- 2020
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December 2020 Newsletter
Don’t forget to pay before Dec 31st to get your discount…
NB We are not renewing the CAA payments for each member this year. As the payments do not run from January to December for all members, so it would get very messy.
Fees for the new year
We have heard from the BMFA, and there will be no increase in BMFA fees for next year.
BMFA fees are unchanged. Full Member £38.00
Junior Member £17.00
Family Partner £23.00
Family Junior £13.00
Bromsgrove Flying Club fees
Here at BMFC we are also not increasing renewal fees for next year, and for those renewing on or before Dec 31st 2020 the fees will be reduced to £45.
New Members £60 + one off £25 joining fee (Total £85)
Existing Members (after 31.12.2020) £60
Existing Members (BEFORE 31.12.2020) £45
EG. Existing Snr members rejoining BMFC and BMFA before 31.12.2020 £83.00
Can you please pay fees by bank transfer, if at all possible. (Contact free!)
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name
If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at
Or (if you must) hand delivered or through the post, sent to:
Hugh Revill ,
14 Green Bower Drive,
B61 0UN
AGM Highlights
The trophies this year were awarded to… (Very well done chaps..)
Ray Harris Memorial Trophy – Building Excellence – Sir Bob Norton
Clubman Trophy – For outstanding contribution to the club – Richard Wood
Most Improved Flyer Award – William (Knife Edge Kid) Picken
The Chairman’s Trophy – Bill Cartwright
The BMFA also awarded David Holyoake a RC Achievement Certificate of Merit
Well done David, very well deserved, and you did the club proud.
You can see Davids Presentation on youtube here.. (skip to 35 mins in for Davids bit)
The BMFA recommended changes to the clubs constitution were voted through.
“A” Passes this year
Very well done to Mark Ford (AKA Rudy), Doug Hedley, David Harvey and Will “The Knife-edge Kid” Picken for passing their ‘A’ Tests this year despite the challenges.
The 2021 Committee
The Committee were willing to re-stand en-bloc, and were proposed by Elliot Hurst and seconded by Steve Hill
Elliot Hurst was proposed as a co-opted committee member by Stewart and seconded by Alan Brown.
Many thanks to the committee for the work they have all put in over the past 12 months with the admin and work that allows us to get on with our flying.
We are looking for a different winter field. We have a possible site which is close to the motorway, so hopefully noise would not be a problem.
we did take a straw poll on the night, and the overwhelming feeling was that we need 2 sites, and that any increase in club fees would be acceptable.
We will keep you all posted of any developments.
We would add that should we get two fields, we would like to fly as a whole club and not effectively split the club in two.
No Christmas Meal
Obviously there will not be any Christmas Meal in January. Lets hope that things start to improve next year and we can have the BBQ’s, Meals and Curry Nights.
Stay safe and well people…. Lets hope that lock down does not affect us too much…
Alan Brown & The Committee
November 2020 Newsletter
Sorry it’s a long newsletter this month, but from recent chats I understand that sometimes the detail is missing from what the committee do, and more information would be nice.
So we will try to give a bit more detail with what we are doing or trying to achieve for us all…
No flying at the Club during lockdown
Unfortunately (as with all clubs) there will be no flying at the club during lock down. We will get back to flying as soon as we are allowed… watch this space..
If you fancy giving the local park a try, please check your local by-laws and see the links to exemption certificates further down the newsletter, you may well need them.
The following was received from Andy Symons, BMFA Club Support Officer…
CC To:- Affiliated Club Chairmen and Secretaries only
Further to our earlier communication, the legislation related to the current lockdown passed in to law on Wednesday 4th November. The regulations are very clear and unambiguous about what venues must close and they include all outdoor recreation and leisure amenities. Model flying clubs are sports clubs and therefore their club flying sites are outdoor sports amenities and must close if they are to comply with the regulation.
Model flying itself has not been prohibited during the lockdown period and as an outdoor recreation may possibly continue in public open spaces dependent on any local restrictions. BMFA insurance remains valid as long as you are operating lawfully. However, legislation limits outdoor gatherings to no more than 2 (unless from the same household) and the BMFA advises that members do not fly alone for safety reasons.
Regardless of the legal position, if the landowner perceives that a club or individual is carrying on flying against regulations during the lockdown it could put permission for model flying on the site at risk. You should also consider the perception from the general public if they also see you carrying on during lockdown.
Therefore, whilst it may still be possible for one or two individuals to fly at a club site on a public open space without being in breach of the regulations, we strongly recommend that members refrain from doing so for the duration of the lockdown.
Is it really worth the risk of permanently losing your flying site?
Kind Regards Andy Symons
Winter Parking
We know that the winter parking situation has come to a head recently.
The state of the slabs and the track in the immediate vicinity of the poo pile is not great. Kevin and myself have asked to have a chat with Tony and Graham to see what is / is not possible to be done about this. Tony is however due to have an operation, so it may not be right away, but hopefully soon.
Some of the things we want to put to them are as follows…
- Is there likely to be any more added to the pile?(we know that the local roads have been closed by the police, and the alternative storage field has not been available in the last few weeks)At least we will know if any work done to clear the track will not be wasted.
- Is it possible to scrape the top of the track for us?We have asked before but we are unsure if Tony thought we meant the whole track or not. We will clarify.
- Is it possible to move the pile away from the slabs?This will mean destroying more grass in the short to medium term, and we think that the pile needs access from all sides, but worth asking..
- Can we add more hardcore to each side of the track and where the slabs are?This will effectively widen the track and stop the need for the tractors to turn and move / cover our slabs etc.(we are not sure if Tony owns the land or is a tenant farmer, but will ask)
- In addition, could we build up the area just before the first slabs with hardcore, to allow us to put more slabs down?Again, it may depend if it is his land.
- If we cannot raise the area with hardcore, can we skim the top off the “hump” to give us a fighting chance of putting more usable slabs down. (Or could Tony/Graham skim the hump off?)
Events Co-ordinator…
As mentioned last month, Dave Gunster has stepped down from the committee and we have a vacancy for Events Officer. If anyone would like to put themselves forward for this position, please let myself or a member of the committee know. (It will possibly not be too onerous for at least the first part of next year!)
Fees for next year..
With the COVID restrictions this year, we have not spent quite as much as we normally do. We are not out to make a profit, so…
We can afford a “one time only” reduction in fees for anyone renewing their club membership for 2021 before 31st December 2020. Instead of £60 for 2021, it will be £45 for 2021. (Assuming we have a more ‘Normal’ year next year, the club fees will return to £60 for 2022)
Sorry, but this is not open for new members, or late rejoiners just those members renewing before 31st December 2020.
We do not currently have the BMFA or CAA fee details, as these will be decided at the BMFA AGM later this month. We will be able to let you know as soon as we do…
Can you all arrange to pay fees by bank transfer if at all possible. (Contact free!)
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name
If you could also e-mail Hugh to let him know you have paid, at
Or (if you must) hand delivered or through the post, sent to:
Hugh Revill ,
14 Green Bower Drive,
B61 0UN
Exemption Certificates
The link above will take you to a list of exemption certificates. It would be wise to download them and keep them on you when flying.
BMFA Members permission to fly above 400ft ***Updated 06/07/2020 ***
Small Unmanned Aircraft – First Person View (FPV) Flying for BMFA Members ***Updated 06/07/2020***
AGM on 2nd December 2020
We will be holding a Zoom meeting for the AGM on 2nd December. (The Nailers Arms in January cannot take place)
As part of the proceedings we will need to accept some small changes to the constitution as suggested by the BMFA. These are set out below…
BMFC Constitution amendments:
Current wording of section 8
The Committee will determine the membership subscription for the forthcoming year by the end of November and inform the membership before the December Club night. Subscriptions are due by 31st December each year. Any member, who has not paid the subscriptions for the ensuing year by this date, in whole or in part, will be deemed to have left the Club. Their place will be allocated to prospective members on the Club waiting list and their name will be added to the bottom of the list, should they wish to rejoin.
Proposed wording of section 8
The Committee will determine the membership subscription for the forthcoming year and inform the membership before the December AGM for their approval. Subscriptions are due by 31st December each year. Any member, who has not paid the subscriptions for the ensuing year by this date, in whole or in part, will be deemed to have left the Club. Their place will be allocated to prospective members on the Club waiting list and their name will be added to the bottom of the list, should they wish to rejoin.
Current wording of section 10
All flying members must be affiliated to the BMFA, whereas non flying members are not required to be members of BMFA. Affiliation to the BMFA through the Club will be offered to any new or existing member. Affiliation via another club or Country Membership of the BMFA will be confirmed before membership starts or is renewed.
Proposed wording of section 10
All flying members must be affiliated to the BMFA, whereas non flying members are not required to be members of BMFA, as long as they are not involved in any organisational duties. Affiliation to the BMFA through the Club will be offered to any new or existing member. Affiliation via another club or Country Membership of the BMFA will be confirmed before membership starts or is renewed.
Current wording of section 15
Additions and amendments to the Club Code of Flying will be proposed and implemented by the Committee. The Club Code of Flying will be considered binding at all times, excepting where urgent action is required.
Proposed wording of section 15
15a. Additions and amendments to the Club Code of Flying can only be made by proposals at a General Meeting.
15b. Club Code of Flying and Constitution will be reviewed annually, and will be considered binding for 12 months, excepting where urgent action is required. This action must then be ratified by the members at the next general meeting.
An email with the Zoom meeting link and the voting form for the two trophies will be sent out before the meeting on Dec 2nd.
You can reply to the email with your votes before the meeting of course..
With the likelihood of so many people on the meeting , we will ask you to mute your microphones while others are speaking, so that they may be heard. (the sound of a TV or dogs barking etc can drown out those trying to speak)
There will be an opportunity to ask questions, raise points etc, and if you wish to say something you can “raise your hand” in the meeting and an icon will display.
You will then get a chance to speak and be heard.
It will just save a “free for all” where no-one gets heard properly.
That’s it for this month…
Stay safe and well people…. and we hope to soon be flying again.
Alan Brown & The Committee
October 2020 Newsletter
ADF Washed out
Due to the weather, we have decided that the last ADF is cancelled. So its just hope for good weather and turn up and fly.
WEB Site is back up…
A bit of good news. Kevin has been working hard, and he has now got the web site up and running again and on a shiny new BMFA server too. Very well done Nora.
Parking and Poo….
The farmer has spread Muck Mountain this week. (Legally has to do any spreading by the end of October)
The patch is clear but the gateway is quite muddy at the moment, but may dry up if the dry weather stays with us.
If the gateway is not too bad, you are OK to park in the field but DO use your discretion.
Once the gate gets too muddy we will put the “No Cars In Field” sign out. From then on, its parking on the slabs only please.
Keep us up to date with conditions with an informative picture or video. (Please keep it respectful)
No room at the Inn
Its very unlikely that we will be able to have our usual Christmas Meal, so this year, we will combine the AGM and the voting for the awards into a single zoom meeting on the first Wednesday in December.
Dave Gunster is stepping down this year. Many thanks for your hard work this year Otto.
The rest of the committee are prepared to stand next year, but of course, all positions are up for grabs.
If you want to stand for any of the positions, please let me know at least 4 weeks before the AGM.
Small Changes to the constitution
We will all need to accept a few of small changes to the constitution suggested by the BMFA.
Could last years trophy winners please bring them back.. (You can leave them with a member of the committee at the patch)
Ray Harris Trophy – Sir Bob Norton
Clubman Trophy – Mr Richard Wood (JP)
Chairmans Trophy – Mr Dave Povey (Mr Povey Snr)
The AGM will be held in the first Wednesday of December.. Details will follow later….
That’s it for this month…
Don’t forget to fill in your track and trace when you go up to the patch…
The weekend if looking OK, so hope to see you at the patch.
Stay safe and well people…. Happy Flying..
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2020 Newsletter
A Test Pass….
A very well done to Doug Hedley who passed his ‘A’ test. You can now retire the washing up bowl and get a proper flight box Doug!
Sir Bob, was ready with the wipes for a quick rub down after the handshake..
End of the Booking System…
As government rules regarding Covid have been relaxed, we have dropped the requirement for booking flying slots on Sundays. (or any other day of course)
It also means that you can now use the WatsApp groups to communicate and avoid lone flying.
You should still respect the 2m distancing and sanitisation rules etc.
Bulk Fuel Order
I beleive that Richard has picked up the fuel order from Chris Jenvey. Hopefully all have paid Chris for it too. Having seen the prices , its always a good deal cheaper than the RRP!
Virtual Club Night
Richard has set up a virtual Zoom meeting for Wednesday night at 8.00pm. Just click the link below…..
We will be discussing the possibility of an All Day Fly and if / how we could do it.
Do we have food? Do we bring our own? Can we safely have a BBQ?
Topic: BMFC club meeting
Time: Jul 1, 2020 08:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Stay safe and well people…. Happy Flying.. See you on Wednesday if you can make it..
Alan Brown & The Committee
August 2020 Newsletter
No Newsletter
July 2020 Newsletter
Lets not create any Divisions
There have recently been some very heated debates on the WhatsApp groups and I have personally had a good number of complaints from BMFC members.
You will all understand that politics, capital punishment, race etc can be very emotive subjects.
We are a flying club affiliated to the BMFA, and as such we cannot be seen to be a political, religious or racist group and cannot condone any personal attacks on members.
With this in mind, the committee have taken the decisions to dis-associate the club from the ‘Off Topic Chat’ group.
We have been a club for many years and pride ourselves on being clique free with a fantastically helpful membership and have indeed had many positive comments from those who have visited us over the years.
All we are asking is that we respect one another and our differing views. When posting on the BMFC Flyers Whatsapp group or flying at the patch, you put politics, race and personal jibes to one side and get on with one another and get on with the flying.
The BMFC Flyers group will remain the official BMFC WhatsApp group, and we ask that it is just used for flying related posts and all politics etc are left to one side.
If we do see or hear any controversial discussions taking place at the patch or on the BMFC Flyers Whatsapp group, you will politely be asked to stop or to take your discussions elsewhere.
We have a great club, with great members, lets not create any divisions.
Thank you, Alan Brown on behalf of The Committee
Another A Test Pass….
A very well done to David Harvey who despite a brisk wind and a wayward undercarriage passed his “A” test. Very well done David, and now you have also managed to retire, you can get some serious flying in.
Unfortunately we were all that busy clapping and congratulating him we forgot to get any pictures. (But we will when your certificate arrives David!)
Practice on other manoeuvrers or “B” test!
Don’t forget that you can always ask about other manoeuvrer and “B” test practice. We are more than happy to help if you want to practice something new, just ask.
The BMFA have some excellent videos on YouTube.. Just search for BMFA
September All Day Fly
Being as nothing much has changed on the covid side of things, we are opting for another ‘self catering’ ADF on Saturday 19th September.
We will not be doing a BBQ or gazebo etc, so its a case of bring some sarnies, a drink, a seat and a brolly… and of course, lots to fly.
The usual “Go” or “No Go” will be called on Friday 18th, dependant on the weather.
Safety First
Don’t forget that electric planes can spring into life with no warning, so please make sure you restrain them properly.
With IC planes, do not reach over the prop. Its better to take the glow starter off from behind the prop.
Remember to call “Landing” loudly when doing so.
If you know someone is collecting a model from the patch, wait for them to shout “Clear” before landing. (Or get someone to tell you if they are clear)
With more people flying larger planes and more petrol engines, be careful not to stand in front of a spinning prop. When they fly off, they do so VERY quickly and go quite a way.
Web Site is Down at the Moment
We are aware that the web site is down and we (well Kevin) is working on getting it up and running again.
For Sale
I have been contacted by Mr Tony Daniels who has a Aeromaster biplane for sale. He is asking for £100 (or nearest offer), but would like to see it fly as he is more of a builder than a flyer. It could be set up for electric or glow motor.
Dear Alan,
I have recently completed my 4ft wingspan Aeromaster biplane complete with all servos, working ailerons, rudder and elevators.
It just needs a motor/prop, ESC, receiver and battery. However, this is beyond my experience as a modeller and I would like to sell it to an existing flyer for a very reasonable amount. Lots of photos for anyone who is interested but just one attached.
Kind regards Tony Daniels
Thats it for this month.
See you ‘Up the Patch’ , Happy Flying and Safe Landings,
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2020 Newsletter
A Test Pass….
A very well done to Mark Ford (AKA Rudy) who passed his ‘A’ with some splendid flying in a bit of a cross wind. He has since built and flown another aircraft, so seems to be doing very well indeed. Well done Rudy, keep it up. (71 minutes or more seems to be the benchmark for that!)
Virtual June Club Night…
We still cannot meet at the pub, so Richard has arranged another ‘virtual’ get together via ZOOM.. Wednesday 3 June at 8pm….(all you need is a PC, Tablet or smart-phone, you will need to download the Zoom app on tablet or smart-phone)
So pour yourself a drink, and maybe show us what you have built over the last few weeks and log on for a chat.
Again If you have any questions or want any advice on a build you are doing then there will be plenty of people to ask.
We have a single 40 minute session booked, and details are below….
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 753 6132 6686
Password: b7251
Covid precautions
We have all lived with the Covid restrictions for quite a few weeks now and the committee have decided to place more responsibility/trust with individual members.
We have relaxed the ‘don’t touch other people’s kit’ rule. As long as you follow guidelines regarding sanitising hands before and after it will be very low risk.
The lock on the bottom gate is OK to be fastened to the pedestrian gate if there are a few of you flying, but please ensure it is always set to all zeros.
Booking System
The booking system has worked very well, and at no time was anyone turned away. As such as from Monday 1st June, we will drop the need to book a flying session except for Sundays.. You will still need to book for Sunday flying as these may still be quite busy.
We still need to try to keep to approximately 10 people flying at any one time so we are asking members NOT to discuss if they are going flying on whatsapp. (There are still no mass meetings allowed at the moment)
If you turn up and there are already 10 people then we will trust members to sort out what happens. If someone has been flying for some time, then maybe they should think of leaving. If all have just arrived then an extra person is not the end of the world, but it will be difficult to maintain social distancing if 20 people turn up. Please be sensible.
Bulk Fuel Order
Don’t forget if you need to buy fuel this year, Chris Jenvy has offered to put together a bulk fuel order. There are some very good savings to be had, so get some in!
Hope to see those that can make it, on Wednesday night (3rd June) at 8.00pm for the virtual get together..
Don’t forget to have your beverage ready….
Stay safe and well people….
Alan Brown & The Committee
May 2020 Newsletter
No newsletter
April 2020 Newsletter
No Newsletter
March 2020 Newsletter
1st Curry Night of the year
There was a great turnout for the first “Curry Night” of the year… it also happened to be Elliot’s birthday. Unfortunately I could not make it, but it looked like a fantastic evening.
We currently have 55 members. We will follow the same procedure as last year, and take a view on what number to cap the membership at as we go along.
All Day Flys
We have pencilled in this years All Day Fly Dates, put them in your diaries and try and keep them free…
o ADF 1 = 23rd May
o ADF 2 = 25th July
o ADF 3 = 19th September
Club Nights
This month is a chat and a pint night. (Do you have anything interesting to bring along?)
For next month (April) we are hoping to get Richard Harris to come and give us a talk on Autogyros.
CAA Operator Numbers:-
These should have arrived with you via E-mail now.
Your Operator ID needs to go on all the planes / flying stuff over 250g that you own. (Somewhere easily accessible)
(The Operator ID signifies who the plane belongs to)
If someone else is flying it, (helping to trim it out for example), It does not matter. The plane still belongs to you.
Its the Flyer ID that signifies the pilot, and all BMFA flyers with an ‘A’ test are exempt from having a Flyer ID.
If you are training on the buddy lead then your tutor is the one who is ‘in control’ of the aircraft, so you are still exempt. (If you are off the buddy lead and have someone standing with you, then technically you are still under instruction from someone with an ‘A’ test.
In short… don’t wory and carry on flying as we have before. Just mark your aircraft up with your Operator ID and download your ‘A’ certificate to your phone or similar just in case you are asked to produce it.
I doubt we will EVER see a visit by officials at the patch, but you may be asked if you fly in a park or similar public place.
There has not been much flying going on at the moment, thanks to the wind mainly. However when we do start flying again, let’s keep it safe.
1. Restrain your models, especially your electric ones.
2. While we are not flying there is no excuse not to CHECK YOUR FAILSAFE. If you have not, and have not restrained your model, it could well leap into life and cause injury in the pits if you lose signal, or switch off your TX. PLEASE CHECK THAT AT LEAST THE THROTTLE CUTS (OR GOES TO IDLE ON NON ELECTRIC)
Still using 35MHZ?
Kevin is updating the list of everyone who is still using 35mhz. (He did send a text a few weeks ago)
Still asking for hardcore / bricks etc.…
If you have any hardcore that you are taking to the tip, why not put it in the car and fill in some of the holes on the track. I know from experience that whole bricks can be lost in the deeper holes,
Many thanks to whoever dropped off the bricks at the top of the track! We will use these for some of the deeper holes, or maybe where the slabs meet the track.
We will see you all on Wednesday 4th March 2020, back at the Bowling Green Pub
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2020 Newsletter
January 2020 Newsletter
Insurance E-mail from BMFA Just to set your minds at rest, the BMFA have blanket e-mailed everyone a reminder that their insurance has run out. For those of you who have paid your money to Bromsgrove Club, you are insured immediately and until the end of January. By which time, we will have forwarded monies to the BMFA and the proper cover will then take over. (As a club we are given until Dec 31st to gather all monies from members, and then a further month to get it passed to the BMFA) The joining documents will be e-mailed or available for members to print off this year. (BMFA will not be sending out paper copies). “ Christmas “ Meal at the Nailer’s Arms Don’t forget that we are meeting for a meal at the Nailer’s Arms this month on 8th Jan 2020 For those that are coming along, we are meeting from 7.00pm on to start eating around 7.30pm. The address for those who have not been before….. The Nailers Arms, 62 Doctors Hill, Bourneheath, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9JE Please Bring Back Your Trophies As usual we will be seeking this year’s winners for the trophies at the Nailors. Can I ask last year’s winners to please return them at the meal. You will be voting for … 1. Ray Harris Trophy :- for Excellence in Model Building, Flying Skills, significant improvement in the hobby, innovation2. Clubman Trophy :- for outstanding contribution to the club So get your thinking caps on………State of the patch:- There has been a lot of hard work put in to scrape the mud from the slabs and the track. Many thanks to all who turned up and literally got stuck in. There has been a lot of hoo-har about the state of the patch and the fact that the farmer has (had to) put all the manure just off the track. Let me assure you all that we have been talking with Tony and Graham, and they are both happy with the fact that we fly at Lower Bentley Farm and want us to continue flying there. The manure would normally have been spread on the fields by now if the weather had not been as wet, but has to be stored until the fields dry out a little. Rather than churn up the whole top field by driving to the far side, he has had to put it just off the track. He has done this because he had to, not out of spite or trying to get rid of us. We may have our problems with being a bit water-logged, but Avonvale have stopped members from flying and Worcester club have had to close BOTH their sites. We can at least still fly but just need to be careful where we park. The slabs are now raised and good for parking on, but the ground between remains (as of last weekend) VERY soft, so take care not to miss the slabs. Again , many thanks to those who put in the hard work to let the rest of us park and fly (and to for the donations of bricks and slabs for filling holes) Got any (more) slabs, bricks, hard core or rubble to get rid of? If you have any hardcore that you are taking to the tip, why not put it in the car and fill in some of the holes on the track. I know from experience that whole bricks can be lost in the deeper holes, We will be looking at a load(s) of hard code later in the year to make more improvements, but at the moment a lot would just disappear in the mud. (Hence the removal of the mud last weekend). We start 2020 with 52 members so far, which is a very healthy start… Alan Brown & The Committee |
December 2019 Newsletter
| ||
Park on the slabs, don’t be a stick in the mud!
If you go up the patch, take care to park on the slabs. It is so wet at the moment that if you miss the slabs you may not get out of the mud.
The farmer has been moving manure about the place and the field is quite churned up. We have had a few close shaves so don’t get caught out.
The patch is also quite water logged at the moment, especially the far end. Please try and use the sides of the runway to go collect your plane so as to stop it becoming too messy. Even better taxi your plane If you can.
The same applies to the pilots box. Stand in the longer grass if it looks like its churning up too much.
Got any slabs, bricks, hard core or rubble to get rid of?
If you have any hardcore that you are taking to the tip, why not put it in the car and fill in some of the holes on the track. I know from experience that whole bricks can be lost in the deeper holes,
Any slabs will help in the parking area, if you have any whole or broken ones. We cannot hardcore this area as the slabs were agreed upon as they are easy to lift and return the area to grass if required.
Upgrades to the training transmitters
Kevin has done a wonderful job of traiding the old spectrum DMX2 transmitters to allow us to upgrade them to newer (more reliable) DSMX transmitters. Just one of the many things that go on in the background. Well done Kev!
December Meeting – AGM at the Bowling Green
Are you coming? Have you informed Richard of what you are eating? (Cheese or Ham cob and chips). If you are eating, it is free!
We will discuss any changes to the constitution, There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.
If you have any points you would like to discuss at the meeting. Please let Ricardo or any member of the committee know and we will add them to the agenda.
Elliot is having to stand down as Treasurer for next year. Hugh Revill has (been) volunteered to take over the post, and we thank both Elliot for his hard work and for his expertise and guidance in many matters, and Hugh for taking up the mantle.
Although the committee members are willing to stand again next year, all posts are up for grabs remember. If you would like to put you name forward for any of the posts, please let Ricardo, or any members of the current committee know.
Membership Fees and New Year Meal – 2020
Membership and other fees for 2020 are as follows: BMFC Membership Fees for 2020 are unchanged. Full Member £60.00 Junior Member £nil New Joiner £25.00 Re-Joiner £10.00 Club fees are due by 31st December 2019 if members wish to avoid the rejoining fee! BMFA Membership Membership of the BMFA is a club rule and is compulsory to provide adequate insurance for third parties. The fee for this is payable via the club. BMFC members who have membership of the BMFA either directly or via another club do not need to pay but must provide details. BMFA fees are unchanged. Full Member £38.00 Junior Member £17.00 Family Partner £23.00 Family Junior £13.00 CAA Registration Fee £9.00 As required by law, club members are expected to register as ‘operators’ with the CAA from 30th November 2019. However, members of the BMFA are exempted from registration until 31st January 2020 and club members can choose to register via the club. Members of the BMFA who fail to register with the CAA will invalidate their insurance as the BMFA insurers require BMFA members to comply with all legal requirements to be covered. So, for a BMFC Full Member, with BMFA Membership and CAA Registration, the cost is £107.00 and for a Family Junior, the cost is just £13.00 if they use planes belonging to parents or guardians or £22.00 if they use their own planes. New Year Meal (Nailer’s Arms – Wednesday 13th January) Additionally, if you wish to book for the Club Dinner at the Nailer’s Arms, the cost will be £5.00 for members and £10.00 for guests. Fees can be paid:
At Club Night at The Bowling Green, Stoke Prior, on 4th December 2019 in cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Bromsgrove Flying Club (our name at the bank).
By cheque through the post, sent to: Elliot Hirst, BMFC, 113 Croftdown Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 8RE
By direct payment to:
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove Sort Code: 40-15-07 Account Number: 91059327 Payment reference: Please include your name Please e-mail me at to confirm that you have paid by this method. Direct payment is preferred. Please contact me if you need more information or have a problem with renewing membership. My email address is: and my home and mobile numbers are 0121 427 7357 & 07802 782614. Hoping for better weather and good flying in 2020. Regards Elliot Hirst
Lets have a good turn out for the AGM on Wednesday 4th December from 7:00 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee
November 2019 Newsletter
Curry Night
Wednesday 13th November will be the first BMFC Curry Night of the season. We will be meeting at the Shimla Peppers in Bromsgrove from 7.00pm. If you havent already, please let Richard know by Wednesday 6th November. (This Wednesday!)
Shimla Peppers, 1 George street, Bromsgrove, B61 7EE, Wednesday 13th November at 19:30. This is next to Waitrose in the centre of Bromsgrove.
If you don’t like Curries then they do serve English food so don’t let it stop you.
You can park in ‘St John Street’ car park (used to be called ‘Hanover St’ car park) where Waitrose is for FREE from 19:00. This is at the end of the Kidderminster road and is about 50 yards away from the restaurant. Bring you own drink as they only sell soft drinks in the restaurant.,-2.0641875,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x2dae18d58b054644!8m2!3d52.3333914!4d-2.0628249
December Meeting – AGM
The plan for Decembers club night is to have the AGM at The Bowling Green. There will be food laid on (Cob and Chips).. , but its not the Christmas Meal. That will be at the Nailor’s Arms in January.
We will discuss any changes to the constitution, There will be the reports and election of new committee members etc.
Please can you try and pay your membership fees via bank transfer or cheque. It gets very busy for our treasurer if you try and pay at the AGM!
Please remember to make a note of your name when sending payments. Details regarding the amount due etc, will follow next month when we find out from the BMFA.
Please Do Not Drive Into The Field!!
Please do not drive into the field now, park on the slabs now, as the field is too wet. Do check that you are actually on the slabs as you may get stuck in the mud if you miss them.
Winter Flying Times.
Day | Start Time | End Time |
Monday | 10:00 hrs | Dusk |
Tuesday | 10:00 hrs | Dusk |
Wednesday | 10:00 hrs | Dusk |
Thursday | 10:00 hrs | Dusk |
Friday | 10:00 hrs | Dusk |
Saturday | 12:00 hrs | Dusk |
Sunday and ALL Bank Holidays | 10:00 hrs | 14:00 hrs |
BMFA Video’s – Links are on the web site
Kevin has put links on the Web Site (Under BMFA Stuff) to new videos showing what is required for the ‘A’ and ‘B’ Test Schedules, and the questions that we should ALL know and keep up to date with. (especially with the new empasis on demonstrating proficiency and knowledge being put forward by CAA)
Meeting this Wednesday at the Bowling Green Pub
Its a pint and a chat night this month. If you have anything of interest, why don’t you bring it along and show it off.
See those that can make it on Wednesday 6th November at 8:00 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee (points for whoever spots the deliberate mistake!)
October 2019 Newsletter
New Member
Dave Gunster’s grandson Alfie has joined our ranks, so we now have 2 junior members now. Please give Alfie and of course William all the encouragement you can. Its good to get some young blood in the club.
We have now closed the doors to any new enquiries. We currently have 62 members and will not take any more this year. Any new enquiries will go onto a waiting list.
All Day Fly #3
All Day Fly #3 was a great success by all accounts. The weather was fantastic and Ricardo did a fantastic job on the BBQ. There were a few people on holiday, so the numbers were a little lower than usual. Many thanks to all those usual people that make these events so fun and successful.
Many thanks to Doug Hedley for stepping in to keep the patch mown while CDS have been away on holiday.
If you are going to break from the usual circuit, then please call it
If you intend to fly differently to the normal flying pattern then please let other pilots know what you are doing. Eg If you are going to do figure 8’s or fly in the opposite direction (we don’t want to get ‘handed’ do we), or do some touch and go’s. It is quite simple to just call and let others know what you are going to do.
This will avoid a lot of the near misses we see on occasions. Just remember that anyone calling DEAD STICK has right of way and it is up to everyone to give then a safe and clear passage to land.
Check your stance
It is necessary to fly above the sun as autumn draws near. As such we have noticed that while looking up it is easy to lose your bearing and overfly the pits.
If you plant your feet in line with the patch then at least you will know where the no-fly zone is.
Take it home
Please have a look around as you leave the patch and take your rubbish home with you. Wipes , broken props , fag butts etc will harm the cattle and annoy he farmer if they turn up in his silage. Take a look when you leave , and if you find any rubbish, even if its not yours, please pick it up.
New gate hook
Kev has added a new hook to the bit of green wire that was used to hold the gate open. This new one if MUCH easier to use. Please ensure you unhook it when closing the gate or it will not last long. Many thanks Kev.
Nights are drawing in… time for a curry!
We will be organising another food based night out in October.. keep tuned for more news.
BMFA ‘Drone’ rules
The BMFA have not yet heard anything (at the time of writing) regarding the new regulations.
Until we do, its business as usual. Again ‘watch this space’. Or use the link below..
Meeting this Wednesday at the Bowling Green Pub
Many thanks to Kev for last months quiz night. It generated lots of banter and got the little grey cells firing on both cylinders.
This month we have a simulator evening.. If you have not used one before or wonder if you could fly opposite mode… you may be in luck.
See those that can make it on Wednesday 4th September at 8:00 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2019 Newsletter
2 New Members
David Harvey and Nigel’s son William Picken have joined us this month which brings the number of members to 61. William is ours first junior member for some while. Please give David and William the usual warm BMFC welcome when you meet them.
We have now closed the doors to any new enquiries. The first time this has happened in a few years too.
Have you signed the Data Protection Sheet? Last Newsletter until you have!
If you have not yet signed the Data Protection Form, then we will not be able to send you any more emails or newsletters.
Please contact Ricardo by e-mail ( ) if you need a form. You will need to sign and send a scan or picture of the signed form back to him.
All Day Fly #3
All Day Fly #3 is on Saturday 14th September 2019. Lets hope the weather is a little kinder for this one.
Help with ‘B’ test or manoeuvres?
If you would like any help with preparing for your ‘B’ test or just to improve your flying skills, please ask one of the instructors. We are still there for you after your pass your ‘A’ test. Remember to fly with enough altitude, and if it starts to go pear shaped, level the wings first and pull up.
Dead Sticks
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a dead stick or run out of battery, then shout “DEAD-STICK” loudly enough to be heard over any running engines.
If you hear the shout of dead-stick, then please give the stricken plane plenty of room if you are flying.
If you are on the patch taking off or landing, please remove your plane and clear the patch as quickly as you can.
Please do not “loiter” on the patch any longer than you need to. All major checks should have been done in the pits, and just the pre-takoff ones on the patch.
To help make it clear to everyone who is landing, (or doing touch and go’s), please stand at the back of the pilots box when flying and only move forward when you are landing. This way , it is very clear as people are walking down to the patch that you are landing.
If approaching the patch with the intention of taking off , please ask all the current pilots if it is OK to take off. PLEASE wait for a ‘Yes’ , ‘OK’ Nod or some positive response before stepping onto the patch. Flying pilots please nod (or shake your head for No), as if carrying a running IC plane its unlikely that the person will hear you, especially if facing the other way.
Meeting this Wednesday at the Bowling Green Pub
This month we have legendary Quiz Master Kev in da house, and there are prizes up for grabs.
See those that can make it on Wednesday 4th September at 8:00 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee
August 2019 Newsletter
2 New Members
Ray Manton and Steve Cole have joined us this month which brings the number of members to 59. Please give Ray and Steve the usual warm welcome when you meet them.
We will be looking at numbers to ensure we do not get too busy or have too many trainees, but we are very close to the 60 members where we would close the books for this year.
Club Examiners and BMFA Approved Instructors achievement
On Saturday 3rd of July, Selwyn Read kindly came up from Cheltenham to put Richard and your truly through our paces. I’m pleased to say we both did well and have passed the BMFA Approved Instructor Test and also now join Sir Bob Norton as club examiners.
We will now as a club with Sir Bob at the helm, be able to examine anyone for their ‘B’ test without trying to get a second examiner form another club.
My thanks to Selwyn for giving up his Saturday morning, Richard for the arranging in the first place and Nigel Picken for being our model trainee. (Quite nerve wracking trying to learn when an Area Examiner is watching)
All Day Fly #2 is a washout
Well we made the right call with the weather, but unfortunately the day was a washout.
We will have to look forward to All Day Fly #3 on Saturday 14th September 2019.
Lets hope the weather is a little kinder.
Summer Meal at the Nailors Arms
The Summer Meal was well attended and a great success. The only thing I forgot to do was take some photographs!
There was an impromptu game of catch on the car park, but some members may have missed out…
Keep the Flying Field Safe and Tidy
I would remind everyone that there should be no smoking (or Vaping) in the pits. If you feel the need then please step away from the pits. Also when you have finished, please ensure they are properly put out and take your cigarette butts with you.
Aside from the fuel problems and the possibility of a cigarette end setting fire to dry grass, we do not want fag butts (or any other trash) turning up in the cows silage.
Please take your rubbish home with you.
There is a meeting this Wednesday at the Bowling Green Pub
Due to popular demand, there will be an August meeting at the Bowling Green Pub.
Its a Pint and a Chat night, but if you have anything interesting to bring along and show, then please do.
There is an August meeting at the Bowling Green Pub …. See those that can make it on Wednesday 7th August at 8:00 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2019 Newsletter
New Members
Nigel Picken and John Harrop has joined us this month which brings the number of members to 57. Please give Nigel a warm welcome when you meet him.
We will be looking at numbers to ensure we do not get too busy or have too many trainees.
Black Diary lost at the all day fly
Just a long shot, but did anyone pick up a small black diary? It was lost by one of the Cheif Examiners. If you saw it or know of its where abouts can you please let a member of the committee know.
Don’t forget that this months meeting will be at the Nailors Arms on 3rd July
Below are the names I have …
Address for the meal itself…..
The Nailers Arms, 62 Doctors Hill, Bournheath, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9JE
Safety First..
We had a great 1st all day fly and BMFA workshop. It did however highlight a few things…
1. Electric models should be restrained just as glow models.
2, Test your safety cut out. Its a legal requirement to use it if you have one, and if you fly 2.4Ghz, you will have one. Please check that it works. If your TX is switched off , then your motor should stop, not spring into life.
3. When inserting batteries please do so from behind the prop. Although it should not, there is always a chance that the motor may spring into life. Don’t let it bite your hand!
4. Generally, please do not stand in front of ANY prop. We have had incidences of props been thrown quite some distance on a backfire. Don’t be in the way.
5. No mobile phones in pockets in the pilots box please. A BMFA recommendation as they can interfere with your or someone else’s TX.
6. When walking down to the patch, keep an eye open for landing aircraft. You should get an OK from all pilots before you walk out and place your plane down ready for take-off. Its not always easy to hear the OK over a running IC engine so…..
7. After taking off, move to the BACK of the pilots box. This way it is obvious to others when you step forward that you are going to land. You should always shout ‘Landing’ too however.
Kind Donations:
Ray Haddon has kindly donated a sound meter to the club. This has now been calibrated and is ready to use.
Gary Ledingham has offered to donate a gas wok for use on the all day flys. Who knows what culinary delights we may be able to muster.
Many thanks to you both and they will be well used and much appreciated.
This months club night IS AT THE NAILORS ARMS ..
Julys meeting is the Summer Meal at the Nailors Arms.
See those that can make it on Wednesday 3rd July at 7:30 pm onward.
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2019 Newsletter
CAA Drone Registration – Have your say IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY PLEASE HAVE YOUR SAY
The Government are providing taxpayer funding to cover the costs of developing the new drone registration scheme up until 1 October 2019.
After that date the cost will be born by those beingregistered. (US…) They are proposing an annual charge of £16.50 for each operator, to cover security of the database, people to gather the information and man the phone lines etc. I believe that the BMFA already have most of the data required, so if required, the BMFA are in the right place to gather and keep the information and the cost is already covered.
Full details and a link to “Have your say” can be found using the link below. If you haven’t already, it would be good to get as many model flyers as possible to point this out to the CAA and register your vioce.
All Day Fly #1 & Examiner Workshop
The first All Day Fly was a big success. We were a little worried about the weather and despite a bit of a dull start, it turned into a fantastic day. #
Both Keith and Selwyn from the BMFA complemented us on our organisation and members. I quote “My thanks to your club for hosting the event, you have a great bunch of guys! Please pass on my thanks to the pilots, they did a great job.”.
We also impressed the visitors from other club sites, who thought the BBQ and days flying was wonderful. They did ask if it was like this every Sunday.
My personal thanks go out to all those that helped us put the day on. The BBQ, and food were fantastic. Many thanks to Mrs Worrall (for the cakes), Derek (for the Curry), and of course all the cooks, burger and beverage suppliers. Thanks also to all that flew the mock ‘A’ and ‘B’ tests for the students. Its never easy to put your flying up for scrutiny. The flights worked out very well though and were perfect for discussion. So many thanks to all the “Guinea pigs” who “volunteered”. Splendid job chaps.
Derek Chambers curry seemed to be a great hit, so may become a regular addition to the all day flys.
Without the hard work of the ‘team’ we would not have such a great day.
Trip to Duxford?
Dave is looking at planning a club trip to Duxford. He will be looking at dates etc, but prices will be around £19.00 and a full day starting approx 7.00am and ending back at the Bowling Green about 8.00pm
We will get back to you with dates. As usual we will need a minimum number of interested people for the event to take place.
A few pics from the All Day Fly
This months club night..
This months club night is a pint and a chat night. If you have a project on the go, why not bring it up for a show and tell.
NB July’s meeting is the Summer Meal at the Nailors Arms.
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 5th June at 8.00pm
Alan Brown & The Committee
The 3rd July meeting will be our summer meal at the Nailors Arms in Bournheath.
It will be the usual Carvery and Desert, and subsidised at £5 for members and £10 for guests. We need to know firm numbers and also need to try and get you £5 before the nights event.
If you can pay via bank transfer before the night. (Please leave a comment when paying so that we know who you are and what you are paying. (£5 from “crazyfish72” is not a lot of help to Elliot)
Bank details are….
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name
Please e-mail Elliot at to confirm that you have paid by this method.
It would be possible to pay on the night, but we still want firm numbers. The pub will be upset if we reserve tables we do not then fill.
Also please try not to thrust a £5 note into the hand of a passing committee member as I for one, am getting on a bit and I may not remember who gave me the £5 and for what. (Although I do love that feeling of putting your hand in a pocket and pulling out money you didn’t know you had…. Ohhhhh BONUS! Now what shall I buy with that???…)
Address for the meal itself…..
The Nailers Arms
62 Doctors Hill
B61 9JE
May 2019 Newsletter
CAA Drone Registration – Have your say
The Government are providing taxpayer funding to cover the costs of developing the new drone registration scheme up until 1 October 2019.
After that date the cost will be born by those being registered. (I.E US…!!) They are proposing an annual charge of £16.50 for each operator, to cover security of the database, people to gather the information and man the phone lines etc. I believe that the BMFA already have most of the data required, so if required, the BMFA are in the right place to gather and keep the information and the cost is already covered.
Full details and a link to “Have your say” can be found using the link below. If you haven’t already, it would be good to get as many model flyers as possible to point this out to the CAA and register your voice.
All Day Fly #1 & Examiner Workshop
Our first All Day Fly is almost upon us. It will take place on the 18th May and we will also be hosting and Examiners Workshop with the BMFA.
We are inviting (via the BMFA) members of other clubs that want to be BMFA ratified instructors or examiners. Of course, if anyone is looking to take their ‘B’ test, we will have that opportunity too. You have a couple of weeks to practice and let us know, so we can pass this on to the Area Examiners that are coming along.
We will need a couple of slots to do some practice ‘A’ and ‘B’ tests for the would be Instructors and Examiners to ‘score’. While this is going on we will need the sky to be clear except for the flyer.
The day may well be a very busy one and it may mean having to wait for a flight a little more than usual. If you are there to fly your socks off, it may be better to turn up on the Sunday, as Sunday should be very quiet. (Or fly both days of course)
We will not be hosting another of these events for some time, so lets try and get as much benefit as we can out of it. Take that ‘A’ or ‘B’ tests or to take part in the Instructor / Examiner workshops or just to listen in and learn what examiners are looking for. Its there for the taking.
Stranger Danger ..
When entering or leaving the flying site, please do not let any unknown cars or vans through without checking who they are. Recently 2 men in a van entered the site as someone was leaving and Ricardo was left to explain that no they cannot ride there off-road motorbikes up and down the track.
It is not our land and its up to the farmer, and any people we let in that miss behave will be blamed on us.
If you see someone you don’t recognise and they want to come through the gate with you or want to enter as you are leaving, just ask if they are members and do they know the gate code. If you as a member are asked this question, then say yes and let the person who has opened the gate know what the code is. To prove you are a member. Why not take the opportunity to introduce yourselves…
DO NOT tell the code to anyone you don’t know unless they have already opened the gate and are asking if YOU know the code..
It may be that we have a prospective new member, but they will explain this and all will be fine.
This months club night..
At his months club night Bob will be chatting about scale model building. We have all seen the quality of Bob’s models, and it should be a great evening.
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 3rd May at 8.00pm
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2019 Newsletter
New Member...
We have another new member this month. Ray Hadden has become the newest member of the club and joins us as a novice. Please be sure to give him the usual warm welcome if you see him at the patch.
This brings us up to 55 members. We will take another 2 members and see how crowded/busy things get, and review the membership numbers again.
BMFA have worked hard for us..
The recent 2018 amendments to the Air Navigation Order will came into effect, making it illegal to operate any unmanned aircraft (including model aircraft) above 400ft….. however….
The UK model flying associations (BMFA, SAA, LMA & FPVUK) have been working in close collaboration in ongoing negotiations with the Department for Transport (DfT) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and we are pleased to report that the CAA issued us with a joint ‘Permission’ to allow BMFA members to continue operating ‘conventional’ model aircraft (excluding multi-rotors) weighing less than 7Kg at heights in excess of 400ft. (We are outside of controlled airspace at Bromsgrove) Aircraft weighing more than that (or multi rotors ) will have to stay below 400ft If you plan to fly elsewhere, it would be very wise to check that you will not be entering controlled air space.
The CAA has also issued an ‘Exemption’ to allow BMFA members to operate ‘conventional’ model aircraft (excluding multi-rotors) weighing less than 3.5Kg at heights up to 1000ft using First Person View. (400ft for Multi rotors…sorry)
Spring is on the way..
The good weather is starting to return, and the farmers muck has washed away within a week, so its getting time for all you summer flyers to ready your planes for the coming season.
Don’t forget to check that those batteries still hold their charge after the winter. If in doubt , buy a new pack or at least test the old one. Charge the plane and waggle the sticks for 10 minutes. Test your battery to see what change there has been. Check after every flight the first time you take the plane out. Its a good habit to leave your charge lead on the outside when fitting the wings, so that you can check flight batteries after each and every flight anyway. If the battery dies, there is nothing left to do but grab a broom and sweep it into a bag.
Reminder of pre take-off checks
Battery in good health?
Check that the Transmitter and Model are matched.
Check the wind direction BEFORE you take off. Which way is the model likely to drift?
Get some speed up before pulling back on the sticks.
Don’t hang around the Pilots Box
If you are done flying please clear the Pilots box. It can get crowded and walking backwards trying to avoid others, while flying and trying to listen to the banter can be quite taxing. Please take general chit chat to the pits. If you are talking to the pilot, please make sure that they are OK with that, I have ‘talked someone down’ unintentionally in the past.. I now know better.
Help is always at hand..
Remember that even though you may have passed your ‘A’ test, there are times when it would be wise (and safer) to ask for help. Flying a new plane, trying a new manoeuvre or just rusty after a long winter break. Please remember that we are here to help and advise at all times. We can help trim the model out before handing it over for you to fly etc. Use the help and take the model home to fly again. Its the wise thing to do..
Raking it in..
Did someone drive off with one of the rakes by mistake? Kev brought 2 out when he and the guys mowed the patch, but only one was available to be put back at the end of the session.
All Day Fly In #1 – Saturday May 18th
We have been able this year to bag a BMFA Area Achievement scheme workshop for the club which will take place on the all day fly. We may have guests from other clubs that are interested in the Achievement scheme workshop and there will be about 4 flight slots where they would like volunteers to fly an ‘A’ or a ‘B’ test routine. This will mean that the All Day Fly may be a bit busier than usual but we hope that the chance to host one of these events and the information that will be on offer will outweigh any waiting around to fly.
We will probably not get the chance again for a few years, so lets make the most of it. Apologies to those that are not so interested, but do remember that any flying time lost can be made up on Sunday, as it will most likely be very quiet.
Hanger Sale..
Also…. Frank Tansley will be thinning out his hangers, and we will be auctioning off some of his planes at all day fly number one. He would like the proceeds to go to the club or to charity. (Very many thanks Frank) So remember to bring some money with you or you may miss out…
New Noise Meter
We now have a new ‘calibrated’ noise meter and we have set the original meter to be the same. So we now have two meters that we can use. Dave Gunster has one and Richard Wood has the other. Please remember to get your planes tested before flying them.
New pole for retrieving stuck planes.
New 10m pole located in the corner of the field (to the right as you enter the field) behind a fence rail. This pole is telescopic and is a pull and twist type to hold each section in place. It relies on friction which seems to work well.
Gap below fence rail where the pole is located. Can’t guarantee that Elliot will be there to point out its location!
This locates on the end of the pole and is a tapered push fit. The dome in the top should help to locate and push the model out of the tree. This is stored in the ‘Peg’ container in the ammo box.
Many thanks for the 3D printing Richard… should be difficult to lose too!
This months club night..
This months club night is just a pint and a chat. Why not bring along something interesting..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub for a pint and a chat on Wednesday 3rd April at 8.00pm
Alan Brown & The Committee
March 2019 Newsletter
‘A’ Test pass..
A very Well Done to Ian Gordon, (Call sign ‘Prince Albert’) ,on passing his ‘A’ (first one this year). Ian is one of our newer members , and is very keen and has even been spotted at the patch after dark. Very well deserved Ian, well done.
Keep it restrained..
Just a reminder that ALL models should be restrained when armed, including electric models. We had a ‘Near Miss’ due to an unrestrained electric model moving forward. If you like your bits just where they are, don’t take chances. Dave is a dab hand with the hot glue gun, but he also likes a laugh, so who knows where he may re-attach it! Don’t be a Richard Head… restrain it.
Last month at the Bowling Green Pub
Many thanks to Derrick Lane for turning up and showing us his beautifully detailed Tiger Moth.
For those of you who could not make it, it was “a thing of beauty”.
This Wednesday at the Bowling Green Pub…
This months meeting Chief ‘Moonbuster’, Dave Gunster will be showing and telling of dark nights and post sunset sorties. If you have ever wondered what night flying is all about and if it is for you, come along and watch and take part. How to set up your very own Night Flyer will be revealed. Below is a 30 second exposure, showing a take-off and fly by of one aircraft. See its even a photographic opportunity for those budding David Baileys out there.
Dates for the Diary.. See the web site too…
March 20th – Curry Night
April 3rd – Pint and a Chat at the Bowling Green
May 1st – Talk at the Bowling Green – Scale modelling (Bob Norton)
May 18th (Saturday)- 1st All Day Fly
June 5th – Pint and a chat at the Bowling Green
July 3rd – Summer Meal at the Nailers Arms
July 20th (Saturday) – 3nd All Day Fly
August 7th – Pint and a chat at the Bowling Green
September 4th – Quiz Night (Kevin Walker)
September 14th – 3rd All Day Fly
October 2nd – Flight Simulator Night at the Bowling Green
November 6th – Talk on FPV (Tyler)
December 4th – AGM and Pay Membership Subscriptions for next year.
That’s it for this month….. still waiting for the weather. I envy those who can fly during the week!
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 6th March at 8.00pm
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2019 Newsletter
Back to the Bowling Green Pub for the new year
This months meeting will be at the Bowling Green Pub. We have Derrick Lane coming to this months meeting , and he will be bringing along his Tiger Moth model for us to drool over. You may remember that he brought along his Fieseler Storch last year.
Extremely good start to the Year.. well member wise anyway.
We currently have 54 members, which is a fantastic start to the year, and certainly the best I can remember since 2002.
The Christmas Meal at the Nailer’s Arms.
We had a fantastic turnout for the meal at the Nailers Arms, with over 50 attendees.
The Awards…
This year the awards went to…..
The Ray Harris trophy: For excellence in Model Building, Flying Skills, significant improvement in the hobby, or innovation went to Dave Gunster. Very well done Dave, and he has certainly shown what can be done with a Trusty T and a hot glue gun! Night Flying , Bi-Planing and resurrecting a black bin full of polystyrene bits with ‘invisible’ repairs back to flying order. Innovative indeed.
The Clubman Trophy : For Outstanding contribution to the club, went to Richard Woods. He has certainly done wonders for the club in the last couple of years , and we owe a lot of our success as a club to him. Well done and many thanks for all your hard work.
I had the honour of awarding the Chairman’s Trophy to Elliot Hirst , for his hard work keeping track of our funds, keeping immaculate records of every penny, (NOT an easy task in itself), and his unflappable, rock solid support and wise advice. Many thanks from myself Elliot for your hard work, help and support.
I have included my end of year report below, rather than try and make myself heard at the meal. (It would only have bored the other halves to bits anyway, and the night was in full swing.
BMFC – Chairman’s Report Dec 2018
BMFC have had a very good year for new members.
2018 ended with 56 members and another couple on the waiting list.
This is in no small part due to the hard work of the committee and all those who have helped run the club throughout the year.
Not only did we have the usual 3 BBQ’s , and informative talks every other month, but also ventured out into the world of international cuisine.
Indeed the BMFC Curry Night has become very popular.
My thanks go out to all those who have helped feed us, train us, educate us and organise us.
I would ask that everybody has a read of the Club Rules on the web site, and to please stick to them. Some are in place for obvious reasons, some are in place for historical reasons or because of agreements with 3rd parties.
We are not saying that some rules cannot be changed, what we are saying is please seek to get them changed through the proper channels, and do not ignore them.
We have flying times and no fly zones for a reason. The committee try to get the balance between , lets fly as much as possible, and lets keep it safe and not annoy the neighbours. We are actually best places and in contact with the right people to do this.
Please keep to the rules, and ensure that we keep our flying sight for years to come.
That’s it for me… I wish you clear skies and happy landings for 2018
That’s it for this month….. We hope the weather improves soon, and we can start getting some flying in.
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 6th February at 8.00pm
Alan Brown & The Committee
January 2019 Newsletter
New members
We have two new members for the new year.. John Howard and Ian Gordon. If you see them up the patch, please give them the usual BMFC welcome.
“A” Test Pass
Very well done to Ian Gordon who passed his “A” Test on Sunday 6th Jan. It was a nice flying day with light winds and hazy sunshine, and Ian aced it with his Trusty ‘T’. Well done Ian, I think you are the first person to pass his “A” before his BMFA number came through.
Christmas/New Year Meal at the Nailors Arms – 9th January 2019
Don’t forget that we are meeting for a meal at the Nailors Arms this month on 9th Jan 2019 For those that are coming along, we are meeting from 7.00pm on to start eating around 7.30pm.
The Nailers Arms
62 Doctors Hill
B61 9JE
Bring Back Your Trophies
We will be seeking this years winners for the trophies at the Nailors, so can I ask last years winners to please return them at the meal.
Smoking in the pits
Gentlemen.. It has been noted (and there has been some video evidence), that people are smoking in the pits areas.
As explained in previous newsletters, the club rules state that there is no smoking in the pits or pilots box. Methanol and Petrol are very flammable, and the fumes can ‘pool’ on the ground. A discarded cigarette or flicking ash on the floor could be enough to ignite both. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT.
Walk or take your chair 10 meters away and smoke there please.
Lets make 2019 a good and safe flying year …
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Nailors Arms on Wednesday 9th January at 7.00pm for 7:30 ….
Alan Brown & The Committee
December 2018 Newsletter
AGM – Wednesday 5th December 2018
We are meeting at The Bowling Green Pub and will be starting the AGM at 8:00pm SHARP!! The club are laying on a Butty and Chips meal for those members who can make it. PLEASE ENSURE YOU TELL RICHARD WHETHER YOU WANT A CHEESE OR HAM ROLL SO THAT WE CAN LET THE PUB KNOW.
We hope to see you all there….
Committee Re-Election
Remember that all the places on the committee are up for re-election, and if you would like to put your name forward for one of the positions, please let one of the existing committee know.
Kevin is standing down as CFI this year. He has selflessly served the club and its members since way before 2000 in various roles, including Groundsman, Chairman and CFI, and we all owe him a big Thank You!
Richard has said that he would stand for CFI if there are no one else interested. This would also mean that we would be looking for an Events Officer. Richard has said that he would be willing to cover both positions at a push, but it would be nice if someone else could help out.
Club Fees to be Paid by 31st Dec Latest
Club Fees are due by 31st Dec at the latest. If you have not joined by 31st December, we will assume that you are not re-joining and your place may be given to those on the waiting list. You have been warned!
Curry Night..
Don’t forget we have another great Curry night organised at the Shimla Peppers on Thursday 13th December 2018 of 19:30. . 1 George Street, Bromsgrove, B61 7EE.
You can park in ‘St John Street’ car park (used to be called ‘Hanover St’ car park) where Waitrose is for FREE from 19:00. This is at the end of the Kidderminster road and is about 50 yards away from the restaurant.
You have to bring you own alcoholic drink as they only sell soft drinks in the restaurant.
Flight Line – Keep away from the woods.
It has come to my attention, (and fortunate not the farmers), that people are flying electric models over towards the woods on Two Tree Hill. (Directly behind he flight line). I understand that this so that the sun is at your back, BUT PLEASE DON’T DO IT.
We have been specifically asked by the farmer to stay away from these woods as there are game birds nesting, and deer there. I am aware that the planes are electric and quiet, but we have agreed as a club, not to fly near the woods. Please don’t do it.
PLEASE follow the flight rules that are laid down. It may not always be obvious why some of these rules are in place, (like the above), but they are in place for a reason.
We have had too many violations of different rules, and ‘quiet words ’ this year. We are NOT out to spoil anyone’s enjoyment, just trying to ensure that we can all continue flying safely and without annoying our neighbours. PLEASE STICK TO THE CLUB RULES.
January meeting at the Nailors Arms
The January meeting will be the usual meal at the Nailors Arms and the trophies will voted upon and handed out.
That’s it for this month…..
Alan Brown & The Committee
November 2018 Newsletter
A new Member
We have another new member John Howard. If you see him at the patch, be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome. This brings us to 56 members.
Curry Night..
A great evening was had by almost half the membership, (21 in all), at the Shimla Peppers.
Good food, good company and good conversation. There will be more opportunities later in the year for those that missed out this time around.
Club night at the Bowling Green
This month Cliff Creese is giving a talk on all things electric flight. If you have wondered what a 3s1p battery is or what a 2830 750KV motor is, then Wednesday will reveal all.
December is the AGM
Remember that membership fees for next year are to be paid next month. (BMFA look to have put fees up by £3) We will be holding the AGM meeting in December, and the Committee positions will be up for election. Kevin is standing down from the committee after over 20 years. All committee posts will be renewed of course and if you would like to stand for any of the posts then please let a member of the committee know, and we will make sure you put your name forward.
January meeting at the Nailors Arms
The January meeting will be the usual meal at the Nailors Arms and the trophies will voted upon and handed out.
Data Protection
If you have not yet signed the data protection form, can you print it off from the web site , fill it in and photograph and e-mail it, post it, bring it , send it or carrier pigeon to one of the committee members. Its something we need to do to stay legal.
Flight Line..
Please ensure that all flying (and bombing or strafing runs) are done in front of the flying line. No planes should be flying over the pilots box or pits. Those dropping any ordinance should ensure that it lands in front of the flight line.
YouTube Channel
We now have a BMFC YouTube channel, with a selection of videos. Click on the following link and go have a look…
Use of Whatsapp Channels
We have two Whatsapp channels that are for unofficial club communication.
The “BMFC flyers” channel is used for text flying invites/queries and information only. (no jokes, circulars, videos etc please) Some members do not want their pones going off or memory filling up so have not joined both.
Can we please keep chatter , jokes and all videos to the ‘BMFC chat’ channel. Those members that like the banter and like the videos will join this channel , if they want.
We need to respect members wishes and give all members a choise.
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 7th November at 7.30pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
October 2018 Newsletter
Another ‘A’ Test
Graham Cooper passed his ‘A’ test with flying colours last weekend on a bit of a breezy day.
Very well done Graham and hope you have a Riot!
All Day Fly #3..
The 3rd all day fly of the year was very well attended, and a fantastic day. Many thanks to all those that helped feed , water and shelter us all.
A great day was had and we had some fantastic flying , burgers and cake, and even some bomb dropping.
Club night at the Bowling Green
Richard gave us a great demonstration of 3D printing at the last club night. This month its a beer and chat night. If you have something that you are building why not bring it in and encourage some of the members on to start building.
Next month Cliff will be giving us a talk on electric modelling. Get your questions ready!
Web Site
The new agreed Club Constitution and Code of Flying have been put on the Web site.
Data Protection
If you have not yet signed the data protection form, can you print it off from the web site , fill it in and post it, bring it , send it or carrier pigeon to one of the committee members. Its something we need to do to stay legal.
SAFETY starts and ends on the ground
Please ensure that you restrain your models when in the pits. Especially the electric ones!
Also once you have landed , please do not fly your plane towards the pilots box. If you taxi back towards the pilots box, ensure that you stop short and do not enter the pilots box. Use bursts of throttle to ensure that speed does not increase too much.
The Gate Lock
Please ensure that when you put the padlock back on the gate that the numbers are the right way up and can be read by the next person that has to unlock the gate. Also PLEASE reset the padlock to all 0000 when you have passed through.
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 3rd October at 7.30pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2018 Newsletter
New Members
This month we welcome 2 new members. Its welcome back MelHoughton, While he has been away he has gone over to the dark side and is now flying mode 2! We also welcome John Wagstaff to the club. John has moved to Redditch recently and joins us from Green Acres model flying club in Aldridge and sleap model flying club near Shrewsbury. Please give them the usual BMFC welcome when you meet them at the patch.
This brings us up to 54 members.
The Certificate Arrived!
Richard has now got his ‘B’ Certificate. Very well done Richard, well deserved. Who will be next?? Don’t forget that any of the instructors will help you practice for your ‘B’ test , or just practice manouvers. Just ask…
Club night at the Bowling Green for the rest of the year
If you have ever wondered what a 3D printer is and what it can do… Richard will be giving us a talk and a demo of 3D printing this month at the Bowling Green Pub. Get your questions ready…
All Day Fly #3..
The 3rd all day fly of the year will be on Saturday 15th September if the weather allows. The usual go / no go will be given on the Friday night. If it is cancelled, we will put the All Day Fly back by one week. If that Saturday is no good, then the 3rd All Day Fly will be cancelled.
Who has their head on upside down? We hope its the farm hands..
Please ensure that when you put the padlock back on the gate that the numbers are the right way up and can be read by the next person that has to unlock the gate. There have been a number of occasions where the numbers were almost impossible to read because the padlock was put on the gate back to front. Richard has put a label on the lock, so we hope that it will not happen again.
Cracking up…
You may have noticed that the large cracks in the patch have been filled with sand and soil.
Richard has dropped a couple of trailers of sand and I have taken a car load of soil. I estimate approximately 1 ton of sand etc has been ‘lost’ down the cracks. We hope that it has made a difference and that no one has lost a plane or small child down any holes. Now that we have had some rain, it will be interesting to see what has happened.
Silage has been taken
The farmer has had the silage cut this week so the field should be in tip top condition for the all day fly. Dust off those models and charge those batteries…
That`s it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 5th September at 7.30pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
August 2018 Newsletter
New Members
We have three new members this month… Steve Cooper, Doug Headley and we also welcome back Steve Whitby. If you see them up at the patch then do give them both the usual BMFC welcome. This brings us up to 52 members.
We are back at the at the Bowling Green for the rest of the year
Don’t forget that we are having a meeting in August at the Bowling Green pub. (but No Committee meeting) Why not bring something to talk about along?
Hope to see those of you who can make it.
All Day Fly #2..
The 2nd all day fly of the year was a great success and well attended, even though we were a few of the regulars missing. We had loads of planes and even a new use for the trusty ‘T’ on blow !
Please remember to replace the lock on the gate when passing through
We asked last month and the padlock has not always been back on the gate and reset to zero’s. Leaving the gate unlocked with the padlock on the pedestrian gate allows anyone access to the field. Please put it back on the gate and reset to all zeros. This is what we have been asked to do!
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 1st August at 7.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2018 Newsletter
‘B’ Test Pass
We had the first ‘B’ test pass in many a year from Mr Richard Wood. The weather was far from ideal with a very blustery wind, but Richard flew a blinder and answered the required questions with ease. Many congratulations and well done Richard. So….. who will be next? Have a word with Richard if you are curious, and want to know more. If you want to practice , then have a word with Bob Norton or any one of the instructors.
Summer Meal at the Nailors Arms…
Don’t forget that we are not at the Bowling Green in July, It is the Summer Meal at the Nailors Arms. We are meeting at 7.00pm to eat at 7.30. For those that can make it, we will see you there…
The Nailers Arms
62 Doctors Hill
B61 9JE
Safety, Fuel and Fags .. Don’t do it.
Please do not smoke in the pits or on the flight line. (Its against club rules, and will not/can not be tolerated,) If you need to smoke, then please do so away from the pit area and any fuel..
The club rules state no smoking in the pits and for good reason. Especially in this hot weather fuel gives of fumes, and petrol fumes are heavier than air and travel many yards. (As someone who has had his socks melted by igniting fuel vapour from an old tree stump about 10 feet away, I speak from experience). Don’t put lives and property at risk. Anyone smoking in the pits will receive a formal warning, and if the practice does not stop may be expelled from the club. You have been warned.
We are not picking on smokers, but have genuine safety concerns. One Sunday I arrived late to the patch and set up in a recently vacated spot. As I knelt to look at my plane I noticed a very strong smell of petrol. It truned out that the person before had been flying a petrol model and although I had arrived 15 or 20 minutes later, it was still lingering. Anyone flicking ash or a discarded a cigarette but could ignite those fumes and start an almost invisible fire. We ask you not to smoke with good reason! As with any rubbish, please take your butts home with you.
All Day Fly #2..
We have the 2nd all day fly on Saturday July 21st. Lets hope that we don’t run out of good weather. Why not practice some manoeuvrers and try for a mock ‘A’ of ‘B’ test.
August Meeting…
We are having an August meeting at the Bowling Green pub.
Please remember to replace the lock on the gate when passing through
We asked last month and the padlock has not always been back on the gate and reset to zero’s. Leaving the gate unlocked with the padlock on the pedestrian gate allows anyone access to the field. Please put it back on the gate and reset to all zeros. This is what we have been asked to do!
Bulk order of fuel
I hope that everyone who has ordered fuel from Chris Jenvy has now picked it up. Please get in touch with me if you have not collected yet.
Anyone going to the Cardiff Achievment Scheme Workshop – Urgent message
I have just learned that the Velothon taking place on the 8th July is going into Cardiff and the roads going to the Gaer Park flying field will be closed.
Consequently the achievement scheme workshop scheduled for that day is having to be postponed. It will now be held on the 22nd July.
Sorry about that and I hope it has not caused too much inconvenience.
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Nailors Arms Pub on Wednesday 4th July at 7.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2018 Newsletter
‘A’ Test Pass
Many congratulations to Peter Dickinson who passed his ‘A’ test at the 1st all day fly. Many congratulations Pete. Now you can get lots of practice in anytime you like.
‘B’ Tests
Don’t forget that if you want to practice for you ‘B’ test, the instructors and Bob the examiner will be there to help you along. Any of the instructors will be able to tell you what and how to practice the required manoeuvrers and Bob will be able to run you through a simulated ‘B’ test. So push your skills, and when you feel you are ready, we will organise the required two examiners and get you that ‘B’ certificate. Even if you are not wanting to go the whole hog and get your ‘B’, why not improve your skills and push that envelope. Just practice at a safe height and all will be well. Again any of the instructors will be happy to help.
All Day Fly #1..
We had a fantastic turnout and a fantastic day for the first All Day Fly. Several people mentioned that it was probably the best All Day Fly for May ever. We had the full length of the pits occupied and we even started down one of the paths to the patch. There was some great flying to be had, and the food was spot on. Many thanks to all those that helped on the day, cooked for us all and kept us fed and watered well and of course to Mrs Worrall for the cakes.
A Gazebo for Future All Day Fly-ins.
The next two All Day Flys are planned for…
Saturday 21st July
Saturday 15th September
Next Meeting…
We have taken on board all the comments that were brought up back in January when we were looking to approve and vote in the BMFA Constitution. Version 3 is attached to this e-mail for you to read. We will be looking to approve this version at Wednesdays meeting. Please read , and let us have feedback if there is anything that does not sound right.
GDPR (yes , we have to do it too..)
You will also find attached a copy of the BMFC Data Protection Statement. It lets you know what information we need to keep about you as a member of the club , and what we use this information for.
You will need to print and sign this and return it to a member of the committee, to say that you understand and agree that your data may be used.
Please remember to replace the lock on the gate when passing through
remember that the dog walkers were asked to leave due to the fact that they allowed poachers to find out the code for the lock on the gate. Leaving it hooked over with the combination showing or the number just one away form the real code is not acceptable to the farmer. Please put it back on the gate and reset to all zeros. This is what we have been asked to do.
Bulk order of fuel
We have had a reply from NWMAS to say that they have managed to secure the required fuel from Model Technics. It will be picked up in the next few weeks and be ready for collection.
Events this year:- (something to let us know about at Wednesdays meeting if you want to go anywhere)
This month we will just be having a chat and a normal meeting. Why not bring along something you are building or working on! We will be having the summer meal at the Nailors Arms again in July as it has proved to be very popular.
As we have not heard anything last month (or the month before)…
Some questions for you all….
1. Should we have an August meeting? We traditionally do not have a meeting in August, but should we? Please let members of the committee know, one way or the other.
2. Should we have an outing this year? If so, where to? (A few suggestions below)
Shuttleworth collection Biggleswade ,
Duxford air museum, Cambridgeshire ,
Farnborough air show 16th July to 22nd July’,
BMFA Nationals Grantham 25 August to 27th August
(Again, we will need at least 20 interested people to warrant a coach)
If we have more than one visit that is popular, we can subsidise one visit and do the 2nd one under our own steam.
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 6th June from 8.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
May 2018 Newsletter
All Day Fly #1..
Don’t forget that we have the first all day fly on Saturday 19th May.. We will have the usual Go / No Go on the Friday night. If it is a no-go then we will postpone for 1 week only.. so dust off those models and get them charged. Don’t forget to give them the once over , before you get them to the patch.
Future All Day Fly-ins.
The dates for the All Day Fly-Ins have been proposed as…
Saturday 21st July
Saturday 15th September
Richard will be keeping the noise meter in his car, so for those of you who who want to noise test their models, just ask him.
We want to try and get together some tips on how to reduce the noise on models. Both nitro and petrol power. Before and after any change measurements will be very useful to allow us to say what changes work well, and what changes make little difference.
Once we have compiled a list we will publish these changes v noise reductions on the web so that all members can benefit.
The Patch..
Richard, Kev and the Wednesday Wobblers have given the patch a defining cut, and CDS have also started to give the patch a cut each week. (Now that the ground is ‘starting’ to dry out)
Any rumour that the patch has been made un-flyable is a bit melodramatic.. we could do with some sunshine to make it a little less boggy, but it is in relatively good shape.
This months meeting..
This month we have invited Manny Williamson who is Development Officer for the BMFA to come and give a talk on what our BMFA fees do for us.
One or two of you may have had the opportunity to hear a talk that he gave over at NWMAS last year. It proved to be very interesting indeed. I would highly recommend that you come along and listen..
Curry Night….
A good time and a great meal was had by all at the Shimla Peppers.. There could well be another one organised in the near future… if you weren’t there , you missed a great night.
There are a couple of WhatsApp groups set up. “BMFC Flyers” is an informal group for use by all to see who is going to the patch, is the all day fly a go or no-go etc. The “official” communication channel is still via e-mail, but it is a quick and efficient way of passing information between club members. Please keep this group for flying related questions, (no jokes or chit chat etc to keep the traffic to sensible levels)
Click the following link..
Adam Brown has kindly set up another (un-official BMFC) Watsapp group “Model and off topic chat” for general chit chat, jokes and 50 Shades of Tundra based talk etc.. please feel free to use this one as much as you like.. (Please Note, It is not an official channel used for BMFC Comms)
Members can of course join either groups and be in contact with each other.
Click the following Link..
Our friendly club next door has asked if we would like to participate in a bulk order of fuel
I forwarded an e-mail to all on 26th April from NWMAS club. I will reply to NWMAS on Friday this week, so if you are interested in buying fuel, please let me know by Friday latest please.
Events this year:- (something to let us know about at Wednesdays meeting)
We will be having the summer meal at the Nailors Arms again in July as it has proved to be very popular,
As we have not heard anything last month…
Some questions for you all….
1. Should we have an August meeting? We traditionally do not have a meeting in August, but should we? Please let members of the committee know, one way or the other.
2. Should we have an outing this year? If so, where to? (A few suggestions below)
Shuttleworth collection Biggleswade ,
Duxford air museum, Cambridgeshire ,
Farnborough air show 16th July to 22nd July’,
BMFA Nationals Grantham 25 August to 27th August
(Again, we will need at least 20 interested people to warrant a coach)
If we have more than one visit that is popular, we can subsidise one visit and do the 2nd one under our own steam.
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 2nd May from 8.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2018 Newsletter
New Member..
We have another new member this month Martin Bradley bringing us to 49 members in total. Martin is a flyer at Halesowen Club already, and has come to join us at Lower Bentley. Please be sure to make him feel welcome when you see him.
British Summer Time (No April Fool)
Now that the clocks have gone forward, summer flying times prevail… Please note that bank Holidays are the same flying times as Sundays.
Day | Start Time | End Time |
Monday (excluding Bank Holidays) | 10:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Tuesday | 10:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Wednesday | 10:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Thursday | 10:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) | 10:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Saturday | 14:00 hrs | 19:00 hrs |
Sunday and ALL Bank Holidays | 10:00 hrs | 14:00 hrs |
New Code of Flying..
Many thanks to all those who turned up for the EGM, to go over the new Code of Flying, and Club Constitution. We had a number of questions and points of view raised on the night and the committee have taken these on board and re-drafted parts of the Constitution which formed part of last months newsletter. We asked for comments and went through the proposed changes at the last meting an all seemed to be accepted. We will however need to formally accept the new Code of Flying.
The plan was to get this published on the web for a final read through and hold another vote at the next meeting. Unfortunately our web masters PC has decided to take a permanent break from work, so we have put this on hold for a short while. We will keep you all informed…
Noise !!
We have had a complaint from the farmer again with regard to a noisy model being flown. This was done inadvertently and assurances have been given that it will not happen again.
We all however need to ensure that out models are as quiet s we can make them before we fly them. The committee are pulling together some noise figures from all models in the club and want to use this information to help us all quieten our planes with the minimum of expense and experimentation.
In the course of gathering information, it became quite clear that petrol engines were very often the worst offenders. It seems that the supplied pitts type silencers were certainly not up to the job, and getting the noise down to an acceptable level, can be quite difficult.
With this in mind the committee ask …
Can you please get your petrol powered models, greater than 10cc, noise tested BEFORE you take to the air. It will only take one very noisy flight to get us noticed again, and we don’t want that to stop us all flying.
That said, there were/are some noisy glow powered models about as well. Please remember that you are individually responsible for the noise of your aircraft, and that we fly from a noise sensitive site. We cannot and will not, allow noisy aircraft to lose us the site. Listen to your aircraft, and if you (or others watching) think its a screamer then increase the prop size or pitch to quieten it down a little. If the exhaust is not up to the job then replace it with one that is… Its that easy.
FAILSAFE!! The other thing that came out of the checks was that the failsafe on some models is not set up. This is a legal requirement if you have failsafe capability. We do not want models shooting off at full power should you absent mindedly switch off your tx before the plane. Again details for Futaba and spektrum were in last months news letter.
This months Talk:-
Derrick Lane will bring along one (or maybe 2) of his scale models and will give us a talk on building / paining techniques etc ably supported by our own Bob Norton . If you have wondered how some manage to get their models to look like the real thing, then come along and see. If you have any particular questions then bring those along too..
There are a couple of Watsapp groups set up. “BMFC Flyers” is an informal group for use by all to see who is going to the patch, is the all day fly a go or no-go etc. The “official” communication channel is still via e-mail, but it is a quick and efficient way of passing information between club members. Please keep this group for flying related questions, (no jokes or chit chat etc to keep the traffic to sensible levels.
Adam Brown has kindly set up another Watsapp group “Model and off topic chat” for general chit chat, jokes and 50 Shades of Tundra based talk.. please feel free to use this one as much as you like..
Members can of course join either groups and be in contact with each other.
Events this year:- (something to let us know about at Wednesdays meeting)
We will be having the summer meal again this year as it has proved to be very popular,
Some questions for you all….
1. Should we have an August meeting? We traditionally do not have a meeting in August, but should we? Please let members of the committee know, one way or the other.
2. Should we have an outing this year? If so, where to? Last year, we went to the Nationals.
Where to this year? It would make sense that we went some distance to warrant a coach.
So, will it be the Nationals again, or The Flying Proms at Shuttleworth, or Duxford, or somewhere different. Please let the committee know where you would like to go, and we will compile a list and vote as per last year. (Again, we will need at least 20 interested people to warrant a coach)
All Day Fly-ins.
The dates for the All Day Fly-Ins have been proposed as…
Saturday 19th May
Saturday 21st July
Saturday 15th September
Thats it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 4th April from 8.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
March 2018 Newsletter
Many thanks to all those who turned up for the EGM, to go over the new Code of Flying, and Club Constitution. We had a number of questions and points of view raised on the night and the committee have taken these on board and re-drafted parts of the Constitution. The bits that have been re-drafted are below, with brief notes to help explain the balance of freedom/safety we were trying to balance.
- The use of Buddy Leads when flying FPV.
Safety is our 1st consideration here. Two of the committee have tried FPV and feel, that certainly in the beginning, things are not as easy as one may think. Especially with fixed wing where hovering is not an option
The committee propose:- When first taking up FPV (whatever the size of model) that a buddy lead is used and that the designated ‘spotter’ has the ‘master’ tx.
Once the pilot can demonstrate to the CFI or Examiner, that they are competent and safe at taking off , flying circuits and landing safely back on the patch, they may fly without the buddy lead, but must always fly with a spotter. If a model is greater than 3.5KG then the spotter MUST be the ‘master’ pilot and a buddy lead MUST be used to ensure that you are flying within BMFA guidelines and are insured.
- Arming /Disarming and handling of electric models
Again Safety is the main concern.
The committee propose:- Once an electric model has been armed/battery connected, it should be treated in the same manner as a running nitro model. Ie It should be restrained when in the pits area and when being carried down to the patch, should be carried with the propeller clear and pointing away from others and yourself.
- Flying height for Quads / Helicopters
The original rule was set , as helicopter flying generally means that the nitro engine is at near max revs and that that and the blade noise was considered to be quite loud.
The committee propose:- Nitro and Electric helicopters of 600 size and above are limited to height restrictions of 80ft due to noise that can be generated. Smaller, quieter quads and helicopters do not have the same height restrictions , but as with all forms of flying, care must be taken to keep noise from bothering our neighbours.
- Precautions when using fuel.
There were no specific notes regarding the use of fuel, and especially with the increase in popularity of petrol models, it needs to be included.
The committee propose:- When using fuel of any kind, (Nitro or Petrol), great care must be taken. Methanol can burn with a colourless flame and petrol vapour can be ignited from many feet away by a discarded cigarette. There is no smoking permitted in the pits or in the pilots box. If you need to smoke, please do so well away from the pits and flying areas, and properly extinguish your cigarette before returning to the flying area.
When not actually filling or draining fuel , then please keep containers closed. On a warm day an open fuel container can spread fumes over many feet, and these fumes are surprisingly easy to ignite and very difficult to extinguish once lit.
- Public Footpaths and awareness of walkers in the area.
No notes regarding non-club members in the vicinity.
The committee propose:- Our flying area has several public footpaths in the vicinity, and we share the area with the general public. When flying, it is difficult to keep note of people in the area. If you are in the pits area and notice that there are walkers approaching, please walk down to the pilots box, and make any pilots aware of where the walkers are. (please walk down and don’t bellow from the pits, unless it is a matter of urgency) Remember it is our duty to stay away from persons and property.
BMFC members meet the ‘Beast from the east’
Thirteen members braved the weather and enjoyed a great curry at Shimal Peppers on 28th Feb. Although the weather was poor the restaurant had quite a few customers when we arrived, but by the end of the evening we had managed to clear the place! There was plenty of natter but not much on model flying which I think is best left at that. Due to the popularity members suggested we do another one around the end of April so we’ll look at organising a Chinese so watch this space for further comm’s on this….… Best regards Richard
This months Talk:-
Kevin will be giving a talk on aerobatics this month. If you have any questions or want to brush up on your aerobatics, then be there or be square.
Trophy Winners:-
I forgot to mention who was awarded the trophies last month..
Richard Wood was awarded both the Clubman and the Chairman’s trophy, and Bob Norton was awarded the Ray Harris Memorial Trophy.
Have you checked your Failsafe?
Do you know if your failsafe is working? At least one member was surprised to find out that he had set his but then had to reverse the throttle servo. As a result, when his TX was switched off, the throttle went to MAX not minimum! Check your failsafe !!
Flight ready Bind with Failsafe
- Put the bind plug in the receiver and turn power on to the receiver. You will see the lights flashing on the receiver.
- Now pull the bind plug out of the receiver and leave it powered on. Receivers should still be flashing.
- Set the sticks to your ‘failsafe’ possition. Eg throttle down , everything else centred. Hold in the bind button, and switch on your transmitter.
- Continue to press the bind button on the transmitter until you have control of the servos.
Start the plane
Push all the sticks to the upper corners. (all surfaces should be fully deflected and engine should be at full throttle or close to it)
Turn your transmitter off. If you set everything right your engine should drop to idle (or off if you decided to program it off) and all surfaces should come back to neutral immediately.
If these results were not obtained, try rebinding, or Read your manual for any differences.
Fly your plane. Set the trim settings and make any other adjustments on your plane until you are comfortable with how the plane flies. Each time you make a change to the radio go through these steps again. Each change you make will throw the receiver off in fail safe so its important to go through steps after you make setup changes.
Depending on the transmitter you are using , you can set the failsafe for ‘battery’, whereby the trottle can cut to warn that the battery voltage has dropped too low, and you must land immediately.
You can also set the failsafe for loss of signal. Again throttle can cut to warn that the signal has been lost. Just bind with the sticks in the position you require for failsafe.
But again TEST every time you change your settings.
Parking in the field.
Although we are not parking in the field at the moment. When we do, please note that we are not parking beyond the tree with the Ammo Box on. Cars beyond this point start to intrude on the flying area, and increase the possibility of being hit.
Events this year
We will be having the summer meal again this year as it has proved to be very popular,
Some questions for you all….
- Should we have an August meeting? We traditionally do not have a meeting in August, but should we? Please let members of the committee know, one way or the other.
- Should we have an outing this year? If so, where to? Last year, we went to the Nationals.
Where to this year? It would make sense that we went some distance to warrant a coach.
So, will it be the Nationals again, or The Flying Proms at Shuttleworth, or Duxford, or somewhere different. Please let the committee know where you would like to go, and we will compile a list and vote as per last year. (Again, we will need at least 20 interested people to warrant a coach)
All Day Fly-ins.
The dates for the All Day Fly-Ins have been proposed as…
Saturday 19th May
Saturday 21st July
Saturday 15th September
That’s it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 7th March from 8.00pm onwards….
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2018 Newsletter
Many thanks to all those that attended the AGM. I think that the new format was a great success and we will continue with it in the coming year.
The committee were asked if they were willing to stand again and, were voted back ‘en bloc’.
Elliot gave us a summary of the clubs financial position , which is very healthy.
A big thank you and Happy Birthday to Nick who celebrated his 65th Birthday and bought everybody a drink on the evening. Many thanks and many happy returns Nick.
New padlock on the gate
The padlock on the gate at the bottom of the track has been changed. If you don’t know the combination yet, then please get in touch with one of the committee and we will let you know what it is. The padlock on the Ammo box has been changed to the same combination.
When unlocking the gate please lock it back up again when you have passed through, and reset the combination to 0000.
This will give no indication of what the combination is. We understand that the combination may have been left on display (not by BMFC members) when the gate was unlocked over the Christmas period, which was how the poachers found out and gained access to the farm.
Please do not disclose the combination to anyone. We believe that the dog walkers are no longer using the land on the farm any more.
Has everyone checked their details?
Ricardo has sent out all but a couple of the BMFA membership renewals. If you haven’t had yours, please let us know. He has also sent out a copy of the details we hold on each of you. Can you please check the details we hold and let us know if anything needs correction.
EGM – February 7th 2018
Don’t forget that we are going to use the February meeting as an EGM to go through and agree changes to the Club Constitution and Code of Flying, These changes are important and if you can possibly make it, we would like to see you all there.
Also with changes to Data Protection in 2018, we feel the need to bring in a Data Protection Policy to state what data we keep on members and what we use it for.
Copies of the documents for you all to read through, before the meeting , can be found by clicking the links below….. (copies are also attached)
Invite from NWAS
Please make a note in your diaries for an evening not to be missed Thursday 15th February at Studley Cricket Club.
A talk from Paul Hardman on turbines. Paul used to work for Wren turbines and recently started his own business Turbine Solutions. His main business is servicing and repairing all makes of turbines, he is also the sole agent for Mexican manufactured Jet Central turbines.
There will be a £3 entry fee, but you do get fed for that.
That is it for this month…..
See you at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday 7th February from 8.00pm onwards for the EGM.
Alan Brown & The Committee
January 2018 Newsletter
AGM – January 10th 2018 – Nailor’s Arms
We will be having our AGM meal at the Nailor’s Arms as usual. There will be a Carvery, choice of Sweet of the day for a subsidised price of £5 for members and £10 for non-member guests.
This year however we are keeping the ‘meeting’ bit to a minimum and only presenting the awards and electing the new committee.. Don’t forget – anyone who would like to be considered for one of the committee positions needs to let me know ASAP please.
EGM – February 7th 2018
The committee acknowledge that we could improve on how some of last year’s events were handled.
With this in mind we are going to use the February meeting as an EGM to go through and agree changes to the Club Constitution and Code of Flying,
Also with changes to Data Protection in 2018, we feel the need to bring in a Data Protection Policy to state what data we keep on members and what we use it for. (Kevin and Elliot had such fun drafting these up.. see what your all missing!!)
Copies of the documents for you all to read through, before the meeting in February, can be found by clicking the links below….. (copies are also attached)
Patch Issues
As most will have heard, Tony the Farmer has had Bovine TB confirmed on his farm.
We will send out another E-mail as soon as we can to clarify whats happening, but for the moment we are suspending flying to help Tony and Graham get on top of the situation.
So finally, MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all
Alan Brown & The Committee
December 2017 Newsletter
Club Fees 2018 – (Payable before the year end please !)
The BMFA have increased their fees by £1 for Adult Members , however we are not increasing our club fees this year. So £95 in total for club and BMFA for an adult, and the usual £5 for the January Meal if you are attending. (£10 for partners)
Membership fees for 2018 for the club and BMFA are shown below and must be renewed before 1st January 2018. Membership of the BMFA is compulsory to provide adequate insurance for third parties. The fee for this is payable via the club. BMFC members who have membership of the BMFA either directly or via another club do not need to pay, but must provide details.
Fees for 2018 are:
BMFC Full Membership | £60.00 |
BMFC Full Membership – Half Year | £30.00 |
BMFC Junior Membership (If parent or guardian is a full member) | Free |
BMFA Full Membership (year/ ½ year) | £34.00 |
BMFA Junior Membership | £17.00 |
BMFA Family Partner | £23.00 |
BMFA Family Junior | £13.00 |
BMFC Joining Fee | £25.00 |
BMFC Re-Joining Fee | £10.00 (if you do not re-join by 31/12/2017) |
Fees can be paid:
- At Club Night at The Bowling Green, Stoke Prior, on 6th December 2017 in cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Bromsgrove Flying Club (our name at the bank).
- By cheque through the post, sent to: Elliot Hirst, BMFC, 113 Croftdown Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 8RE
- By direct payment to:
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name
Please e-mail me at to confirm that you have paid by this method.
Direct payment is preferred.
Elliot Hirst Hon Treasurer
BMFA AGM 18th November.
Elliot and Richard went along to the BMFA AGM, and found it very interesting and have reported back in detail.. Here are a few of the highlights..
- It is expected that the European directive on drones will only require model flyers to put their BMFA membership numbers on planes. This has yet to be confirmed.
- Manny gave a presentation on the new facilities at Buckminster. The project has been delivered on time and on budget. The outcome is very impressive and the facilities are popular. The runway is excellent and there are lots of visitors. (Should we consider a club visit?
- PR has changed. A PR consultant has been hired. He is a model flyer. He seems to have been very effective in a short period of time and has done lots to raise the profile of the BMFA on social media . Inputs to Facebook have gone from typically 35 per month to 3000!
- There was nothing about FPV and drones this year so we hope things will calm down.
Many thanks for attending, representing BMFC and reporting back chaps.
AGM on Wednesday 10th January 2018
We will have our usual AGM meal at the Nailors Arms, but we will try and keep the meeting itself to a minimum. We will have to elect the new Committee members of course and hand out this years awards, but other stuff will be postponed until the February meeting. We will be able to enjoy the meal more and not bore the other halves that come along.
The Nailers Arms
62 Doctors Hill
B61 9JE
The Patch
Please do not drive into the flying field. Park on the slabs. Its far too muddy and we don’t want to cut up the field. Should the dog walkers drive in, then that is up to them and they can explain why to the farmer.
It now getting too wet for CDS to cut the grass, but they have done quite a good job of flattening out the ruts in the pits etc. It’s very nearly back to normal.
New Plane Retrieval Pole..
Kevin has bought a new pole to enable us to ‘encourage’ stuck planes out of trees. We will give details of where this will be kept as soon as it is decided. Please try and keep it intact should you have need to use it.
Don’t forget to bring your re-joining fees to this next meeting.
See you all at the The Bowling Green Pub 8.00pm onward on Wednesday 6th Dec
Safe and happy flying… Alan Brown & The Committee
November 2017 Newsletter
Another ‘A’ test pass
Many congratulations to Andy Sylvester on passing his ‘A’ test on a day with a bit of a cross wind and annoyingly low sun. Very well done Andy… So… Who will be next?
Winter Flying Times…
Just to say that as the clocks have gone back, we are now on winter flying times!
10,00am till dusk on weekdays
12.00pm till dusk on Saturdays
10.00am till 2.00pm on Sundays
Keep it safe
Please remember that props bite. When starting you plane and attaching and detaching the glow driver please ensure that you keep hands and anything else you would like to keep hold of, well away from the prop.
Ensure that your model is restrained securely and that it is pulled forward and unable to move any further forward when the engine starts.
When started, please do not stand in the area in front of the prop. If the engine backfires it can easily shed a prop. (And they will travel many yards at very high speed)
When carrying a plane down to the patch ready for take off, ensure that it is pointing away from others. If someone is carrying your plane for you, always follow them down to the patch so that you can see what is going on and kill the engine if anything should go wrong.
As a club we currently have 50 members, and we would like to keep them all.
Keep it the right way around
When putting the plane down on the patch ready to take off, do that final check, that all the surfaces are moving in the right direction. Don’t just waggle the sticks. Check the direction of movement and the amount of movement you have.
Keep it Clear
When pegging your planes out , please try to leave room for other people to be able to walk past with their models. This may mean putting the tail of your plane out in the longer grass to allow another foot or so.
The Patch
As most of you will know the farmer has furrowed the field to allow better draining. The farmer has done a good job of missing the patch itself however the pits, paths and pilots box have been affected.
The pits have been mown and re-defined and things are getting back to normal. The paths and pilots box etc demand extra care when negotiating. Especially on the walk down to the patch and when walking backwards into the pilots box.
Thats about it for this month..
See you all at the The Bowling Green Pub 8.00pm onward on Wednesday 1st Nov
Safe and happy flying… Alan Brown & The Committee
October 2017 Newsletter
All Day Fly #3
All Day Fly Number 3 was another resounding success.
The weather improved slowly throughout the day with burgers and cake scoffed as usual.
A big thank you to all the usual names that put themselves out and provide for your enjoyment – you know who you are!!
Gate Code Change
In light of the above, the Committee has also arranged for the lock on the Ammo box on the tree to be changed to the same number as the gate. Again, please contact a member of the Committee for the new code and please do not divulge it to anyone else.
From Dave Caple…..I have a Mustang (about 50″) built by my Father in the 1980’s and flown by my brother. It is still very sound and undamaged although the finish is looking tired. It is airframe only as all the electronics were removed some time ago.
If you know anyone in the club who is a real builder and would like a renovation project for the winter, it is going free to a good home.
Contact Dave Caple on 01299-271801 or 07941-591774
Accident in the Pits – when Lasers attack!!
I am typing this very slowly using the thumb of my left hand rather than the left index finger due to the bandages….
Yes, I managed to stick the fingers of my left hand in the 13.5 Bolly on my Laser 90 at full power. I was VERY VERY lucky to have only (!!) deep cuts and no bone or tendon damage.
It was the usual story of me not paying adequate attention – an engine playing up, lots of fiddling about with the carb, getting frustrated and multiple starts and stops. I guess we have all been there but this is a timely reminder to be that extra bit careful and attentive when handing your model in the pits (or anywhere else for that matter)…….
First Aid Kit
On a related note, it was discovered that some bandages and plasters had been used up in the First Aid Box. A new First Aid kit has been purchased (it is now a black box) and is in the usual place in the ammo box on the tree.
If you use some of the stock, please let a member of the Committee know so that the stock can be replenished!!
We are also considering organising a basic first aid course…. unless one of you well trained members could do one for us? Again, let one of the Committee know please.
Ron Harrison has something to sell !!
ARES Spidex Ultra Micro RTF quadcopter. Perates on 4 channel 2.4 ghz and comes with extra batteries and USB charger and spare props…. colour black & green. Yours for £20
Contact Ron Harrison on 01527-457609 or 07968-4222274
October Club Night
Wednesday 4th October 2017 Club meeting
We had a good turn-out for last month’s talk by Paul Dudley…….. let’s hope it is as good for the next one!
I am scheduled to do my Foam Wing Core Cutting demonstration. Some of you long standing members of the club will no doubt have seen this before, but some of the newer members may marvel at my skill and prowess and to discover how easy it is….. See you there??
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies, Safe, Happy and QUIET Flying !!
Kevin Walker & The Committee
September 2017 Newsletter
A lot in it this month!!
Member Expulsion
It is with regret that the Committee has been forced to expel a member from the Club with immediate effect. This was due to multiple instances of contravening Club Rules (specifically flying times) and also, despite previous warnings, knowingly flying an excessively noisy untested model on Bank Holiday Monday afternoon which resulted in a direct noise complaint to the Committee by the farmer.
This was a unanimous decision by the Committee and was not taken lightly.
Ultimately this decision was taken to safeguard both the future of the Club as a whole and the ongoing tenure of our flying site.
Gate Code Change
In light of the above, the Committee has asked the farmer to change the gate code with immediate effect. Please contact a member of the Committee for the new code and please do not divulge it to anyone else.
We have two new Club Members
On a more pleasant note, Alan Playdon (a former BMFC chairman no less!) and Matt Chambers are the newest of our members.
Please give them the normal BMFC warm welcome when you see them at the patch.
All Day Fly #3
All Day Fly Number 3 will be on Saturday 16th of September 2017.
The usual well proven format =>> Flying 10am to 5pm, Nosh 1-2pm
Get those models dusted off and charged up in readiness…..
The Nationals Coach Trip
Sunny, sunny BMFA Power Nationals
Twenty members ventured up to RAF Barkston Heath on Bank Holiday Sunday and the weather was just perfect. On arrival there was a stampede to the swap meet with Alan Simpson winning the race.
It wasn’t long before the coach started to fill up with models, Phil Buggins with another Warbird and Stuart Bushell and Eddie Lloyd with gliders. Pete Dickinson picked up a Piper Cub (I think), complete with woodworm, which looks like the Incredible Hulk but at least he will see it in the sky, hopefully! Pete’s already nick named it the slime.
A great day was had by all and the bargain of the day has to go to Stevie. He bought a small second hand model from a camper for £5, then walked 50 yards and sold it to another camper for £20! It made his day and he also managed to pick up a Biplane later on so a very happy bunny.
Flying Times
Be sure that you are fully au fait with the permitted flying times – they are on the web for all to see so there is no excuse for not knowing them (and abiding by them!!). While we are on the subject, make sure you have read the Club Rules & Code of Flying on the web site – it is your responsibility!!
Noise Testing Policy
The testing and recording of the noise output from our models will be continuing, and in the light of the item above, is now even more important.
The Committee expects every member to be sensitive to the noise their model makes and to make every effort to reduce the noise footprint. There are many things that can be done to improve matters by reading up on the subject or accepting advice from other experienced club members if you are unsure. Don’t just fit what you have to hand and then forget it!! If you think your model is a bit noisy and could attract unwanted attention, then it probably is and will!! So be sensible and do something about it!! Here endeth the lecture !!
Derek Chambers has some motors to shift!!
OS LA 40 + silencer, GO 42 no silencer (brand new), Irvine 40 + silencer, Super Tigre S21RE no silencer, Thunder Tiger 25 + silencer, SC46 + silencer (nearly new), OS FS40 4 stroke + silencer, OS Max H 40 + silencer, OS Max S 30 + silencer. Sensible offers invited!! Derek is on 07973-325408
September Club Night
Wednesday 6th September Club meeting
Club meeting next Wednesday will be at the Reservoir Pub, The Common, Earlswood, West Midlands, B94 5SL, not far from junction 3 of the M42. Paul Dudley, from Kingfisher Aviation, builds models for a living and will be giving us a talk on how to build models to make them last longer (other than changing the human pilot of course).
The meeting will be at the slightly earlier time of 19:30 for 20:00 start in a separate hired room within the Pub (look out for the reserved sign). Food is available from the bar at your own expense.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies, Safe, Happy and QUIET Flying !!
Kevin Walker & The Committee
August 2017 Newsletter
A quick recap…
Well this months newsletter is a bit late but we do have some events to let everyone know about..
John Dean Memorial Dinner
A great evening was had by all, many thanks to John Deans daughters and their generous donation.
All Day Fly #2
Well we did postpone All Day Fly #2. The first Saturday was not quite the washout that the weathermen predicted, but the following Saturday was nice, if just a little breezy, flying weather. The burgers went down very well and all in all it was a great days flying.
The Nationals Coach Trip
The coach to The Nationals will be on 27th August. Richard has managed to get us a discounted entry fee of £8 per person. However , we need to pay this up front. If you are interested in going, please pay Richard or forward your payment to Elliot within the next week. We will have to close the discounted rate on Friday 11th August. THIS FRIDAY!!
September Meeting
Will be held at The Reservoir, Earlswood B94 5SL from 7.30 onward..
We have arranged for Paul Dudley to give us a talk on model making / covering for September. I have personally been to one of his talks, and his advice and methods of building are incredible. Even if you do not intend to build a plane, I guarantee you will find the talk very interesting. We have about 20 people who have expressed an interest is coming along, If you have not already done so please let Richard know you would like to come.
We would like to have a good audience for Paul and the room holds about 30 people (and all Paul’s stuff) The pub does food, so could be a good evening out… Any spare seats will be offered to Worcester flying club as they have invited us along to their talks on several occasions.
We will revert back to the Bowling Green Pub for the October meeting.
See you all at the The Reservoir Public House 7.30pm onward on Wednesday 6th September
Safe and happy flying… Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2017 Newsletter
John Dean Memorial Dinner
Don’t forget that we are having our next meeting at the Nailor’s Arms. For those of you who are joining us for the John Dean memorial meal, (free for members and £10 for non-member guests) we are meeting at 7.00 and intend to start eating about 7.30.
All Day Fly #2
Dust off those models again for the All Day Fly #2 on 22nd July 2017. Let’s hope that the weather is a little kinder this time.
The Nationals Coach Trip
No you haven’t missed it! I have now re-gathered my marbles and the coach to the Nationals will be on 27th August. We will send out an e-mail nearer the time.
Noise Policy
The committee have discussed at length the matter of noisy models , and what is and is not acceptable / allowable to ensure we keep our flying site.
See the Noise Policy links on the Web Site.
Although 82Db is the recommended by the BMFA , the committee have decided that the models that we have measured and been flying for many years, without any problems are a good guide as to what is acceptable to people local to the flying site.
A précis of the noise policy is as follows…
Category 1- below 84db – No action required – OK to fly.
Category 2 – above 84dBto 86dB – notice of improvement issued –can fly after the test but need to take proactive action to reduce the noise at the next visit for a re-test
Category 3 – above 86dB – fail, cannot fly until it is brought down to acceptable limits as identified above
We are not trying to stop people flying. Just trying to make sure we are keep our flying site.
Those that are required to make their planes quieter will be given all the help and advice that we can to quieten the planes and enable members to continue flying them.
August Meeting
Please remember we do not hold meetings in August.
September Meeting
We hope that we can arrange for Paul Dudley to give us a talk on model making in September. I have personally been to one of his talks, and his advice and methods of building are incredible. Even if you do not intend to build a plane, I guarantee you will find the talk very interesting.
There will be the usual Newsletter in August, and we will keep you informed…
See you all at the The Nailors Arms from 7.00pm onward on Wednesday 5th July
Safe and happy flying… Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2017 Newsletter
Another ‘A’ Test Pass
Many congratulations to Adam Brown for passing his ‘A’ test with flying colours this month…
All Day Fly #1
Unfortunately the weather was not so kind for the first All Day Fly this year. There was some flying to be had, and special thanks should go to Mrs Worrall for excellent cakes and to Dave Gunster for doughnuts. It seems every one was very well fed if nothing else.
Lets hope that we have better luck with the next one.
Noise – Keep It Down!!!
Please remember that the farmer allows us to fly on his land because ‘we are not too much trouble’ and respect his wishes. We have no contract or rights. As soon as we become too much bother, we will be gone.
With this in mind, we ask everyone to respect the flying times we have laid down for IC aircraft.
ONLY FLY 2.00PM till 7.00PM SATURDAYS or 10.00AM to 2.00PM SUNDAYS……. IN THE SUMMER….
Should anyone see IC aircraft flying outside of these times, please let the committee know.
Also we need to keep the noise down…..
We have introduced noise testing with the meter as it is the only unbiased way to measure the noise of a model. If it is thought that a model is noisy then please do not fly it until something has been done to reduce the noise.
We CANNOT and WILL not let the club be thrown off our flying site for the actions of anyone who will not try and fly quietly or stick to the flying times that have been set out.
The times and noise restrictions do not get in the way of general flying, but may not allow flying of some models (eg Jets , small un-silenced .49 type engines, or maybe larger models).
We are a great club with a nice flying site, but we do not possess a concrete runway or anywhere to fly noisy planes. If anyone is seeking anything like this, then they must look elsewhere.
Safety and restraint
I would ask all flyers of all aircraft, but especially those who fly electric planes to check that their fail-safe is set properly. If the transmitter is turned off, the aircraft should not spring into life and shoot off.
There are several videos on YouTube to show how to do this, but it is basically how the tx sticks are set when the bind plug is removed after binding. For Futaba transmitters there is a menu setting. Again YouTube is a good source of information if you don’t have a manual.
When you have finished flying the battery should ideally be removed before returning to the pits, and at the very least, the plane should be carried back to the pits, with your thumb stopping the throttle from moving, before being restrained and the battery removed.
Always remember an electric plane is ‘live’ and likely to spring into life with no warning all the while the battery is connected. If an electric plane does spring into life, it will not stall if a finger or anything else gets in the way. It will just try harder to turn….
This month….
We hope to have a fly at the pub but also a Night Fly demo from Richard at the patch if anyone wants to pop up and see what all the fuss is about, or join in of course if you have a night flyer.
Interference on 2.4Ghz
We will try and check if there is any form of interference on 2.4Ghz down by the houses to the south of the flight line. (about the 11 o’ clock position as you stand in the flight box). We have made some initial tests but nothing conclusive has been found at the moment.
Summer Meal of the Nailors Arms
Next month, we are booked in at the Nailors arms for the July 5th Meeting from 7.00 onward. As per last year, a carvery meal and a pudding will be laid on. As last year, you can bring the other half along for £10.
See you all at the The Bowling Green on Wednesday 7th June
If the weather is kind and you have something electric to fly.. bring it along and try out the field behind the pub. (fingers crossed for the weather)
Safe and happy flying…
Alan Brown & The Committee
May 2017 Newsletter
‘A’ Test Passes…
A very big “Well Done” to both Chris Nock and Dave Gunster on passing their ‘A’ Tests. Excellent work both of you and we hope you continue to enjoy this great hobby of ours.
We have two new club members
Pete James and Stewart Bushell are the newest of our members. Please be sure to make them welcome if you see them at the patch. We currently have 48 Members, and still have a few on the waiting list.
The Nationals Coach Trip
We are booking a 24 seater coach for The Nationals, and have just a few seats left.
It was a cracking day out last time we went, and there will be the usual traders in attendance, so we can watch some great flying and even pick up a bargain or two.
Let Richard Wood know ASAP if you are interested in going and have not booked already
The trip is scheduled for SUNDAY 27th August and we will be setting off from The bowling Green Pub at 9.00 am. Please note that the landlord has given us permission to leave our cars there during the day. (And it is a chance to catch a bite to eat and chat about the day when you return)
A very noisy debate about noise reduction..
Many thanks to Stewart for his chat on noise reduction. It sparked some lively debate, which is just what we needed. There were some handy tips on proven noise reduction techniques, and we look forward t some good ideas in the future following items brought up during the debate that followed. The fact that we have some current measurements means that we can report bac on what has been tried and what worked and what did not. If you have tried things that did or did not work, please let us know, as both are important, and can help otheres.
This month….
There will not be a talk this month but we will be able to fly from the Pub grounds if you have something suitable. (weather permitting) We have booked a talk with Paul Dudley for September. Some of you may know of him already, but he is a master model builder and can give us all some fantastic hints and tips one model building and finishing. Even if you only have ARTF planes I guarantee you will be fascinated to hear what he has to teach.
The Patch
CDS are now started cutting the grass for us again. Kevin and the Wednesday Breakfast Club, have re-defined the patch so we should be set for a great summers flying.
Please keep as close to the hedge as you can when parking to avoid flattening the grass too much.
Also keep to the mown paths when walking to and from the patch and back to the pits. The farmer will probably be taking the silage in the next few weeks and will notice any flattened grass.
All Day Fly #1
All Day Fly Number 1 will be on Saturday 20th of May 2017. Get those models dusted off and charged up in readiness. (remember to test the capacity and health of any batteries that have not been used in a while)
Keep it safe…
Just a reminder to keep all models (including electric) properly restrained when armed and ready to go. If a battery is connected, the plane is ‘live’ and could spring into life at the knock of a switch or even turning on the transmitter. SAFETY FIRST!! Don’t lean over props when adjusting mixture etc. One slip on a bit of mud or cow pat could be nasty. Make your adjustments from behind the prop.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying
See you all at the The Bowling Green on Wednesday 3rd may
If the weather is kind and you have something electric to fly.. bring it along and try out the field behind the pub.
Safe and happy flying…
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2017 Newsletter
The Patch…
Kevin and the Wednesday Posse have re-defined and cut the patch. We will get CDS to start cutting again as soon as the far end of the patch is dry enough.
Graham (Tony’s son) has made it very clear that if he sees any cars on the field other than where we park, he will not be pleased and we will probably have to look for another flying site!
If you see anyone driving too far out in the field, please let them know they should not be there. If there is any problem with them doing this, please let a member of the committee know.
We currently have 47 Members, which is a very healthy number for so early in the year. We have several people on the waiting list and will be getting in touch with them to see if we can swell the ranks even more.
Nationals Coach Trip
We have had a poll of where the club charabanc trip should go this year.
Two suggestions were The Nationals and the Flying Proms at The Shuttleworth Collection.
It seems the majority of the members who would like to do on the trip out , wanted to go to …..drum roll please,,,, The Nationals.
It was a cracking day out last time we went, and there will be the usual traders in attendance, so we can watch some great flying and even pick up a bargain or two.
The trip is on Saturday 26th August. (Again Saturday seemed to be the most popular day)
Lets hear it for Bob..
Many thanks to Bob Norton for his very informative talk on converting engines to run on petrol or spark ignition and removing some of the mystery behind this dark art.
Lets (not) hear it ….
Stewart has been gathering noise measurements everywhere possible over the last few months. Gusty winds and general bad weather has not helped him in this task, but we have had a fair number of models measured. He will be presenting his findings and offering advice on noise reduction techniques at the next meeting. This is something we should all be aware of when ‘noise abatement’ is so prevalent.
The Patch
The grass is starting to grow again, and as soon as the patch looks dry enough we will get CDS to give it a trim for us.
With the amount of rain that we have had lately, it may be a week or two yet. However we know it only takes a good week of sunshine and a gentle breeze to change it from a bog to a nice firm landing strip.
The Bowling Green Pub
Now that the clocks have gone forward, we will have a look at the field at the back of the pub to see if it is suitable to fly from. It could be a chance for members to have a crafty fly while at the meeting. The landlord is all for it, but we just haven’t seen the field in the daylight.
And for those of you that have wondered about night flying… we will show what is needed to get an illuminated night flyer in the air next month.
Any Barney Rubble?
The drive up to the patch has quite a few dips and hollows. Should anyone have any rubble that is being thrown away, could they bring it to the patch, and fill in some of the holes. The usual “no half bricks” etc applies. Please smash the big lumps up first.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies, Safe and Happy Flying
See you all at the The Bowling Green on Wednesday 5th April
If you are building or have bought anything interesting, why not bring it along and show it off!
Alan Brown & The Committee
March 2017 Newsletter
No Newsletter
February 2017 Newsletter
Venue for Monthly Meetings : The Bowling Green, Stoke Works, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove B60 4BH
This first monthly meeting of 2017 was at the new venue at the Bowling Green Pub, following the good job done by the newly appointed Events Secretary / Welfare Officer, Richard Wood. The evening was a great success and everyone had a pint and a cheese or ham bap with chips and salad.
Although the two rooms we had were quite cosy with the number of members that turned up, the landlord has offered to reserve us the large room if the regular turnout is as good over the coming months. Lets see what we can do about that shall we..
We have also been asked if we would care to fly electric models in the field behind the pub when the lighter nights allow.
Sounds very much like Richard has found us a little gem..
I will bring along a flight sim to this next meeting, so we can have a practice whatever the weather is doing..
Healthy Membership Numbers
We currently have 48 members and another 4 possible members on the waiting list, so things are looking healthy membership wise.
Help with Training
As we are doing quite well on the membership side of things , we require some help on occasions where we have a lot of trainees and we are limited for time. If anyone can help with the setting up of planes , giving them the once over and getting the engines running reliably etc it would be very much appreciated.
With 2 or 3 trainees each , it is possible to get the 3 flights per week for trainees that we would like to see happen. However when engines are playing up etc, the time very soon gets eaten up, and extra help would be very welcome.
Still looking at noise issues…
We still want to measure as many planes for noise to see what the figures look like. Stewart will be happy to measure as many types as possible. This way we can see how the same size engine can be quieter on different props etc. We are compiling a knowledge databank for noise reduction measures and want to prepare a workshop at one of the club nights as information / education for members.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying Hope to see you all at the Bowling Green Pub on Wednesday from 7.30 on.
Any Rubble or Hardcore to get rid of?
We are looking for any rubble or hardcore to help fill the holes in the track on the way up to the flying field. (No whole bricks or toilets etc please, although if the bricks are smashed to rubble they will be fine.)
Also , if there is anyone out there with slabs to get rid of, we can always use them for parking on.
Many thanks to Hugh by the way for going round the slabs and clearing the grass from them.
Another Annual BMFC Outing…
We are looking to have another outing this year, and have been asking the membership if they want to have another crack at closing down The Nationals again , or going to the Flying Proms at the Shuttleworth Collection. Richard has put an e-mail out and on last check it seemed to be that The Nationals were ahead.. More to follow on this when we have the full results…
A few dates for the diary..
We have the draft dates for the all day flys.. (we will double check to see what these clash with before confirming)
All Day Fly #1 – 20th May 2017
All Day Fly #2 – 22nd July 2017
All Day Fly #3 – 16th September 2017
Mid Summer Meal at the the Nailors Arms – 5th July 2017
BMFA Talk at Studley Cricket Club – 16th March 2017
That’s it for this month. Hope to see you all at The Bowling Green pub on Wednesday 1st
Alan Brown & The Committee
January 2017 Newsletter
Another year over and deeper in debt!! Good lyrics for a song maybe??
FINAL REMINDER #1 – AGM – January 11th 2017 – Nailor’s Arms
We will be having our AGM meal at the Nailor’s Arms as usual.
There will be a Carvery, choice of Sweet of the day and a cup of Coffee, all for a subsidised £5 for members and £10 for partners. Have you booked it? Get in touch with Alan Brown if you have not!!
Committee positions are up for grabs, so let Alan Brown know if you want to be considered…
FINAL REMINDER #2 – 2017 Subscriptions
Fees for most rejoining will be £60 club fees plus £33 BMFA (£93 Total, plus £5 for the AGM meal if you are coming along).
If you have not paid by now you only have a few days left!! Get in touch with Elliot Hirst pronto…
Some General Notes
- a)We will be progressing with the noise testing next year so you may be asked to test your model and be politely asked to make modifications if it is deemed require them … we will also be adding “failsafe” checks in the pits too – see Safety Officer for details
- b)As we speak, the field is just about passable but please your sense and park outside the field if it is starting to churn up.
- c)Speaking of parking – the slabs have almost disappeared under the grass tussocks. The Committee are asking for volunteers to put a spade in the car and go up a bit early and spend some time exposing the slabs so we can park easily without fear of getting stuck
- d)We remind club members of the 3 visit rule – the details are for all to see on the web site in the Club Rules
New Club Night Venue
The Committee has decided that the Crown Inn is no longer suitable for Club Nights, and thanks to some hard work by our new member Richard Wood, we have identified a new venue in the Bromsgrove locality which is…..
The Bowling Green, Stoke Works, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove B60 4BH
The new venue will be used from the FEBRUARY 2017 meeting, and to promote a good turnout, there will be a free drink and food for each member ….. now we all know BMFC members like a free drink…..!!
So finally, MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all
Kevin Walker & The Committee
December 2016 Newsletter
EASA – Draft rulings
The Committee wrote to EASA on behalf of the membership, and have received a standard reply stating that they were looking at model flying as a sport and that it would most likely be exempt from their rulings as it is already being governed by the BMFA. Whether we will still be free to fly our aircraft from non club sites (public places) remains to be seen.
As individuals we would encourage you all to write to your local MP and voice your concerns regarding the proposed EASA rulings. You can find your local MPs contact details by entering your postcode on the following web page… Click on the link below.
At the end of this newsletter is some text that you may want to paraphrase in your own words and send to your local MP…
AGM Meal in January
We will be having our AGM meal at the Nailors Arms as usual. This will be on the second Wednesday in the New Year. (January 11th 2017) There will be a Carvery, choice of Sweet of the day and a cup of Coffee, all for a subsidised £5 for members and £10 for partners. The food is great and the turnout is usually very good. We hope you can all make it.
Club and BMFA fees are due BEFORE the end of the year
The new years fees are due before the 31st of December. We are keeping our club fees at £60 this year.
Please ensure that you either bring cash/check or pay by transfer before the 31st.
The current membership stands at 51 , and we have 3 people on the waiting list for next year.
Fees for most rejoining will be £60 club fees plus £33 BMFA (£93 Total, plus £5 for the AGM meal if you are coming along)
Any NEW members will be £60 club fees plus £33 BMFA plus the one off £25 joining fee (£118 plus £5 for the AGM meal if you are coming along)
Full Payment Details...
Membership Fees 2017
Membership fees for 2017 for the club and BMFA are shown below. Membership of the BMFA is compulsory to provide adequate insurance for third parties. The fee for this is payable via the club. BMFC members who have membership of the BMFA either directly or via another club do not need to pay, but should provide details.
Fees for 2017 are:
BMFC Full Membership £60.00
BMFC Junior Membership
(If parent or guardian is a full member) Free
BMFA Full Membership £33.00
BMFA Junior Membership £17.00
BMFA Family Partner £22.00
BMFA Family Junior £13.00
BMFC Joining Fee £25.00 (One off payment – New members Only)
BMFC Late Re-Joining Fee £10.00 (Late payment fee – please pay before the new year!)
BMFA Full Membership – Half Year TBA in July
BMFA Junior Membership – Half Year TBA in July
BMFA Family Partner – Half Year TBA in July
BMFA Family Junior – Half Year TBA in July
How to pay…..
- At Club Night at The Old Crown,Catshill, on 1stWedneday of month (except August), in cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Bromsgrove Flying Club (our name at the bank).
- By cheque through the post, sent to: ElliotHirst, BMFC, 113Croftdown Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 8RE
- Bydirect payment to:
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name Please e-mail me at to confirm that you have paid by this method.
Elliot Hirst (Hon Treasurer)
Its Oh so quiet..shhhh … shhhhh
We will be recording the noise measurements of as many models as we can over the coming weeks.
These measurements can be used to improve overly noisy planes. It will allow the comparison of different prop / engine / exhaust combinations and the ability to say why one 46 size engine is much noisier than another.
If you have a plane that you think is louder than it should be then please let us know. We are here to help and to try and sort these things out. We do not want to stop anyone flying but cannot let a noisy plane threaten the flying of everyone else.
Park on the Slabs if its muddy..
Well Autumn arrived about 4 weeks ago, and it seems Winter was hot on its tail…..
If the gateway is muddy, please park on the slabs to the left of the track.
The dog walkers may continue using the gateway but we would rather it was not BMFC that are churning up the farmer’s field. Please don’t go into the field if the gateway is muddy.
2017 Committee …
Don’t forget that each year we elect a new committee. Although (I think, and need to check !!) all the current committee members will stand next year, anyone who wants to join the committee can put themselves forward. Just let one of the current committee members know.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying Hope to see you all at the Old Crown Catshill on Wednesday from 7.30 on.
Alan Brown & The Committee
Feel free to paraphrase the following in your own words and contact your local MP and MEP.
Re: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Model Flying Clubs
I understand the intention of EASA to regulate the growing drone industry and their customers in order to establish standards of production and operation.
Aero-modellers like myself are also concerned about drone pilots flying recklessly, or in restricted areas, quite often without adequate background knowledge or mandatory insurance.
At the same time, I cannot agree with Article 15 “Transitional provisions” of the “Prototype” which could give the classic flying of model aircraft for sports and leisure just another couple of years to continue, even with their proven practice and good safety record.
I welcome the principle approach of recognising the special role of model flying associations such as the British model Flying Association (BMFA)
The regulation and in particular Article 15 brings the risk of different interpretations and may cause legal uncertainty….
My main concern is the suggested common definition for model aircraft and drones, both being referred to as “Unmanned Aircraft”.
For well over 100 years aero-modellers have been safely flying while following common rules. Model aircraft can be Fixed Wing , Rotary, Multicopter or even Rockets. The knowledge and skills and safe place to fly these safely is usually provided by a community of existing model flying clubs.
Solo flyers also depend on information and knowledge passed by clubs, magazines, websites etc. Learning to fly these models may take months or years. These are not autonomous flyers and require a good deal of skill to fly.
The purpose of Unmanned Aircraft (UA) as they are defined by EASA is different….
They are designed to be sold everywhere and operated without any special knowledge or training. Their design guarantees stability in flight without special skills of their operators. They are platforms for other tasks than just to fly. Their purpose is to collect data, taking photographs or to transport goods.
I understand the intention of EASA to prevent inexperienced UA users from endangering manned aircraft or the general public.
A suggested first step might be the registration of all UA users.
BMFA members are already registered, as are the model flying clubs they belong to.
If the “Commission Regulation on Unmanned Aircraft Operations” in 2020 or later will regulate the flying of classic model aircraft in the same way as the operation of multicopter drone UA, one of the oldest and most popular air sports will come to an end. Half of all its enthusiasts worldwide live in Europe. I cannot believe that the European Union is willing to terminate one of the most demanding and skilled hobby sports.
I would like to see a differentiation between these two kinds of model aircraft and hope you can help keep our vibrant, skilled and above all “safe” hobby (and its supporting businesses) alive.
Your Faithfully
November 2016 Newsletter
Quite a bit to read this month, so sit yourself down and concentrate!!
ADF #3 Report
Not quite as good a turnout as the previous two, and the strong cross wind was a bit awkward, but on the whole another successful day was enjoyed by all.
This year all 3 events went well – many thanks to all those hard working members who made them all successful!!
The Patch and the Flying Field
If you have a lawn, you will know that it still seems to be growing and needing cutting!! We have asked CDS to continue weekly mowing until the end of October and we will then review the arrangements.
Past experience has shown that the flying field can become very wet in short order, so please park on the slabs when this happens and refrain from churning up the field please.
Noise Complaint
We have had no further mention of this by the Farmer, so I think we have now dealt with the original complaint.
Regardless, you need to be aware of the noise that your model(s) make, and don’t be upset if you are asked to discuss how noisy your plane seems to be !!
Notwithstanding, the Committee has decided that we need to set up a model database with details of model, engine, and silencer + propeller combination, and you may be asked for your model to be noise tested.
In summary, we enjoy a very good relationship with the Farmer who fully supports us, plus excellent flying facilities. If we keep a low profile with the local community, the Committee believes that there is every reason for the status quo to continue for a long time to come…..
Incident Log
The Committee has decided that for the future, it is good practice to maintain an Incident Log, should we ever be asked to prove our procedures and safety record (see EASA proposals below). This will be in the form of a Desk Diary to be kept in the flight box.
We intend to record Date & Time of the incident, Pilot Name, Model, Description of the Incident, and Outcome & Conclusions.
To clarify, NO – you will NOT need to record that heavy landing when you bent the undercart, we are talking about a heavy crash or total loss of a model here. The Committee feel that it is good practice to record incidents which could have a safety or damage to persons or property element.
AGM Advance Warning
Early Doors I know, but we will be having the AGM followed by a Carvery as usual on the second Wednesday of January 2017, so put it in your new diary now…..
EASA Protoype Rules
You will no doubt have read the details of these in the October 2016 BMFA News magazine.
Be under no illusion, these could have a MAJOR impact on our sport if they choose to implement them in a broad brush way….. and NO, BREXIT will not stop this happening!!
The Committee has agreed a reply to EASA’s proposals and the following was emailed to EASA by Alan Brown on October 6th 2016, before the proposals are put to the European Parliament on October 10th/11th 2016.
I am writing to you in my capacity of Chairman of Bromsgrove Model Flying Club based in the UK.
The Club has 51 members and as such I am speaking on their behalf. We are very concerned by the
format and content of the proposed “Prototype Rules” for the regulation of “unmanned aircraft”.
We believe that these regulations, whilst aimed at the control and regulation of drone flying,
will have a major impact on our model flying activities.
We have been in existence as a Club since the 1960’s, and we are affiliated to the BMFA in the
UK and operate under their rules. We give formal training to new pilots up to the BMFA ‘A’ test
standard, and we actively encourage youngsters to pursue the sport of model flying. We have an
exemplary safety record and operate our own dedicated flying site with a strict code of practice
developed over many years.
As a Club, we have noted the concerns regarding drones being used for illegal or terrorist
activities. However, I would strongly urge you to ensure that the intended regulations must consider
properly regulated radio controlled model flying as an entirely separate activity, and should
be drafted accordingly.
Please Remember … Next meeting is on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at the Crown Inn – come on let’s have a good turn out and see you there . . . .
And Also Please ……
Don’t forget that we are a Club = not just a group of individuals who happen to like flying model aeroplanes ! ! !
Kevin Walker & The Committee
October 2016 Newsletter
Two ‘A’ Passes..
Big Congratulations to Richard Wood and Tom Barrow, who passed their ‘A’ tests the weekend of All Day Fly #3. Richard passed on the day and Tom came back with a model with wheels (a must for the ‘A’ test) on the Sunday. Well done to you both and ‘Get Some In’ while the weather is good!
All day Fly #3
Many thanks again to all those that helped out to make the day a great hit, from the supply of food and drink, to the gazebo tables and BBQ’s.
… And a special thanks to Mrs Worrall for the wonderful chocolate cake.
The weather was mostly on our side, and a good days flying was had by many, and as mentioned above.. some even had their first solo flights.
I would like to personally thank all those (past and present), who have sacrificed room in the car and flying time, to make the all day fly’s so enjoyable for the rest of us.
All quiet on the Western (or should that be southern) Front…
We have heard no more about the noise complaint, but we still need to keep our guard up.
Don’t fly anything too noisy, (goes without saying), and don’t fly any further than the 3rd hedge away, when stood in the pilots boxes.
I can personally tell you that that is quite a long way away, but beyond that we start to get very close to houses, and therefore will get ourselves noticed.
Also, when landing from the left hand side of the patch, do not fly too far away before turning back in to land, as that will also take us close to houses.
Invitation to a Night Fly..
Just to remind everyone that NWMAS have invited us along to their ‘night fly’ event at Studley Cricket Club on Thursday 6th October from about 7.00pm onwards. (Small electric models with lights can be flow)
£3 will get you entry and is to cover the food that is laid on.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying Hope to see you all at the Old Crown Catshill on Wednesday from 7.30 on. (Although I will not be able to make it this month)
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2016 Newsletter
All day Fly #3 – Saturday 17th September .. A week this Saturday
Fingers crossed for the weather for all day fly #3.
We will have the usual ‘Go – No Go’ notification by E-mail and Web Site on Friday 16th.
If it is a NO GO, we will move the All Day Fly to one week later. If this 2nd week is a No Go, we will cancel All Day Fly #3 all together, and look forward to next year.
Remember to charge your batteries and cameras.. and remember to take some pictures (The chairman bought his camera last time and only took one photo!)
John Dean’s Planes
As you know we had an auction of some of John Dean’s planes at the All Day Fly #2.
We would like to say a big thank you to all those that took part and we are very please to anounce that the total of the sales came to almost £1000
The great news is that there are many of John’s planes flying in the skies over our club.
Keep it quiet and keep it close…
Following on from last months noise complaint, I would ask everyone to stand at the flight line and re-familiarise themselves with where the houses are at the patch.
When you are stood in the pilots box, we have houses in the mid distance at 10, 11 and 12 o clock positions.
We would ask that no-one flies any further away than the 3rd hedgerow that is in front of you as you stand in the pilots box. (about 250m away)
Also when landing from the left don’t make your approach too long as your down wind leg will be turning over the houses that are in the 10 o’ clock position.
The pylons to the right are just over 450m away and there is nothing but the wires to worry about in that direction.
If you have a plane that you think is louder than it should be then please let us know. We are here to help and to try and sort these things out. We do not want to stop anyone flying but cannot let a noisy plane threaten the flying of everyone else.
We have quite a few tips on quietening planes down on the web site. If your plane is revving very high, then the easiest thing to do is put a bigger prop on it.
Increasing the diameter (from 11×6 to 12×6 for example) of the prop will increase the amount of air moved by the prop but not the speed of which it is moved. It will make the engine work a little harder and therefore bring the revs down a bit ( = quieter), the larger prop will also help slow the plane down when the engine is at idle when landing.
Increasing the pitch of the prop from 11×6 to 11×7 will move the same amount of air just a bit faster. This will increase the load on the engine again, but will also increase the top speed of the plane. (and the landing speed at idle!)
The shape of the prop is also quite important. Square ended props (like Master Airscrew) are much noisier than scimitar shaped props (APC or Bolly).
Properly baffled exhausts are also important, especially on larger and/or petrol powered engines.
Remember that there are people with all sorts of skills in the club, and they are only too happy to help.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying Hope to see you all at the Old Crown Catshill on Wednesday from 7.30 on.
Alan Brown & The Committee
August 2016 Newsletter
New Members
We have 2 new members this month. Tom Barrow who is a novice but is doing very well with his glider and Peter Dickinson who is returning to flying after quite a few years off. Please be sure to give them our usual BMFC welcome. We now have 50 members.
No August Meeting
Just a reminder that there will be NO MEETING FOR AUGUST… We will meet again on Wednesday 7th of September. Hope to see you there..
All day Fly #2 – Saturday 23rd July 2016
Yes this Saturday coming!!
We were hoping that the farmer had taken the silage again by then, but will have to wait and see.
We will have the usual ‘Go – No Go’ notification by E-mail and Web Site on Friday.
If it is a NO GO, we will move the All Day Fly to one week later.
If this is a No Go, we will not hold the 2nd all day fly at all, and concentrate on the last on Saturday 17th September..
We need as many cameras and pictures taken as we can get.
John Dean’s Planes
As you know John Dean sadly passed away recently and we have been asked by his family to help sell his (quite large) collection of planes.
We hope that this Saturdays All Day Fly will provide the perfect setting to show some of these off and enable the club members to have the first opportunity to buy them. They will be auctioned off on the day so do remember to bring some money along.
A Test Pass..
Apologies to Alex Plant, I put the wrong name in the news letter. Alex passed his ‘A’ with flying colours and as mentioned last month, two of the best landings I have seen.
He passed the test with ease and had two of the best landings I have seen, and walked through the test questions.
A very Well Done to him for leading the way, and proving that it can be done…
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2016 Newsletter
New Member
Alan Nelson has recently joined the club – give him the usual BMFC welcome and support…..
All Day Fly #2
The silage grass has been taken so the flying field should be in prime condition.
ADF #2 Scheduled for SATURDAY 23rd July 2016 10am to 50m with lunchtime BBQ as usual.
The usual Go-NO GO decision will be taken on the Friday before and email and web site notification as usual
‘A’ Test Pass
Well done to Simon Plant.
This was the new tougher ‘A’ test – so well done Simon
Photo Call
Any Photos from the 1st All Day Fly?
I did remember to take a camera to the all day fly, but only took 2 snaps with it. If anyone has any
pics, (or hints and tips) could they please forward them to myself ( or
Kevin ( to put on the web site.
The BMFC Web Site..
Many thanks to Kevin for making sure that our Web Site server move went smoothly. We have had a
couple of reports that the google search may be bringing up the old site, however all seems to be fine
when I search. The web address is and a few
searches and hits on Google will certainly help move the new site up the rankings………..
Flying Etiquette
Can we try and keep the number of people in the pilots box to 6 as a maximum please. It does get a bit
cramped down there on occasions. If you are helping someone to launch their plane, then please
ensure that both pilot and helper , move to the back of the box once the plane has taken off.
This makes it very clear to anyone walking down to the patch that you are not landing. If you ARE
landing , please move to the FRONT of the pilots box, as again this is a clear indicator you are landing
, and anyone looking to take off should not to walk onto the patch.
Thats it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying
See you all those that can make it at the The Nailors Arms on Wednesday 6th July
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2016 Newsletter
All day Fly #1 – Saturday 21st May 2016
As you know we have moved the date of the first All Day Fly back by a week from the usual date. We were hoping that the farmer had taken the silage by then. It looks like the farmer has booked the contractors for the week after the 21st.
By the looks of it the weather is not looking too grand for Saturday at the moment, but we will have the usual ‘Go – No Go’ notification by E-mail and Web Site on the Friday.
If it is a NO GO, we will move the All Day Fly to one week later. If this is a No Go, we will not hold the first all day fly at all, and concentrate on the second in July.
The 2nd All Day Fly on Saturday 23rd July
The 3rd all day fly will be on Saturday 17th September..
The Patch
The grass growing very quickly now, and we will ask CDS to start cutting every week from the end of the month..
The farmer is getting ready to take the silage. Even more than ever.. Please keep as close to the hedge as possible when driving in and out to minimise the amount of grass that gets flattened.
More stringent ‘A’ test questions
In the light of all the recent ‘drone’ activity, it seems that the BMFA are wanting us all to be better informed and educated. As such, the questions for the ‘A’ and ‘B’ tests are a little deeper.
I would encourage EVERYONE to read the attached “Fixed Wing Power Certificates” document. Especially Pages 26 and 27.
Moving on up
With the number of trainees being quite low at the moment, we take this opportunity to remind you that the instructors are not just there to get you through the ‘A’ test, but to help you improve and maybe even work your way to your ‘B’ certificate. So if you are looking to try a new manoeuvre or sequence but are not too sure how to go about it.. why not ask.
Midsummer Meal
We are going to book a mid year meal at The Nailors Arms as the Christmas meal was such a success.
So the Wednesday meeting on 6th July will be at the Nailors Arms. We will let you all know the details a little nearer the time, but may need a small contribution from members to get a firm idea of the numbers expected.
That’s it for this month… Clear Skies, Safe and Happy Flying
See you all at the The Old Crown Catshill on Wednesday 1st June
If you are building or have bought anything interesting, why not bring it along and show it off!
Alan Brown & The Committee
May 2016 Newsletter
Another New Member
We have had another new member join. Wayne Braidwood Please be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome if you see him at the patch. We now have 47 members.
All day Fly #1 – 21st May 2016
We have moved the date of the first All Day Fly back by a week from the usual date. We have found in previous years that we had an All Day Fly with long grass in the field and then the following week, the farmer had taken the silage. We hope that this year the silage will be taken before we fly.
BMFC are going ‘coal fired’ for the BBQ this year and should have a couple on the go.
The usual ‘Go – No Go’ notification by E-mail and Web Site will be made on the Friday before.
Dust off all those old favourites and fingers crossed for the weather…
The Patch
We haven’t had much snow this winter and the grass was getting pretty long and wet. We have asked CDS to cut the grass for us every other week for the moment. Unfortunately the weather has meant that they have only managed to get one cut done this month but we are due another one this coming Friday (6th May). The grass is a little long at the moment.
The good news is that the field is drying out nicely and we are now parking in the flying field next to the hedge. Please keep as close to the hedge as possible when driving in and out to minimise the amount of grass that gets flattened.
Any budding WEB Designers out there?…
Last month, Kevin received notice from Virgin that they were dropping the WEB Site hosting side of the business.
He has managed to get our website transferred and working again with another supplier, but has asked if there may be some budding web designers out there who would like to redesign the website for us.
Any creative types out there that fancy the challenge, please let Kevin or a committee member know.
Thats it for this month… Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying
See you all at the The Old Clown Catshill on Wednesday 4th May
If you are building or have bought anything interesting, why not bring it along and show it off!
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2016 Newsletter
Not a great deal to report this month….
The Patch & Pits
As promised, the Patch and Pits have been resized back to their previous dimensions. We will be asking CDS to recommence mowing shortly, and will impress on them the need to keep to the new sizes!!
If you have been flying lately, the Wednesday Wobblers have kindly driven up and down the patch in their cars to make the surface flatter…… did you notice??
Now that the weather is improving, it is fine to drive into the flying field, but please keep as close in as you can when you enter the field through the gateway.
Safety Issues
The Safety Officer wishes to bring the following to the attention of all members
- a)Smoking in the pits – this is a complete no-no especially when there are petrol engine models being flown
- b)Dead Stick landings – if a dead stick is called, landing priority MUST be given to the pilot with the dead engine – don’t just ignore them!!
It may be worthwhile at this juncture to re-emphasise the Club Code of Flying – please take time to refresh yourself with the details. The Code of Flying has been developed over a number of years and is there for the safe and efficient flying of models at the club. Take a look at the web site….
Web Site
Talking of the web site – do you use it? What do you think of it? Do you have any suggestions for improving it? Does anybody want to take over the administration of it? Please let any member of the Committee know….
And Also Please Remember …
Next meeting is on Wednesday 6th April 2016 at the Crown Inn – come on let’s have a good turn out and see you there . . . .
Please don’t forget that we are a club not just a group of individuals who happen to like flying model aeroplanes ! ! !
Kevin Walker & The Committee
March 2016 Newsletter
John Dean
It is with great sadness I pass on the news of John Deans passing away. John may not have been seen down at the patch very often, but was at most club nights and was a very knowledgeable engineer as well as being a thoroughly nice chap. He will be sadly missed.
New Members
We have had 2 new members join. Nigel Hall and his son Jamie. Please be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome if you see them at the patch. We now have 44 members.
AGM Matters Arrising
- Can we have a hut:- It had been a number of years since we have spoken to the farmer regarding a hut or container. Kevin has spoken to Tony the farmer, but Tony still does not want a container or the like on his land. He was Ok about it, and even enquired what we may want to keep in it.
- Is the patch shrinking? We will measure up the the patch and make sure that it is the agreed length and width.
- Can we change the orientation of the patch to avoid the sun? With access to the site, overflying houses, and keeping away from the woods and the game birds. We feel that we probably have the best possition at the moment. We will of course listen to suggestions but without ending up with a huge walk or flying in a bowl with hills in front we are not sure we can do better.
- Resite the windsock hole. Yes we will ! And we will remake the flightbox markers.
- Get a fire blanket for Lipo or Fuel fires We have a fire blanket on order and this will be kept in the ammo box to be brought out with the windsock etc
The Patch
We haven’t had much of a winter and the grass was getting pretty long. CDS have managed to cut the grass for us so when the wind and rain stops we should be able to get into the air.
Worcester Club Invites
We have been having invites along to the Worcester club evenings of late. I attended the Morris Motors evening and it was very interesting and for the £3 entry fee you got an interesting chat / lecture and display and even got fed! When the weather allows you even get to fly electric.
For Sale
We have been contacted by an ex-flyer who is selling his set-up. It is a UnoWot and I believe most of what you would need to get up and flying, and it is on the website.
Contact details are there also. Any trainees out there want a complete set up?
Clear Skies , Safe and Happy Flying
See you all at the The Old Crown Catshill on Wednesday 2nd March
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2016 Newsletter
No Newsletter
January 2016 Newsletter
No Newsletter
December 2015 Newsletter
To “B” or not to “B”
Congratulations to George who has passed his “B” test. Its our first in some time.. well done mate. His sights are firmly set on the “C” test now… (And that will be a first for BMFC!!) Anyone else out there that would like to take their “B” test? Let one of the committee know and we will do what we can to help.
Grass Cutting has finished – Its now too muddy
Now the weather has turned, CDS will no longer be cutting the grass. We will get them to start again next spring.
Winter has well and truly arrived so please do not park in the field. Its time to use the slabs again. If the dog walkers are still driving onto the field, please do not do the same. We do not want any blame for messing up the farmers field.
If anyone has any salbs that need ‘disposing’ of, please let someone on the committee know. We can probably help make use of them. Likewise if you have any hardcore to be rid of (rubble and stones), we could always use it to fill in some of the pot holes on the way up to the field.
Changes to the Clubs Code of Flying and Club Rules
There has been an updating of the Code of Flying and Club Rules and the new documents are on the BMFC Web Site and can (and should be) read. We will be including a hard copy in the January Newsletter and Insurance Documents.
AGM in January
We will be holding the AGM at the Nailors Arms again this year on Wednesday 13th January. (We are at The Old Crown for Decembers meeting)
The Nailers Arms
62 Doctors Hill,
B61 9JE
There will be a Carvery meal and a choice of pud on the night. All for £5 for members and £10 for non-members. The food is very good and we hope for a great turnout.
BMFA Fees have are up by £1 – Club fees remain the same as 2015
Please remember that December 31st is the last day to re-join without incurring a late payment fee.
Normal adult re-joining fee is £60 + £33 = £93 (or £98 if you want to pay for the AGM meal)
Below, Elliot has explained all……
BMFC – Membership Fees 2016
Membership fees for 2016 are payable now and should be paid no later than 31 December 2015. After this date the re-joining fee will also be payable.
In addition, membership of the BMFA is compulsory to provide adequate insurance for third parties. The fee for this is also payable, via the club, at this time. BMFC members who have membership of the BMFA either directly or via another club do not need to pay, but should provide details.
Fees for 2016 are:
BMFC Full Membership £60.00
BMFC Junior Membership – (If parent or guardian is a full member) Free
BMFA Full Membership £33.00
BMFA Junior Membership £17.00
BMFA Family Partner £22.00
BMFA Family Junior £13.00
One off BMFC Joining Fee £25.00 (New members)
BMFC Re-Joining Fee £10.00 (if re-joining after 31st December 2015)
For members who join or re-join on or after 1st June 2016 the fees are:
BMFC Full Membership – half year £45.00
BMFA Full Membership – half year tba
BMFA Junior Membership – half year tba
BMFA Family Partner– half year tba
BMFA Family Junior – half year tba
Payment (direct to the club account at HSBC is preferred) can be made as follows:
- At Club Night at The Old Crown,Catshill, on 2nd December, in cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Bromsgrove Flying Club (our name at the bank).
- By cheque through the post, sent to: ElliotHirst, BMFC, 113Croftdown Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 8RE
- Bydirect payment to:
Account Name: Bromsgrove Flying Club
Bank: HSBC, Bromsgrove
Sort Code: 40-15-07
Account Number: 91059327
Payment reference: Please include your name Please e-mail me at to confirm that you have paid by this method.
Elliot Hirst
Hon Treasurer
See you all at the Old Crown on Wednesday 2nd December
Alan Brown & The Committee
November 2015 Newsletter
‘A’ Test Pass
Congratulations go to Tony Stanton who passed his ‘A’ test on Sunday 25th October 2015.
Well done Tony, and thanks to Nick Rawet for giving you all the tuition……
Rx Batteries
If you use digital servos it is fully recommended that you use sub ‘C’ size batteries because digital servos do draw more current than standard servos. You just know it makes sense.
Is now bi-weekly until such time as the grass has stopped growing….which is anytime soon.
Cows in the Flying Field
This should not happen!!! So ensure that the gate is always closed into the flying field.
Some weeks ago the herd got into the flying field because a hiker left one of the gates open at the bottom of the field and the farmer was very grateful for us informing of that fact!!
BMFC Web Site
Please note that the BMFC web site is the official organ of the Club.
All views expressed on any Facebook pages that mention the Club are NOT the official views of the Club.
Scheduled for Wednesday 13th January 2016 at the Nailers Arms, format will be the same as last year with a subsidised carvery for members and an open invite to our long suffering partners at full price.
Put it in your diary now……
Next Club Meeting
Remember … Next meeting Wednesday 4th November 2015 at the Crown Inn – come on let’s have a good turn out and see you there . . . .
Please don’t forget that we are a club not just a group of individuals who happen to like flying model aeroplanes ! ! !
Kevin Walker & The Committee
October 2015 Newsletter
All Day Fly #3
Despite early rain it was a good call to hold ADF#3. On cue the sky cleared to be replaced by sunshine and cloud albeit with a stiff, gusty 12mph straight down the patch. Turnout was low – about 12 – as expected really because of the weather, but the BBQ went ahead and the number of cakes available seems to get more and more. Very many thanks to all those that helped to make it such a great day.
The charabanc trip to The Nationals
The trip to the nationals was a great success. 19 members went along to witness some great flying and the ubiquitous scones from Steve’s wife went down very well. There was a huge swap meet , and one member managed to snap up a bargain and returned to the coach before anyone else had time to get their coats on and get off the coach!
Many thanks to Keith and Phil for the organising and driving on the day.
So… Where should we go next year? Let a committee member know your thoughts…
Facebook page..
Can we please not put anything negative on Facebook. If you have a problem or question then please let the committee know, and we will deal with it in the best way for the club. Should the farmer find out about some of the comments made, we are quite sure he would not be best pleased, and we do not want to put our flying patch at risk. The BMFC website is the “official” outlet for dates etc. (there was some confusion with the date of one of the all day flys) Lets keep it positive and deal with any problems in the proper manner.
A and B tests…
Please remember that ‘A’ and ‘B’ test may NOT be taken with giros or other stabilizing devices in your plane. To quote the ‘A’ test notes on the BMFA website…
“The use of a gyro or autopilot is not allowed during the test. If
any such system is fitted to the
model it must be disabled during the test and you should check that this has been done“
In answer to some of questions and enquiries put forward to the committee..
All day fly number 4?
We have been asked if we could put on another all day fly in the year to bring the total All Day Flys to 4. After discussions, it was felt that those that help to put on these days could not really do any more and we have enough problems with those people being on holiday or unavailable on the day and their responsibilities being picked up by the remaining crew. I would take this opportunity to thank the members, and the spouses who supply cakes, scones etc, for their hard work over the years in setting these events up for us all. Remember we would not have any all day flys if these people did not put themselves out for us.
Taxi !!
We cannot allow taxiing from the pits down to the patch. If your plane is too big to carry on your own, please get someone to help you carry it down to the patch.
Starting Engines on the patch.. show some restraint !!
It has been asked if larger planes can be carried down towards the patch and the engine started there.
Engines can be started close to the patch, (on the path), but NOT in the pilots box and not on the patch itself. The plane MUST BE RESTRAINED BY A SECOND PERSON, as a revving engine will cause the plane to lurch forward and risk injury to the pilot or others in the pilots box.
Changes to the Patch?
We have agreed with the farmer the size of the patch, and we cannot change this. The patch is what it is, and we cannot, and will not be changing it. So… if you are thinking of putting a ½ scale Boeing 747 on your Christmas list, you may want to re-think. The patch is what it is…
Flying FPV – (First Person View)
The committee have discussed at length the safety aspects and BMFA recommendations regarding FPV flight. As we must cover both the safety of other members and also the general public who may be on the public footpaths and also the club rules MUST cover both quad copters and fixed wing FPV.
In line with guidelines set out by the BMFA, and with safety in mind, we have put some CLUB rules together. (we are aware that CAA rules now state “The person in charge is accompanied by a competent observer who maintains direct unaided visual contact with the SUA sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions and advises the person in charge accordingly. “ but the committee felt that if others are in close proximity, a spotter will not be able to prevent an imminent collision with property or persons.
- You must ALWAYS fly buddied up to an ‘A’ certified spotter. This person must be linked via a buddy lead to the transmitter of the FPV flyer and must be the ‘MASTER’ transmitter holding the training switch. They must be able to take over the flying of the model should the video signal be lost or if they become aware of some danger that the FPV flyer cannot see via the screen. Buddy lead linking is required by the CLUB as it is felt that if others are in close proximity, a spotter will not be able to prevent an imminent collision with property or persons.
- The model must always be flown within line of site.
- Both FPV flyer and the buddied spotter will be positioned in the pilots box and flying will only take place in front of the flight line.
- As with the flying of helicopters, quad copter FPV flights, will only take place with the agreement of other fixed wing flyers.
A new secretary needed…
After several years in the seat, Mick Danks is planning to step down as Club Secretary in December.
Ricardo has volunteered his services, and will be taking over from Mick in December. (all committee places are up for grabs at the AGM of course)
Grass Cutting
CDS will be cutting the grass every other week from now on.
See you all at the Old Crown on Wednesday
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2015 Newsletter
Is scheduled for SATURDAY 12th September 2015 – flying 10am to 5pm as usual with BBQ 1-2pm
Hopefully it will be third time lucky for the weather again…. look at the web site for the GO/NO GO decision as usual . . .
********************* ! ! HELP NEEDED ! ! *********************** ***
The gas fired BBQ will NOT be available on the above date. We need a member (or members) to bring their own equipment on the day. Please contact Alan Brown if you can help out. . . . .
If you have worked in McDonalds in the past, that would be a bonus . . . .
You will have noticed some sizeable cracks in the patch due to the ground being so dry. Volunteers are needed to buy a couple of bags of topsoil and fill in the cracks by trowel and tamp it down. No piles of dirt on the patch please. The Club will reimburse all costs. Contact Alan Brown to co-ordinate…
Here is a refresher…..
- The code for the padlock is the Bromsgrove STD code minus the zero
- Once you have put in the correct number (admittedly a bit fiddly as the lock only fits the hasp upside down) then press the padlock loop in hard to release it (it is spring loaded)
- Once the gate is open, PLEASE lock the padlock onto the kissing gate so that any following member that arrives knows the gate has been undone, and, more importantly, nobody walks off with the padlock…
- It goes without saying that the last member to leave the site must lock the gate again
Here is a refresher…..
- The code for the padlock is the Bromsgrove STD code minus the zero
- Once you have put in the correct number and removed the lock until needed again on departure, PLEASE lock the padlock to the box again to avoid losing the code. IT IS VERY EASY TO CHANGE THE CODE BY ACCIDENT IF THE LOOP IS TURNED THROUGH 180 degrees AND THE NUMBERS ARE MOVED…….it is not rocket science!!!
- It goes without saying that the last member to leave must ensure that the windsock pole is replaced in the vertical holder on the fence and all other club items (peg board and pegs, windsock, first aid kit etc) are replaced in the box and the box is padlocked before departure
The farmer has informed us that there will be a music festival taking place on his land, which should not interfere with our operations, but you need to be aware of the following….
Here are the details of the event …..
- The site of the festival will be in the large field on the other side of the hedge bordering the hard core track (i.e. on your LEFT as you drive up the track)
- Entrance to the festival will be via the gate to the LEFT of the padlocked gate that we use for access to the hardcore road leading to the patch (and definitely not our access gate)
- The main festival dates are August 29th /30th /31st
- There may be early camping arrivals in the field from Monday 24th August onwards
- There may be late camping departures in the following week too ….
Here are some important notes ….
- For the duration of the event, it is strongly suggested that our access gate be padlocked at all times
- The festival site is a very large field and we also have another field between the proposed site and our flying field, which gives us ample separation distance, so our flying should not be affected at all
- However, please be aware that you may be overflying the festival site if you extend your approach a long way down wind assuming the wind is in the normal direction (i.e. westerly, taking off from the LH pilots box)
- Since there may well more people around (possibly having partaken of a few beers at the festival itself), it is suggested that you lock your cars too…..
We do NOT expect it to be the size of Glastonbury, but you all need to be aware of what is happening.
You will be aware that we share our field with a dog training club on most Sundays. After a “bedding in period” and some detailed discussions with them to ascertain their requirements, they are now safely parking in the corner of the field, well away from our flying operations.
In the unlikely event of there being any further issues, please contact a Committee member in the first instance who will take up the matter from there.
FPV (First Person View) and QuadCopters
The Committee will be discussing the impact of both, so expect further announcements soon.
Remember … Next meeting Wednesday 2nd September 2015 at the Crown Inn – come on let’s have a good turn out and see you there . . . .
Please don’t forget that we are a club not just a group of individuals who happen to like flying model aeroplanes ! ! !
Kevin Walker & The Committee
August 2015 Newsletter
No meeting in August…
Just a reminder that there will be no meeting on the first Wednesday in August. This is due to the holiday season. (You can of course turn up for a quiet pint or three anyway!)
All Day Fly #2
A great turnout, despite raining right up until the last minute. Many thanks to all those involved in the organisation, burger cooking, onion frying, cake making, scone making, tea making. Everyone was well fed and well flown by the end of the day.
Flying FPV – (First Person View)
I am including a paragraph from the March 2013 Newsletter regarding FPV flying.
Can you all please abide by these rules as they are there to ensure safety of yourself and others, not spoil your fun.
There are new facets to flying popping up more and more.. here is one of the latest.
For anyone wanting to fly FPV (First Person View). (For those not familiar with the term, its flying via an image displayed by a video camera on board the plane).
In line with guidelines set out by the BMFA we have put some club rules together.
You must ALWAYS fly with a spotter. This person will be linked via a buddy lead to the transmitter of the FPV flyer and must be the ‘MASTER’ transmitter. They must be able to take over the flying of the model should the video signal be lost or if they become aware of some danger that the FPV flyer cannot see via the screen.
For this reason the model must always be flown within line of site.
Both FPV flyer and the spotter will be positioned in the pilots box.
As with the flying of helicopters FPV flights, will only take place with the agreement of others flying. (I can’t see this being a problem as many will be watching from the sidelines).
These are BMFA guidelines and not adhering to them will invalidate your insurance.
Petrol Engines – part 2
We have put together a few hints and tips when using petrol engines. (or spark ignition engines)
- As you may or may not know 35Mhz is susceptible to interference from the electronic ignition. For that reason you should only use 2.4 Ghz receivers.
- A final range check with engine running and revving will ensure that all is well.
- To give the receiver the best chance or interference free reception it should be positioned as far away from the electronic ignition and the aerials should be away from any wires and in ‘free space’
- The spark plug caps should be correctly fitted and the screened HT lead should not be damaged. (this helps earth any RF that may be generated)
- Any push-rods attached to the throttle or choke should be nylon or metal with nylon clevises or nylon ball ends. This again is to insulate the push rods and stop them acting as antennas and radiating the interference.
- Baffles for silencers can be made by putting large washers that are a tight fit in the exhaust tube, on a length of all-thread, and securing them in place with nuts on both sides. These washers should have a number of holes (a mix of 1.5mm and 2.5mm holes) drilled in them to break up the airflow.
PS.. Very Important… As there is more petrol about, please do not smoke in the pits.
Trip to the Nationals..
As most know, Keith Westwood and Phil Buggins are arranging a charabanc trip to the nationals, There are a few seats left and it first come first served, so if you fancy going call Keith on 0121 544 5102 or 07990 506 270… Remember the club is paying!!
A new secretary needed…
After several years in the seat, Mick Danks is planning to step down as Club Secretary in December.
He has kindly given us plenty of warning so we have a little time to seek a new person. So… If there is anyone who is willing to put a bit back into the club and take over this role, please let one of the committee members know.
Grass Cutting
CDS will be cutting the grass this week, but will then be on holiday for 2 weeks. We will need volunteers to help pushing the mower around for the two weeks they are away.
Remember … No meeting this Wednesday !!!
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2015 Newsletter
2 A test passes..
Congratulations to Steve Whitby and Alan Simson. They both passed their A tests three weeks ago. Conditions were not ideal with a stiff cross breeze but well done both for passing with flying colours.
Well done both.
No meeting in August…
Just a reminder that there will be no meeting on the first wednesday in August. This is due to the holiday season.
All Day Fly #2
Will take place on 25 July 2015 postponement of one week if the weather should be bad. (see the web site for the GO GO GO message the night before…)
A and B Certificate Workshop
Bromyard Flying Club will be running an A and B certificate workshop on 25th July, if anyone is interested. (More details on the web)
Petrol Engines
There has been a sharp increase in the use of petrol powered and spark ignition engines. (Yours truly will be joining the growing throng too shortly..) As they are quite new to the club and we are keen to find out all we can and to ensure that they run as quietly as possible. As such we will be taking noise readings where ever possible to compare and contrast the different set ups and to enable us to as a club to make recommendations for the best set-ups and silencers. We have done this quite successfully for glow engines and hope to repeat the process for petrol engines. It appears that the pepperpot mufflers seem to work, but we dont have any readings as yet.
PS.. Very Important… As there is more petrol about, please do not smoke in the pits.
Other new Tech..
There is also an increase in the use of flight stabilizers / auto-pilots … I have flown these (sometimes unknowingly, and have to say they seem to do what it says on the tin.. However…..
The taking of an ‘A’ test with one of these devices is not allowed by the BMFA. They may seem a good way of getting into the air, but you have to remember you are not flying the plane. As I say I have flown these planes and could not control them properly. (no it wasn’t my flying) The controls would no let me put any down input and would not let the plane bank by more than 30 degrees or so.of myself and the CFI, that these devices are a waste of your money.
To get the plane to land we had to shut of the power and wait for gravity to bring the plane lower. If we had got into trouble it would have been near impossible to get out of it. If the wind was stronger we may not have been able to turn the plane at all..
It is just the advice of myself and the CFI.. but save your money. Train your thumbs and learn to fly without these aids. It may take a little longer to get the plane to fly where and how you want, but it will be you flying not the technology..
Cow Biscuits,,,
The farmer will muck spread from time to time, and cannot really steer around the patch. The field does get an even coverage but I have to admit it stands out much more on the mown areas.
Some of the newer members may not know that there are rakes under the hedge. These can be used to clear the patch should you arrive at the patch and find that the place is covered with ‘cow biscuits’ .
The Cows are now in the field we have to drive through to get to our field, so please ensure that the gates are shut as soon as you have driven through them. And don’t park in the other field as the cows WILL lick every inch of your car.. and they WILL dent it by scratching their backsides with it…
You have been warned !!!
Trip to the Nationals..
As most know, Keith Westwood and Phil Buggins are arranging a charabanc trip to the nationals August bank holiday. The coach is a 23 seater and about 13 people have signed up at the moment.
It first come first served, so if you fancy going call Keith on 0121 544 5102 or 07990 506 270…
Remember the club is paying!!
A new secretary needed…
After several years in the seat, Mick Danks is planning to step down as Club Secretary in December.
He has kindly given us plenty of warning so we have a little time to seek a new person. So… If there is anyone who is willing to put a bit back into the club and take over this role, please let one of the committee members know.
See you all at 8.00pm at The Old Crown , Catshill on Wednesday 1st July …
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2015 Newsletter
Another A Test Pass
Paul Caswell passed his A test in blustery conditions on the All Day Fly #1.
After numerous attempts, his Saito 61 did it for him at last (for goodness sake don’t mention SC engines when he is around!!!!), Well done Paul, now you really learn how to fly!!
All Day Fly #1
Well, we did it again. Dry, but a tad windier than we would have all liked, but 22 members got some chat and flying in and stuffed their faces with burgers so what more do you want? We seem to have got the formula right – looking forward to the next one now! We also had 2 possible new members turn up – we must be doing something right since we are getting close to the magic 50 again.
SAFETY – When Apprentices ATTACK
This is definitely a lesson learned by your esteemed Chief Flying Instructor (well I think I am esteemed or should that be steamed??).
Anyhow, those small cuddly electric planes can have a vicious bite. The mistake I made was that the plane was not tethered in the pits and in switching from instructor to trainer back to instructor again to sort out a problem, I had moved the throttle stick forward. Hence Apprentice electric trainer shoots forward and propeller meets bare left leg (I had rolled my trousers up because it was warm!!). Lots of blood and cursing – but I was very lucky = only surface wounds and they are quickly healing now. Of course with electric motors, they just draw more current and keep turning if they get resistance, whereas a glow motor often stops when a human part gets in the way…. so…….
The Club Code of Flying is there for a reason and everybody (including me!!) needs to stick with it – EVERY PLANE NEEDS TO BE TETHERED WHEN YOU ARE PREPARING FOR FLIGHT….
When the grass is long, keep in as close to the hedge as possible when entering and leaving the field and try to keep the flattening of the grass to a minimum please.
Secretary Required !!
Mick Danks has served as secretary for the past 6 years and feels it is time for someone else to have a go. He has given the Committee over 6 months notice, so it would be nice if one of the members stepped up to the role….
Buddying Up
After a few recent safety related incidents, the Committee has decided that complete beginners must be buddied up until their instructor feels they are competent enough to fly un-buddied.
This is the sensible option.
June 2015 Club Night – Wednesday June 3rd 2015
We have decided to have an open house Question and Answer session.
You will be able to call on the combined experience of the club membership by asking that question that has always bugged you.
Come on, don’t be shy, we will all gain some knowledge from this event – let’s see you there on the night with loads of questions!!!!
Resurrection Shuffle
If you remember that song, you are getting on a bit. Anyway, just a reminder to donate those damaged or non-working Futaba servos to me please.
I save all the usable bits and have accumulated a stock of spares – I might even be able to get some or your old servos up and running again for you too if you ask me nicely!
Complete Beginners
After a small number of safety related incidents, the Committee have decided that all complete novices must be buddied up to an instructor, until such times as the instructor deems the trainee competent enough to handle emergency situations….. it is a very sensible rule.
35 Mhz Usage
We have had a few new members join using 35 mhz, so I have updated the frequency usage chart, which had lapsed a bit.
Remember that we must still use the peg board to safely control the frequencies for those of us still sensible enough to have stayed with 35 meg (ooooooh matron that will store up a hornet’s nest of comment).
All Day Fly #2
See web site for the details…………
See you all at 8.00pm at The Old Crown , Catshill on Wednesday 3rd June 2015…
Kevin Walker & The Committee
May 2015 Newsletter
2 New Members
We have another 2 new members this month, Graham Ridley, and Steve Whitby.
Please give them the usual BMFC welcome when you see them at the patch.
This brings our membership up to 49.
All Day Fly #1
Just to remind everyone that the 1st all day fly will be on the original date of Saturday 16th May.
Its all about the burgers and flying, and too many of the committee were away for any other dates in May. Having said that, yours truly will be away for the 16th. So… if you want hot drinks you will have to bring them with you!
Safety First..
Just some reminders..
Please don’t linger in on the runway, weather starting planes or retrieving them. Engine tinkering\starting should be done in the pits before taking the plane to the runway. Please keep the patch clear for emergency landings….
Always stand in the pilot box when flying. At the back once you have taken off and move the front when you have called “landing”. This leaves the landing strip clear and lets others know that a plane is landing….
Please remember the no fly zones. Every effort should be taken not to overfly the pits. We have had a couple of near misses recently and to top it all, a member of the public was at the patch. It was sods law, that this was the first time in years we had such a thing happen, and that it should happen when a 3rd party was there to witness it.
The lessons we can learn from this are to take note of the wind direction before you take off as this may be a big factor.
Also… If you are in any doubt about flying a new or rebuilt model, please ask for help and advice.
We just need to try and prevent as many of these incidents as we can. We may not be able to eliminate them completely, but we must keep them to a minimum.
Just remember “Safety First!”
The grass is growing, and CDS are mowing…
CDS have started mowing the patch again. This usually happens on a Thursday or Friday evening and the patch is already looking good…
As the Facebook users are probably aware we have a Bromsgrove Flying Club Group. Although this is a ‘closed group’ at the moment, (but who knows what Mark Zukerburg will do next week..), we would ask members to treat this as if the general public were viewing.
It can show Bromsgrove Club in a very good light, and be very useful.. However the reverse is also true.
Facebook should not be used to air our moans and groans. E-mailing the committee members is the most direct and effective way of getting problems sorted.
On the plus side, there have been some very good things being posted on the Facebook group. If you think these are worthy of sharing with the world, please forward them to Kevin who will be able to put it on the club web site.
Rutting season..
As most know, there were some quite deep ruts in the patch recently.
The patch has been ‘car rolled’ and I am happy to report it is in good condition again.
When the farmer rolls or fertilises the field, it is not really possible to steer a 25 foot roller around the patch, and any rocks that are not pressed back into the soil can badly damage the cutters of the mowers later in the year. It is not deliberate, but the whole field needs to be covered with no possible gaps.
However we can roll out the marks…
We need to be careful to keep the flattening of the farmers grass to a minimum and there are ways that this is done. We may have more details on this in the next newsletter…
See you all at 8.00pm at The Old Crown , Catshill on Wednesday 6th May…
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2015 Newsletter
Yet another New Member!
We have another new member this month, Alan Simpson. He still holds an ‘A’ test from years back, but has already shown that he can still handle a plane . . . !!
Please give him the usual BMFC verbal abuse and mickey taking, sorry, I meant welcome, if you see him at the patch. This brings our membership up to 47.
Finalised All Day Fly Dates..
Here are the finalised dates (note that ADF #1 has been moved on one week). We don’t believe that they clash with any of the larger or local shows, but if you know better, please let us know…
23rd May 2015 25th July 2015 12th September 2015
The Patch
The patch has been given a trim using the club mower – mainly to define the patch itself. It was quite wet and muddy when we did it!!! However, we will soon ask our contractors to start mowing the patch on a regular basis again.
We have also car rolled the patch to take out the tractor chevrons after the farmer had rolled and fertilised the field . . . . thanks to all those members who did the rolling!!!
Reminder = Further Advanced Training…
If you want to try and push the envelope and increase your flying skill set then just ask one of the club instructors – do not be shy!!
Chief Examiner – Bob Norton…
The Club has now written to the BMFA to ask that Bob be registered as a Chief Examiner.
This should enable ‘B’ tests to be undertaken at our site in the future. Well done Bob.m
Club Venue
The Committee have been trying hard to find another suitable venue for Club Nights, but unfortunately we have not located one so far. Please be patient – we are doing our best!!
In the meantime . . . let’s see a few more of those ugly faces at ……
8.00pm at The Old Crown , Catshill on Wednesday 1st April
Kevin Walker & The Committee
March 2015 Newsletter
2 New Members
We have 2 new members this month, a husband and wife team, Paul and Jenny Caswell. Please give them the usual BMFC welcome if you see them at the patch.
This brings our membership up to 46.
The Peg Board,,
Whenever there are 3 or more flyers on 35Mhz the peg board should be used. With most people flying on 2.4Ghz and being used to just switching on the transmitter, it is all too easy to relax and forget that 35Mhz can be ‘shot down’.
It may be a walk to the tree and back but far better than a one way walk with a bin bag.
Pesky Padlock,,,
Please be aware that the padlock on the ammo box on the tree will change its combination if the dials are moved while the lock is open. We then have to guess the combination to get it open again.
When the chrome loop is turned through 180 degrees and pushed in, that is when the combination can be changed. Best to put the padlock back on the hasp and lock it again . . .
Can you please check that the lock is set to the correct combination before closing the padlock.
They are Dog Trainers…
We have a group of dog trainers that are using the first field. (Where we park) They do tend to park anywhere and everywhere but if there are any problems we will address them properly. Tony the farmer has told them to leave us alone.
Further Training…
We currently have a bit of a lull in training. We have always said that if you fancy learning some new manoeuvres, then just someone, but as we are especially quiet, we would just like to repeat the offer.
All day fly ins…
We will finalise the dates of the all day fly ins this month. But these are the dates pencilled in..
We don’t believe that they clash with any of the larger or local shows, but if you know better, please let us know…
16th May
25th July
12th September
See you all at 8.00pm at The Old Crown , Catshill on Wednesday 4th March…
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2015 Newsletter
No Newsletter
January 2015 Newsletter
AGM at the The Nailers Arms
We will be having this years AGM at The Nailers Arms, 62 Doctors Hill, Bournheath, Bromsgrove, B61 9JE.
Its only a mile or so from the Old Cown.
For those who have booked a meal, we need to be at the pub for 7.00pm sharp We hope to be eating by 7.15 and need to start the AGM proper as close to 8.00pm as possible.
A carvery and sweet have been ordered for all those who have paid for food…
Those who are not eating but would like to attend the AGM should aim to arrive for 8.00pm or come along and get a drink in the bar, and join those eating at 8.00ish in the restaurant for the meeting. (Sorry there is no drinking only in the restaurant)
Stepping down ,,,
You may also be aware that Keith is standing down as Treasurer after many years of looking after the finances, servicing the tractor and mowing the grass every week. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU for keeping the finances in order, the grass trimmed, and looking after the tractor, for as long as I can remember.. So on behalf of all of us at the club Keith.. Thank you very much.
So who will look after our finances now? …
Fortunately we have had an offer from Elliot Hirst who is willing to become our new treasurer.
Part of this process will be changing over signatories at the bank. We will therefore need to provide proof to the bank that everyone in the club is in agreement with this. As part of this Elliot may need to circulate a form to be signed by all those present at the AGM. Please keep an eye out for it and sign and pass it on..
We will also (at the very least) be looking for a new co-opted member. Pete Smith cannot stand this year.
You will also be asked to vote on the awarding of the The Ray Harrison Memorial Trophy and the Clubman trophies. (please see the Agenda below for details).
Please Return of any Trophies you have at the AGM
I will remind everyone that ALL of the committee positions are up for grabs if anyone fancies a go.
Just put your name forward at the AGM.
AGM Agenda
- Apologies
- Chairmans Report
- Secretaries Report
- Treasurers Report
- Award of Trophies
- Chairmans Trophy – Awarded by the Chairman
- The Ray Harrison Memorial Trophy – For Modelling Excellence, Building / Flying, Significant Improvement in the Hobby, innovation.
- The Clubman’s Trophy – For outstanding contribution to the club
- Election of New Officers
Chief Flying Instructor
Safety Officer
Co-opted Member
- Any Other Business
Other stuff…
Safety First
Please be aware that the First Aid kit has been replaced in the ammo box. Its good practice to make sure that this is brought out to the pits when the first flyer arrives. It is much more likely that there will be less flyers to help in the winter time and arguably cold hands may make accidents more likely.
Please try not to fly alone and DO make sure that the First Aid kit is close to hand.
If you think the ammo box is a pain to open and too much trouble with two good hands… well you can imagine the rest.
See you all at 7.00pm at The Nailers Arms on Wednesday 14th January…
Alan Brown & The Committee
December 2014 Newsletter
The last ones before the close of 2014 . . ?
Congratulations go to Dave Holyoake, Elliot Hirst and Dave Baglin who all passed their ‘A’ tests recently.
The Flying Field
The field is far too wet for cars to park in there now – Tony has expressly asked us to do this to avoid the entrance to the field and the car parking areas being either rutted or cut up by spinning wheels.
Please park either on the slabs (get out of your car to see where they are!!) or on the track side where firm.
2015 Subscriptions
As explained in earlier newsletters, 2015 will be the last of the £5 membership increases caused by the theft of the tractor. The club subscription has therefore been increased by £5 to £60; however the 2015 BMFA subscription for BMFC members will remain at £32. Any increase by the BMFA will be absorbed by the club. The subscriptions for 2015 are therefore;
- Senior £92 (BMFC = £60 + BMFA = £32)
- Junior £77 (BMFC = £60 + BMFA = £17)
All payments should be made to Keith Godwin, 9 Marsh Way, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs B61 0JD ( using one of the following:
- Cash
- Cheques which should be made payable to Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
- Bank transfer (Please email or text Keith to confirm that you are intending to pay this way)
- Sort Code: 40-15-07
- Account Number: 91059327
- Reference: Enter your initials and surname please
Remember payment is required WITHOUT FAIL by 31/12/2014. If you have not paid by then, we assume you are not rejoining and a £10 rejoining fee will be rigidly levied in addition to the subscriptions above if you change your mind.
2015 AGM -Wednesday 14th January, 2015
The Nailers Arms, Bournheath, Bromsgrove, B61 9JE Time : 7pm for 7.30pm
The format will be similar to previous years; a subsidised carvery meal for members at £5 (guests are very welcome at the full price of £10) followed by the formal AGM proceedings and then drinks and chat.
The meal will be a carvery (with a selection of meats) and also includes a selection of puddings too.. yummy!
December 2014 Club Night
Don’t forget the December Club Night on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can
- Return any Club Trophy in your possession
- Pay your BMFC and BMFA subs for 2015
- Order your subsidised AGM meal(s) = (see prices above)
Committee re-election
As always all positions are up for election and if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee then please let Mick Danks know by 31/12/2014, alternatively you can be proposed and seconded at the AGM.
Kevin Walker and the Committee.
November 2014 Newsletter
New member.
We have a new member, Dave Capel. He is already a flyer, which is unusual these days. Please be sure to give him the usual BMFC welcome.
Indoor Flying – less mayhem..
It has been noticed that the number of people flying at the indoor hall has dropped over the last few months. We have had a little feedback suggesting that the flying at the hall was a little bit too much of a free for all.
With safety in mind, we will be instigating a ‘no fly zone’ at the kitchen end where we will stand while flying. No-one will be in the flying zone, so things will be safer.
Larger flying machines will be given a ‘solo spot’ if required.
We will also try and bring a flight simulator so that you can practice all those manoeuvres you long to perfect.
The committee are always looking for ideas to make the club nights more interesting. If there is anything you would like to see or do, please let a member of the committee know.
The address for the hall is… Weoley Hill Village Hall, Weoley Hill, Birmingham B29 4AR
There will be the usual committee meeting at 7.00pm, so plan to arrive for 8.00, when the mayhem/flying will begin.
Lets see you at the hall at 8.00 pm…
Hints and Tips..
The weather has definitely turned and the clocks have been put back. With this in mind, it may be a good idea to choose those with high contrast colours or even give that bland white model a bit of a make over.
Brighter colours will stand out better in the gloom and the mist.
Don’t let the model get too far away, especially if you are doing aerobatics.
Check your fail safe settings,, especially on electrics.
January AGM..
We are looking for a venue for the AGM meal. Maybe taking over a restaurant for the evening. Chinese or Indian seems to be a good idea,,
We need your feedback to try and get this right.. If you have any thoughts/preferences can you let either Alan or Mick know, by e-mail or on Wednesday. We can only get it right if you let us know.
Hope to see you all at 8.00pm at Weoley Hill Village Hall on Wednesday 5th November
Alan Brown & The Committee
October 2014 Newsletter
A number of safety related issues to report this month some of which relate to the S.W.E.E.T.S and S.M.A.R.T guidance on safer flying given by the B.M.F.A. Do any of the issues ring true? If so understand how they relate to you and change your approach to flying. If you want advice please ask – you may save your plane and / or avoid causing injury
- Attaching wings
We all have to attach wings to a fuselage, usually either by rubber bands or bolts, and there have been instances where wings have become detached in flight. The wings flutter down while the ‘plane’ becomes an unguided missile.
- Constantly check rubber bands as they lose tension and perish.
- Check wing bolts – do you use ‘penny washers’ under the bolt head to maximise the contact area on the wing? Are the corresponding T nuts secure?
- Do the securing pegs at the front of a wing locate firmly into the fuselage?
- Emergency landings
Before flying do you consider the wind direction and strength and how you will compensate for it? On occasion there is a cross-wind component blowing towards the pits and in early September a plane went ‘deadstick’ while landing. The plane ended up crashing into a stationary aircraft in the pits. Although easier said than done, always expect the unexpected and be ready to ‘ditch’ your plane to avoid a collision.
- Keep it close
Also wind related but in addition do you consider general visibility (sun position, cloud, fog / haze) and the colour of your model? Fly your model close to you and don’t let it go too far down wind. In one day there were two ‘fly-aways’ both were fortunately recovered although one was a right-off.
- Don’t just ‘waggle the sticks
When doing pre flight checks ensure the control surfaces are moving in the correct direction and don’t just waggle the sticks. On at least one occasion a plane has taken off with the ailerons reversed followed by the inevitable crash.
- Lone flying
A reminder that on safety grounds we do not recommend lone flying at the patch. Members should be accompanied and at the very least carry a mobile phone.
- Exposed battery terminals
A particular ‘hate’ of mine is to see exposed 12V battery terminals usually being connected to starter motors by crocodile clips. If the clips touch the battery is short circuited and the battery will go flat (and possibly be permanently damaged), however worse case the short circuit with create a spark and with fuel around (petrol or methanol) that could mean a fire. Use a power panel and shrouded connectors.
All Day Fly #3.
All day fly #3 went well. The weather was good and we made the hat trick of ADF events this year. As always many thanks to all who helped – Pete Smith, Cheryl Marley, Kevin Walker and anyone I’ve forgotten – and we’ve discovered the ideal way of cutting and cooking onions! You’ll have to rejoin and come next year to find out…
Club night and AGM venues.
There has been discussion about the club night venues and we’d like your comments – good and bad – so we can plan for the future.
- Weoley Hill Village Hall
We’ve had three meetings in the Hall followed by indoor flying and while the first meeting was a huge success, the number of attendees has subsequently fallen. Do you want to;
- Continue meeting in the hall?
- Go back to always meeting in a pub?
- The Old Crown
Occasionally in recent months it hasn’t been possible to purchase food at the Crown and doubts were raised about the ability of the pub to host the 2015 AGM. Do you want to;
- Continue to hold club nights at the Crown?
- Consider moving elsewhere and if so where?
October Club night.
The next meeting will be on of Wednesday 1st October at the Old Crown, Catshill. Hope to see you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
September 2014 Newsletter
No Newsletter
August 2014 Newsletter
New members…
We have 2 new members this month, Nigel and Rhys Young. Please look out for them and give them the usual BMFC welcome.
All Day Fly #2..
All day fly day #2 went very well, Light winds and a very good turn out made for a great day.
My thanks to everyone that helped make it a successful day.
All day fly #3 is on 13th September.. fingers crossed for some good weather. (Can we make it a hat trick!)
There is No August meeting…
Please note that there will be no ‘official’ August meeting..
You can of course turn up for a pint if you want!
The meeting of Wednesday 3rd September will be held at Weoley Hill Village Hall…
Octobers meeting will be at the Old Crown and the last indoor fly for this year will be at the hall will be on Nov 5th.
Address (for those who couldn’t make it to the last meetings), is Weoley Hill Village Hall, Weoley Hill, Birmingham B29 4AR
There will be the usual committee meeting at 7.00pm, so plan to arrive for 8.00, when the mayhem/flying will begin.
Lets see you at the hall at 8.00 pm…
Treasurer Unearthed..
Elliott Hurst has kindly stepped forward to take over the reigns from Keith as Treasurer. Many thanks Elliott, We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Please remember that ANYONE can put themselves forward for any of the Committee positions at the AGM in January…
Thats it for this month…..
Hope to see you all at the Weoley Hill Village Hall on Wednesday 4th September
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2014 Newsletter
New Members
Give the usual warm BMFC welcome and encouragement to 2 new members – Tony Stanton and Tom Chambers (Derek Chambers’ grandson)
All Day Fly #2
Will soon be upon us = SATURDAY 12th JULY 2014
As usual = Flying from 10am to 5pm with BBQ at 1pm
PLEASE REMEMBER – if the weather is bad, we will postpone for one week only, and if the following week is bad too, we cancel. You will get a text telling you if the ADF is GO or NO GO (assuming we have your mobile number and it is current). The web site is also updated with the GO / NO GO decision.
AUGUST Club Night
As usual THERE IS NO AUGUST CLUB NIGHT . . . but you are welcome to go along to the Crown and sit there with a pint talking to yourself about how good your last flight was (look out for the men in white coats).
Also please remember that the SEPTEMBER meeting is the indoor fly at Weoley Village Hall on Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 start around 8pm
Digging for a Treasurer
We are still digging!! A friendly reminder that Keith will be stepping down as Treasurer at the end of this year. We now need someone to step forward to continue the good work . . . .
If you are willing to help, then please let Keith or one of the committee members know. It would be much easier to hand over the reigns over a number of months than at the end of the year.
Missing Items
The missing items have now been replaced.
There is now a padlock on the box fixed to the tree. The windsocks, some new plasters & bandages, pegs and the replacement peg board are all kept in there again. The number is the same as the gate padlock – if you do not know it, then ask any member!!
Fail Safe
If you are flying with radio gear that has this facility then the Club recommendation is that YOU SHOLUD MOST DEFINITELY USE IT.
Please, please familiarise yourself with how it works – yes that might mean reading the manual!!
AT MINIMUM, set the fail safe to shut the throttle completely, setting rudder, aileron and elevator to neutral is also a good measure. If you are unsure how to do it, then ask another club or Committee member!
There have been a number of brown outs and total loss of control with 2.4ghz over the past 18 months, so it is NOT infallible!!
35mhz Aerials
Make sure you extend them! I put my hands up and admit to not doing that which ended in a crash – it is very easy to get complacent especially when you are swapping from 35mhz to 2.4ghz and back again.
Safety Matters
We would like to see more safety checks done in the pits, and for definite, if your engine stops when you are on the patch, please return to the pits to restart.
If everything is set up correctly, you should spend the minimum of time doing the final control surface movement check (you do that don’t you?) before taking off.
The Patch
Has been rolled to remove the tractor chevrons and is now looking good, especially now the first silage cut has been taken.
Thats it for this month…..
July Club Night
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 2nd July . . . .
Kevin Walker & The Committee
June 2014 Newsletter
Please please please, keep safety at the forefront of your mind when you are down at the patch.
It only takes a seconds lapse for something very nasty to happen. Keep behind the prop whenever possible and NEVER make adjustments from the front of the engine.
Keep your fingers safe and always treat the prop with respect be it glow or electric!
Congratulations to Gary Ledingham who passed his ‘A’ test on the last All Day Fly. Very well done Gary,
All Day Fly #1..
What a perfect day for it… The weather was absolutely perfect and we had a great turnout.
There was a moment where we wondered if we would have a working BBQ, but Kev’s conversion of his BBQ to ol’ fashioned coal power worked wonders. Good tasty burgers as fast as you like!
Many thanks to all the guys and gal’s who brought the goodies, manned the BBQ and made sure that no-one went home hungry. Please pass on our thanks to your young lady Steve for the delicious chocolate cake.. any chance of seconds?
This Wednesdays meeting…
The meeting of Wednesday 4th June will be held at Weoley Hill Village Hall…
The next indoor fly meetings at the hall will be…Sept 3rd and Nov 5th.
Address (for those who couldn’t make it to the last one), is Weoley Hill Village Hall, Weoley Hill, Birmingham B29 4AR
There will be the usual committee meeting at 7.00pm, so plan to arrive for 8.00, when the mayhem/flying will begin.
We realise that its a fair distance from some members, but has been the only hall we could find that would be available on the odd Wednesday evening. If you know of others please let the committee know)
Lets see you at the hall at 8.00 pm…
All Day Flys
After the huge success of the first all day fly, let us hope that the weather will be just as kind for the next two…. Here is a reminder of the dates.
All Day Fly #2 = Saturday 12th July
All Day Fly #3 = Saturday 13th September
Digging for a Treasurer …
Just a reminder that Keith will be stepping down as Treasurer at the end of this year. He has done ta sterling job for quite a few years now, (A big thank you to him). We now need someone to step forward to continue the role.
If you can help our club, then please let Keith or one of the committee members know. It would be much easier to hand over the reigns over a number of months than at the end of the year.
Missing Items …
The following items have disappeared from the patch – Peg board, Pilot Box Arrow, Pilot Box Red Posts to indicate where to stand and other small items usually stored in the box on the tree. Now we are not pointing fingers, but our “traveller friends” have been there for some time . . . ???
Kevin is in the process of making a replacement peg board (luckily the container full of pegs was still there and has been rescued). So until further notice, can you please verbally check for any frequency clashes with other fliers if you are still using 35mhz to fly on
Thats it for this month…..
Hope to see you all at the Weoley Hill Village Hall on Wednesday 4th June
Alan Brown & The Committee
May 2014 Newsletter
WEOLEY Village Hall
Well I think that all of you who attended had a good time and proves that the Bromsgrove membership have been spending their hard earned cash on indoor electric stuff!!
Since it was such a success, the Committee have decided to organise an indoor fly-in meeting there every other month – here is the schedule for the next few months
May 7th – The Crown, Catshill
June 4th – Weoley Village Hall
July 2nd – The Crown, Catshill
Missing Servo
Sadly, Derek Chambers stuffed his Tutor 40 into the deck on a Wednesday session and later discovered the wing servo was missing. If you are in the outfield keep a look out for a servo in the grass – or it might have fallen out on the walk back to the cars. You never know – someone might spot it . . .
The Patch
CDS have started to cut the grass for us again. There are some chevrons left by one of the farmer’s tractors – if we get a chance when there has been some rain, we will try to get some cars driven over the patch in an attempt to flatten them out.
Volunteers to burn their clutch out to any Committee member please . . .
Mobile Phones
BMFA guidelines are quite clear on this – to avoid any possibility of radio interference, NEVER take a mobile phone with you into the pilot’s box.
The BMFC recommendation is that AT MINIMUM, you leave your mobile in the pits or better still leave it in the car.
All Day Fly Number 1
Will soon be upon us = SATURDAY 17th MAY 2014
As usual = Flying from 10am to 5pm with BBQ at 1pm
Picking up nicely now = anybody at a loose end on a Wednesday morning is welcome to join the BMFC WORF group and start the day off with a hearty breakfast at Morrisons at 9am then flying from 10am till 1.30pm (ish)
For Your Information = WORF = Wednesday Old Retired Farts
Mid Air Collision
Unfortunately, this is something that can and does happen – usually infrequently.
If you are going to do aerobatics or fly out of the prevailing circuit pattern please let the other pilots know of your intentions. Mid-airs are difficult to avoid, but keeping each other informed when we are flying together is a JGT (jolly good thing)
Fail Safe Set Up
If your radio has a fail safe facility, then please get to know how to set it up properly!!
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown (with any ideas for improving turnout please), Catshill on Wednesday 7th May… Kevin Walker & The Committee
April 2014 Newsletter
New members…
We have two new members, Elliott Hirst and Gary Ledingham. You may have seen them both at the patch already. Please give them both the usual Bromsgrove welcome… Membership now stands at 45.
Congratulations to Phil Buggins who passed his ‘A’ test with ‘flying colours’ and has been getting some solo flights in. Well done matey.. Now who will be next???
The Padlock..
Just to let everyone know.. once the code has been put into the lock (1527) you need to push the lock together to get it to release. Once free remove the lock and clip it on to the barbed wire, so that no-one can walk off with it.
This Wednesdays meeting…
The meeting of Wednesday 2nd April will be held at Weoley Hill Village Hall…
Address is Weoley Hill Village Hall, Weoley Hill, Birmingham B29 4AR
There will be the usual committee meeting at 7.00pm, so plan to arrive for 8.00, when the flying will begin.
The hall has a badminton court marked out so is quite large and high.
We realise that its a fair distance from some members, but has been the only hall we could find that would be available on the odd Wednesday evening. If you know of others please let the committee know)
You can head down the A38 towards Birmingham from J4 of the M5. Through Northfield, and head down the hill towards Bournville. At the bottom of the hill is Bournville police station. You are then looking for Middle Park Road on the left. Take the 2nd on the right as the entrance is off Weoley Hill.
So get those hellies and quads on charge, and lets see you at the hall at 8.0pm…
As the new flying season starts, its time to check out all your models and transmitters. In particular the batteries. As well as charging your batteries EVERY time you go flying.. test your batteries between flights. (Leave the charging lead hanging out to make it easy)
We have had at least one crash that has been down to flat batteries. Also batteries do age. You may get 5 or 6 flights out of a new set of batteries but 12 to 24 months down the line this may be down to 3 flights or less… do you know how fit your batteries are?
If in doubt, get a new set… it WILL save your model one day.
All Day Flys
Get your models and batteries sorted for the 1st all day fly… Not long now…
All Day Fly #1 = Saturday 17th May
All Day Fly #2 = Saturday 12th July
All Day Fly #3 = Saturday 13th September
The Padlock…
When visiting the patch, will the first to arrive please remove the padlock and then lock it to the barbed wire to the right of the post. (as viewed when entering the field).
This will save everyone else the time and trouble of opening the lock, but also make sure that no one runs off with it!
Thats it for this month…..
Hope to see you all at the Weoley Hill Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd April
Alan Brown & The Committee
March 2014 Newsletter
All Day Flys
For all those who like to book their holidays early and not miss any of the All Day Fly action, we have pencilled in some dates. Many thanks to Ron Harrison for compiling the list of shows, which we have also tried to avoid. (see the end of the news letter)
All Day Fly #1 = Saturday 17th May
All Day Fly #2 = Saturday 12th July
All Day Fly #3 = Saturday 13th September
BMFC Facebook page
For those of you who have been visiting another planet, Pete Smith has started a Bromsgrove Model Club Facebook page. From the looks of it it has been very popular. Apologies that I haven’t been on much myself, but it seems there has been quite a wide variety of things discussed. I would like to know how the clone Go-Pro performs so will be following with interest.
The Padlock…
When visiting the patch, will the first to arrive please remove the padlock and then lock it to the barbed wire to the right of the post. (as viewed when entering the field).
This will save everyone else the time and trouble of opening the lock, but also make sure that no one runs off with it!
Got any flying photos worth sharing?
If you have any photo’s of the all day fly’s or any others that you think are worth sharing, please forward them to Kevin to put on the web site. (and / or post them on the BMFC Facebook page)
Paolo’s break-in – Please be on the lookout
I had a break-in at my home workshop shed, it happened on the 17/01/2014 and a number of items were stolen;
- My cyclamatic PP electric bike value £500
- JR 10s transmitter in its case with all TX and RX crystals. All on 35 MHz
- JR 9X II transmitter with 2.4 Spectrum module all in a case with extra 2.4 TX and RX modules from China
- Air compressor for air brushing work
- Black and Decker battery operated screwdriver, and possibly some minor hand tools
On the 19th, my electric bike was already for sale on e-bay at Cash Generators in Redditch, after notifying the Police I got the bike back last Friday however the other items are still outstanding and I don’t know where the thief would be trying to sell them. The Police know his identity and know he took the bike to Cash Generators but they have not yet searched his property and by now the items are probably long gone.
I have sent an e-mail to Traplets hoping they would put an advert in the magazines for modellers to be on the lookout for the Radio sets especially the JR 10s as there can’t be too many of those around as I brought mine from South Africa.
I would appreciate if you could pass this around to all the club members and maybe someone knows or has been approached to buy the Radios. My contact details are as follow; Paolo Ruzzier @ 07907-979142 or home 01527-759110 or e-mail
I will offer a reward if anybody finds the Radios for me. Thank you and I hope to hear from someone. Paolo
Treasurer Reminder
Just a reminder… Keith has done us proud for more than 15 years, but will be standing down next year. If anyone feels that they have the time to help, please let one of the committee know.
(Keith says that it only takes about ½ hour or so a month)
Thats it for this month…..
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 6th March
Alan Brown & The Committee
- March 2013 Newsletter
All Day Flys
For all those who like to book their holidays early and not miss any of the All Day Fly action, we have pencilled in some dates. Many thanks to Ron Harrison for compiling the list of shows, which we have also tried to avoid. (see the end of the news letter)
All Day Fly #1 = Saturday 17th May
All Day Fly #2 = Saturday 12th July
All Day Fly #3 = Saturday 13th September
BMFC Facebook page
For those of you who have been visiting another planet, Pete Smith has started a Bromsgrove Model Club Facebook page. From the looks of it it has been very popular. Apologies that I haven’t been on much myself, but it seems there has been quite a wide variety of things discussed. I would like to know how the clone Go-Pro performs so will be following with interest.
The Padlock…
When visiting the patch, will the first to arrive please remove the padlock and then lock it to the barbed wire to the right of the post. (as viewed when entering the field).
This will save everyone else the time and trouble of opening the lock, but also make sure that no one runs off with it!
Got any flying photos worth sharing?
If you have any photo’s of the all day fly’s or any others that you think are worth sharing, please forward them to Kevin to put on the web site. (and / or post them on the BMFC Facebook page)
Paolo’s break-in – Please be on the lookout
I had a break-in at my home workshop shed, it happened on the 17/01/2014 and a number of items were stolen;
- My cyclamatic PP electric bike value £500
- JR 10s transmitter in its case with all TX and RX crystals. All on 35 MHz
- JR 9X II transmitter with 2.4 Spectrum module all in a case with extra 2.4 TX and RX modules from China
- Air compressor for air brushing work
- Black and Decker battery operated screwdriver, and possibly some minor hand tools
On the 19th, my electric bike was already for sale on e-bay at Cash Generators in Redditch, after notifying the Police I got the bike back last Friday however the other items are still outstanding and I don’t know where the thief would be trying to sell them. The Police know his identity and know he took the bike to Cash Generators but they have not yet searched his property and by now the items are probably long gone.
I have sent an e-mail to Traplets hoping they would put an advert in the magazines for modellers to be on the lookout for the Radio sets especially the JR 10s as there can’t be too many of those around as I brought mine from South Africa.
I would appreciate if you could pass this around to all the club members and maybe someone knows or has been approached to buy the Radios. My contact details are as follow; Paolo Ruzzier @ 07907-979142 or home 01527-759110 or e-mail
I will offer a reward if anybody finds the Radios for me. Thank you and I hope to hear from someone. Paolo
Treasurer Reminder
Just a reminder… Keith has done us proud for more than 15 years, but will be standing down next year. If anyone feels that they have the time to help, please let one of the committee know.
(Keith says that it only takes about ½ hour or so a month)
Thats it for this month…..
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 6th March
Alan Brown & The Committee
February 2014 Newsletter
The weather
Unfortunately because of the rain and cold I don’t seem to have done much flying lately – am I the only one or am I getting lazy – however…
New member
Elliot Hirst became our first new member of 2014 – please give him the usual BMFC welcome. Elliot is a beginner and has been to the patch already to see how we do things.
Safety. Use the Peg Board
We are concerned by the almost casual use of the peg board – sometimes it hasn’t been placed in the pits. This is perhaps understandable with more pilots on 2.4Ghz and fewer people at the patch, however:
- The Peg Board shall be used if three or more pilots are on 35Mhz.
- The Wind Sock and First Aid Box shall be placed in the pits at all times.
New Treasurer needed
I suspect some members don’t know Keith, he’s been a member since 1990 – most of that time in the role of club Treasurer – and he gave notice at the AGM that he’s retiring at the end of 2014. He will be missed not only as Treasurer but for his experience and contribution to the club.
The Treasurer’s role cannot be under-estimated and in many ways is central to the running of any club. We therefore need to find someone to take his place. If you’re interested in this or another committee position, or want to find out what’s involved please contact any Committee member.
BMFA insurance
For those of you affiliated to the BMFA via the club, please find enclosed your 2014 membership and insurance document.
The 2014 AGM and meal went well and 2013 was a good year for Bromsgrove Flying Club. In summary
- Despite misgivings at the start of 2013, the agreement with CDS to cut the patch had proven to be a success.
- The three All Day Flyins had all been a success.
- There had been five A Test passes during the year – three at ADF#1
- Thank ‘yous’ were in order for everyone who had helped the club during 2013
- 2014 had started well with 40 members – very similar to 2013 – with a healthy waiting list
- It was hoped the lower attendances at monthly club nights would improve in 2014
- Trophies
- The Ray Harrison Trophy was awarded to Bob Norton
- The Clubman’s Trophy was awarded to Mick Danks
- The Chairman’s trophy was awarded to Nick Rawet
- Election of Officers. The existing Committee members were re-elected for 2014.
Alan Brown as Chairman
Mick Danks as Secretary
Keith Godwin as Treasurer
Kevin Walker as CFI
John Marley as Safety Officer
Pete Smith and Stuart Worrall remain as co-opted members
- Keith Godwin gave notice that he would be retiring from the role of Treasurer at the end of 2014
Combination lock
As many of you know the farmer fitted a combination padlock on the first gate to the patch off Woodgate Road (opposite Lower Bently Lane). As a reminder procedure when flying is as follows:
- First person to arrive unlocks the gate and locks the padlock to the fence
- The gate is now unlocked and subsequent visitors gain access or leave in the normal way remembering to close the gate behind them
- The last person to leave locks the gate behind them with the padlock
February 2014 Club Night
Don’t forget the February Club Night on Wednesday 5th February 2014 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat.
Mick Danks and the Committee
January 2014 Newsletter
No Newsletter
December 2013 Newsletter
The December newsletter is where we start looking forward to next year…
Committee re-election
As always all positions are up for election and if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee let Mick Danks know by 31/12/2013, alternatively you can be proposed and seconded at the AGM.
2014 Subscriptions
Due to the theft of the tractor club subscription has again been increased by £5 to £55; however BMFA subscription for BMFC members will remain at £32. Any increase by the BMFA will be absorbed by the club. The subscriptions for 2014 are therefore
- Senior £87 (BMFC = £55 + BMFA = £32)
- Junior £72 (BMFC = £55 + BMFA = £17)
All payments should be made to
Keith Godwin
9 Marsh Way
Worcs B61 0JD
using one of the following:
- Cash
- Cheques which should be made payable to Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
- Bank transfer (Please email or text Keith to confirm that you are intending to pay this way)
- Sort Code: 40-15-07
- Bank transfer (Please email or text Keith to confirm that you are intending to pay this way)
- Account Number: 91059327
- Reference: Enter your initials and surname please
Remember payment is required without fail by 31/12/2013.
If you have not paid by then, we assume you are not rejoining and the £10 rejoining fee will be levied in addition to the subscriptions above if you change your mind.
2014 AGM -Wednesday 8th January, 2013
at the Crown Inn, Catshill – 7pm for 7.30pm
The format will be similar to previous years; a subsidised meal for members at £4 (guests are very welcome at the full price of £8) followed by the formal AGM proceedings and then drinks and a chat. For a change the meal will be buffet this year consisting of scampi, BBQ chicken wings, onion rings, roast potatoes, garlic bread, a selection of sandwiches, mixed salad, pigs in blankets, sliced turkey platter and mince pies.
Waffle Boards
The club is the proud owner of a pair of Waffle Boards! This apparently is the proper name for boards placed under car tyres if you get stuck in mud or snow etc. They were found at the patch and are near the oak tree where the peg board and wind sock etc are stored.
December 2013 Club Night
Don’t forget the December Club Night on Wednesday 4th December 2013 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat.
The focus of the evening will be preparing for 2014 so remember…
- Return that Club Trophy in your possession
- Pay your BMFC and BMFA subs for 2014
- Order your subsidised AGM meal
Mick Danks and the Committee.
November 2013 Newsletter
First Wednesday of the month.. where are you?
We have noticed that the number of members turning up at the Old Crown on the first Wednesday of the month has fallen off quite sharply. I want to ask each of you for your opinion.
Is it just coincidence, is it that we haven’t organised any activities, is it too noisy/busy.
Should only the committee meet on the Wednesdays?
Should we look for another venue? How about a village/school hall where we could do some indoor flying. (we may have to charge a couple of quid to cover the cost).
Have a think and please let a committee member know your thoughts, so that we can do something to reverse the trend and more importantly, do what the members want.
Unwelcome visitors..
Carl Upton rang me to let me know of an incident at the patch. Apparently while he was packing up his stuff, Carl had made one trip from the patch to his car and placed his models next to his car, ready to put away. He then returned to the patch to get his flask etc. While he was away from the car a dirty brown transit type van with two scruffy blokes in, pulled up to the first gate and turned around reversing over Carl’s planes including his WOT4 and his transmitter while doing so. Fortunately the transmitter was in an aluminium case so Carl is hopeful that it can be repaired.
As they say on Crimewatch, try not to let this worry you too much, as we hope it is an isolated incident. That said it will pay to be vigilant and not to leave kit lying about to be run over or nicked! (Especially as we will be parking on the slabs outside the first gate very soon).
Due to the continued mild (yet windy) weather, we have asked CDS to continue cutting the grass, but only every 2 weeks for the moment. It may be that the patch will get too wet to cut, but we will see what November brings.
Lone flying..
Carl’s incident above reminded us to remind you all.., if you are flying on your own, make sure that at the very least you have your mobile phone on your person at all times. Should you suffer an injury or be set about by two blokes in a van, its best to have a buddy with you, but at least if you have a phone you can get help to come to you.
A place in the Sun
Some of you may have wondered about the following…
Why do we fly facing the Sun? Could we turn our backs to it?
We could turn around, but we have been told to keep away from the woods as there are game birds and deer there. We would then be within sight of the village and that has caused us problems in the past.
If we turned but also moved further down the field, we would have a much restricted horizon and also the field gets a lot more boggy as you go further into it.
Why do we fly from either end of the runway when some clubs fly from the middle?
Some clubs do fly from the middle of the runway but actually take off from the mid point. (So they are not taking off towards anyone) This would mean a runway twice as long as we have now. A better use of space is to have two pilots boxes.
Winter Flying Times
Now that the clocks have gone back…
We are flying from 10.00 till dusk during the week and
12.00 noon till dusk on Saturday.
Sunday flying remains unchanged as 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown (with any ideas for improving turnout please), Catshill on Wednesday 6th November…
Alan Brown & The Committee
October 2013 Newsletter
No newsletter
September 2013 Newsletter
All Day Fly and BBQ #3
Scheduled for SATURDAY 14th September 10am to 5pm with BBQ at 1pm
As usual, we postpone for one week if the weather is bad for the scheduled day, then cancel if the weather is against us for the postponed date.
Look at the web site for the GO/NO GO decision and we will also text everyone if we have to postpone.
CDS took their annual 2 week break at the end of August, so the patch had to be mown in their absence.
Thanks go to Martin Bannister, Pete Smith and Stuart Worrall who all got out of bed early to take turns on the mower so that you could all enjoy a smooth take off patch . . .
A warm welcome to Dave Baglin who is a novice and will be getting the usual top quality tuition!! Give him a warm welcome next time you see him at the patch
This just seems to go on and on . . .we now at 52 members and counting and we are still getting interest on a regular basis – we must be getting it right!
‘A’ test Passes
Well done to Derek Chambers and Stuart Worrall who have both passed their ‘A’ test.
Kev’s Kryptic Kwestions
There will be a modelling and aviation related quiz with prizes at the September club night – what else are you going to be doing now the nights are drawing in?
So come and have some fun with your fellow members.
BMFA Area Committee Meetings
Apparently the BMFA Mid West region (of which BMFC are a part) are struggling with attendance at these meetings.
If you fancy representing the Club at these monthly meetings, then have a chat to Mick Danks.
Airspeed vs Groundspeed
After some incidents lately, I thought I would put some words together to make everyone aware!!!
Remember these basic facts . . .
a) a wing generates lift by the air moving over the wing surface to generate lift and is called the AIRSPEED
b) GROUNDSPEED is the rate of progress of your model in relation to the earth’s surface
c) The prevailing WINDSPEED has an effect on BOTH of the above
In the following examples,
a) Your model stalls out (i.e. the wing ceases creating lift) at 10mph
b) The prevailing wind speed measures 12mph
c) Your throttle setting would give you 20mph if you were flying in dead calm conditions
You are flying INTO WIND. Your ground speed is therefore 8 mph, and your airspeed is therefore 32mph (i.e. generating LOTS of lift)
You are flying DOWN WIND. Your ground speed is therefore 32 mph, and your airspeed is therefore 8mph (i.e. your wing is stalled out)
So, although the plane is going like a train down wind, the wing is actually stalled out, as it is relative to the local airspeed!!
Now you know why the controls appear “soggy” and do not respond as well as you expected!!
The moral of the story? The stronger the wind at the patch, the more you need to be aware of the effect on your model and compensate accordingly.
Basically, do not get yourself in a position where you are flying down wind at a low throttle setting, or else you will be caught out.
Here endeth the lesson . . . no doubt this will stir up a few arguments . . .
Spektrum DX8i
I was asked to help Bob Campbell convert his new DX8i tx from mode 2 to mode 1 recently. The booklet that comes with it gives explicit instructions how to do it (albeit the photos could be a little clearer), and this was accomplished.
However, you have to recalibrate both tx sticks afterwards – the LH stick recalibrated ok but we could just not get the RH stick to calibrate after lots of attempts.
The net result was that Bob sent it back to Horizon for a “software upgrade”. . . . . . maybe now I know why I stick with my trusty Futaba Skysport 6 (apart from being a tight wad of course) . . .
September Club Night ..
The next club meeting is 4th September 2013 so lets see you there!
Kevin Walker & The Committee
August 2013 Newsletter
We have had 4 new members since the last news letter…
Terry Beese and Colin Shepherd who were at the last club night have joined and Bob and Richard Campbell have joined. Please give them all the usual BMFC welcome.
Membership is now at 51..
The mowing of the patch has been going very well and its looking very good indeed.
However.. they will not be mowing for the two weeks between 11th and 26th August. We may be looking for volunteers to help push the club mower in ever decreasing circles for those two weeks.
Fingers crossed that we have glorious weather and the grass will be too dry to grow.. on the other hand we may get a real mix of sun and rain and the grass will grow like topsy.
Incident Log….
We have had a fair few arrivals over the last few months. To try and gain some incite into what may be the cause, we want to start an indecent log .
This will record details such as , When, Who, Where on the patch, Weather, details of what the pilot attempting immediately before the crash. (final turn for landing, pulling a loop etc), what radio was being used and details of the post crash examination. (battery condition, clevises and hinge condition etc)
We hope that this may give a better incite into why we losing some aircraft. I will bring along some blank reports and explain more at the patch.
All Day Fly #2
All Day Fly number two went very well. The twin BBQ combo have really got into their stride now and the hungry horde can hardly keep up with production!
On a personal note I would like to thank all those who help to make these days so enjoyable and run so smoothly. Good work lads and lassie! Please pass on our thanks to your wife Derek.
I have a lot of pictures that I will distribute from the last all day fly ins. I will also get the good ones, (blame the camera man), forwarded to Kev to put on the web site.
Club Night ..
Just a reminder… there is no official club night in August. The next meeting is 4th September.
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 3rd September… there will be a QUIZ with prizes run by Kevin . . . !!!!
Alan Brown & The Committee
July 2013 Newsletter
All Day Fly #2
*** IT’S ON SATURDAY 13th JULY 2013 ***
As usual, we postpone for one week if the weather is bad for the scheduled day, then cancel if the weather is against us for the postponed date. Look at the web site for the GO/NO GO decision and we will also text everyone if we have to postpone. We will try to get the twin BBQ’s going again – so there will be even less of a wait for that burger!!
Please welcome Paul Green and also father and son members Bob and Richard Campbell. Give them the usual BMFC warm welcome and help if needed. Membership currently stands at 49, with 3 on the waiting list – our popularity never diminishes!!
Mid Week Flying
There are an increasing number of members that have thrown in the towel work-wise and are able to fly in the week – usually on a Wednesday morning, but Tuesdays or Thursdays are just as good if the weather is crap on the Wednesday!! Come and join the fun – you could always book a day off work – go on you deserve it…..
If you want some tuition mid-week this summer (if we get one) then give Kevin Walker a call or text on
07971-326323 to discuss . . .
Batteries and Servos
Mick Danks has put together a table to give you an idea of what the best rx battery combination is to cater for the servos that you have fitted. Take a look at the menu item on the web site in the .
No, No, No Paul Ainge – not that stuff you used to smoke at University but the stuff we take off and land on.
CDS are coming up trumps on the mowing and so far the patch has been in superb condition ready for the weekend’s flying. Sometimes your long suffering Committee make the right decisions!!
July Meeting
There was so much chatter going on at the June meeting that the video clip showing did not take place. So we will run it again for the JULY meeting. Please want you to look out all your favourite youtube clips that you would like to share. (PLEASE keep them flying related!). If you are able to download the videos and bring them along then that would be great, if not, forward the link to and he will try and download them in readiness for the meeting.
Please don’t leave it until the Tuesday night before the meeting as these things take time. . . .
Also we are open for any suggestions regarding activities for club nights. (again.. please keep them flying related!). There was a suggestion that we all turn up in flying related fancy dress for one club night!!
Please forward any suggestions to one of the committee members via e-mail or when you see them.
See you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 3rd July 2013
Kevin Walker & The Committee
June 2013 Newsletter
Please welcome George Constandinides to the club and give the usual BMFC welcome. George is an experienced pilot who flies electric. The current membership total stands at 46.
Club Nights
May’s club night was a flight simulator competition which went well and was enjoyed by all. Tom Lubke our only Junior member showed us all how it was done winning the competition – it really was ‘child’s play’. Well done Tom (especially since the tx was on Mode 1 and he flies Mode 2 !!!! )
For June’s meeting the topic will be favourite RC related YouTube clips that you would like to share.
- Please keep them model flying related and ‘clean’
- If you can download them to a memory stick and bring it to the meeting
- Alternatively sent Alan the link ( and he’ll try and download them. Please don’t leave this until the Tuesday before the meeting!!!!!
Finally, we are always looking for suggestions for future for club night topics. The evening seems better attended and more enjoyable when there’s a focus to the meeting, so send suggestions to one of the committee members via e-mail or when you see them.
All Day Fly #1
I admit I thought the first All Day Fly went brilliantly. The weather was kind to us and although it was a bit chilly in the morning it warmed up as the day went on. Also the wind, which was mainly down the patch, gradually dropped right down and coupled with cloud cover all day (no sun!!) it was pretty much perfect.
The BBQ was a triumph. As well as the usual hot and cold drinks etc; we had two BBQs in operation, one manned by Pete Smith and the other by Cheryl, John Marley’s wife. This kept everyone fed and watered when lunchtime arrived. Well done and thank you to everyone who helped.
After lunch we took to the skies again and had three A test passes! At one point I don’t think Bob Norton knew if he was coming or going. George Constandinides who has only just joined passed, as did Ricardo Stahlberg another new 2013 member and Tony Jackson. Congratulations to all of you and thanks to Bob. It shows that with practice, more practice and determination it can done
Keep off the grass
CDS are doing a good job of cutting the patch and defining paths etc. Please keep to these paths and off the grass – we want to flatten as little grass as possible. Also when parking stay close to the hedge and reverse out of you spot the way you drove in. You can straighten up when you get to the gate.
Looking at the grass last weekend (26/05/2013) the farmer will be taking his first silage cut anytime soon.
See you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 5th June for some YouTube action!
Mick Danks & The Committee
May 2013 Newsletter
Membership currently stands at 44 and we have two more members who have joined us this month…
A new novice Derek Chambers has joined us and is proving that time on a simulator does pay dividends when having a go with the real thing. Also Chris Chapman has re-joined this year, so please give them the usual BMFC welcome.
Club Night
We hope to be able to run a little simulator flying competition at the next meeting. (With Pryzes!) We hope to see a good turn out and a lot of fun being had.
For Junes meeting, we want you to look out all your favourite youtube clips that you would like to share. (PLEASE keep them flying related!) If you are able to download the videos and bring them along then that would be great, if not, forward the link to and I will try and download them in readiness for the meeting. Please don’t leave it until the Tuesday night before the meeting as these things take time.
Also we are open for any suggestions regarding activities for club nights. (again.. please keep them flying related!) Please forward any suggestions to one of the committee members via e-mail or when you see them.
The first All Day Fly In..
The first of our 3 All Day Fly Ins is set for Saturday the 18th May.
We will have the usual GO/No GO decision on the Friday before.
If it’s a No-Go we will re-schedule for the following Saturday. If that is also a No-Go we will cancel the first All Day Fly In and concentrate on the 2nd.
The all day fly is traditionally a time to dust off those ‘special’ models and give them an outing. Now is the time to have a look at these and make sure that they are in good flying condition. Does the battery hold a good charge, is the carb gummed up with old fuel, are all the wing bolts etc still there, is the TX set up correctly for it.
Give them a once over and lets have a great days flying…..
Summer is on the way…
Despite the hale and rain we have had over the past few weeks/months, the clocks have gone forward and the summer flying times are in force…
Weekdays (NOT Bank Holidays) 10.00am till 7.00pm
Saturday Afternoons 2.00pm till 7.00pm
Sunday Morning and bank Holidays 10.00am till 2.00pm
The patch is now being mown by CDS. They hope to do this on the Thursday or Friday afternoon so please be aware that they may turn up.
They have a sit on mower but can’t gather the clippings. If we get a weekly cut this should not pose a problem.
Don’t be left in the Proverbial…
The farmer is also emptying the ‘lagoon’ (a very nice name for a pit full of ‘not very nice’ stuff).
Its probably all over by now, but if you do see the miles of pipes leading across the fields, cross them carefully. Drive slowly over them if you must but round them if you can. Do not poke them, as the resulting leak may render your car un-saleable for the next 12 years and you may only be left with friends with either acute sinus trouble or who live in different counties.
So… get those thumbs ready for this Wednesdays fun, and look out those youtube videos for next month.
Awesome, Funny or just stupid flying clips… lets have ‘em..
(I’ve phoned William Hill to place a bet on who will be the first to submit some… don’t let me down Ron!)
See you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 1st May
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2013 Newsletter
Membership currently stands at 42, with 8 on the waiting list – our popularity continues!!
Long Winter
Before you drag that model out of the loft on the first reasonable flying day in 2013, take some time to check it over first – especially the condition of the battery – you know it makes sense!
Flying FPV – (First Person View)
We forgot to mention that this mode of flying must be conducted SITTING DOWN.
No leather recliners in the pilots box though please, Mr. Knox!
Club List on the BMFA web site
The BMFA have jazzed up the club finder section of the web site using mapping software, but as Tony Jackson pointed out to us, we are not on the radar! Anyway, Mick Danks has stepped in and contacted BMFA and we are now listed – take a look – choose the Clubs tab then the hyperlink to Club Finder.
The patch was mown Wednesday before the last club meeting – March 6th – on a beautiful spring day. Well, you all know what has happened to the weather since then, and it is forecasted to continue into April. We will be shortly contacting CDS to start the mowing contract, but that might be delayed until mid April.
We will soon be removing the “No Cars in Field” sign – but show common sense when driving into the field since it is so wet and will take ages to dry out. If in doubt – park on the slabs please!!!
Reminder : Swap Meet: Three Shires Club
We have had an invite from the Three Shires Model Club to an upcoming swap meet:-
You are invited to our club Swap Meet taking place 7pm FRIDAY 12th APRIL 2013 at
Dudley & Kingswinford District Rugby Club, Swindon Road, Wallheath, West Midlands DY6 0AW
Tables are £4 each including one helper. (set up 6:30pm). Entrance fee is £1 on the night. All are welcome.
All Day Flys
As usual, we postpone for one week if the weather is bad for the scheduled day, then cancel if the weather is against us for the postponed date.
All Day Fly #1 = Saturday 18th May
All Day Fly #2 = Saturday 13th July
All Day Fly #3 = Saturday 14th September
See you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 3rd April
Kevin Walker & The Committee
March 2013 Newsletter
No Newsletter
February 2013 Newsletter
Give the usual warm BMFC welcome to new members :-
Ricardo Stahlberg, David Holyoake and Jack Pritchard
What with the rain and the snow we are all getting cabin fever – not too long before the weather improves!!
We will try to get the patch mown as soon as the ground conditions improve . . . !!
February 2013 Club Night
Don’t forget the Club Night on Wednesday 6th FEBRUARY 2013 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat.
Kevin Walker & the Committee
AGM Minutes & Notes
Notes from January 2013 Committee Meeting and AGM.
16th January 2013 at The Crown Inn, Catshill, Bromsgrove.
Attendees: Keith Godwin, Kevin Walker, Alan Brown, John Marley, Pete Smith and Mick Danks
1. Introduction
Apologies had been received from Alan Wright and 27 members and partners enjoyed the usual pre AGM.
2. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman welcomed everyone and said 2012 had been a strange year for Bromsgrove Flying Club.
- On the plus side, we had to close the doors too new members and had the longest waiting list he could remember
- On the down side, the tractor was stolen and we had to make other arrangements for 2013. We have asked CDS to cut the grass on a Thursday or Friday in the growing season and hope that this will work although we may have to organise a ‘plan B’.
- The weather in 2012 had been wet although it hadn’t stopped us flying and we still manage the All Day Flyins
Thank ‘yous’ were in order for people who work behind the scenes for the club…
- Thanks to the committee members for their hard work over the last year. Collecting money, administration and BMFA paperwork, paying the farmer, cutting the grass, organising the BBQ’s, organising the club nights and organise the AGM meal!
- Training. Thanks to Nick Rawet, Paul Ainge, Brian Bromwich and Bob Norton our examiner. They give up their own flying time to ensure others can enjoy flying as well.
We also have a fantastic membership that had made sure we are such a good club. If anyone has a problem or just a question, it is always greeted with several helpful replies.
For 2013
The Chairman remembered two ‘A’ passes in 2012 (Tyler Apperly and Tom Lubke) and said it would be nice to see a few more this year and perhaps a few ‘B’ tests? The Chairman thanked everyone encouraging them to make 2013 a bumper year for Bromsgrove Flying Club.
3. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary had little to add. 2012 had been a good year marred by the theft of the tractor. He confirmed 2013 had started well with 41 members including two new members already.
4. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer handed out a Financial Status Report showing that at 31/12/2012 the club had funds of £7286.13 and known expenditure for 2013 of £4084. The surplus was primarily to cover the cost of regularly cutting the patch.
5. Trophies
- The Ray Harris Trophy was awarded to Bob Norton
- The Clubman’s Trophy was awarded to Tyler Apperley
- The Chairman’s trophy was awarded to Keith Godwin
6. Election of Officers
- Mel Houghton has left the club leaving a vacancy on the Committee for a co-opted member. Nick Rawet proposed and Mick Danks seconded Stuart Worrall. This was agreed.
- The remaining Committee members were all willing to stand again. Ron Harrison proposed and Bob Norton seconded that they be elected for 2013. This was agreed.
7. Helicopters in the club
A proposal was placed before the membership to make BMFC a Fixed Wing only club. Following a vote the decision was to make no change to the current club rules. The details are below
A. No change to Club Rules. Helicopters fly with permission of FW pilots | 12 votes |
B. BMFC becomes a Fixed Wing only club | 4 votes |
C. Helicopters have separate flying times | 4 votes |
8. AOB
First Person View (FPV).
Rob Knox asked the club’s position on FPV flying, where the pilot is ‘virtually’ on-board the RC aircraft he is flying via the use of various electronic systems. Pete Smith said the BMFA already had guidelines on this and it was agreed these should be followed in the first instance.
Full details can be found at However, in essence, an exemption was negotiated for all BMFA members permitting the operation of lightweight FPV models without the use of a buddy lead as was previously required in order to comply with Article 166 (3) of the Air Navigation Order. The exemption permits fixed wing aircraft weighing up to 1.8kg and rotorcraft up to 2.5kg to be operated with a “competent observer” (subject to agreed guidelines) without the use of a buddy lead. Airframes above these weight limits can also be flown using FPV but will still require the use of the buddy lead in order to comply with the ANO.
Cutting the Patch.
Nick Rawet queried the regime / contract with CDS for cutting the patch. The Chairman explained it was a verbal agreement to cut the grass on a Thursday or Friday in the growing season and confirmed they did have a ’laid-back’ attitude towards the task.
Bob Norton believed the agreement with CDS wouldn’t work – they couldn’t be relied upon. He suggested we invest in a new mower and store it with the farmer as had been offered.
The Treasurer said we should try CDS first and then move to ‘plan B’ if necessary.
January 2013 Newsletter
No Newsletter
December 2012 Newsletter
Congratulations to Tom Lubke on passing his A test in November. He only joined in September and made rapid progress – that’s youth for you! Well done Tom.
The December newsletter is where we start looking forward to next year…
Committee re-election
As always all posts are up for election and if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee let Mick Danks know by 31/12/2012, alternatively you can be proposed and seconded at the AGM.
2013 Subscriptions
Due to the theft of the tractor, club subscriptions have been increased by £5 and BMFA subscriptions have increased by £1. The subscriptions for 2013 are therefore
Senior £82 (BMFC = £50 + BMFA = £32)
Junior £67 (BMFC = £50 + BMFA = £17)
All payments should be made to Keith Godwin, 9 Marsh Way, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs B61 0JD ( using the form at the end of the newsletter in either:
- Cash
- Cheques which should be made payable to Bromsgrove Model Flying Club
- Bank transfer (Please email or text Keith to confirm that you are intending to pay this way)
- Sort Code: 40-15-07
- Bank transfer (Please email or text Keith to confirm that you are intending to pay this way)
- Account Number: 91059327
- Reference: Enter your initials and name please
Don’t forget any BMFA credit notes against 2013 subs
Remember payment is required without fail by 31/12/2012. If you have not paid by then, we assume you are not rejoining and the £10 rejoining fee will be levied in addition to the subscription above if you change your mind.
2013 AGM –WEDNESDAY 16 January, 2013 – Crown Inn, Catshill – 7pm for 7.30pm
The format will be as in previous years – a subsidised 2 course carvery meal for members at £5 (guests are very welcome at the price of £10) followed by the formal AGM proceedings and then drinks and a chat.
This year’s menu will be announced at the AGM and please give your choices to Keith Godwin using the form at the end of the newsletter…
BMFC to become a Fixed Wing only club
It was discussed recently at a Committee Meeting that Bromsgrove Model Flying Club become a Fixed Wing only club. It was agreed that such a decision must be voted on by the members and will therefore be tabled at the 2013 AGM.
Noise Meter
Good news, this piece of club equipment has been found.
Spectrum transmitters and receivers when training
At the last committee meeting there was a discussion about the complexities of using Spectrum equipment when training particularly because the club has a DX6i used for training. The summary was
- If a trainee is using a DX8 transmitter, the club DX6i needs to be programmed and bound to the trainer aircraft and the DX8 as a slave must be put into ‘Slave Mode’ in order to ‘buddy-up’.
- The DX6i however cannot work with the later DSMX receivers. Therefore if a trainee’s aircraft has the later DSMX receiver we can’t train them as the club’s DX6i wouldn’t / might not work!!!
If you have other ideas or points of view especially if you use this equipment let use know – it can only help. Personally I’m happy staying with 35Mhz!!
December 2012 Club Night
Don’t forget the December Club Night on Wednesday 5th December 2012 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat.
The focus of the evening will be preparing for 2013 so remember…
- Return that Club Trophy in your possession
- Pay your subs and BMFA for 2012
- Order your subsidised carvery meal
Mick Danks and the Committee.
November 2012 Newsletter
Give the usual warm welcome to Tony Jackson and his grandson Tom, who joined back in September, but were omitted from subsequent newsletters. Tom is progressing rapidly towards his ‘A’ test and his grandfather is not too far behind either.
The waiting list is now in operation – we have a full 55 membership again – we must still be doing it right!
Clock Change – Flying Times
Did you forget to put your clock back then? Don’t forget the changes to the flying times for Winter
Monday to Friday 10am to Dusk
Saturday 12pm to Dusk
Sunday 10am to 2pm
Cars in Field
Yes, it is getting to that time of year when the field is getting too wet to support our vehicles. When you see a sign saying “NO CARS IN FIELD“, then please park on the slabs by the track, or on the side of the track itself, making sure that other members can get out of course. Alan Brown has strimmed the slabs so they are easier to spot, so make sure you get your wheels on them – don’t get stuck!!
It is really only a few metres further walk from your car to the pits!!!
Donated Planes
Most of you will know Les Crow, who holds the record for the age at which he joined the Club (I will not divulge what that was!!!). Les has sadly decided to switch off his transmitter permanently (if that’s what you do) and has very kindly donated two of his models to the club. The Committee has decided to offer both models for sale to the membership first, with the proceeds helping to defray the mowing costs for 2013.
Model 1 – Super 60 fitted ASP .61 4 Stroke engine and radio gear (servos and 35mhz receiver)
Model 2 – ARTF Piper Cub fitted Evolution .46 2 stroke engine and radio gear (servos and 35mhz receiver)
For further information or offers, please contact Alan Brown in the first instance.
Finally, many, many thanks for the donation Les – you are always welcome to come to the patch for a chat.
OS No.8 Glow Plugs
Keith Westwood has sourced a supply of OS No.8 Glow Plugs from the far east (and no Paul Ainge, that’s not Norwich) and is offering them to all members on a first come, first served basis at £4 a go, which is very good value.
Contact Keith on 07990-506270 to reserve your plugs.
Noise Meter
This piece of club equipment appears to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
If you know where it is, can you let a Committee Member know please . . . !!!
I guess you will all be aware by now that the tractor and gang mower were stolen during the early hours of Saturday September 29th 2012, the thieves using a 4×4 vehicle and trailer to take it away. This is a huge blow for the club since the tractor was so convenient to use, notwithstanding the monetary value, and sadly it was not insured.
The Police have told us that it is highly unlikely that we will see it again. The Committee has contacted as many enthusiast magazines related to the vintage tractor movement with the details (see below).
Bromsgrove Model Flying Club has owned and operated a Massey Ferguson 35X and gang mower for over 20 years to keep their takeoff strip neatly mown. Sadly, thieves stole this equipment from their site near Bromsgrove in the early hours of Saturday 29th September, 2012, using a 4×4 vehicle and trailer.
The equipment combination was rare and should be easily identifiable being a 1963 Massey Ferguson 35X (Registration Number 6725DF, Engine Number 1953836 and Chassis Number SNMY310050) fitted with a Ransomes 214 hydraulically driven 3 gang mower. The tractor was fitted with an early Lambourne type roll cage and there will be other unique identifying features only known to the club.
The Club is asking for any person who may be offered the equipment or knows the whereabouts, to contact either this publication or better still PC 3833 Roberts of the West Mercia Police quoting crime reference 22DN/65599C/12
Also, we have contacted as many enthusiast internet web sites and blogs that we can identify, in the hope that someone may be offered it and is honest enough to report it. It is very unlikely that it will be broken up for scrap, since it is worth far more in a complete state. I will also set up a standard ebay search to see if it ends up there.
The Committee has discussed all the possible alternatives regarding mowing for 2013 onwards, and has decided that the best course of action is to sub-contract the mowing out, which will solve all the issues regarding security and maintenance of any mowing equipment.
The downside is that this will result in an increase in the club subscriptions, which the Committee has decided to phase in over the next 3 years, estimated at £5 per year, starting with the subscriptions for 2013.
If you have a friend or acquaintance that would like to bid for the contract, then please let Alan Brown know.
NEXT Club Night === WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7Th 2012 ===
Let’s have a good turnout – what better than a pint and a chat with your fellow anoraks?
I WILL ORGANISE A FUN QUIZ = no right or wrong answers !!!!!!!!
Kevin Walker & The Committee
October 2012 Newsletter
All Day Fly #3
Well we were lucky with the weather and had a great turnout for the 3rd all day fly in of the year. My thanks as always for those who helped to make it such a great day. Plenty of burgers and banter at half time and nice to see some different models in the air.
Membership.. 55 and not out…
We now have 55 members, but as we generally do not get many enquiries at this time of year, we are keeping the books open for now.
Keep it tight..
Please be sure to keep as close to the hedge as you can when parking in the field, and when driving in and out of the field. Lets try not to flatten the grass. That said, the silage has been taken and its very unlikely that the farmer will be after another cut this year. However its quite likely that the cows will be let into the field to graze the grass that the mowers could not reach.
So be prepared to do some shooing and scooping. (and No!, I don’t know why they prefer to poop on the mown grass either).
We’re making a list, and checking it twice….
Does anyone have any club equipment? (TX’s , noise meter, simulators etc).
We are re-making a list of what we know the club has in the way of equipment, and who is looking after it at the moment. If you have any club equipment, or have passed it on to an-other, please let one of the committee know so we can keep our records up to date.
Restraining Order…
If your engine fails and you don’t have anyone to restrain the model while you re-start it, then you should return to the pits for a re-start.
Its not safe to try and start and hold a model while also handling the TX and being ever ready to scoop everything up if there is a dead stick.
Only if there are two of you and you have the OK from anyone who is currently ‘in the air’, should you attempt a re-start on the patch.
If you have taken your glow start with you to the patch, then also please remember your chicken stick! You should not have one without the other.
Lets keep it safe…
Crash Course..
Pete Smith has offered to try and see if there is some common denominator so some of the ‘arrivals’ that have happened lately. If you were unlucky enough to suffer and you cannot be sure of the reason for the crash, then can you furnish Pete with details of what you were flying, where you crashed and what the weather was doing.
There may be some linking factor, and we will try and get to the bottom of it all….
I was unlucky, but I know that my plane suddenly tip stalled because I tried to float it in to the patch… I can’t blame anything but myself for that one!.. If you know your plane has a vicious stall, then don’t slow it up too much… that’s my advice for the month.
One theory, is that powerful digital servos, may just drag the RX voltage down low enough for the RX to ‘brown out’ (temporally fail due to low voltage) which then takes a second or more to be re-established, probably only to be ‘browned out’ again by the massive servo movements needed to stop a crash.
In any case it is good practice to keep a close eye on your TX battery. Those little stick on LED voltmeters are very good, but do be sure to see what happens when you start to move all the servos.
Better still, check the charge with a battery meter with a push button ‘load’.
A 4 cell AA pack of mine will register ‘FULL’ with no load, but just drops into ‘MEDIUM’ when a load is added.
Batteries can get ‘tired’ with age and will drop in capacity and the amount of current they can supply. Just be watchful….
Club Night ..
Octobers club night is A SWAP MEET… So if you have anything that has been clogging up the work bench, bring it along.
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 3rd October…
Alan Brown & The Committee
September 2012 Newsletter
No Newsletter
August 2012 Newsletter
Tradition has it that we never meet in August – a throw back to the old factory close down dates – last week in July, first week in August, although since we don’t seem to have any factories any more . . .
We were blessed with superb weather, but only a dozen of you turned up!!
I hope you were not put you off by the field being wet . . .
Anyway, those that did turn up got some good flying in and at least 2 burgers each!
Keith Westwood seemed to get the most “action” – landing his Prangster in the tree to the left of the approach.
We got that out easily with the old fishing poles (which are hidden in the base of the hedge to the right of the tractor by the way). Keith flew again only for the wing to collapse – the spar had broken. Now it is a Prangster, and yes it will fly again!!
All Day Fly #3 8th September 2012
Future Club Night Events
The next club night event will be on Wednesday September 5th
It is a “show and tell” – bring your favourite engine, model plan etc etc and tell us why you love it so!!
‘B’ Tests
Not much progress to report I am afraid – the weather has been against us
To do a ‘B’ test, we need two registered examiners, one of which must be a fixed wing registered examiner.
Frank Tansley has kindly agreed to remain as a Club Examiner, so along with Bob Norton, we should be able to conduct the ‘B’ tests with people that you know.
So come on, lads, lets get some ‘B’ test flying done!!!
Web Site Photos
Comments have been made that the photos are looking a bit dated now (Paul Ainge wearing his flared trousers in one of them). So, email me some up to date photos and I will put them on the web site!!
Kevin Walker & The Committee
July 2012 Newsletter
All Day Fly #1
It was a very windy but well supported Saturday… probably the best we could do weather wise. It seems to have been a little on the ‘moist’ side since then. We may well move the first All Day Fly In to the last week in May next year, as the weather just seems that bit better.
Got a few nice pictures which I will give to Kevin at the next meeting to put on the website. I will try and send out individual photos where I can
Membership.. almost there..
We now have 53 members, so just a couple of places left to fill and we will be full.
Electric Models.. SAFETY FIRST
Please be sure to keep your electric models properly restrained and respect the fact that they can start without warning. (At least you have the ‘burble’ of a glow motor to tell you it is ‘live’).
Carry these models as you would a running glow motor…. Always face the prop away from yourself and others. Electric props tend to be very slim and sharp and can turn at incredible speed from standstill in a fraction of a second with no warning… and there is no IC motor to stall.. an electric motor will just keep trying to turn.
I have personally seen a few folding props disintegrate at start-up too.
Please keep any body parts you may miss well away from the prop…. even if its not running. It is good practice to treat them as live, even if there is no battery connected, as when the hatches are closed there is often no way of knowing the difference.
Don’t carry the model down to the patch tucked under your arm with the prop close to your neck, with the TX in the other hand. One knock of the TX stick and it could get very nasty.
Bottom line… Give electrics even more respect than glow motors !! “Lets be safe out there” …
All day fly-in #2 – 21st July
We are now looking forward to the second all day fly-in of the year. There will be the usual BBQ and hot/Cold drinks available. So we should be OK whatever the weather throws at us.
We will have the usual GO / NO-GO on the Friday evening before the all day fly-in. This will be posted on the web site. Should we have a NO-GO situation, the launch will postponed once only for the following week. If this is also a NO-GO situation, we will just have to wait until 8th September.
The farmer is hoping to take the silage earlier in July, so we should have a nicely mown patch and field.
The Cows are in the first field…
Just to let everyone know, the farmer has put the cows in the first field, so park in the 2nd field as close and tidily as you can, and please make sure that ALL the gates are closed behind you.
Club Night ..
For those that have been waiting patiently, Mick Danks will be ‘covering’ the topic of covering for the next club night…
So watch and listen and have a go at re-covering and smartening up those tired models you may have.
(But please don’t bring them on the night for Mick to ‘demonstrate’ on.. he has all he needs.. J )
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 4th July…
Alan Brown & The Committee
June 2012 Newsletter
A Test pass
Congratulations to Cliff Creese who passed his A test on 20 May 2012.
All day fly-in #1 – Saturday 26th May
I hope you all discovered that ADF#1 was moved back a week to the 26th May. It was on the web site and was due to the Chairman and CFI having to attend weddings – not to each other I’m reliably informed! Hence this early newsletter which you should receive just before ADF#1.
We will make the usual GO / NO-GO decision on the Friday evening which will be posted on the web site. Should we have a NO-GO situation, the date will be postponed once only to the 2nd June. If this is also a NO-GO we will have to wait until 21st July (ADF#2).
The grass.
This is a regular topic recently and is mentioned annually. Although we pay rent, we are guests on Tony and Graham’s land and the quality and quantity of grass is part of their livelihood.
To this end Tony has asked us not to drive up to the pits and we must minimise flattening the grass as much as possible.
- Park in the first field (cows permitting). It may even be closer to the pits
- No driving to the pits. If you want a hand carrying stuff please ask
- Park as close in to the hedge as possible
- Park as close to each other
- Walk along the pathway from the car parking area to the pits, not direct from car to pits
- Walk up either of the pathways from the patch to the pits after retrieving your model, not direct from patch to pits (note we will mow the pathways from pits to patch every now and again to keep them defined)
This is more important now that the grass is growing well.
Safety checks
Take note – these should be part of any pre flight check. The aim is to fly safely and leave with you model in one piece.
- Do power checks – does everything work at full throttle?
- Check control surface throws – are they in the right direction, are they binding?
- Be 100% sure of the trim – if unsure ask. People will stand by you or test fly a model
- Are you using you usual transmitter (settings and trims)? Has anything changed?
- If there is one activate the ‘failsafe’ on your transmitter
B Test
Do you want to take your B test? Anyone seriously interested should speak to Kevin, he will guide you through the test and put you through your paces. When you’re ready Bob and Frank will be in a position to examine you.
Club Night Wednesday 6th June
The topic for June’s club night will be ‘Engines in boxes’. If you’ve got an engine that you’re particularly proud of, is unusual or a ‘classic’, bring to the Club Night to show it off.
Hope to see you at the All Day Fly and at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 6th June
Mick Danks & the Committee
May 2012 Newsletter
We have had a couple of new members joined this month. You may have seen them at the patch in the last couple of weeks. Keith (Father) and Neil (Son) Hall.New Members
Neil has his ‘B’ test and will be teaching his dad to fly. Please be sure to give them the usual BMFC welcome…
It looks like we are about at our limit now and will soon have to close the doors to new members… and its only May!
Flattening of the grass..
Please be sure to keep as close to the hedge as possible when parking up. Kevin has made some fluorescent flags to mark the limits. Please keep inside these. Oh .. and try not to run them over.. and please bring them back if you do!
Also can we try and park reasonably close to each other to minimise the area we need when we have quite a few members flying. This is more important now that the grass is growing well and (hopefully) the weather improves.
Keith has mown the paths from the cars to the pits and from the pits to the patch. Can we all please make sure that we follow them and don’t leave numerous tracks across the farmers silage.
All day fly-in #1 – 19th May
We are looking forward to the first all day fly-in of the year. There will be the usual BBQ and hot/Cold drinks available. So dust down those less oft flown models and hope that the rain gods have moved on by then.
(Don’t forget to give them a once over and ensure the batteries are holding their charge etc)
We will have the usual GO / NO-GO on the Friday evening before the all day fly-in. This will be posted on the web site. Should we have a NO-GO situation, the launch will postponed once only for the following week. If this is also a NO-GO situation, we will just have to wait until 21st July.
Club Night Topics
We would like to hear any suggestions that members might have is regard to topics for club nights…
As these have been few and far between Alan Brown has offered to cover electric flying at the May meeting . . If any of you have any expertise / experience that may be of interest to others, then please let the committee know.
We would like to thank those who have helped in the past, and we are all just that little bit more savvy with quite a few new aspects of the hobby….
The Coows are coming…
Just to let everyone know, the farmer is putting the cows back in the first field from May. So if you value your wipers and paintwork, please make sure that ALL the gates are closed behind you.
Hope to see you all at the Old Crown, Catshill on Wednesday 2nd May…
Alan Brown & The Committee
April 2012 Newsletter
Ruts in Field
The farmers – Tony Gibbs (Father) and Graham (Son) – have expressed concern about how deep the ruts have become between the parking area and the pits.
They have now expressly asked us NOT to drive cars directly to the pits with immediate effect.
Alan and I will be talking to those members who are affected, so that we can make alternative arrangements.
The Committee have offered to make good the ruts over the next few weeks, so you may be getting a text asking you to turn up early with your bucket and spade (not the seaside variety).
All Day Fly #1 19th May 2012
All Day Fly #2 21st July 2012
All Day Fly #3 8th September 2012
Another ‘A’ Test Pass
Well done to Tyler Apperley who passed his ‘A’ test on Sunday 25th February 2012.
Club Night Topics
Mick Danks has offered to do a demo on covering methods and materials at the April meeting – some of you may have seen this already but it is worth seeing again . . .
Also, the Committee needs your help >>> let us know what you would like discussed at future club nights!!
Perhaps one of you out there could give a talk to the membership about one aspect of the hobby you are passionate about! You have not lived if you have not been heckled by the membership (Paul Ainge is especially good at that).
Caravan or Container
A number of you have asked whether we could have a caravan and/or storage container at the patch. Tony made it quite clear from the outset over 9 years ago that one of the conditions of us renting his field was that no caravans or containers would be allowed. That is the top and bottom of it.
‘B’ Tests
A number of you have expressed an interest in getting the ‘B’ test. If you are interested, the CFI (Kevin Walker) is compiling a list of interested members, so let him know.
To do a ‘B’ test, we need two registered examiners, one of which must be a fixed wing registered examiner. As you will be aware, we currently only have one registered examiner in the club (Bob Norton), so special arrangements will need to be made to get another examiner to attend, either from a local club or by asking the BMFA to supply one.
This will take a bit of advanced planning, but Kevin will try to “make it happen” once he has a better idea of the numbers involved.
2.4 ghz Transmitters and TX Box
The Committee have discussed this at length, and decided to implement the following changes
- 2.4 ghz Transmitters – you are no longer required to use the black pegs to signify usage (they will be removed from the peg board), and you are allowed to keep your transmitters in the pits by your flight boxes, if you prefer not to put them in the transmitter box (although this is still recommended)
- 35mhz Transmitters – you must use the peg board and replace your transmitters in the transmitter box after use i.e. no change to current code of flying rules
Regular training has become a bit hit and miss of late, so I am is intending to do a review of all the members currently under tuition. My aim for 2012 is to get some more ‘A’ tests passed in 2012 !!!
Gates & Grass
The milking herd should be outside now – so ALWAYS , ALWAYS shut gates behind you, even if the gate was open in the first place.
Yes I know that we repeat this year on year, but once the grass starts growing for silage, we must do our best to avoid flattening it whenever possible – so here are the definite things to do please . . . . you may well be reminded by a Committee member !!!
- Keep as close in to the hedge as possible when you drive into the field
- Walk along the pathway from the car parking area to the pits, not direct from car to pits
- Walk up either of the pathways from the patch to the pits after retrieving your model, not direct from patch to pits (note we will mow the pathways from pits to patch every now and again to keep them defined)
We must always keep in mind that although we rent the patch, we are still guests on Tony and Graham’s land, and the quality and quantity of grass is part of their livelihood . . . and flying sites are very hard to come by . . .
On the Rakes
Sunday morning 25th March turned out to be a cracking day and the patch was also mown for the first time this season with the gang mower.
The grass had really shot up so there was a lot of grass clippings to rake up and clear away.
I managed to remember how to start the tractor (which incidentally started first time after six months under cover!!), and more importantly, how to operate it, Unfortunately, after shutting down, I failed to notice the “mohican” strip of grass right down the middle of the patch . . oh well no one is perfect . . . .
A big thank you to Alan Brown, Steve Hill, Larry Atwood, John Marley, Nick Rawet, Mick Danks and Stuart Worrall who all manned the rakes and tarpaulins to get the patch ready for action.
If it is needed, we will be a bit better organised for the next raking session – expect a text to get there early if you are needed. . . .
Kevin Walker & The Committee
March 2012 Newsletter
No Newsletter
February 2012 Newsletter
No Newsletter
January 2012 Newsletter
No Newsletter
December 2011 Newsletter
Committee Re-Election
As always, ALL posts are up for election – see attached sheet for the current nominations – please request your nomination if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee to Mick Danks by 31/12/2011 please.
Please note that after 9 years as Chairman, I have decided it is time to step down and let someone else have a go at running the show – so now is your chance to take the helm ! ! !
Membership Costs – 2012
In these austere times, we have kept the club subscriptions the same, but BMFA costs have increased, so the total cost to pay to Keith Godwin, 9 Marsh Way, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs B61 0JD is
Seniors =£76 (£45 subs + £31 BMFA), Juniors = £61 (£45 + £16 BMFA)
Cash is good, or cheques payable to Bromsgrove Model Flying Club, and without fail by 31/12/2011
If you have not paid by then, we assume you are not rejoining. WE REALLY MEAN IT AGAIN THIS YEAR
If you are internet savvy and wish to pay by bank transfer, then the details are as follows. Please email or phone Keith Godwin to confirm that you are intending to pay this way.
Sort Code 40-15-07
Account Number 91059327
Reference Complete with your initials and name please
Please complete the details on the extra sheet with this newsletter and include it with your payment.
2012 AGM
WEDNESDAY 25th January, 2012 – Crown Inn, Catshill – 7pm for 7.30pm
The format will be as in previous years – a subsidised carvery meal for members at £3 (guests are very welcome at the full price of £6) followed by the formal AGM proceedings and then drinks and chat.
This year we have negotiated an even better deal on the meal – a pudding is INCLUDED in the price!!
This is the menu on offer – give your preferences to Keith Godwin please . . .
Main Meal Pudding
Rump Steak Sponge of the Day
Salmon Caramel Apple Pie
Vegetarian Ravioli Ice Cream (3 scoops)
Chicken Tikka
February 2012 Club Night
*** CANCELLED *** due to the proximity to the AGM.
Colin Bannister
Colin Bannister achieved his ‘A’ test at the end of October – well done Colin – he will not mind me saying that he is in the latter half of his 70’s, and he is an example to all of us. Also, thanks must go to Roger Lammas who leant Colin his Boomerang trainer to complete the last part of the test.
Shovelling Excrement
Huge thanks go to Steve Hill, Roger Lammas and Martin Bannister for helping to clear the patch and pits of nasty smelly stuff after the farmer had muck spread in early November.
Tx Box
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put your transmitter in the Tx box when you are not using it . . . .
Access to the Flying Field
The flying field is starting to get very wet, and Tony has expressly asked that we do not make ruts in the field, so please park on the slabs when too wet. It really is not that much further to walk to the pits.
BMFA Insurance Cover for Guests
A reminder on this (extracted from the BMFA handbook) . . .
Club indemnity is extended to cover first time visitors to a club who have no previous experience but are seeking to try out model flying prior to joining the BMFA and the Club. Indemnity under this First Time Inexperienced Flyer provision will only be in place when flights are being totally organised and supervised by a suitable club member approved by the Club Committee. The limit of this indemnity is 3 separate day visits for any single inexperienced flyer.
Club Rules for Guests
Another reminder on this too . . .
Any member may invite a Visitor to fly at no charge, provided that the Visitor is known to the Member and subject to a maximum number of three (3) visits in any one year (January – December). The Visitor must prove that he/she is a member of BMFA and that he/she holds a BMFA ‘A’ certificate at minimum. The Visitor must comply with the club rules and code of flying in force at the time of the visits.
December 2011 Club Night
Don’t forget the December Club Night on Wednesday 7th December, 2011 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat and also
è Return that Club Trophy in your possession (Colin Bannister, Nick Rawet, Bob Norton)
è Pay your subs and BMFA for 2012 . . . . . . bring cash or cheque for £76 (£61 Junior)
è Order your subsidised carvery meal . . . . . bring cash or cheque for £3 (or £6 for a guest)
Kevin Walker and the Committee
November 2011 Newsletter
Maximum number of planes flying
We have a rule in the club that there should be no more than 3 IC FW aircraft in the air at any one time. This is based on experience and aims to limit noise, to stop the pilots’ box becoming overcrowded (especially when trainers + trainees are flying) and to make the sky less busy.
Common sense however prevails and with the agreement of a committee member a 4th IC FW plane can fly.
Noise; don’t become complacent
Its 12 months since a member of the public who lives close to the patch made the comment about some planes sound like chainsaws. If escalated (to the Council) this could mean an end to flying.
So a reminder not to be complacent about noise. PLEASE fit an adequate silencer – don’t be the one who spoils it for the many – we don’t want noisy planes at the patch
Subscriptions due 31/12/2011
With 2012 approaching it’s that time of year when we look to collecting next year’s club and BMFA subscriptions. Like last year subscriptions will be due by 31/12/2011 – if you haven’t paid by then you will be deemed not to be a member and have to pay the joining fee again.
Beware of the cattle
The cattle are still out in the fields and the nights are drawing in. It makes sense to pack up and leave in daylight so you can see where you’re going and ‘manoeuvre’ any cattle out of the way. New ‘Manoeuvre of the Month’ anyone?
Clock Change
The clocks go back this weekend (29/10/2011 – 30/10/2011) so we get an extra hour in bed but please remember the new flying times:
Day Start Time End Time
Monday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Tuesday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Wednesday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Thursday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Friday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Saturday 12:00 hrs Dusk
Sunday & 10:00 hrs 14:00 hrs
Bank Holidays
Club Night
We’re always on the lookout for Club Night topics. Is there something you want to know more about? Do you want to tell us anything? By the way this isn’t a confessional and keep it ‘clean’! If you’ve any ideas for 2012 talk to a committee member.
The November 2011 Club Night will be at about 8.00pm on 2nd November 2011 at the Old Crown, Catshill. We will be having a quiz (nothing too taxiing) so let’s have a good turnout please.
Mick Danks & The Committee
October 2011 Newsletter
All Day Fly #3
Sadly the All Day Fly #3 had to be postponed due to bad weather then cancelled due to half of the Committee being unavailable. The weather was a bit iffy anyway, that’s life I guess.
New Members
We neglected to welcome some of our other new members that have recently joined. With the risk of repeating ourselves, please give a warm welcome to
Abdul Jadayel, Barry Grimmitt, Will Harris, Alan Layton, Cliff Creese, Roger Lammas, James Cross and Shaun England.
All are novices except for James Cross and Alan Layton so as usual give them all the help and encouragement you can.
As mentioned last month we have a membership of 59 with 3 on the waiting list already!
September Club Night Talk
Thanks again to Ron Harrison who gave us an interesting talk on his experiences in the ATC.
If any of you out there have similar aviation related stories to tell, and are willing to stand up and talk in front of your fellow members, then let one of the Committee know and we will book you a slot.
Some of you will know Terry Peet who has been a member for some time. He is “emigrating” to sunnier climes to Devon (or is it Cornwall?). Anyway, all the best Terry – come back and visit us if you are in the area!
I know some of you members adore a bargain, so listen up. Ron Harrison emailed me with the following
If you know anyone who needs/wants a SLEC Flightbox I have one up for grabs.
FREE to whoever wants it.
Also FREE – a Foam Lined Aluminium Box, with Carrying Handles and a Hinged, & Lockable, Lid. 21″ Long x 12″ Wide x 12″ Deep. Attach some wheels, and a Handle to pull it, and you have a Field/Flight Box!!!
I will bring to the October Club Meeting next week, in case someone wants either, or both!
First come first served of course – thanks for the offer Ron.
Roger “Lucky” Lammas
Some of you are just born lucky! Roger Lammas lost the wing of his Boomerang in flight, which fluttered down to the ground unharmed. The fuselage buried itself in a really thick part of the hawthorn hedge which runs parallel to the patch on the far side of the stream. We managed to extract the fuselage unharmed – indeed not even the tail covering was pierced!
There are two lessons to be learnt from this
A) The build quality of ARTF kits has vastly improved over the years, but it looks like this was a Friday afternoon job and there was hardly any glue used to attach the balsa trailing edge at the wing roots where the torque rods fit. So check that ARTF kit out thoroughly before you glue it together! Roger had used wing bolts – you cannot beat rubber bands you know!!
B) The importance of the flight line rule – once the wing had detached the fuselage became a missile – which ended up out of harms way well away from us humans!!
Clock Change
Day Start Time End Time
Monday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Tuesday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Wednesday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Thursday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Friday 10:00 hrs Dusk
Saturday 12:00 hrs Dusk
Sunday & 10:00 hrs 14:00 hrs
Bank Holidays
October 2011 Club Night
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on 5th October 2011 at the Old Crown, Catshill. We will be holding a BRING & BUY, so let’s have a good turn out please . . . .
Kevin Walker & The Committee
September 2011 Newsletter
We now have a membership of 59 and we are still being approached by prospective new members. I’ve never known the numbers be this high and as Kevin said last month we must be good!
Recent newcomers are Roger Lammas who is a beginner and James Cross who has flown before, but does not have his ‘A’ test yest, and Alan Leighton who is a ‘B’ Certificate.
Also very well done to Will Harris – he has recently joined the club and has flown before, and on his very first visit to the patch went and got his ‘A’ Certificate straight away – nice one matey. This is a club first!
Give them the usual BMFC welcome if you see them at the patch…….
All Day Fly #3
All Day Fly #3 is on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10th 2011
This is less than a week away so put it in your diary now. It will follow the usual format with flying from 10:00am and a BBQ around midday. Watch the web site – – in case it is postponed until the following Saturday.
Fancy a 56″ span Spitfire?
Being Chairman certainly brings surprises – especially on the occasions when Paul Ainge does not give me a hard time . . . but anyway I got this phone call from a chap literally round the corner from me about a model Spitfire.
Do some of you may remember the DeAgostini magazine?
You know the one where you buy the magazine over 60 weeks and you get the instructions and a bit each week and after all that time you end up with a kit of parts costing over £350.
His son had started building it then lost interest and since he did not want to give it to charity shop, I promised to find it a good home!!
SO!! He has given gave me the full set of magazines, a set of built wings, the completed fuselage and all the unopened packs of balsa, ply, covering, cowl & exhausts, hardware, tank, wheels etc etc. . . .
The guy wants a small donation for charity so I will bring it all along to the September club night to see if one of you would be interested in taking it on. It is a nice little project for all you builders out there . . . I think it will need at least a .46 2-stroke up the front (by the way no radio or engine is included of course)
Transmitter Box
Some of you are still doing it! We are operating with a mix of 35mhz and 2.4ghz, so please ensure that ALL transmitters are placed in the box (and switched off of course) when you are not flying. Use the black pegs with white numbers for 2.4ghz flying and return them to the peg board just like you would a 35mhz peg.
Spectrum DX8
A number of Members use Spectrum DX8s and Ron Harrison though you might like to read the following link –
It appears the new (ver2.03) software has a bug which causes the elevator trim pusher to work in reverse, so feeding in up elevator trim actually has the opposite effect and adds down elevator trim.
Follow the link to read more and find out what remedial action can be taken.
Duff Servos
REMEMBER = PLEASE donate those duff or damaged FUTABA servos to the Chairman who will make use of all the working bits.
If you have some servos with stripped gears talk to the Chairman – who knows it may be you who benefits by getting your servos back from the dead and it is all FREE OF CHARGE!
September 2011 Club Night
As usual Club night is at the Old Crown, Catshill at about 8.00pm this time on 7th September 2011.
Let’s have a good turn out as Ron Harrison has agreed to tell us all about his experiences in the ATC.
Mick Danks & The Committee
August 2011 Newsletter
August Club Night
As always, there is no club night for August . . . . . . . . don’t be there on your own.
All Day Fly #2
Another fine day, lots of flying, lots of scoffing of burgers, hot dogs, crisps, scones and cakes – you missed a good day.
All Day Fly #3 is on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12th 2011 – Put it in your diary now!
Red Marker Posts & Other Safety Improvements
In the recently introduced safety improvements, we have increased the width of the pilot’s box and will be asking all pilots to stand at the back of the box when flying.
To this end, Mel Houghton has made two very conspicuous red marker posts that must be positioned at the back of the pilots box to indicate where all pilots should stand. So whenever we fly, please get into the habit of setting those up as well as the peg board and wind sock.
There will also be laminated route maps to the nearest A&E and also the GPS position placed on the tx box.
Finally, you all received a paper copy of the revised Code of Flying – PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ IT . . . don’t just ignore it, it is there for your safety and well being.
‘A’ Test Pass
Well done to Tommy Lennon on getting his ‘A’ test, trained by Nick “Throttle to the firewall” Rawet – and also the first examination done by our resident examiner Bob Norton – nice one all of you.
Transmitter Box
It has been noticed of late that pilots on 2.4ghz are not placing their transmitters in the tx box. We are still operating with a mix of 35mhz and 2.4ghz, so please ensure that ALL transmitters are placed in the box (and switched off of course) when you are not flying.
Chicken Sticks
If you want a nicely turned wooden chicken stick, then have a word with Mel.
Cows & Gates
No, not a dairy product, but what we want each and every member to be aware of.
If you go through a gate, then SHUT IT BEHIND YOU. It is better for the farmer to have to get off his tractor to open a gate than have to round up his cows from another field (or worse still the chase them back up the road).
Steve Hill has made up a metal catch plate for the gate into the flying field – it was getting so that you only had to breathe on the gate for the latch to spring open. . . . the plate will stop that happening now.
Finally, thanks to Paolo Ruzzier for making up some fancy metal “Close the Gate” signs, which should last us for years.
New Members
Please give a warm BMFC welcome to Abdul Jadayel, Cliff Creese and Shaun England.
We have offered places to another 2 people on the waiting list and are awaiting their responses. We have opened up the waiting list for 2012 already – boy, we must be good!
Duff Servos
PLEASE donate those duff servos to the Chairman who will make use of all the working bits – who knows – it may be you who benefits from this service and it is all FREE OF CHARGE!
Member Skills
As you know, Bob Norton is a keen advocate of converting engines to spark ignition – if you are thinking about going down this route, you will do yourself a favour to have a chat with Bob first – he knows his stuff on this subject.
September 2011 Club Night
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on 7th September 2011 at the Old Crown, Catshill.
Ron Harrison has agreed to tell us all about his experiences in the ATC, so let’s have a good turn out please . . . .
Kevin Walker & The Committee
July 2011 Newsletter
The newsletter this month is being sent out by post to every member to ensure everyone gets a copy of the revised Code of Flying which has an increased emphasis on safety.
Code of Flying – safety
Following Mike Parker’s accident in May and discussion at the June Club Night, included with this newsletter is a revised Code of Flying. Please read it and take on board what it contains – it’s there to help you. We can’t prevent accidents happening but we can all work to lower their number and severity.
If you have any extra suggestions let a member of the committee know. There was a good discussion at the June club night and I’m sure some good points were lost.
All Day Fly #2 + BBQ – Sat 23rd July
So you don’t forget put this in your diary now!
You may have noticed the patch has changed slightly – the patch has been lengthened 0.5 gang width at each end and the pilot’s box is 1m deeper (always remember to stand at the back of the box when you’re flying). This is another safety measure decided after a discussion with Tim Whitcombe (Area Examiner) when he visited us to test Bob (Norton) for his Examiners certificate.
A thank you to whoever it was that filled in some of the potholes in the track – I think it was Bill Cartwright. And an appeal to anyone with any hardcore available to bring a bag each time you fly and fill in a pothole in the track. The hardcore MUST be crushed up small and definitely no tile shards – they might damage tyres, injure cows and pose a threat to the Chairman!!
July 2011 Club Night
The July club night will be a BBQ for members and their guests – the format will be similar to the AGM but without the formality (hurray!) – and by now you should have told Keith if you want food. That said however there’s nothing stopping you turning up for a drink and a chat as usual.
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 6th July 2011 at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
June 2011 Newsletter
Pits Accident
On Sunday 15th May, Mike Parker sustained a serious injury to his right hand while starting his model. This required surgery to his right hand, and he has lost about 5mm on the first 3 fingers and also suffered a broken little finger. I have spoken to Mike and he is OK, feeling a bit sorry for himself (due to the pain!!) but vowing to come back – so all told, this incident has had a good outcome given how bad the injury could have been.
Mike has openly admitted that he was at fault with the incident. Apparently, he started his PT19 fitted with an Irvine .53 and it started at full throttle, which took him by surprise. In trying to quickly reach for the tx, his fingers went straight through the prop.
This has come as a wake up call about safe operation in the pits. I believe we have all become a bit complacent about safety, and I will be the first to put my hand up and admit to cutting corners and not keeping to procedure. So, if we do not learn from this, we will be very foolish.
The Committee plan to review the Code of Flying at the June Committee meeting and make changes as necessary to ensure continued safe operation. Watch this space for further details.
Until the revised Code of Flying is issued, please be VERY careful and aware of all hazards at all times, especially if you are a lone flier.
We also intend to discuss all aspects of safety at the June club night, so I would ask you to make a special effort and turn up.
By the way, if you want to send Mike a “get-well” text, his mobile is 07917-640500
All Day Fly #1
Yes I know it was a tad windy, but we still had a reasonable turn out, some flying was done and lots of burgers and hot dogs scoffed. All Day Fly #2 is on SATURDAY JULY 23rd 2011
Put it in your diary now!
Club Examiner
You may or may not know that Frank Tansley, our registered Club Examiner, wants to retire from the post after giving us sterling service over many years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank for devoting his time to this important position for so long.
The good news is that Bob Norton has agreed to take on the role of Club Examiner.
Tim Whitcombe the BMFA Area Chief Examiner came up on Saturday May 21st 2011 to check Bob out (including a flying test). It was a VERY VERY blustery day, and a crosswind to boot.
Bob had engine trouble with his first model, and sadly crashed his second model. However, Bob persevered and borrowed the Chairman’s bitsa (the famed Pink Panther) to do the test.
Given the conditions, the previous incidents and never having flown the Pink Panther before, Bob did exceptionally well to pass what is in essence the ‘B’ test.
That just proves for me that he is the right man for the job. Well done that man . . . !
Duff Servos
Another reminder that the Chairman keeps a stock of Futaba and Hitec gears salvaged from crashes (not all his own I might add).
Recently, I managed to resurrect 8 (yes you did read that right, eight) servos for Nick Rawet, so the stock of gears (especially cog No. 2) is very low again.
PLEASE PLEASE donate those duff servos to the Chairman who will make use of all the working bits – who knows – it may just be you who benefits from this service and it is all FREE OF CHARGE!
If you want to know what a servo gear train looks like, let the Chairman know and he will bore for England on the topic . . .
BMFA Classifieds
Do you dip into this site at all? It is well worth taking a look. By putting a wanted advert on the site, the Chairman managed to obtain an out of production canopy for one of his models.
Also, Paul Ainge picked up a duff Hitec Retract Servo for a few quid to cannibalise for spares saving himself the cost of a new servo (over £35).
Take a look – but watch out for scammers – at
Take a look at the nose job Stuart Worrall has done to the front of his rebuilt Tutor 40 (now known as “The Phoenix”). Maybe if you ask him nicely he might tell you how it is done.
New Members
Please give a warm BMFC welcome to Pete Burgess, Steve Styles and his son Oliver. We are still getting a regular stream of enquiries which is good for the long term health of the club of course.
June 2011 Club Night
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 1sth JUNE 2011 at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there to discuss safety.
Kevin Walker & The Committee
May 2011 Newsletter
Newsletters (or the lack of them…..)
Apologies for there being no April newsletter this was due to a breakdown in communication – ‘I thought you were doing it… I thought you were’. You just can’t get the committee!
Congratulations to Pete Smith who past his ‘A’ test recently and was seen flying a petrol engined Magnatilla the other week end – check the exhaust and you can tell he’s a plumber!
Hopefully this will motivate others to step up, including new members without an ‘A’ certificate who are perfectly capable pilots.
‘B’ Test
Anyone interested in the ‘B’ test? It’s a natural progression from the ‘A’ and gives you something to aim for. Looking at members who have an ‘A’ I’m sure many are capable of a ‘B’. If you’re interested and want to go through the details of a ‘B’ test and want us to arrange a test talk to Alan or Kevin.
Club Examiner
As some of you may know Frank (Tansley) has decided to retire as Club Examiner and I’m pleased to announce Bob Norton has agreed to replace him. Bob is currently going through the necessary ‘hoops’ with the BMFA and in due course will take over.
All Day Flies 2011
The following dates are confirmed and the usual rules apply – an event will be postponed for one week but there after it will be cancelled
- 14 May 2011
- 23 July 2011
- 10 Sept 2011
This means ADF#1 is just over a week away and how about everyone who has a BMFC sweat shirt or T shirt wearing it on the day?
The patch
We must minimise the amount of grass we flatten with our cars. The grass is growing and it won’t be long before the farmer takes a first cut of silage. Keep to the paths and close to the hedges, and reverse out the way you drive into a space. Also watch the cows and keep the gates shut.
Bolly Propellers
Servo Shop is selling Bolly Props at a discount – in some cases at half price. Go to ( and get a clearance bargain!
May Club Night
How good are you at building a paper airplane from a single A4 sheet of paper? What’s the perfect design? This is the task for the next club night – to build a paper airplane. Competition categories are to be decided but it seems like fun.
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 4th May at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
April 2011 Newsletter
No Newsletter
March 2011 Newsletter
February 2011 Club Night
Well you missed a good quiz evening! Congratulations to Frank Tansley and Robert Knox who came joint first – amazingly that was without any collaboration. Colin Bannister got the wooden spoon – sorry matey! I hope the winners all enjoyed their PoundLand prizes.
Offer from Ron Harrison
Apparently Ron has a number of perfectly serviceable wings up for grabs (please note there are NO fuselages to match or servos fitted!!) – Free to a good home – you collect!!
Arising Star – Boomerang (Not MkII) – Skystar – and other Clone Trainers
. . . is just around the corner lads! Get those models dusted off and serviced. Look out for the dreaded black wire . . if you do not know what that is, ask some of the old stagers in the pits.
It will not be too long before we can get the mower on the patch again. If we can catch it just right, we will do the “synchronised car roll” to get the patch just like a billiard table.
Indoor Heli and Shockie Venue – Redditch Electric Flyers
Bob Moseley emailed me with these details
Monday Nights 28th February onwards, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Walkwood C of E Middle School
Feckenham Road
Redditch, Worcestershire
B97 5AQ
Flying in the school gym, approx 1 Basketball court plus separate area for helis.
Separate sessions for fast (Shockie) & slow planes (minium, vapor, FF etc) & helis (400 (450 just) size max), approx 10 mins per session, tbc. Approx £5 per night, subject to numbers attending.
Proof of (BMFA) Insurance required.
March Club Night
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 2nd MARCH at the Old Crown, Catshill.
See you there.
Kevin Walker & The Committee
February 2011 Newsletter
2011 AGM
The notes from the AGM are appended below and it was the best turn out we’ve ever had. In summary all the existing officers were re-elected and Bob Norton, Nick Rawet and Colin Bannister collected the ‘silverware’.
On Sunday 23rd Jan Simon Godsall and Martin Bannister both passed their A test. Well done to both of them – now the learning really starts!!
Hopefully this will motivate others to step up and have a go. Remember you don’t have to pass first time and you can take it twice in the same day.
BMFA Membership & Insurance
Please find enclosed your BMFA membership card for 2011 if you joined through the Club.
I was looking at the newsletter from 12 months ago and found this….
‘There have been a number of incidents with cut fingers lately – from memory it seems to be members of the committee! We will change the procedure so that when the peg board and tx box is set out, the first aid box will be brought out too. Be extra careful when your engine is running and approach the carb needle from BEHIND the prop. Also watch the SIDE – with an engine running it’s hard to tell where the tip of the prop is.’
….. spooky but you know it makes sense!
The Patch
A reminder that we shouldn’t be driving into the field no matter how big your 4×4. It’s still too muddy so please park on the slabs.
Malvern Soaring Association
We’ve been asked to include the following on behalf of Nick Neve, Chairman, Malvern Soaring Association.
All are welcome to attend. If you have any surplus models, modelling goods, magazines, accessories, tools, engines, radios, plans, kits etc. to sell please bring them along. Remember your unwanted goods may be just what somebody else is looking for. All lots are booked in on the night but if you are planning to bring many items please contact us beforehand. We deduct 10% from the sale price [up to a maximum of £5.00] to defray costs. We expect to have a wide range of model goods brought in for sale if past years are anything to go by. For more information contact:
Nick Neve on 01684 561160 or send email to:
Colwall is situated on the Malvern to Ledbury road, B4218, about four miles East of Ledbury. The Hall is signposted off the B4218 near the railway bridge. See for details. For those with a Satnav, the postcode is WR13 6EQ.
February Club Night
At the February club night there will be a modelling and aviation related quiz with first and second prizes (do not know what that will be yet!!) It’ll be very easy and fun to do and don’t be scared off by the thought of Kevin running it!
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 2nd February at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
Notes from January 2011 Committee Meeting and AGM.
12th January 2011 at The Crown Inn, Catshill, Bromsgrove.
Attendees: Keith Godwin, Kevin Walker, Alan Brown, Mel Houghton, Steve Hill and Mick Danks
1. Introduction
Apologies had been received from John Ruston and Frank Tansley, the meeting however was well attended with 33 people members and partners enjoying the meal – the highest turnout on record.
2. Chairman’s Report
- The Big Thank Yous for 2010
- All the Committee members for their support and hard work.
- Paul Ainge, Alan Brown, Nick Rawet and Steve Hill for their training efforts
- For the all day Fly- Ins – the weather was kind and we managed all 3 again in 2010 – thanks again to all who helped out – these events do not organise themselves.
- For all those people that have turned up early to provide the manpower to do grass raking, rubble shifting etc etc = you all know who you are
- A VERY big thank you to Frank Tansley for decades of sterling work as our club examiner. He has decided to step down for 2011 and have a well earned rest
- A round of applause please!
- Club Nights
- We will continue to organise events for club nights, starting in February with a quiz.
- Safety
- We only had to get the first aid kit out once this year – lets go for none in 2011 lads
- Noise
- No incidents to report – as always = keep to the no-fly zones and fit sensible props and silencers
- Membership
- We are still recruiting and training as much as we ever did = for those of you who like statistics, we have 14 “home grown” members who we have trained from scratch to ‘A’ (38%), and we have 13 trainee recruits (30%), proving once again we are doing something right.
- Summary
- 2010 was another good year = let’s repeat it in 2011.
3. Secretary’s Report to the AGM
Mick reflected on the amazing year 2009 had been while at the end of 2010 more people had renewed their membership than ever before and the club was going into 2011 with 45 members. In addition the turnout for the AGM & meal was the highest ever. Yet more evidence that we must be doing something right!
4. Treasurer’s Report to the AGM
Keith gave a summary of the expenses for 2010 and concluded the club was again in a healthy financial position similar to at the same time 12 months ago.
The membership was confirmed as 45 – this included 5 Country Members and 2 Honorary Members – and this formed the basis of the re-affiliation to the BMFA the paperwork for which had already been sent off.
5. Appointment of Club Officers for 2011
All existing officers were willing to stand again and were re-elected as follows:
- Chairman. Kevin Walker proposed by Bob Norton and seconded by Alan Brown. Carried.
- Secretary. Mick Danks proposed by Nick Rawet and seconded by Keith Godwin. Carried.
- Treasurer. Keith Godwin proposed by Kevin Walker and seconded by Mel Houghton. Carried.
- Chief Flying Instructor. Alan Brown proposed by Colin Bannister and seconded by Martin Bannister. Carried.
- Safety Officer. Steve Hill proposed by Paul Ainge and seconded by Mel Houghton. Carried.
7. Awarding of trophies for 2010
- The Ray Harrison Trophy for building excellence was awarded to Bob Norton.
- The Clubman’s Trophy for flying excellence was awarded to Nick Rawet.
- The Chairman’s Trophy was awarded to Colin Bannister.
8. AOB
- Club trainer
Nick Rawet enquired about the club having a dedicated trainer for visitors and new members. It was felt that this would be a low priority. New members should be encouraged to have and kit out their own model and a club trainer raised questions such as who would build it, look after it and repair it.
- Moving the pits
Bob Norton asked if it was possible to move the pits to the other side of the runway thereby flying with our back to the sun. The position of the runway and pits had been debated when we moved into the current field and although not ideal was the best compromise. The land on the opposite side of the runway tended to be wet and sloped away. In addition flying from the other side meant you were overflying the car parking area.
- Meeting topic
It was suggested that during 2011 a ‘Pint & Buffet’ evening be held on one of the club nights for members and partners.
January 2011 Newsletter
No Newsletter
December 2010 Newsletter
A lot to fit in this month and YES, we have purposely sent you this newsletter by post . . . no excuses for not reading it!!
In future, if you want hardcopies of the newsletters sending or you would prefer an emailed version, please let Mick Danks know (see above). Otherwise, you will just have to read the newsletter on the web site = you should all know the web address off by heart by now =
Membership Costs – 2011
In these austere times, we have kept the club subscriptions the same, and also BMFA has not increased, so the total cost to pay to Keith Godwin, 9 Marsh Way, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs B61 0JD is
Seniors =£74 (£45 subs + £29 BMFA), Juniors = £60 (£45 + £15 BMFA)
Cash is good, or cheques payable to Bromsgrove Model Flying Club, and without fail by 31/12/2010
If you have not paid up by then, we assume you are not rejoining. WE REALLY MEAN IT THIS YEAR
Also, please complete the details on the extra sheet with this newsletter and include it with your payment.
2011 AGM
WEDNESDAY 12th January, 2011 – Crown Inn, Catshill – 7pm for 7.30pm
The format will be as in previous years – a subsidised carvery meal for members at £3 (guests are very welcome at the full price of £6) followed by the formal AGM proceedings and then drinks and chat.
For those not watching their waistline, you can buy yourself a pudding at your own expense, of course.
Committee Re-Election
As always, ALL posts are up for election – see attached sheet for the current nominations – please request your nomination if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee to Mick Danks by 31/12/2010 please.
Code of Flying
Can I request all members to refresh their memories and take a look at the Code of Flying page on the web site. The Code has been refined over a long period of time to ensure safe and slick operation at the patch.
Club Logo on Clothing
Mel Houghton and Steve Hill have arranged for the club logo to be set up as a machine woven badge that can be incorporated onto a number of different items – see below
- T Shirt £11.50
- Polo Shirt £14.00
- Sweat Shirt £18.50
- Fleece £19.50
- Woven Badge Only £7.00
- Woven Badge on your own garment £7.00
There are a range of sizes and colours available and they have already proved popular with the membership.
There is a minimum order of 5 and delivery is 2-3 weeks from order, so if you want an item, come along to the December Club night and talk to Mel. Why not have the club logo embroidered on your pulling pants?
You can also call Mel on either 0121-550-8356 or 07906-708255 to place an order if you wish
Club Spectrum DX6I Transmitter
The Club has acknowledged the popularity of this radio gear and have splashed out and bought a Mode 1 version of this transmitter so we can train people with Spectrum radio gear. FYI a standard audio cable with mono jack plugs works as a buddy lead = much cheaper than the Spectrum cable.
Access to the Flying Field
You may have noticed that we have been trying to fill in some of the deeper pot holes in the track up to the flying field, so that your shiny motor does not get too mud caked. Thanks to Bill Cartwright for providing the last lot of hardcore, and for all those who helped spread it on Sunday 7th November. If you have any hardcore to donate then we could use some more, but PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE break it up into small pieces before bringing it! If you feel really energetic and to save the Committee the task, then spread & level it into any one of the deep puddles on the access track – and no half-enders sticking up please . . . . !
The flying field is starting to get very wet, and Tony has expressly asked that we do not make ruts in the field, so please park on the slabs from now on. It really is not that much further to walk to the pits.
Bearing Replacement
Colin Bannister and I successfully replaced the bearings in Colin’s SC .52 for the princely sum of £5.
SC engines seem to eat bearings, but these are as cheap as chips. No excuse now for that 2 stroke with the death rattle. If you want to know how to do it and where we got the cheap bearings from, give me a call . . .
December 2010 Club Night
Don’t forget the December Club Night on Wednesday 1st December, 2010 – 8pm onwards as usual, at The Crown Inn, Catshill where you can meet your fellow club mates for a drink and chat and also
è Return that Club Trophy in your possession (Mel Houghton and Nick Rawet x2)
è Pay your subs and BMFA for 2011 . . . . . . bring cash or cheque for £74 (£60 Junior)
è Order your subsidised carvery meal . . . . . bring cash or cheque for £3 (or £6 for a guest)
Kevin Walker and the Committee.
November 2010 Newsletter
Club Subscriptions
This is further advanced notice that BMFA & club subscriptions will be due by 31/12/2010.
After numerous examples of late payers in previous years – which is unfair to the majority who do pay on time – if you have not paid by the above date, you will be deemed not to be a member and have to pay the joining fee again – so be warned.
December club night is dedicated to the collection of fees (cheque or cash please) and we will let you know the club and BMFA costs as soon as possible.
Noise: ‘Some of ‘em sound like chainsaws…’
A member of the public who lives close to the patch made this comment to one of the committee recently and which we take very seriously. If escalated (to the Council) it could mean an end to flying. Does your plane sound like a chainsaw or do you know one that does? PLEASE fit an adequate silencer – don’t be the one who spoils it for the many – we don’t want noisy planes at the patch.
For anyone at the patch on Sunday 10th October you’ll know I managed to catch my left hand in a propeller while running my plane up in the pits. My own stupid fault for not paying attention and thanks to everyone particularly Simon (Godsall) for first aid and John (Marley) for following me home.
You can’t avoid a lapse in concentration and accidents will happen but the following may give food for thought and help personal safety.
- Keep the First Aid box in the transmitter box.
- Keep an eye on fellow members and tell them if they do anything you think is unsafe. How many flick start an engine with their fingers for example?
- Could you improve the layout of your gear in the pits? I think I can – I’m left handed and place my plane to the left of my flight box. If I reach for the flight box (with my left hand) I’m reaching across myself and close to the propeller. It would be better with my plane to the RIGHT of my flight box?
35Mhz frequency allocation
A note about 35Mhz usage despite the increasing use of 2.4Ghz.
- Due to the proximity of other flying clubs, we only fly on channel numbers 54 thru 59 and 81 thru 90 inclusive.
- To avoid too many members using the same channel each new member is given a recommended frequency. He doesn’t have exclusive use of this channel however.
- A member can purchase and use any crystals within the range allocated to the club.
Some points about flying
- Throttle. Remember that ‘fourth’ channel, use it!!
- Rates. Check the Rates are set correctly before take off. In or Out? Make sure it’s correct. As a guide In = 60% – 70% deflection Out = full deflection as specified for the model.
- Batteries. Always fully charge batteries (that’s 16 hrs minimum using a trickle charger) and check them before each flight.
November 2010 Club Night
This month Paulo Ruzzier will be talking about laser cutting and model building – a subject I guess few of us know much about, so let’s have a good turn out. As usual the meeting starts at 8.00pm on the 3rd November 2010 at the Old Crown, Catshill – see you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
October 2010 Newsletter
‘A’ Test Success
George Kelly passed his ‘A’ test in September – well done you!
Club Subscriptions
This is advance notice of BMFA & club subscriptions which will be due by 31/12/2010.
We really do mean business this year after late payees in previous years – if you have not paid by the above date, you will be deemed not to be a member and have to pay the joining fee again – so be warned.
We will let you know the club subs and BMFA costs nearer the time.
Laying up for Winter
For all of those fair weather only fliers, it is good practice to drop some oil into the crankcase of your engines (with the carb fully open of course) and turn the engine over a few times to get a coating of oil on those bearings. If you keep your stuff in a damp shed, the slightest rust spot will ruin a set of main bearings in no time at all. Also, Charge those batteries up regularly too – it is good practice to invest in a battery checker. Talking of winter, it will not be too long before we cannot gain car access to the field, and will have to start using the parking slabs = please do not churn up the flying field if it is too muddy.
Club Sweat Shirts & T Shirts with Club Logo
Mel Houghton is putting together an order for sweat shirts and T shirts with a proper embroidered logo.
If you are interested, then give Mel a call on 0121-550-8356 or 07910-539370
If you are unfortunate to have a “nasty”, then PLEASE ensure that you remove ALL the debris and take it home with you – no broken prop blades, solarfilm or balsa should be left hanging about.
October 2010 Club Night
As usual the meeting starts at 8.00pm on the 6th October 2010 at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there = but not me sadly, I have had my varicose veins done so cannot drive for a while . . . !!! = Kevin Walker & The Committee
September 2010 Newsletter
‘A’ Test Success
Stan Kupiec passed his ‘A’ test on Sunday August 15th 2010 and thanks to Frank who turned up to see us ‘on spec’ and oversaw the test – well done Stan it’s amazing what you can do when you’re dropped in it! Now there seems to be no stopping him – apparently the following Sunday he wanted to take-off at 9:45!
So who is going to be the next ‘A’ test success then? Come on you trainees – get some flying done!!
Safety: Mid air collision
On Sunday August 22nd we had our first mid-air collision in about 3 years – Hugh Revill and Rob Knox were the pilots. Fortunately a mid-air is quite rare however afterwards each plane becomes an out of control projectile; usually righting itself off and hopefully causing no other damage. To minimise the risk please observe the following rules / etiquette
- Only 3 (IC) planes in the air at one time
- Fly in the prescribed circuit
- Talk to other pilots – say if you’re flying low and / or against the circuit e.g. figures of 8
- Try and keep an eye open for other aircraft – not easy I know
All Day Fly #3
SATURDAY September 11th – flying 10am to 5pm, BBQ 1pm to 2pm as usual
Not long to go to the third and final All Day Fly and BBQ of 2010 – it doesn’t seem that long since the last one – let’s hope for another good day. The usual rules will apply; keep an eye on the weather and the website for a possible one week postponement or subsequent cancellation.
September 2010 Club Night
The September meeting will be a Bring & Buy / swap meet and general chat – so see what you can offload to your fellow (unsuspecting) members . . .
As usual the meeting starts at 8.00pm on the 1st September 2010 at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
August 2010 Newsletter
August 2010 Club Night
As is the tradition for BMFC – there ain’t no August Club Night – don’t end up sitting there on your own staring into your pint wondering where everybody else is!
‘A’ Test Success
Paolo Ruzzier passed his ‘A’ test recently on a very gusty Friday afternoon . . . . well done him.
By the way, Frank Tansley our resident club examiner has not been too well just lately. The good news is that he is out and about again. Good on yer Franky boy!
Who is going to be the next ‘A’ test success then? Come on you trainees – get some flying done!!
Sparking Off on Petrol
At the June club night, Bob Norton gave a very good talk on how to convert a glow motor (2 or 4 stroke) to spark ignition. It was a fascinating insight into what can be done.
Thanks for putting the effort in Bob. I am sure that if you want more information, Bob will be more than willing to help you out.
Tony the farmer has expressly asked us to keep grass flattening to a minimum in the flying field, either by the parking area or the pits. It may seem trivial to us, but flattened grass is less likely to be picked
up by the silage cutter, and the silage yield is very important to the farmer.
Anything we can do to keep the farmer happy is a must, and if other members see tracks in the grass they will most likely think it is OK for them to do the same!!
To be absolutely clear, we have no problem at all with members who have mobility issues driving to the pits to unload. All we ask is that you keep to the well-defined track and then return to the normal parking area when you have unloaded.
We have mown the pits at least 1.5 times the width of the gang mower so there should be ample space to put your models and gear down in the mown area so as not to touch the long grass bordering the pits.
All Day Fly #2
A superb day was had by all – where were you? Thanks to everyone who helped out + Steve Hill’s missus for the scones (with currents!)
All Day Fly #2
Not long to go to the third and final All Day Fly and BBQ =
SATURDAY September 11th – flying 10am to 5pm, BBQ 1pm to 2pm as usual
ASP Stuff Again
The ASP .80 in my Stampe was not behaving itself like in normally does. If you read last month’s newsletter, part of the problem was the worn ‘O’ ring on the secondary jet. (£1 per ‘O’ ring by the way) However, I discovered another problem too.
I decided to check the valve clearances, and when I pressed each valve open to see if they were opening and closing without sticking, I discovered that the exhaust valve was far easier to depress than the inlet. A top end strip down followed, and as suspected, the exhaust valve spring had broken. . . .
A quick call to Just Engines meant the replacement bits arrived next day, and the motor was soon reassembled and now runs exactly as it should do.
A couple of tips here – to remove the valves, you have to compress the valves and remove the retaining collets. Those of you who used to work on your own cars when you did not have any spare cash (those were the days eh?) should know what I am talking about. Model engines are just like any other engine, but smaller . . . I actually bought a spare pack of collets in case I lost one. You have to compress the valve spring (I used sharp nosed pliers) and ferret out the two split collets that fit either side of the top of the valve itself.
Here is the trick for successful strip down and re-assembly of your cylinder head without the collet shooting out, never to be seen again. Find a LARGE CLEAR PLASTIC BAG and do all the work inside it – if you slip and the collets shoot off, they stay in the plastic bag – easy innit?
Just to explain things a little further for Paul Ainge, if you use a Sainsbury’s Orange shopping bag, you can’t see what you are doing.
I managed to assemble everything in one attempt, so that spare bag of collets I bought just in case I lost a collet is still available if you need any.
Another tip here – when you send off for a new ‘O’ ring, buy an extra one or two for your flight box. When you can magic up a new ‘O’ ring in the pits on a Sunday morning, you make friends very easily.
Just charge £2 for the privilege and make a profit 😉
ARTF Moans
Why is it that you have to strengthen and re-glue the undercarriage plates on most ARTF models, sometimes more than once? I have had to re-glue the undercarriage on my latest ARTF lovely twice in 5 flights – I reckon they are glued in with spit.
Also, most ARTF planes these days seem to be built for both electric and I/C, so are built extremely lightly. Now a light weight is a good thing, but robust they are not . . . not for my landings anyway.
September Club Night
The September meeting will be a bring & buy – so see what you can offload to your fellow members . . .
8.00pm on the 1st September 2010 at the Old Crown, Catshill.
See you there.
Kevin Walker & The Committee
July 2010 Newsletter
The membership currently stands at a healthy 46 and in recent weeks three new members have joined us – Mark Saunders, John Ruston and Stephen Toole – all are trainees and regulars at the patch. Give then the usual BMFA welcome if you see them.
Also three cheers to John Marley who passed his a test in June and was seen having fun with an electric foam thingy the other Sunday. Onwards and upwards John…
Some points about starting your plane:
- Flick start with a ‘chicken stick’ not your fingers!!!!
- Use restraints – even if it’s someone’s legs in front of the elevator. Mel has made a set of club restraints – use them.
- Remove the glow stick and tune the engine from behind propeller.
Some members don’t follow these guidelines and it’s worrying – some of us don’t like the sight of blood. We may have a dentist and a vet as members and a first aid kit on hand (!) but be sensible. It was also reported that a member of another club lost fingers in a propeller related accident although I don’t know the full details.
Flying etiquette
- Listen to other pilots – calls of ‘dead stick’, ‘on the patch’, flight pattern changes etc.
- The runway is for takeoff and landing only. Restart your plane in the pits or on the pathway – not the pilot’s box or the runway.
Flying tips
- Don’t become ‘handed’ – one day you will have to land from the other end. Fly figures of eight and reverse circuits for practice. Tell other pilots first though!!
- Recommended Rates settings:
- Rates out – 100% deflection as per instructions for plane.
- Rates in – 60-70% deflection to make plane more docile.
The Patch
‘Keep off the grass’. Please keep planes in the mown area of the pits – we don’t want to kill off the grass and clover the farmer gathers during the year. In a similar vein, keep walking, driving etc to the designated areas.
Also Mel has mislaid a pair of prescription glasses and he believes they may be at the patch – anyone seen them?
All Day Fly #2
ADF#2 is on Saturday 24th July 2010 at 10:00 and this newsletter is the last reminder of the event. Keep an eye on the weather and the website for a possible one week postponement or subsequent cancellation, however lets hope for a good day. The last All Day Fly off 2010 is planed for Saturday 11th September.
Pre flight check list
Some members have been asking about a pre-flight check list. The one below is based on one produced by an old member – Lloyd Campbell – for you to cut out and keep!
Check |
Left |
Right |
Check |
Left |
Right |
Fuselage |
Horiz Stab (Elevator) | ||||
Landing Gear
| ||||
C of G
| ||||
Main Wing(s) |
Control Rods
| ||||
Securely fixed
Servos dir / horn
| ||||
Ailerons |
Receiver | ||||
| ||||
Flight battery
| ||||
Control Rods
Fuel Tank | ||||
Servos dir / horn
Engine & Exhaust | ||||
Flaps |
Prop & Spinner | ||||
Transmitter | ||||
| ||||
Control Rods
Range check*
| ||||
Servos dir / horn
Throttle dir / horn
| ||||
Vertical Fin (Rudder) |
Noise check | ||||
| |||||
| |||||
Control Rods
| |||||
Servos dir / horn
*With electric models do the range check with the motor ON to check for interference effects.
Club Nights
At the June club night there was a good session discussing linkages (brief notes are at the end of this newsletter) and at the July meeting Bob Norton is giving a chat about converting engines to using petrol.
Please remember there is no August club night!!
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 7th July at the Old Crown, Catshill to debate all thing petrol. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
The aim is to transfer movement from servo to control surface with the max force (torque). As the servo moves so should the control surface with equal movement each way. What you don’t want is sloppy movement, kinking, slackness, linkages coming lose.
Essentially three parts
- To transmit movement wire push rod (sometimes supported in outer sheath), Bowden cable (used in closed loop rudder and elevator control) mechanisms are used.
- Connections at each end of push rod mechanism. One end is usually threaded for fine adjustment and screwed to a plastic or metal clevis. Prefer metal as they are easier to adjust. The other end may also be threaded or bent (e.g. ‘Z’ bend, 90deg + swing-keeper) or left straight (throttle type grubscrew) for a ‘fixed’ termination. Ailerons have their own arrangement but principle is the same.
- Control Horns at the control surfaces and servos to terminate the clevis, ‘Z’ bend etc.
Fitting & alignment
- At the control surface, control horns should be attached so clevis termination holes are in line with the control surface hinge line.
- Once the clevis is attached to the control horn it should be secured with fuel tubing.
- At the servo, with the control surface central, the servo also centralised (incl trims) and the clevis central on its thread, fit servo horn that sits at 90deg to Servo. Connect clevis to hole closest to centre while still providing required movement.
- Note: At servo; holes further from the centre provide more movement but less torque. At control surface; holes closer to pivot point (control surface) provide more movement
- Always remember fuel tubing. Always check for control arm & linkages fouling inside the plane when at full deflection and plane assembled.
Pause for thought
These are static settings and servos are specified in terms of torque (kg/cm) and speed of operation (s/60degs) under no load but no one knows what happens in the air. Probably not an issue but you never know…
For example S3003 (3.08Kg/cm & .23s/60degs) but what about pulling out of a dive with a larger aircraft with a larger control surface area? What about fast highly aerobatic 3D flying? Will it respond as expected…?
Possible solutions:
- Keep linkages short – servos in wings (servo per aileron also doubles torque) and tail.
- Ball joint fixings
- Carbon fibre push rods
- Run servo on 5 cells (6.0V) increased torque and speed but may limit servo life
Closed Loop Linkages
- In theory the best because the control surface is always being pulled. Usually installed on elevators and rudders, more difficult on ailerons
- Can use fishing trace wire obtainable from any fishing shop = 10kg is more than adequate.
- Avoid making them like ‘guitar strings’, just tight enough. If connected directly to the servo the tension is transferred to the servo gearing etc (not ideal).
- If possible use a bell crank – no tension is transferred to the servo.
- Ensure both wires are connected to the same holes on the servo & control surface horn.
Servo fixing – grommets and brass ferrule.
- The rounded end of the ferrule should be next to the wood or ply servo rail otherwise the sharp end will dig into the wood
- Don’t over tighten the rubber grommet (which is supposed to stop vibration ruining the electronics).
Cheap Z bend maker.
Drill a hole in one of the jaws of a cheap set of pliers = works just as well
Quicklink (clevis)
- Pin hole size is 1.6mm if you need to drill something for a quicklink to connect into. Not normally available at B&Q though and you may have to search round for a suitable drill. Try
- Always screw them on using loads of turns before you make up your pushrods. If you intent making your own pushrods clevises (normally) have an M2 thread.
At the servo end, only have about 40mm of wire between horn and
dowel – it makes for a stiffer pushrod.
June 2010 Newsletter
You will see that the dairy herd are now grazing in the field that you drive through to get to the flying field. PLEASE ENSURE ALL GATES ARE CLOSED AFTER YOU . . .
The cows are crafty buggers. They hide at the bottom of the field out of sight, and then put in an appearance when you least expect them to.
Also, “the grass is always greener” in the flying field because of the clover, and we have already had one incident where a member opened the gate, and then got in his car to drive off, and in those few seconds the cows had almost legged it through the gate!
Being serious if the cows got into the long grass and got the “staggers” which is potentially lethal, we would be looking for a new flying site in short order = SO BE AWARE . . !
ASP and SC Carb ‘O’ Rings
Thanks to Bob Norton for this, confirmed by a talk to Just Engines too.
ASP and SC carbs have ‘O’ rings on the main needle AND the low speed needle (which you cannot see because it is buried inside the carb barrel). Both ‘O’ rings serve to stop fuel or air leaking past the needles, which messes with the mixture.
Also, the ‘O’ ring on the low speed needle serves to keep the needle in place in the barrel after you have adjusted it. HOWEVER, if the ‘O’ ring has worn, you can find that you set the low speed mixture up and it gradually goes off song again. This is because the low speed needle can gradually turn the more you use the throttle, hence losing the mixture setting. There is no ratchet spring to hold the low speed needle in place like on the main jet, it is literally the fit of the ‘O’ ring.
SO = If you are having problems with mixture settings going off beam all the time, take a look at yer ‘O’ rings lads = if you need any further explanation, have a chat to me.
By the way, there is a quick and dirty way to replace the ‘O’ ring on the main jet = carefully cut a slice of fuel tube to fit the machined groove in the needle. The trick is to get it so the slice is ever so slightly larger than the machined groove. You may have to have several goes at this. If you get it right, when you screw the needle back in, the surplus silicon tube is carved off by the action of screwing it in. And no lewd comments from you Mr. Ainge . . . !
All Day Fly #1 and #2
Good weather, good BBQ, good flying, good turnout – what more can I say.
Not long to go to the All Day Fly #2 on SATURDAY JULY 24th – (flying 10am to 5pm)
Manoeuvre of the Month
For those of you that missed the talk on aerobatics, I have included the handouts I did for the talk in this newsletter = see below.
June Club Night
The June meeting will include a talk on linkages and radio installation – some come along and share all that hard earned knowledge that you have acquired over all those years . . . let’s have a good turn out!
8.00pm on the 2nd June 2010 at the Old Crown, Catshill.
See you there.
Kevin Walker & The Committee
May 2010 Club Night = Aerobatics
3 basic axis are PITCH ROLL YAW
Which surface controls each? PITCH = ELEVATOR, ROLL = AILERON, YAW = RUDDER
ALL aerobatics are only a variation and combination of all 3 of the manoeuvres below ! ! !
LOOP (controlled by ELEVATOR i.e. PITCHING moment)
ROLL (controlled by AILERON i.e. ROLLING moment)
STALL TURN (controlled by RUDDER i.e. YAWING moment)
Initial Advice = ALWAYS start 3 mistakes high and ALWAYS start manoeuvres INTO wind
HEIGHT & POSITION IS EVERYTHING before you start any aerobatics
if in doubt DON’T DO IT !!
Inverted Flight
Push down = you will often find that a plane is trimmed for straight and level flight but will require DOWN elevator (i.e. push) when inverted
AILERON remains the same (i.e. Left is Left and Right is Right), ELEVATOR and RUDDER work in the OPPOSITE sense = TIP = Practice in stages!
- STAGE A – Straight and level ONLY
Roll inverted and PUSH to find out how much down elevator needed for straight & level inverted flight, then roll out again (NEVER pull through the half loop = you will be caught out, trust me)
- STAGE B – Inverted 180 degree turn
Roll inverted and then initiate wide 180 degree turn (i.e. reverse your direction). Roll out at end of manoeuvre.
- STAGE C – Inverted Figure of Eight
Roll inverted and then initiate LH 360 degree circle followed by RH 360 degree circle = you will have to PUSH harder to make the turn tighter (just like you would PULL harder to make an upright turn tighter). Roll out at end of manoeuvre.
Some Well Known Manoeuvres
Loop = variations : square , diamond, bunt etc etc)
Stall Turn = Yaw (Variation : inverted, 2 point, 4 point)
Immelmann = Loop and Roll
Split S = Roll and Loop
Spin = Pitch & Yaw (it is VERY IMPORTANT to know spin recovery . . . it is not a ROLL)
Avalanche = Loop and Roll
4 Point Roll = Roll and Yaw (variations : 8 point roll, 16 point roll etc etc)
Knife Edge = Yaw and Roll
Cuban 8 = Loop and Roll (Variations : Inverted Cuban 8, Reverse Cuban 8, Half Reverse Cuban 8)
Humpty Bump = Roll and Loop
Vertical 8 = Roll and Loop
Derry Turn = Roll. The Derry turn commences with a roll the “wrong” way. If you intend turning left you start off by rolling right, but when the plane reaches the bank angle to turn left you carry on left as usual. A Derry 8 is a figure 8 manoeuvre wherein you Derry turn at the middle.
Devise your own routine!! OR Maybe you like to fly around aimlessly ??
Very Simple Routine
- Straight & level into wind . . .
- Pull a lazy loop and on completion pull more up to let the nose rise . . .
- Full aileron roll when straight & level . . . . when complete
- Pull up vertical about 70 degrees to do a stall turn (your choice Left or Right), resume straight & level flight . . .
- Finally initiate a “Golf Club Turn” (90 degree one way, 270 degree turn the other) to position yourself to do it all over again . . . Remember PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT . . . .
May 2010 Newsletter
Volcanic Ash
You may have heard that some members of the Committee were stranded in the USA as a result of the volcano in Iceland. I don’t know which branch of Iceland it happened in, but I guess all the frozen food melted and it certainly messed up the airline schedules for quite some time.
The good news is that you now have a full Committee back in the UK . . .
GPS Tracker
John Marley (the self confessed gadget fanatic) showed some impressive statistics to us all in the pits last sunday.
Basically, he has bought an electronic gizmo which is small enough to fit in your plane and it will track height and speed wherever it goes. You plug it back into your PC via the a USB slot and with the software that comes with it, you can plot a graph of height, speed and distance covered. You can even overlay the flight plots on the Google map of the site, to show your flight path.
One very encouraging detail came out from this – his flight paths were well within the designated air space and the No Fly Zones were not breached at all. Nice one John.
Have a chat to John in the pits next time you see him if you want one too . . .
Better Weather is Here
You can tell that by the increasing number of cars parked against the hedge !
All Day Fly #1
Not long to go to the first All Day Fly including BBQ
SATURDAY MAY 15th – flying 10am to 5pm, BBQ 1pm to 2pm as usual
Manoeuvre of the Month – Modified Immelmann Turn
See web site for a pictorial image of the manoeuvre
- Flight straight and level into wind
- Increase throttle and pull a quarter loop into a vertical climb
- Half roll upwards
- Pull a quarter loop until the model flying straight & level but inverted
- Half roll again to recover straight & level flight
Easy innit?
May Club Night
The May meeting will include a talk on aerobatics by your youthful & handsome Chairman . .
So let’s have a good turn out
8.00pm on the 5rd May at the Old Crown, Catshill.
See you there.
Kevin Walker & The Committee
April 2010 Newsletter
Late newsletter… oops!
Due to a miss-understanding – Kevin thought I was doing the newsletter and vice-versa – the April newsletter is about a week late and after the April club night. All I can say is sorry.
Another reminder about Flight Line breaches.
The patch has been mown and there should be no excuse for these or deviations into the no fly zones – if you do not know where they are look on the web site
Parking & Patch
It is now dry enough to park in the field, but as always, keep as close in to the hedges to minimise flattening the grass as far as possible.
It is also about now when the farmer lets his cows out into the fields so it is imperative to SHUT ALL THE GATES AFTER YOU. Note that if you park on the slabs and the cows are out, expect to come back to a car which will have been slobbered over – regardless of its marquee. Seriously cows are big beasts and can (and have) done damage bending aerials and denting panels in their inquisitiveness.
The tractor and mower is now up and running again and the patch is being mown regularly.
All is set fair for a good flying season . . .
Club Membership Renewals
We have been pretty lenient in the past regarding club membership renewal.
However, this is advance notice that we will be tightening up on the membership renewal process for 2011 onwards and we will expect all club subs and BMFA to be paid by 31st December.
You have been told.
All Day Fly Dates
These will be posted onto the web site shortly but are confirmed as:
Saturday 15th May 2010
Saturday 24th July 2010
Saturday 11th September 2010
We have checked that they do not clash with any major modelling events in the area and also that they fit in with Paul Ainge’s holiday plans.
Manoeuvre of the Month
Kevin is starting to run short of ideas now – I think we have covered all the main manoeuvres – see the web site for descriptions of each (with pictures!).
Now is the time to start putting them all together into a sequence of manoeuvres and
he will be working on a couple of sequences that you can use if you wish (unless you like wandering aimlessly round the sky of course ho ho ho) so watch this space!
This coincides with the topic for the May club night – aerobatic manoeuvres. Let’s have some ideas of what you’d like to see.
Club Nights
If you did not turn up for the April club night, you missed an informative session by Mick Danks and Alan Brown on all things battery related. The details will be published on the web site in due course.
Mick Danks & The Committee
March 2010 Newsletter
BMFA Membership
Our 2010 BMFA membership and individual’s insurance cover has been received and, if I didn’t catch you at the last club night, your individual BMFA membership card is included with this newsletter.
It is also being emailed out and on the club web site as normal.
Member preferences
Which Mode do you fly – Mode 1 (throttle right) or Mode 2 (throttle left)? After an informal check the result was 17/13 to Mode 1, with 8 ‘unknowns’.
Regarding newsletter distribution, 23 members receive theirs via email and 4 by post, with 11 ‘unknowns’.
If you want to make sure your preferences are up to date please contact me.
Better weather is coming
For all you fair weather/summer only fliers check your equipment!…
- Batteries – do they hold their charge after being neglected for 4+ months?
- Models – general check to see all is ok servos, clevises, control services, fuel tanks, nuts, bolts, screws…
- Engines – do they turn over freely; a drop of light oil helps ideally before the winter lay-up.
A recap from last month…
- cut fingers in Propellers
- Flight Line breaches with the patch hardly recognisable, we are more
lenient, but once the patch has been mown, then we will be tightening up on
them . . - no Fly Zones Strictly observe the no fly zones – if you do not know where they are look on the web site
- 35 MHz aerials – remember to extend them fully before take off especially if you mix 35 MHz and 2.4 GHz – it helps!!
- Always use a restraint when starting and running a model. The sight of prop moving towards you when the model isn’t against the restraint is bad enough, the though of it making contact…..
Manoeuvre of the Month – the Humpty Bump
At the risk of giving Paul Ainge loads of mickey taking material, here is the Humpty Bump.
See web site for a pictorial image of the manoeuvre
- Flight straight and level into wind
- Pull a quarter loop into a vertical climb
- Half roll and continue vertical
- Pull a half loop until the model is in a vertical dive
- Half roll again
- Pull a quarter loop into straight and level flight
Easy innit?
March Club Night
The March meeting will include tips, a demonstration and discussion about stripping down an engine, typically to swap bearings.
There are also two you tube videos at that show you how it’s done.
They are still there and working so have a look.
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 3rd March at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
February 2010 Newsletter
2010 AGM
The notes from the AGM are appended below and it was a good turn out considering the snowy conditions. In summary all the existing officers were re-elected and Mel Houghton & Nick Rawet collected the ‘silverware’.
Everyone seemed to have a good time with the new publican providing food at short notice and Rob Knox demonstrating his latest business venture – Personal Hand Dryers. Actually it was a new ducted fan model although the effect was the same!
Hints and Tips
When you drill and screw into plywood or hardwood to attach a cowl or undercarriage, remove the screw and dribble a small amount of thin superglue into the hole, then blow hard into the hole to disperse the glue. The superglue will harden up the wood to maintain the screw threads cut by the insertion of the screw. Ensure that you leave enough time for the superglue to set otherwise the cowl or undercarriage could be on permanently . . .
There have been a number of incidents with cut fingers lately – from memory it seems to be members of the committee! We will change the procedure so that when the peg board and tx box is set out, the first aid box will be brought out too. Be extra careful when your engine is running and approach the carb needle from BEHIND the prop. Also watch the SIDE – with an engine running it’s hard to tell where the tip of the prop is.
Flight Line Breaches
It is acknowledged that in the current conditions it is extremely hard to see where the patch ends and the “outfield” begins. However, if you concentrate on flying in front of you as best you can, then you will surely be on the correct side . . .
Manoeuvres of the Month – Immelmann Turn and Split ‘S’
Both of these are closely associated, so are included together . . .
Immelmann Turn
To successfully execute the aerobatic Immelmann turn, the pilot accelerates to sufficient airspeed to perform a loop in the model. The pilot then pulls the model into a climb, and continues to pull back on the controls as the model climbs. Rudder and ailerons must be used to keep the half-loop straight when viewed from the ground. As the model passes over the point at which the climb was commenced it should be inverted and a half loop has been executed. The pilot then executes a half-roll to regain normal flight – the aircraft is now at a higher altitude and has changed course 180 degrees. Sufficient airspeed must be maintained to recover without losing altitude at the top of the loop
Split ‘S’
To execute a Split S (also called a reversed Immelmann Turn) the pilot half-rolls his model inverted and executes a descending half-loop, resulting in level flight in the exact opposite direction at a lower altitude. This contrasts with the normal Immelmann Turn, which is an ascending half-loop that finishes with a half-roll out, resulting in level flight in the exact opposite direction at a higher altitude.
February Club Night
Continuing last year’s idea of having themed Club Nights, the February meeting will include a ‘Swap Meet’. So have a look round to see if you have anything suitable and remember one mans rubbish is another’s treasure.
Let’s have a good turn out at about 8.00pm on the 3rd February at the Old Crown, Catshill. See you there.
Mick Danks & The Committee
Notes from January 2010 Committee Meeting and AGM.
13th January 2010 at The Crown Inn, Catshill, Bromsgrove.
Attendees: Keith Godwin, Kevin Walker, Mel Houghton, Steve Hill and Mick Danks
1. Introduction
As a reflection of the bad (snowy) weather the following apologies had been received: Eddie Lloyd, Frank Tansley, Alan Brown, Paul Ainge and Steve Newman. The meeting was well attended however with approx 30 members and partners turning up.
2. Chairman’s Report to the AGM
- Kevin thanked all the Committee members for their support and hard work. He thanked Paul Ainge, Alan Brown and Nick Rawet for their training efforts during 2009. For the all day Fly- Ins – the weather was kind and we managed all 3 in 2009 – and thanks again to all who helped out – the ADFs do not organise themselves.
Club Nights
- The policy of organising events on club nights has paid off with better attendance
- No incidents were reported in 2009 – as it should be. Well done and let’s make sure 2010 is the same.
- Again no incidents were reported – keep to the no-fly zones, fit sensible props and silencers and we can be there for decades.
- We have started the new 2010 membership year off with 40 members – very good given the economic climate. 2009 had also seen 4 ‘A’ test passes – better than the previous year.
- 2009 was a reasonable year and could be seen as the year of the TREE. Notable comments during the year:
- Mick Danks = ‘It just seemed to leap out of nowhere’
- Robert Knox = (as the Chairman was ramming a wooden pole up the jet pipe of a Sabre) ‘That’s an expensive fan unit in there’
- Kevin Walker = ‘I could have sworn I was above that tree’
3. Secretary’s Report to the AGM
Mick recalled that at the end 2008 there was some concern over the clubs future due to the normal churn of membership and the economic conditions – would we get the numbers to breakeven.
As it turned out 2009 was amazing:
- Record number of A test passes – Terry Peet / High Revill / Mike Parker / Martin O’Connell
- New qualified flyers joined – Paulo Ruzzier / Bill Cartwright
- Members took on training duties – Nick Rawet
- Club nights seem better once they were themed
- We also identified the ideal burger for ADFs – thin, max dia & cheese slice
Fundamentally we grew as a membership committed to the hobby.
4. Treasurer’s Report to the AGM
Keith gave a summary of the expenses for 2009 and concluded the club was in a healthy financial position similar to at the same time 12 months ago. This was good news considering the ‘credit crunch’ recessionary times.
The membership as at 01/01/10 was confirmed as 37 – this included 4 Country Members and 2 Honorary Members – and this would be the basis of the re-affiliation to the BMFA. It was also expected that 2 other members would rejoin in the near future.
5. Appointment of Club Officers for 2010
All existing officers were willing to stand again and were re-elected as follows:
- Chairman. Kevin Walker proposed by Bob Norton and seconded by Steve Hill. Carried.
- Secretary. Mick Danks proposed by Nick Rawet and seconded by Keith Westwood. Carried.
- Treasurer. Keith Godwin proposed by Mel Houghton and seconded by Terry Peet. Carried.
- Chief Flying Instructor. Alan Brown proposed by Keith Godwin and seconded by Colin Bannister. Carried.
- Safety Officer. Steve Hill proposed by Kevin Walker and seconded by Rob Knox. Carried.
7. Awarding of trophies for 2009
- The Ray Harrison Trophy for building excellence was awarded to Mel Houghton.
- The Clubman’s Trophy for flying excellence was awarded to Nick Rawet.
- The Chairman’s Trophy was awarded to Nick Rawet.
8. AOB
- The AGM was asked for ideas that would improve attendance at Club Nights, suggestions included
- A ‘Bring & Buy’ sale
- A simple introduction to all things electrical
- Keith gave special thanks to the publican at the Crown Inn. The pub had changed hands (again) and the publican had laid on the discounted meal for the AGM at short notice and without any knowledge of the arrangements made with the previous owner.
January 2010 Newsletter
New Members for 2010
Two new members have joined = Paul Whitby and Simon Godsall – both novices – give them the usual BMFC welcome and encouragement.
Boomerangs Do Come Back
Paul Ainge rather cruelly suggested that this month’s manoeuvre of the month should be “How to Land A Boomerang Trainer in the Top of a Tree”. This sport is all about judgement, and as we all know, we sometimes get our judgement wrong . . . . unless we are female of course . . . oops that one slipped out.
Anyway, this story ended happily, and Colin Bannister DID get his Boomarang trainer back (albeit in bits) courtesy of the Farmer and his son, lots of poles gaffer taped together and a telehoist . . .
Web Site
Always use – the EXTREMELY old web site on AOL is still accessible !!
Also, there is a completely new section on aerobatic manoeuvres and also another page on how to work out side and down thrust angles – check it all out!
Rx Aerial Problems
Keith Westwood learnt a lesson and I am sure he will not mind sharing it with you all. Sadly, on the fourth flight after an extensive (and very competent rebuild), his Boomerang trainer completed a roll on take-off then went in.
The post mortem showed that the rx aerial (35mhz radio fitted here) had broken flush with the rx case and since the aerial exit was facing rearwards and the complete servo tray was undamaged, it was obvious that this had not happened in the crash. Sometimes you get flexing of the rx aerial where it exits the case and in extreme cases can result in a fracture. The “experts” on hand at the time concluded that the damage had occurred in the previous crash. . . . .
So what do we learn from this? ALWAYS check your gear over thoroughly after a crash and ALWAYS do a range check before the next test flight. If you can, carefully prise the rx case apart, slide 15mm of 1.5mm heat shrink tube up the aerial until it reaches the PCB and shrink it in place. Then file out the original holes in the cases to accept the bigger wire diameter where the heat shrink tube exits and carefully assemble it all again.
WOT4 ARTF Build – Paul Ainge
As well as being the club comedian, Paul likes to write short stories. Since he decided to spend his Xmas money early and buy himself a winter model, here is what he has to say. . . . PS you too could write for the newsletter!!
During a stroll around the LMA’s static show at Gaydon in October I came across Ripmax’s new WOT 4 ARTF. Having previously built the original Chris Foss’ WOT 4 mk2 from a kit I thought this would make a perfect winter hack, so I parted with the readies and then parted for the pub….
The original Chris Foss WOT 4 design is 25 years old, still going strong in kit form and has a proven track record of being one of the better sport aerobat still available. So will this new ARTF version be as good?
The main difference between the two versions is that the ARTF has a built up wing and the original has a veneer covered foam wing. The new wing is considerably lighter than the original even though it has two servo’s compared to a single in the foam version. The fuselages are very similar with the ARTF having a steerable tail wheel while the kit build had a tail skid. The ARTF, obviously, is already covered and therefore saves a lot of building time not having to think of a design or colour scheme and then spend time, money and getting frustrated whilst trying to shrink or glue your covering on to your new plane.
The kit should should prove no problem to anyone with previous ARTF / model builder experience. The quality of the components is very good but you might consider changing the plastic clevises for metal ones. You also get an engine mount, a good aluminium undercarriage and a decent plastic spinner. The coloured instruction booklet can be a bit vague and does miss off a couple details.
So how does the ARTF go together? It starts off with the fitting of the ailerons to the wings with the hinges being Cyano’d in place and then using epoxy for the normal joining of the wings. It’s here where the manual completely misses out the alignment dowel that needs to be glued in at the trailing edge of the root spar. I also added a strip of white solarfilm to the join just for aesthetics. The fit of the assemblies are very good and so constructing the tail feathers is straightforward. Like the original kit the ARTF has a closed loop rudder system that can be a bit fiddly running the cables and connectors through the narrow fuselage. I didn’t follow the instructions to fit the wire tensioners at the rudder; instead I fitted them at the servo end. This was to allow me to be able to adjust the amount of rudder movement by moving the clevises in or out on the servo horn. In my kit there were actually two lots of wires supplied which probably means some poor bugger hasn’t any…. The original kit had a very flexible approach to the size of engine that could be used. The recommended engine size for the ARTF is a .40 to .53 two stroke. I bought the kit with the intention of fitting a SC .70 four stroke however because the supplied mount and fixed firewall the engine would not fit within the supplied cowl. So I had to fit my OS .55 two stroke and that had to sit right back on the bearers. The fibreglass cowl was then marked out and the appropriate holes cut. The radio gear is fitted in the middle of the fuselage and the builder is left to his own methods of fixing it in place. The flight battery is best moved forward in with the fuel tank. I put mine on top of the tank in the space at the front of the canopy. This gave a slight nose down balance. For the elevators and ailerons I set my control throws to the minimum suggested on low rates of my transmitter and the larger throws on the high rates. I also dialled in 30% exponential on the low rates just to calm down the ailerons on landing. The rudder throws I just left at the maximum. I increased the size of the wheels to cope with the grass strip at winter time and then charged her up for her test flight.
So WOT did she fly like? With a slight northerly wind (cross wind coming from behind the pits) I opened her up and sent her down the strip. I gave her a bit of right rudder to keep her straight and she caught me by surprise as she lifted off and immediately banked over to the right. Hmmm the rudder is a lot more aggressive than I thought but she levelled off perfectly once I straightened up on the controls. A click of left aileron and that was it. She flew (or is that fled?) nice and level. The roll rate and elevators were perfectly balanced but a bit sedate, however once the rates were switched she was a lot more lively. There is a need for down elevator when inverted and that could be the balance being slightly nose heavy. The landing was very sedate due to the tendency of the WOT 4 to be floaty and the wind being very light.
WOT’s the conclusion?
To answer the original question “is the new ARTF version as good?” I can honestly say yes it is. It is not a trainer because you cannot build in any dihedral and therefore does not have the stability of the plethora of trainers available. But she would make an excellent follow on from your first plane. The WOT 4 is a classic design and along with the other classics like the “Sticks” will be with us for many more pleasurable flying years. I intend to fly the wings off mine over the winter months so if you need any further information or building tips just ask, any of the committee members will always offer free advice and the chairman will even offer you a biscuit….
As a footnote; my original WOT 4 Classic was purchased in 2004 for £80.00 and then I had to spend another £20 on covering, fuel tank and engine mounts. At the show the ARTF cost me £85.00 from Inwoods Models…..
Did you see WOT he did throughout that article? Many thanks to Paul for taking the time to put those words together.
Membership Costs – 2010
You have paid Keith Godwin at 9 Marsh Way, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs B61 0JD have you not?
Seniors =£73 (£45 subs + £28 BMFA), Juniors = £60 (£45 + £15 BMFA)
WEDNESDAY 13th January, 2009 at the Crown Inn, Catshill – 7pm for 7.30pm
Committee Re-Election
As always, ALL posts are up for election –-> pass your nomination if you wish to stand for a post on the Committee to Mick Danks by 31/12/2009 please.
Kevin Walker and the Committee.