry folks,  A couple of corrections to the newsletter.  AGM is on the 7th Dec,  and if you are parking for the curry night its Waitrose car park not Morrisons.  Changes are noted in red below.

Winter Flying Times

Now the clocks have gone back..

IC Flying times:-              Mon to Fri     10am to 4pm
                                                            Sat and Sun  10am to 2pm
                                                            Bank Hols      10am to 2pm

Electric Times:-             10am to Dusk

AGM – 7th December

We will be holding the AGM at The Bowling Green on 7th December.  There will be a ham or cheese roll and chips on the night for those who can make it…

(The Bowling Green, Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, B60 4BH)

Please let Richard know by text or whatsapp if you will be there and whether you would like a cheese or a ham cob
Richards number is 07917 232673 , please send him a text of..
YOUR NAME and if you would like a CHEESE or HAM cob.

There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.

If you have any points you would like to discuss at the meeting. Please let Ricardo or any member of the committee know and we will add them to the agenda. 

As always if you would like to stand for any of the positions on the committee, please let a member of the current committee know.

Hope to see as many of you there as can make it..…

2023 Fees…

As far as the club fees are concerned there will be no increase this year, and they will remain at £70.
We will know what the BMFA fees will be around the middle of the month and will let you know as soon as we know.  (Last year was £40 but may go up this year)
Hugh has asked if we can all pay by bank transfer if at all possible. (No cheques please as there is no Nat West in Bromsgrove)

Details of full fees and payment details to follow later this month…

New Year Meal…

We usually look at holding a New Year meal at the Nailers Arms, but it looks like they are selling the pub, so a couple of dedicated committee members will be having a look at the Swan at Upton Warren)

Details will be in the next newsletter but the date will be Wednesday 11th January. (2nd Wednesday in January)

Could the winners of the trophies please remember to bring them back at the new year meal if they are going, or please return them to a committee member before the night if they are not going.

Curry Night…

We are meeting at the Shimla Peppers on 16th November 2023 for on of our ever popular Curry Nights.  We have around 18 people signed up so far.

Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Waitrose car park and is free after 7:00pm.
You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.

The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is (was) about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!
Bring your own favourite tipple as they only serve soft drinks.

See you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green on Dec 7th …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

October 2022 Newsletter

No Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

All Day Fly Number 3

We were very lucky with the weather again and had a fantastic and well attended 3rd All Day Fly.   Our guest for the day Richard Harris gave a wonderful flying display with his auto giros and even maidened  one now belonging to Dave Povey that the late John Dean built.  It was great to see it fly and John would have been chuffed to bits.
Our thanks to all the people that make the day so fantastic.  A special thank you to our chef Ricardo for cooking the burgers, Mrs Worrall for all those calorie free cakes, and those that brought gazeebo’s, tables, cooking ingredients / utensils and the food of course.
This well oiled machine makes sure everything runs smoothly and ensures everyone has a great day.   Well done all.

Keep an eye on the web site for pictures from the All Day Fly over the next few days.  (The link is at the top of this page)

Noise Testing

We have been a little lacking in testing and documenting the noise our planes put out.  These activities show that we are proactive should we ever be questioned.  We are not looking to spoil anyone’s fun, but we cannot get blasé and allow noise levels to creep up.
You may be asked to noise test your plane so please do so knowing that IF it is on the noisy side we can and will offer advice to make your plane quieter.
Just for information 3db difference is a DOUBLING in noise levels.

Food and a Quiz at the October meeting at The Bowling Green…

We will be holding a quiz WITH PRIZES at the 5th October club meeting at The Bowling Green pub.   (Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, B60 4BH)

The club will also provide Cob and Chips each, but we need to know if you are coming and which you want.

Please let Richard know by text or whatsapp if you will be there and whether you would like a cheese or a ham cob…

Richards number is 07917 232673 , please send him a text of..
YOUR NAME and if you would like a CHEESE or HAM cob.

Hope to see as many of you there as can make it..

Winter is coming that only means one thing…

Curry nights!   We plan to organise an ever popular curry night for sometime in November. We will keep you informed..

See you soon “Up the patch” or at The Bowling Green on Oct  5th …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

August 2022 Newsletter

New Member

A big Bromsgrove Welcome to our newest members,  Ron Braithwaite and welcome back to Rob Knox.  Ron is very keen and is up the patch on Wednesdays too.  Rob has been bitten by the bug again and you may see him at the patch with his FOX glider. (It’s a monster!)
Should you see Ron and Rob up at the patch, be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome.

A Test

Since joining last month Mark Biddle has been on holiday and still found time to practice on the simulator and up the patch and this weekend passed his ‘A’ test.  Very well done Mark… now the fun starts!  (But we are always here to help !)

Tinder… No not that one…

Although we have had a little rain, the grass at the patch is still tinder dry.  Please be very careful that we do not set anything alight.  (It would not go down well !!)
The obvious things are cigarette ends. Please mark sure they are well and truly out and don’t flick the ash on the floor.

Less obvious things are your bottles of water or shiny crisp packets acting as lenses. Please don’t leave rubbish and be careful where you put your bottles.  If you see a bright spot of concentrated sunlight from something, please move the offending item, even if its not yours.

Car parking…  Having raced all the way to the patch in your car, please don’t park in the long grass with your hot exhaust.  It may be more than the farmers field that goes up.
Park on the shorter grass and not ‘in the hedge’ where the long grass may touch the hot engine.


All Day Fly Number 3

Not long until All Day Fly number 3..  The date is set for Saturday 17th September 2022.  Fingers crossed for the weather.  There will be the usual Go or No Go on the Friday.

See you soon “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

July 2022 Newsletter

New Member

 A big Bromsgrove Welcome to our newest member, Mark Biddle. He was introduced by Tyler and has been flying quads for some while.

Should you see Mark up at the patch, be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome.

New bank details

As our old bank decided to start charging us for looking after our money, Hugh has been looking at getting us a new bank account to save the club paying fees.

I am pleased to report he has succeeded, and will be saving us £5 per month…

Good work Hugh.  Thank you

So please be warned that if you have the old details saved, these will be changing.

The new details are…


Name of Account = Bromsgrove Model Flying Club

Sort Code           = 60-04-05

Account Number = 85294624

Mobile Phones

There was an interesting item in the BMFA magazine   about possible phone interference on transmitters. If you use your phone as a timer in the pilots box could you please put it in airplane mode. If you don’t use your phone in that way, it is probably better to leave it in your flight box.

We can only try it and see if we get fewer ‘incidents’.


All Day Fly Number 2

The date for the 2nd All Day Fly is set for Saturday July 23rd weather permitting..

Dust off those models and check your battery charge and lets have a great day.

See you soon “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

June 2022 Newsletter

New Member

 A big Bromsgrove Welcome to our newest member, Dave Stansbie.  (This means the popularity of Dave / David is now equal to that of Steve / Stephen with 6 each!) Should you see Dave (Stansbie) up at the patch, be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome.


“A” and “B” Test passes

Many congratulations to Tim Norton who breezed through his “A” test with his Riot. Tim was spotted doing (intentional) inverted circuits on his very next visit to the patch. It must be something in the genes.

Talking of inverted flying..   we also had our youngest “B” test pass ever when Will Picken (AKA the Knife Edge Kid) was put through his paces by Richard and Sir Bob and showed us some fantastic flying skills with his Hype.


Its good to keep pushing your flying skills, and remember our instructors are on hand if you want any help or advice with new manoeuvres.

However… Please don’t try any outrageous aerobatics directly over the patch please. (remember .. Safety First!)

If there are more planes in the air than you would like for flying aerobatics, its probably better to wait for someone to land before attempting something new.

Three Counties Show

Unfortunately the show we had been asked to attend has been cancelled due to clashes with the Jubilee celebrations.

Hopefully we will get another invite next year.

Patch Safety: Set your failsafe

For those that may not be aware… (Please ask if you are unsure about anything)

Setting your failsafe dictates what will happen if your plane looses the signal from your transmitter. EG goes ‘out of range, or if the TX batteries go flat.

It is available on all 2.4Mhz transmitters and on some 35Mhz transmitters and MUST be set if available on your setup.

Ideally you want to at least slow an IC engine to tick over or stop an electric motor.

That way your plane should not become a high speed unguided missile, but turn into a slower glider and give you a chance to try and regain control.

Generally the failsafe setting is where your Transmitter sticks are when you bind your model.

So if you bound to your model and then had to reverse the throttle, you may be in for a surprise when your test your failsafe!

The way to test this is to properly restrain your model and get its prop running at full speed.

Then turn OFF your transmitter … Your IC Engine should return to tickover and your electric motor should stop.  

If you have any difficulty setting your failsafe then please ask for help.

All Day Fly Number 1

All Day Fly Number 1 was a great day. The weather was practically perfect for flying, and there were burgers and cake a plenty.

Many thanks to all those that that made the day such a fantastic success.

All Day Fly Number 2

The date for the 2nd All Day Fly is set for July 23rd weather permitting..

See you soon “Up the patch” and get ready for ADF #2 …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

May 2022 Newsletter

All Day Fly #1

Charge up those batteries and check over those planes that have not been given an outing in a while..   The first All Day Fly of the year will be on 21st May.. We will make the GO / NO GO call on Friday 20th May.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Just a reminder that it is mental health awareness week.

Life can sometimes get you down, but remember you are part of a fantastic flying club. Even if you don’t really feel up to it, come along for the flying, the banter, a pint and a chat.

If you could just do with getting things off your chest, need a natter or can’t see a way out of a problem, come and have a chat with the guys.

If you need a more confidential chat, then the committee members (and I’m sure others), will lend an ear and try and help in whatever way they can.

A problem shared is a problem halved and nothing is insurmountable.

You are a member of a fantastic club , and you are not alone.

Just a reminder of IC Flying Times (electric remains unchanged)

Mon to Thur         10am to 4pm

Fri                                               2pm     to 7pm (Summer)   and     10am to 4pm (Winter)

Saturday               10am to 2pm

Sunday                 10am to 2pm ( All Bank Holidays are Sunday Hours)

Please note that we have changed Saturday Afternoons to Saturday Mornings for IC flying.

The All Day Fly times will remain unchanged.

Three Counties Show

Unfortunately the show we had been asked to attend has been cancelled due to clashes with the Jubilee celebrations.

Hopefully we will get another invite next year.

Patch Safety: Set your failsafe

For those that may not be aware…

Setting your failsafe dictates what will happen if your plane looses the signal from your transmitter. EG goes ‘out of range, or if the TX batteries go flat.

It is available on all 2.4Mhz transmitters and on some 35Mhz transmitters.

Ideally you want to at least slow an IC engine to tick over or stop an electric motor.

That way your plane should not become a high speed unguided missile, but turn into a slower glider and give you a chance to try and regain control.

Generally the failsafe setting is where your Transmitter sticks are when you bind your model.

So if you bound to your model and then had to reverse the throttle, you may be in for a surprise when your test your failsafe!

The way to test this is to properly restrain your model and get its prop running at full speed.

Then turn OFF your transmitter … Your IC Engine should return to tickover and your electric motor should stop.  

If you have any difficulty setting your failsafe then please ask for help.

See you soon “Up the patch” and get ready for ADF #1 ….. 

Alan Brown & The Committee

April 2022 Newsletter

New Committee Member 

A big thank you to David Harvey for stepping up and joining the committee.   Welcome aboard and we hope you don’t find it too taxing!

Lower Bentley Parish Council – Re- IC Flying Times

 We have had a reply from Lower Bentley Parish Council and they are very appreciative of our efforts, so thank you all for that.

They have asked if we would implement the suggested changes ASAP so please see below…

There are no changes to electric flying times but we have agreed that IC flying times will change as below.  We will keep Friday afternoon flying for IC for those who work and pop past on an evening for a quick ‘fix’.

IC Flying Times  (electric remains unchanged)

Mon to Thur        10am  to  4pm 

Fri                                                 2pm    to 7pm  (Summer)   and    10am to 4pm (Winter)

Saturday              10am  to 2pm

Sunday                10am  to 2pm

Please note that we have changed Saturday Afternoons to Saturday Mornings for IC flying.

The All Day Fly times will remain unchanged

Three Counties Show

The club have been asked if we would like to take part in the Three Counties Show in Malvern on 4th June 2022 as part of the Queens Jubilee Celebration.  They already have a full size Spitfire and Hurricane replica and a fly past by a Lancaster booked, so we are in good company.

We hope to be able to put on a static display of some nice warbirds etc, maybe the BMFA Simulator Trailer and IF room allows, put on a flying display too. 

It will be a great opportunity to promote the club and model flying in general.

If you can help on the day or have any good looking warbirds that you would be willing to display, please let a member of the committee know.  It looks as if it will be a good day out, and as well as chatting to the public, you can also have a look at all the other events going on…

Patch Safety: a reminder

 Retrieving: make sure everyone has heard you.

When on the patch to retrieve a model, please make sure that everyone is aware that you are stepping onto the runway. Its easy to ‘tune out’ the background conversations when concentrating on flying, so be sure to make it loud.

 If anyone is flying and someone shouts ‘landing’ and you know there is someone on the runway, please let the flyer know to abort the landing if possible. 

 If a ‘deadstick’ has been called, the flyer has priority, so let the person on the runway know, so that they can get clear.

 Please wait until the runway is clear before doing acrobatics over the runway or ‘beating up the patch’.

 OK to Take Off? …  wait for the nods

If you are flying and someone asks if it is ok to take off, please try and nod (or shake your head , for ‘no’), as a visual cue as its not always possible to hear a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when facing away and over the noise of a running engine.

 Shout ‘Clear’ when you have cleared the runway, so others may land.

 If in doubt when on your approach, then keep your eyes on your model and ask others if the runway is clear.

 Landing: Call and step forward

Call ‘Landing’, ‘Touch and Go’ and step to the front of the pilots box.  It’s a  good visual cue for everyone NOT to go onto the runway.

Stay Safe and Have Fun…..

 BMFC Clothing

Some of you have been asking about having polo shirts, caps, fleeces etc
with the BMFC logo.  This was done many years ago which some longer standing
members might remember, but we have many new members now so we are looking
at doing it again.  We have recently modified the Club Logo (see club
website or at the top of this newsletter) to say ‘Bromsgrove Model Flying
Club’ whereas the old one didn’t have the work ‘Model’.

We’ve had some quotes back from a company called ‘Embroidery
Express/Stitches’.  Embroidery Express <>
If you browse their site there are numerous products so if you are
interested rather than restrict what you can order it’s up to you!

Please send any requests to Richard Wood by Monday 2nd May

Please state:
-Your Name
-Full description of Name
-Product Code
-Price add £5 for the Club Logo (eg Polo Shirt at £6.89 + £5.00 for the Logo = £11.89 total)

ie Richard Wood, Classic Poloshirt EE-UC101 Navy, Medium, £11.89

We will then submit so they can embroider the club logo on the left breast
of any clothing or on the centre of a Cap etc 

Remember the May All Day Fly is approaching…  we will set an exact date nearer the time.

See you soon “Up the patch”  …..


Alan Brown & The Committee

March 2022 Newsletter

New Member

A big welcome to Tim Norton. (Yes its Sir Bobs son!) His Riot is trimmed out and ready to go. We just need the wind to drop a little. Be sure to say Hi when you see him.


Kevin Walker

As you have probably heard, Kevin passed away on 17th February. We are still reeling from this at the moment, but his family have been in touch and asked if we could post any photos, songs or memories of Kevin on

It would be great for the family if we could post pictures / memories of Kevin showing what he meant to the club.

You can share anything privately with the family at

There is a fundraising page also and any donations are being split between Hearing Dogs for The Deaf and the Samaritans.

Kevins funeral / celebration will be on 23rd March 2022 at 11:30 am Wordsley Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church
High Street
West Midlands


Many of us have voiced how Kevin has been instrumental in getting into the hobby.

When I joined the club back in 2002, Kevin was the only person doing any training to speak of.  Back then we used the “snatch method”. Just like it sounds, Kevin would get the plane flying straight and level, and then hand me the transmitter. When it all started to go wrong I would “calmly” hand the transmitter back to Kevin, (plane in a dive and 10ft off the deck), for Kevin to get flying again.   The man had ice water in his veins.   I will forever be grateful for his patience, instruction and friendship in the past 20 years. He has literally taught me everything I know about model flying. A man who just loved to impart his knowledge and love of the hobby. A true inspiration. Thank you for it all Kevin. 

Curry Night.

Don’t forget that Wednesday night is Curry Night at the Shimla Peppers,

If you don’t like Curries then they do serve English food so don’t let it
stop you.

Don’t forget to bring your own drinks!!

You can park in ‘St John Street’ car park (used to be called ‘Hanover St’
car park) where Waitrose is for FREE from 19:00.  This is at the end of the
Kidderminster road and is about 50 yards away from the restaurant.

1 George St, Bromsgrove B61 7EE.

Just park on Waitrose car park and walk through the passage at the back of the car park and turn left. Follow the buildings riund to the left and you will get to the Shimla Peppers.

Please let Richard Wood know by Whatsapp, text or email
if you want to come along, if you haven’t done so already, so that he can let them know how many to expect.,-2.0641875,17

Working Party

If you can make it up to the patch on Saturday 9th March, we are just re-arranging any stray slabs by the car park and laying some slabs down for the mower to live on when the weather improves.

We will meet at about 10.00am. Should only be a couple of hours, and you can always have a fly afterwards.

April Club Night

We are having a Simulator Night for Aprils club night. If you have or haven’t had a go with a simulator, it can be fun. Come along and try the other mode or some manoeuvres you would like to try at the patch. All this and beer too!

Fancy flying off/over a reservoir?

We’ve been approached by Barnt Green Fishing Club, who control the fisheries
at Bittell Reservoir near Barnt Green (Three Reservoirs), to see if we could
help them in frightening away Cormorant birds which are becoming an
increasing problem for them.  They have tried various tactics with varying
degrees of success but would like us to try flying model aircraft off the
reservoir or use Multi-rotor copters to try and deter them.  We are not sure
if this will be a one off exercise or a regular thing but if you are
interested then let Richard Wood know by Whatsapp, text or email

We will try and arrange the initial visit on a weekend to maximise
attendance for those that may be working.  So if you have a set of floats
for your model or a Mutli-rotor Copter with FPV, then give me a shout. Two
of the reservoirs are definitely big enough to fly from with a plane.

See you soon “Up the patch” or maybe “down the reservoir”…..

Alan Brown & The Committee

February 2022 Newsletter

New Members

We have 2 new members this month. Andy Freestone and Terry Davies. Many Happy Returns to you Terry, and welcome to you both.

Please be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome when you see them at the patch.

“A” Test passes

We have had 2 “A” test passes this month. A very well done to Rob Pinches and Alex Brown. Now the real learning starts, but don’t forget we are still here to help out where and when we can.

New Year Meal at the Nailers Arms.

Our traditional cavery meal at the Nailors Arms went down very well with the members who went. Its always a good night, and nice to have a meal and a good chat with others, and even the seldom seen ‘other halves’ had a great night.

Sun Visors

The idea may have started off as a bit of a joke, but when people are waiting to fly when one of our sun-visors is free, you know it’s a good idea. Richard has made up two such sun screens, and these can be stuck in the ground just in front of where you fly. I have used them myself and it’s a very simple and effective way of blocking the sun when its low in the winter. They are kept by the tree with the ammo box on if you are looking for them. Just stick then in the ground near the tree when you are done for the day.

Wind Sock Pole

Richard has been busy, and also made a new pole for the wind sock out of steel. This is also free standing and does not need the hole in the ground.

Fancy flying off/over a reservoir?

We’ve been approached by Barnt Green Fishing Club, who control the fisheries
at Bittell Reservoir near Barnt Green (Three Reservoirs), to see if we could
help them in frightening away Cormorant birds which are becoming an
increasing problem for them.  They have tried various tactics with varying
degrees of success but would like us to try flying model aircraft off the
reservoir or use Multi-rotor copters to try and deter them.  We are not sure
if this will be a one off exercise or a regular thing but if you are
interested then let Richard Wood know by Whatsapp, text or email

We will try and arrange the initial visit on a weekend to maximise
attendance for those that may be working.  So if you have a set of floats
for your model or a Mutli-rotor Copter with FPV, then give me a shout. Two
of the reservoirs are definitely big enough to fly from with a plane.

Curry Night Wednesday 9th March
It’s time we had another Curry night.  So the next one will be at the usual
place, Shimla Peppers, 1 George Street, Bromsgrove, B61 7EE, on Wednesday
9th March at 19:30.  This is next to Waitrose in the centre of Bromsgrove.

If you don’t like Curries then they do serve English food so don’t let it
stop you.

You can park in ‘St John Street’ car park (used to be called ‘Hanover St’
car park) where Waitrose is for FREE from 19:00.  This is at the end of the
Kidderminster road and is about 50 yards away from the restaurant.

Don’t forget to bring your own drinks.

Please let Richard Wood know by Whatsapp, text or email
if you want to come along.,-2.0641875,17

Working Party

We will be getting a working party together to help lay slabs for parking and for the mower to live on , now that the better weather is coming.

Weather permitting we are going for Saturday 19th February at about 10.00am. Should only be a couple of hours, and you can always have a fly afterwards.

CAA registration becoming due

Most members will have seen an e-mail from the CAA or BMFA asking to renew your CAA registration.   (Newer members may not have, as the registration lasts for 12 months from your first joining, so is dependant on when you first registered)

Its still £9 and your operator ID should be the same as last year.

To renew, just follow the link in the e-mail you were sent, and follow the instructions. (You only need the operator ID)

Do remember that you operator ID should be displayed on all your aircraft.

See you soon “Up the patch” or maybe “down the reservoir”…..

Alan Brown & The Committee


January 2022 Newsletter

Membership Numbers:

Good news:- We start 2022 with 56 Members

New Year Meal at the Nailers Arms.

On meet at 7:00pm to eat at 7:30pm , Wednesday 12th January 2022, we will be having our traditional cavery meal at the Nailers Arms , 62 Doctors Hill, Bromsgrove   B61 9JE.

Its always a very good evening, and we will be voting to see who receives the trophies this year… (Can last years recipients please return their trophies to a member of the committee please)

At last count we had 24 members attending. If anyone else is interested in attending, please let me know ASAP, as we need to let the Nailors Arms know what numbers to seat.

(You will have to pay on the evening)


Alan:-     Phone 07875 866535           email

CAA Fees

Due to CAA fees running for 12 months from whenever you first registered, you will need to renew your membership individually. You will get an e-mail from them reminding you when the time comes. (We as a club do not get any reminders for you, so it would be a nightmare)

Winter Parking

Crossing onto the grass parking on the right of the track is a NO GO now due to the rain.

The grass itself is now too wet.. We do have the slabs to the left and the whole path to play with, (As the cows have gone until spring), so still plenty of parking.

NB the slabs to the left have the green sticks in the centre to mark the actual parking spots.

So the green stick should be centre of your car bonnet as you pull on. It helps to ensure your wheels are on the slabs when parking.

Any Rubble?

If anyone has any Bricks or general hardcore, or knows where we might be able to source some locally, please let us know. (but not tiles as they break and have sharp edges that puncture tyres)

Stuart Worrall noticed some work going on at a local bungalow, and we were able to get quite a haul of half bricks etc to help fill pot holes etc.

Curry Evening

We will be looking to organise another oriental outing in February. Keep an eye on whatsapp and email nearer the time.

All Day Flys

We have pencilled in dates for the All Day Flys. (We do tend to wait for the silage to be cut however, so there may be some slight variation)…

21st May 2022

23rd July 2022

17th September 2022

Hope to see you at 7.00pm for 7:30 on 12th January meal at the Nailers Arms, Doctors Hill, B61 9JE

See you soon “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

December 2021 Newsletter

Next Years Fees:

Bromsgrove Model Flying Club Fees.. (BMFA is Extra and mentioned below) 

New Members                                                  £70 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £95)


Existing Members (BEFORE 31.12.2021)           £70  

N.B.The price goes up to £80 for late payers after 31.12.2021 – please pay promptly

NB Please remember to add £5 if you would like to attend the subsidised January meal at the Nailers Arms on 12th December 2021..  Its always a good evening.  (Subsidised £5 for members and £10 for non-members)

2022 Membership fees (renewals will be available from 1st December 2021)

Senior £40.00
Junior £18.00

Family Partner £27.00
Family Junior £14.00

Please note that due to a price increase from the supplier, the optional plastic membership and rewards card will be £4.50 for 2022.


Example…   Existing Snr member rejoining BMFC and BMFA before 31.12.2020 = £110.00   (or £115.00 if you are coming to the January meal)

As last year can you please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible.  (Its Contact free!)

Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name

If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at

Or (if you must) hand delivered or through the post, sent to:
Hugh Revill  ,
14 Green Bower Drive,
B61 0UN

I am pleased to say that they were all prepared to stand again this year, so my thanks for this year in advance.

New Year Meal at the Nailers Arms.

On Wednesday 12th January 2022, we will be having our traditional cavery meal at the Nailors Arms , 62 Doctors Hill, Bromsgrove   B61 9JE.

Its always a very good evening, and we will be voting to see who receives the trophies this year… (Can last years recipients please return their trophies to a member of the committee please)

For members the cost for a carvery meal will be £5 and for non-members (Wives , Girlfriends or both..) £10.

You can have a sweet but this will be down to individual members to purchase the sweet of your choice.

If you are going to attend the January meal, please let Alan Brown know via e-mail or text.

We will need to give the Nailors an idea of the numbers attending.


Please let me know you are going…

Alan:-     Phone 07875 866535           email

As usual you can add the cost of the meal to the fees paid in December.

CAA Fees

Due to CAA fees running for 12 months from whenever you first registered, you will need to renew your membership individually. You will get an e-mail from them reminding you when the time comes. (We as a club do not get any reminders for you, so it would be a nightmare)

New Committee

My thanks to all of last years committee for the hard work and planning that kept us all flying, cut the grass, looked for and at equipment, and gave us 3 fantastic BBQ’s. These things do not just happen, and this is a big part of what makes our club so very good.

Winter Parking

Crossing onto the grass parking on the right of the track is getting quite boggy now.

A few slabs have been dropped down to help, but if there has been a lot of rain, please use the slabs on the left. We do not want to chew the grass up.

We can of course park by the gate if parking is short. Just leave room for people to get by.

Electric Fence

The cows have now gone from the field until April / May next year, so the electric fence has been removed for the winter.

Working Party

We will be looking to get a working party together to move some slabs about for parking cars and the mower, and add some rubble around the track. (We have already had one visit with a trailer full of half bricks)

We will put a date out on WhatsApp.

If you have any rubble or slabs to get rid of, then please bring them upto the patch. (No broken tiles please as they are sharp and can puncture tyres)

Hope to see you on 12th January meal at the Nailers Arms, Doctors Hill, B61 9JE

See you soon “Up the patch” ….. 

Alan Brown & The Committee

November 2021 Newsletter

Next Years Fees:

A couple of months ago, we voted as a club to purchase ride on mower, and keep any BMFC fee increases to a minimum.  As discussed at the proposal, the BMFC club fees for next year will be £70 for the year. 
The BMFA fees will probably be the same (£38/pa) or a couple of pounds more for this year, but we are waiting to see what is voted through at their AGM on 20th November. 

Don’t forget to go on-line to renew your CAA membership. (Was £9 last year)  You should get a reminder e-mail from them or the BMFA.

We will let you know what the total fees due as soon as we know, along with the usual payment details.

We will be holding the AGM at The Bowling Green on 1st December.  We  are looking to supply a ham or cheese roll and chips on the night for those who can make it.

If you are going to attend can you could please text Richard with your Name and your preference of Cheese or Ham please.  (Richard 07917 232673)

There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.

If you have any points you would like to discuss at the meeting. Please let Ricardo or any member of the committee know and we will add them to the agenda.

New Year Meal.

On Wednesday 12th January 2022, we will be having our traditional cavery meal at the Nailors Arms , Doctors Hill.
For members the cost for a carvery meal will be £5 and for non-members £10.  (Carvery only)
You can have a sweet but this will be down to individual members to purchase the sweet of your choice.

If you are going to attend the winter meal, please let Alan Brown know via e-mail or text.
We will need to give the Nailors an idea of the numbers attending.
Alan    Phone  07875 866535    email

As usual you can add the cost of the meal to the fees paid in December.

Curry Night at the Shimla Peppers , Bromsgrove

Just a reminder…   Wednesday 17th November at 7:00pm.
Have you booked with Richard?  It’s a good evening with great food.

For those who have not been before…

Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Morrisons car park and is free after 7:00pm.
You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.

The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is (was) about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!
Bring your own favourite tipple as they only serve soft drinks.

Club night (AGM + cheese/ham cob + chips) will be on Wednesday 1st December:

See you soon “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee

October 2021 Newsletter

New Member:

We have 1 (returning) new member to welcome this month..
Colin Shepard has re-joined us this month.
Be sure to say Hi and welcome back when you see him up at the patch.

‘A’ Test pass 
Congratulations to Richard Giles who passed his ‘A’ test  on a very blustery Sunday.  The wind threw everything at him, but he handled it all in his stride.  A very well done to Richard. Enjoy your solo flying.   

All Day Fly Number 3 … and a big Thank You to Frank Tansley.

Another fantastic days flying.  We were very lucky again with the weather,  and could not believe the difference from the week before.  Light winds and a surprisingly warm day.

A BIG THANKYOU once again to all those that make the day run so well and keep us so well fed. 
A special mention to Stewart Worrall’s and Keith Ward’s other halves who even made cakes and cheese twists for us.  All day fly , BBQ and high tea !  We had 32 people turn up to the fly. A great turnout for an October fly…

There was lots of flying to be had and also a mini sale of planes belonging to Frank Tansley.
There are still a couple of models  and some bits and bobs to be sold, but the running total is at £175 at the moment.  Frank was our only examiner for quite a few years and has done an awful lot for the club in the past. He has now donated the proceeds from the sale towards the club.  So a very big Thank you to Frank also.  We hope that he feels up to it, and can join us a pint down at the Bowling Green next month.  Thank you Frank.

Safety First:-

There have been a few ‘near misses’ recently and we do not want to loose any of you, so…. 

  1. Please ensure you check and assemble your planes properly before take off. The BMFA state “That your aircraft is in a safe condition to complete the flight safely”.  If in doubt, do not fly.
  2. Please remember to SHOUT “On The Patch” when putting down or retrieving you aircraft.
  3. No low passes or landing when anyone is still on the patch.
  4. SHOUT “LANDING” and step forward to the front of the pilots box when landing.
  5. SHOUT “DEADSTICK” if you need to land immediately and if you hear this shout then clear the patch as quickly as possible.
  6. Always restrain your aircraft in the pits. 
  7. Always switch your transmitter on before switching the plane on. When switching off, its plane first , then transmitter.

Curry Night at the Shimla Peppers , Bromsgrove

A date for the diary…   Wednesday 17th November at 7:00pm.
Now the nights are drawing in we are starting the world famous (Well in our club anyway) BMFC curry night.
For those who have not partaken…
Shimla Peppers is in Bromsgrove centre.  Parking is on Morrisons car park and is free after 7:00pm.
You then walk through the ally way at the back left of the car park, and follow the buildings to the left and left at the end of the block.
The food is very good, order what you like and we split the bill. Cost  is (was) about  £16 per head with a tip left.   You will not leave hungry!
Bring your own favourite tipple.
If you fancy coming along, just let Richard know.  (We need to give the guys some idea of how many will turn up)

Club night as usual on Wednesday 3rd  November:

We hope to have a tabletop sale at the next club night.  If you have any bits and bobs to sell, why not bring them along.

See you soon “Up the patch” …..

Alan Brown & The Committee 

September 2021 Newsletter

No Newsletter

August 2021 Newsletter

New Members:

We have no less than 5 new members to Welcome this month..
Graham Campbell  ,  Rob Pinches  , Phil Williams  ,  Richard Giles and Tim Walsh.
Be sure to say Hi when you see them up at the patch, and give them the usual Bromsgrove welcome.

An Extra General Meeting is to be held via ZOOM at 8:00pm  on Wednesday 15th September to discuss mowing options:

It is to discuss with you all a couple of options for the long term mowing the strip…

We will need your input to discuss and decide which of the options the membership want to employ.

We hope you can join us on the night. It should not be too long a meeting.

An email with the Zoom meeting link will be sent out with a reminder nearer the time…

All Day Fly Number 2.

What a fantastic days flying.  We were very lucky and dodged all the rain.  Although we did see quite a few heavy showers passing through to the south of us…

A BIG THANKYOU to all those that make the day run so well and keep us so well fed. 
A special mention to Stewart Worrall’s and Keith Ward’s other halves who made cakes for us.

I’m not sure about anyone else but I had a fab days flying and didn’t want very much in the way of tea when I got home!

Don’t forget to go and look at the photographs of the day on the web site… click the link below and head to the gallery.. 


No move Track and Trace after 16th August:

With the end of restrictions on August 16th we will no longer be required to fill in the track and trace details on the WhatsApp group.

Club night as usual on Wednesday 1st  September:

We had a decent number of members turn up at The Bowling Green pub for the August meeting.  (Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, B60 4BH) The beer is great and the food is just as tasty,  Annnnd  we are indoors now.  Come on down and have a pint and a chin wag ..

Happy and Safe Flying.. See you soon “Up the patch”…..

Alan Brown & The Committee

July 2021 Newsletter

New Members:

We say a big hello to Roger Bull and a welcome back to a former member Brian North.  Be sure to give them the usual Bromsgrove Flying Club welcome when you see them at the patch.

BMFC Website:

Richard has been working behind the scenes on creating a new Website to bring it more up to date and appealing when people visit.  There was loads of great content on the old Website, which we didn’t want to lose, so most of it has been copied over, but we will work on reviewing and updating it over time. There is a Gallery area where you can view and save any of the images for your own use.  We plan to replace the Home page photo as we think members had gone off to eat Burgers!!

If you want to add content there is a ‘File/Picture Upload’ area, under ‘Club Information’ where you can add up to 10 files, at a time, but each file needs to be no bigger than 8mb.  So if you have photos, stuff For Sale or any thing else then you can upload it to this area where it will be reviewed and then added to the Website.  It area is restricted so you have to create a Login and Password to be able to do this.

Please have a look at the site and if you have any recommendations for improvements or any errors then please contact one of the Committee who will ensure it’s looked into.  It really does look very good indeed.

It can be accessed from the original url  which now points to the new


CAA Numbers:-

Please be sure to put your new CAA Operator ID on any models you are flying.  Failing to do so means that you are not flying lawfully.  You have all paid your CAA fee haven’t you?

All Day Fly Number 1:

The first all day fly went very well and was very well attended. Lots of pictures have been uploaded onto the new website, so go and have a look. Parking arrangements worked very well, with just a few cars over spilling to park in the flying field.
The pits were full to the brim but everybody had a great time with plenty of flying.

Press Coverage for the Club:

Hugh Revill has been looking at getting us some fantastic press coverage in the local papers. As a result we have had several enquiries regarding membership.  The piece below looks fantastic and very professional.

All Day Fly Number 2.

We are just waiting for the farmer to take the 2nd silage cut so that we can hold the 2nd All Day Fly. This is likely to be on or after Saturday the 17th July.  We will put another e-mail out as soon as we have a date fixed.

Club night on Wednesday 7th July:

If the weather is good on Wednesday evening, come up to The Bowling Green pub for a pint and a chat. The committee had the last meeting at the pub and it was great to actually be able to meet in person and have a chat and a drink.
Lets hope the rain stays away and we can have our first get together in a long long while.

Hope to you on Wednesday (7th July)  evening if the weather allows..

Alan Brown & The Committee

June 2021 Newsletter

No Newsletter

May 2021 Newsletter

All Day Fly Number #1:

As COVID rules are relaxing, we can at last put on a BBQ and all day fly. To ensure that the silage has been taken, and that we miss bank holidays, ..the date is set for 5th June.

We will postpone by 1 week if the weather does not play ball. The usual GO / NO GO decision will be made on the Friday before and an email / text will be sent out.


Field Parking:-

The parking is working very well and we have had some very good turn outs with 20+ cars parked with plenty of room to spare.

Electric Fence:-

As you are probably aware the cows are now out in the parking field and the electric fence is in place.

There are insulated handles for removing / reconnecting the wires.

As soon as the wires are separated the handles and wire are no longer live.

When re-connecting the hooks MUST be attached to the wires , NOT the plastic insulators.

It is a public footpath of course, and as such the public will also have to pass through the fence.

This is perfectly legal, as long as signs are displayed. We should however try and ensure that the fence is put back and working properly if we are around, and when we leave.


The mowing team have got the field into great flying condition. (Well done lads)

We have taken the decision to try and continue doing our own mowing for now, and anyone who fancies a bit of healthy exercise and would like to help, can join the mowing What Sapp group. We do have a couple of mowers, but any additional ones would help speed up the process.

CAA and Operator-ID’s


I would like to remind everyone that to fly “Legally” all members must have and display a CAA Operator ID on all of their flying models. Below is a quote from Andy Symons of the BMFA.

From an insurance perspective, cover can only be fully assured for ‘lawful activities’ and if a member does not comply (if required by law) then they will be operating unlawfully, and their insurance cover could be in question in the event of a claim.  Your code of flying states  ‘It is a club requirement that you are registered with the CAA for DMARES (Drone, Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme).’ In my view any member knowingly operating unlawfully is in breach of your club requirements, setting himself outside the insurance and is committing at the very least misconduct and potentially gross misconduct and something that the club should use its disciplinary procedures to deal with. “

Below is Clause 11 from the Bromsgrove Flying Club Constitution..

All members are expected to co-operate in the smooth running of the Club and to fully comply with the Club Code of Flying. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action by the Club which may lead to dismissal.

PLEASE ensure that you have renewed with the CAA and that you display your CAA Number on your flying aircraft.. Stay legal… We will be checking.

Noise and Flying:

Please ensure that your planes are in good condition, and if they sound noisy, please don’t fly them.

We do not want to hear about noisy planes from our neighbours.

Do not stray too far away. No more than the 3rd hedge, in front of the flight line.

No more Bubbles or Pods!

From May 17th we just need a Who, date and times for the track and trace group. We don’t need your bubble or pod.

The Task Force

The task force is busy following up some hot leads, and we hope to have some news soon..

See you at the ADF.. We are long overdue a burger and fly..

Alan Brown & The Committee

April 2021 Newsletter

No Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter

No Newsletter

February 2021 Newsletter

No Newsletter

January 2021 Newsletter

Happy New Year (and Lockdown)

I’m happy to report that we have started the New Year with about 50 members.  (We may still pick up the odd renewal)
The bad news is that due to the lockdown, and closing of sports clubs, we cannot fly at the patch until further notice. Lets hope that the lockdown does not last too long… 

Article 16 – We all need to sign onto the BMFA and tick that we have read and understood  Article 16…. (see Article 16 below)

A précis of what this means for us is as follows…
1.         For all those who have at least an ‘A’ test before the 1st Jan 2021, you just need to log onto the BMFA website and tick that you have read and understood article 16.
Please read the full Article 16 below and then go to the BMFA website and tick the box.  (Those without internet access please contact Ricardo, who may be able do this for you)

2.         You will also need to renew your CAA membership before 21st February 2021…  If renewing via the BMFA go to My Profile  and click RENEW

3. Anyone taking their ‘A’ or ‘B’ test (or any new qualification) from 01.01.2021 onwards will also have to take the CAA Competency Test.  (The pass mark is 30 correct out of 40 questions) 

Anyone interested, can read up here… 

4. Those already having an ‘A’ test do not need a Flyer ID. These are given when passing the competency test either via the BMFA or direct through the CAA. The flyer ID is free and will last for 5 years, and then need to be re-taken. 

5. Your Operator ID (given to you when you renew with the CAA) costs £9 per annum, and needs to be displayed on every model you fly in a place that does not require tools to be seen.  Inside the battery hatch for example.

CAA Article 16  in full is below….

CAA Article 16 Authorisation

A guide to model aircraft & drone flying after December 31st, 2020 for BMFA members.

Why are the regulations changing?

The UK adopted the EU regulations for model flying in 2019 and these will come into effect on December 31st, 2020.  This is the same day that we exit from the EU, but regulations in place at the point of departure will be transferred directly into UK law.

Some requirements of the EU regulations were already in place (such as a height limits, Operator Registration and Competency requirements) following changes to the Air Navigation Order set out in 2018, but the EU regulations introduce further changes.  Full details of the regulations for the operation of unmanned aircraft (which includes model aircraft) can be found in CAP 722.

Given the excellent safety record established by model flyers throughout Europe, the EU agreed that model flying conducted within the framework of Associations like the BMFA should be subject to more flexible regulation to allow us to continue largely ‘as we do today’.  The mechanism to facilitate this is referred to as an ‘Article 16 Authorisation’ (within the ‘Specific Category’) and this document provides a guide to how the Authorisation we have negotiated with the CAA applies to our members with effect from December 31st, 2020.

The new regulations allow for alternative sets of rules to be applied to unmanned aircraft. The ‘Open Category’ rules set out in CAP722 can be used by anyone in the UK, regardless of whether they are members of any club or association and, amongst other things, include a ban on flying above 400ft. The Open Category requirements will not apply to BMFA members flying in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Article 16 Authorisation.

Model aircraft below 250g which are operated in accordance with our Authorisation are subject to the terms and conditions of the Authorisation.  However, in most circumstances they may also be operated within the Open Category instead and so be flown in accordance with the basic requirements outlined in CAP 722 for an aircraft of less than 250g without a camera (i.e. no registration, competency or age requirements but operation limited to less than 400ft).

This guide explains the meaning of the Article 16 authorisation that the CAA has granted to the BMFA.

Section A – General Conditions of our Article 16 Authorisation

1. What type of unmanned aircraft operations does our Authorisation apply to:

Our Authorisation covers all existing activities including radio-controlled aircraft of all types (including helicopters and multirotor drones), free flight aircraft and physically constrained aircraft (control line and round the pole) up to a Maximum Take Off Mass (MTOM)** of 25Kg.

Aircraft with an MTOM of more than 25Kg will be subject to a separate Authorisation to be held by the Large Model Association (which will replace their over 20Kg scheme).

Aircraft with an MTOM of less than 250g operated in a manner that uses the privileges within this authorisation (for example, flown above 400ft), are subject to the limitations and conditions described throughout this authorisation.  However, in many circumstances they may be easily operated within the Open Category requirements (for an unmanned aircraft with a MTOM less than 250g) as the requirements are not particularly restrictive for these very light aircraft.

The Authorisation does not apply to rockets (which were not included within the EU regulations) and it does not apply to any indoor operations either, as none of the rules apply to unmanned aircraft flown inside buildings.

** Note:  For all practical purposes the Maximum Take Off Mass or MTOM is the weight of your aircraft when it first becomes airborne on each flight. The MTOM now includes everything, including fuel, which is why the 7kg has gone up to 7.5kg and 20kg to 25kg.

1.1. You must operate your aircraft within visual line of sight.
The Authorisation retains the long standing requirement for the remote pilot to maintain direct, unaided visual contact with their aircraft sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions, unless the aircraft is being flown in accordance with the specific conditions detailed in the ‘First Person View’ section.

1.2. The purpose of the flight must be Sport, Recreation, Education or Demonstration.
The terms of our Authorisation do not cover any type of commercial operation.

2. Minimum Age
The introduction of Operator Registration imposed a minimum age of 18 on Operators and this does not change.  Lower age limits apply to ‘Remote Pilots’ to allow flying by pilots under 18. When models are flown by adults the Operator and Remote Pilot are usually the same person, and this is recognised in the Authorisation.

The minimum age for a remote pilot to fly unsupervised within the full terms of our Authorisation is 10.  There is no minimum age for a remote pilot operating under the direct supervision of another remote pilot (age 14 or over) provided both have the required evidence of competency. In addition, there must be an adult Operator (when an Operator is mandatory) who complies with the requirements described in section 4.2 below.

There is no minimum age for flying control line or round the pole aircraft.

3. Safety Accountability
It remains the case that the remote pilot is directly responsible for the safe operation of their aircraft and should only fly if reasonably satisfied that the flight can be safely made

4. Operator Requirements

4.1 Operator Registration
The existing requirements for Operator registration remain in place (although now extend to capture operators of control line/round-the-pole aircraft weighing more than 1Kg). It is a legal requirement that anyone operating an unmanned aircraft outdoors be registered as an Operator with the CAA unless:

  • the aircraft weighs 250g or less and is not fitted with a camera; or
  • the aircraft is a control line or round-the-pole (tethered) aircraft that weighs 1Kg or less; or
  • the aircraft is a ‘toy’ as defined in the EU Regulations (i.e. a product intended to be played with by children under 14, excluding any product with a combustion engine).

There is no requirement to register as an Operator if you only operate model aircraft indoors.

The BMFA has retained the facility for members to obtain their CAA Operator registration via the BMFA GoMembership system.

The Operator I.D. number must be clearly displayed on the aircraft or within a compartment that can be easily accessed without the use of a tool.

4.2 Operator Responsibilities
Our Authorisation includes a requirement for Operators to comply with the following requirements (largely common sense):

  • Ensure the remote pilot is in possession of the relevant remote pilot competence requirements
  • Ensure that the model aircraft is sufficiently maintained, and that any repairs carried out to it are satisfactorily made, such that it is in a safe condition to be flown;
  • Ensure that the remote pilot is aware of the limitations and conditions of this authorisation;
  • Ensure that the remote pilot is aware of the rules and procedures of their relevant association;
  • Ensure that any necessary additional permissions or authorisations are obtained for any specific flight;
  • Ensure the remote pilot is aware of any relevant airspace limitations;

The CAA acknowledges that in many instances, the operator and the remote pilot will be the same person. In such cases, this person must discharge the responsibilities of both the remote pilot (see Section 6), and the UAS Operator.

5. Remote Pilot Requirements

5.1 Remote Pilot Competence
The existing requirements for Remote Pilot Competence remain in place.  It is a legal requirement to have evidence that you are competent to operate your aircraft for anyone who is operating in accordance with our Authorisation except for those who:

  • only operate aircraft (without a camera) with an MTOM of less than 250g,
  • only operate indoors or only operate a control line or round the pole aircraft; (but operators of control line and round the pole aircraft with an MTOM exceeding 1Kg must now register as Operators).

Acceptable evidence of competency can be achieved by passing one of the CAA recognised online tests (such as the CAA DMARES test or the BMFA Registration Competency Certificate)**.

Members with an existing BMFA Achievement obtained prior to 31/12/2020 (including the BMFA Registration Competency Certificate) will be considered to have acceptable evidence of competency.

From 1st January 2021, it will be a requirement for anyone taking a new BMFA Achievement to show proof of either a valid BMFA Registration Competency Certificate (RCC)  or a valid CAA Flyer ID. Any candidate who shows proof of a valid RCC obtained after 31/12/2020 will be exempt from answering the mandatory questions during the test.

An additional requirement is that members will have to confirm that they have read and understood the terms of our Authorisation if they wish to operate within it and this will be built into the GoMembership system.

5.2 Remote Pilot Responsibilities
It is a condition of our Authorisation that Remote Pilots comply with the following requirements (largely common sense):

  • Be fit to fly. Don’t fly under the influence of psychoactive substances or alcohol or when unfit to fly (e.g. due to injury, fatigue, medication, sickness or other causes)
  • Have the appropriate competency (and evidence of it such as your membership card/document).
  • Be familiar with manufacturer’s instructions for your aircraft, if applicable.

Before flying, it is a requirement to:

  • Make sure there are no relevant airspace restrictions in place where you intend to fly.
  • Ensure that the operating environment is compatible with the limitations and conditions set out within this Authorisation.
  • Ensure that your aircraft is in a safe condition to complete the flight safely.
  • Ensure that any relevant information about the operation has been made available to the relevant air traffic service (ATS) unit, other airspace users and relevant stakeholders, when required.

During the flight, it is a requirement that you:

  • Comply with the limitations and conditions set out within this authorisation;
  • Avoid any risk of collision with any manned aircraft and discontinue a flight when it may endanger other aircraft, people, animals, environment or property;
  • Comply with any applicable airspace restrictions;
  • Comply with the rules and procedures of your Association and/or Club;
  • Do not fly close to or inside areas where an emergency response effort is ongoing unless you have permission to do so from the responsible emergency response services.

** Note. The BMFA Registration Competency Certificate test will ask you questions relevant to the terms and conditions of the BMFA model flying Authorisation. In contrast the CAA DMARES test will ask you questions about the general rules in CAP 722 that do not apply when flying in accordance with the Authorisation. Whilst passing either test is legally acceptable, it is recommended that members intending to use the Authorisation take the BMFA test, which is directly relevant to their flying activities.

6. Where can I fly?
Essentially, wherever you fly now.

The Authorisation is valid throughout the UK at:

  • Any established model flying club site. Clubs operating in a ‘built up area’ (This means an area substantially used for industrial, recreational, commercial or residential purposes) must conduct a risk assessment and have suitable mitigations in place within their ‘Field Safety Rules’.  The BMFA can assist with this.
  • Any other suitable site which is not a ‘built-up area’.
  • Within a ‘built up area’ if the flying site is within an area which is only used substantially for recreational purposes (for example playing fields or sports pitches) and a risk assessment has been carried out. Again, the BMFA can assist with this.

7. How high can I fly?
The new regulations limit the operation of all unmanned aircraft to 400ft above the surface.  However, our Authorisation permits members to fly above 400ft, subject to:

  • The model aircraft is not a multi-rotor.
  • The model aircraft is not automated. (This means a model aircraft with autonomous or automatic flight capability. This does not include systems which are fitted for flight stabilisation purposes or flight termination purposes, such as free-flight termination devices).
  • The model aircraft in not operating with the Flight Restriction Zone of an aerodrome, other than with the written permission/agreement with the aerodrome.
  • The model aircraft remains within visual line of sight of the remote pilot.
  • The model aircraft has a MTOM below 7.5Kg.
  • Model gliders with a MTOM below 14Kg may be flown at a height of 400ft above the remote pilot (which if flying from a slope permits operation at heights exceeding 400ft from the surface beneath the glider).

When operating at heights which may exceed 400ft, it is essential that members maintain a good look out for manned aircraft.  If a manned aircraft appears in the vicinity, their model aircraft should be brought down to under 400ft as quickly as is safely practicable.

8. Separation Distances from uninvolved persons
The stipulation of separation distances from uninvolved persons is a new requirement (the default distance within the EU regulations for most of our operations being 50m), but we have reached a compromise agreement with the CAA to ensure that the terms of our Authorisation are appropriate for our established operations.

There are no minimum separation distances for model aircraft with an MTOM under 250g.

8.1 Model Aircraft with an MTOM between 250g and 7.5Kg
Our Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft (other than free flight aircraft) between 250g and 7.5Kg cannot be operated:

  • Within a horizontal distance of 30m of assemblies of people. (Assemblies of people are gatherings where persons are unable to move away due to the density of the people present).
  • Within 30m of any uninvolved person. (Uninvolved Persons are those who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator). This distance may be reduced to 15m for take-off and landing subject to adequate local mitigations to protect uninvolved persons and the completion of a risk assessment.

8.2 Model Aircraft with an MTOM between 7.5Kg and 25Kg
Our Authorisation stipulates that model aircraft with an MTOM between 7.5Kg and 25Kg cannot be operated:

  • Within a horizontal distance of 50m of assemblies of people. (Assemblies of people are gatherings where persons are unable to move away due to the density of the people present). This distance may be reduced to 30m for take-off and landing subject to adequate local mitigations to protect uninvolved persons and completion of a risk assessment.
  • Within 30m of any uninvolved person. (Uninvolved Persons are those who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator).

9. Dropping of Articles
The new regulations prohibit the dropping of any materials from a model aircraft, but our Authorisation exempts us from this requirement subject to the following condition – The remote pilot must not cause or permit any article or animal to be dropped from an unmanned aircraft so as to endanger persons or property.

10. Provisions for ‘trial flights’
Our Authorisation permits the continuance of ‘trial flights’ for non-members.

The non-member may operate the controls of the model aircraft and does not need to comply with the competency requirements whilst under the direct supervision of a member.

The member supervising the flight must be registered as an Operator and display their Operator I.D. on the aircraft.

11. Provisions for Overseas Visitors/Competitors
Overseas visitors/competitors are permitted to operate within the terms of our Authorisation provided that they hold a temporary membership of the BMFA and agree to comply with the terms of the Authorisation (including the remote pilot competency requirements).

Overseas visitors/competitors must also carry the Operator I.D. number of a UK ‘Host’ on their aircraft.

12. Provisions for Model Flying Displays
Our Authorisation permits any operator/remote pilot to operate a model aircraft as part of a flying display within the terms set out in the Authorisation plus CAP 403 and CAP 658.

If the flying display height will exceed 400ft, it must be notified to other airspace users through the use of a NOTAM.

If the flying display requires operations which fall outside of our Authorisation (such as a requirement to operate aircraft with a MTOM exceeding 7.5Kg above 400ft), then a separate Authorisation and a specific Model Aircraft Display Authorisation must be obtained directly from the CAA.

13. Reporting Requirements
Our Authorisation includes the requirement to report certain accidents, serious incidents and other occurrences.  This is an existing requirement and is referred to in the current BMFA Members Handbook (Section 21) and CAP 658 (Chapter 13).  However, the CAA are wanting to reinforce the requirements (full details can be found in CAP 722).

Therefore, it is a condition of our Authorisation that correct reporting to the AAIB and the CAA must be carried out. For further details see

13.1 AAIB Reporting Requirements
The following must be reported to the AAIB if they involve a model aircraft and result in a fatality or serious injury:

  • Accidents
  • Serious Incidents

This requirement differs from the requirements outlined in CAP 722 but reflect the current agreement in place between the model flying community and the AAIB.

13.2 CAA Reporting Requirements
The following must be reported to the CAA:

  • Occurrences which involve any of the following:
    • Fatality
    • Serious Injury
    • Manned aircraft

The following must be reported to the CAA, as a specific condition of this authorisation:

  • Serious Incidents or Other Occurrences which involve any of the following:
    • Manned aircraft
    • Operating above 400ft
    • Operating less than 50m from uninvolved people
  • Instances where aircraft have flown beyond visual line of site.

Section B – Aircraft Specific Conditions of our Article 16 Authorisation

Our Article 16 Authorisation includes some provisions for specific types of model flying operations.  Some of these directly replace existing permissions/exemptions, such as the operation of control line aircraft within a Flight Restriction Zone and the operation of First Person View aircraft.

1. Physically Constrained unmanned aircraft
Our Authorisation defines a physically constrained aircraft as a model aircraft that:

  • is flying within a closed building or other physical construction forming a safely enclosed area; or
  • is a control-line model aircraft; or
  • is a round-the-pole aircraft.

1.1. Operation with an aerodrome Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ)
Permission is not required to operate a control line/round the pole model aircraft within an FRZ, provided that:

  • The length of the tether line is less than 25m
  • The flight does not take place within the Runway Protection Zone
  • The MTOM is less than 7.5Kg
  • The flight does not take place over or within the boundary of the protected aerodrome, unless permission has been obtained (in accordance with Article 94A of the ANO).

1.2.  Exemption of some control line and round-the-pole model aircraft from the EU regulations.
Control line/round the pole model aircraft are exempted from all of the requirements of the EU regulations including Operator Registration and Remote Pilot Competency, provided that:

  • The length of the tether line(s) does not exceed 25m
  • The MTOM is less than 1Kg
  • The aircraft is not capable of vertical take-off/landing or hovering (such as helicopters or multi rotors).

In addition, our Authorisation exempts Remote Pilots of control line/round the pole aircraft from the competency requirements altogether (even if the MTOM exceeds 1Kg) though they will be still be required to register as an Operator.

2. Free Flight Model Aircraft
Our Authorisation defines a free flight model aircraft as follows:

A free flight model aircraft cannot be remotely piloted and does not have software or systems for autonomous control of the flight path. A flight termination device may be fitted. The aircraft trim is adjusted prior to flight. The aircraft is trimmed (and fuelled if applicable) with the intent that it will follow a substantially circular path relative to the air and ultimately glide to a low velocity landing. A free-flight unmanned aircraft will drift relative to the user depending upon the speed and direction of the wind. The person in charge of the free-flight unmanned aircraft is deemed to be the remote pilot for the purposes of this authorisation.

Some specific requirements for free flight have been included within our Authorisation.  Most of these requirements are not new and generally reflect the requirements of the existing law (and how it should have been being applied already):

  • Prior to launching their aircraft, the remote pilot should take into account the expected performance of the aircraft, the weather conditions and the availability of any flight termination device and must be reasonably satisfied that the expected flight path will not infringe an FRZ (unless prior permission has been obtained) or other airspace restriction.
  • The operation of a free flight model aircraft must only be carried out within the limits of our Authorisation (or alternatively within the requirements of the Open Category, especially for those aircraft with an MTOM of less than 250g).
  • A free flight model should not be deliberately flown beyond visual line of sight.

A free flight model aircraft must only be launched:

  • From an area free from uninvolved persons (Uninvolved persons are those who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator).
  • When the remote pilot has identified an area (the ‘flight volume’) within which they believe the aircraft will remain.
  • When the remote pilot is reasonably satisfied that the aircraft will remain within the flight volume.
  • When the remote pilot is reasonably satisfied at the point of launch that no uninvolved persons will enter the flight volume and be endangered.

Within the terms of out Authorisation, the Operator/Remote Pilot of any free flight aircraft with an MTOM of less than 250g which is likely to operate at a height above 400ft, must be registered as an Operator and have evidence of Competency (such as passing the BMFA online test).

3. First Person View (FPV) Model Aircraft
Our Authorisation defines first person view aircraft as follows: In First Person View operations the remote pilot flies the aircraft using images provided by cameras aboard the aircraft. When flying FPV the remote pilot cannot monitor the flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions to the same extent as a remote pilot maintaining external direct, unaided visual contact with the aircraft.

Our Authorisation incorporates the terms of our existing FPV exemption, but also includes specific provision for FPV ‘drone racing’ which the BMFA had been discussing with the CAA for some time.

3.1 FPV Drone Racing
A model aircraft may be flown by a remote pilot using first person view subject to the terms of our Authorisation and provided that the aircraft is operated:

  • Within a sterile area – meaning a cordoned off, closed area that uninvolved persons are excluded from. (Uninvolved persons are those who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator).
  • The aircraft is not flown in excess of 160ft (50m) above the surface.
  • In accordance with procedures set out for the purpose of the event and in accordance with the instructions of the race director or other nominated person, including provision of a ‘terminate race and land immediately instruction.
  • Any observers are suitably briefed and aware of their responsibilities, including the monitoring of people or aircraft entering the sterile area.

Individual remote pilots do not require their own ‘competent’ observer when operating under this provision.

3.2 General FPV Flying

A model aircraft may be flown by a remote pilot using first person view subject to the terms of our Authorisation and provided that:

  • The remote pilot is accompanied by a competent observer who maintains direct unaided visual contact with the unmanned aircraft sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions and advises the remote pilot accordingly.
  • The MTOM of the aircraft does not exceed 3.5Kg.
  • The aircraft is only operated in the areas defined in the ‘Where can I fly’ section (6) above.
  • The aircraft is only operated in accordance with the ‘Separation Distances from Uninvolved Persons’ section (8) above. (Uninvolved persons are those who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator).

And the aircraft is not flown:

  • Within an aerodrome FRZ, unless appropriate permission has been obtained.
  • At a height of more than 1000ft above the surface, unless it is a rotorcraft with more than 1 lift generating rotor or propeller in which case the height shall not exceed 400ft above the surface.
  • Over or within 150m of any assemblies of people (Assemblies of people are gatherings where persons are unable to move away due to the density of the people present).
  • Within 50m of any vessel, vehicle or structure which is not under the control of the remote pilot.

Phew…  Thats a lot of reading, but we need to understand the law …

Stay safe and well people…. See you all on the other side.

Alan Brown & The Committee